Todd May Pratt Summary Page 1 In the essay Arts of the Contact Zone by Mary Louise Pratt she discusses how communities interact with each other. She believes there are a bunch of “imaginative communities” which are their own separate communities with their own rules and ways of doing things. Each person has several different “imaginative communities” in which they interact at different times such as at school and at home. These communities will eventually end up overlapping where they interact or have common ideas and this is what Mary calls the contact zone. The essay opens with a story about Mary’s son collecting baseball cards. In the story she describes how her son learned about phonetics, countries, architecture, light and other things because of his hobby of collecting baseball cards. From this knowledge he gained he was able to talk confidently about baseball with adults even though they were much older than he was. The second example Pratt gives is about a twelve hundred page letter written to a king. The letter which had eight hundred pages of text and four hundred pages of illustrations was written by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala and was found sitting in a library. The letter had never made it to the king because people did not understand it. The problem was that the letter was written in two languages: Quechua and ungrammatical Spanish. The community where the letter had been written in had a hard time writing in a way that a different community could understand. After three and a half centuries the letter was finally deciphered. Mary shows through this example that depending on what languages or concepts you know you can get different meanings from the same document. The last example Pratt gives to illustrate the contact zone is about a paragraph her son has to write for school. The class is assigned to write a paragraph on what they would invent. The papers the students wrote served as a contact zone between the students and the teacher since it Todd May Pratt Summary Page 2 was something all of them could relate to and understand. Throughout the essay Mary’s main point was how different communities interact or communicate with each other which can be difficult or cause problems at times.