Persona Workbook Powerpoint

Target Your Audience in a More Relevant, Personalized Way.
Customer Persona:
A fictional person, rooted in research, that represents the needs and interests of the main types of
customers in your audience.
Hint - Learn more about personas on the Hatchbuck blog:
Step 1: Craft an Identity
Find out who your persona is and give them a backstory. Ask:
What is their name?
What generation are they from?
What is their home life like?
What is their level of education?
Joe the single twenty-something is going to have different motivations than Mary the 40-something divorcée
with 2.5 kids.
Sample Persona: Greg the General Contractor
Day in the Life
Greg is a college graduate who is married with 2
kids, lives in the suburbs and drives an SUV. He is
very involved in his local community and works long
hours. It doesn’t leave much time to hang out with
his family.
Years on the Job
Biggest Challenges
Step 2: A Day-in-the-Life
Think about the routines and processes your persona embarks upon every day. Ask questions like:
Where do they go every day?
How do they communicate?
What is their role?
How do they work?
What is the best way to reach them?
What personality characteristics do they
What is their environment like?
Sample Persona: Greg the General Contractor
Day in the Life
Greg is a college graduate who is married with 2
kids, lives in the suburbs and drives an SUV. He is
very involved in his local community and works long
hours. It doesn’t leave much time to hang out with
his family.
As owner, Greg wears many hats each day from
running the operations of his business to business
development. He is on the go a lot, and can be
found out in the field or on the golf course just as
often as he is in the office.
Biggest Challenges
Years on the Job
Step 3: Uncover Pain-Points
Think about the challenges your persona faces and use insights about the daily achievements, struggles, and
processes of your persona to uncover what motivates them.
What problems does your persona have?
Where do their obstacles intersect with your expertise?
What specific challenges can you help them overcome?
Sample Persona: Greg the General Contractor
Day in the Life
Greg is a college graduate who is married with 2
kids, lives in the suburbs and drives an SUV. He is
very involved in his local community and works long
hours. It doesn’t leave much time to hang out with
his family.
As owner, Greg wears many hats each day from
running the operations of his business to business
development. He is on the go a lot, and can be
found out in the field or on the golf course just as
often as he is in the office.
Biggest Challenges
Wants bigger contracts
Hopes to grow his business
Dreams of passing his business down to his kids
Wishes he could spend more time with his
Years on the Job
Balancing operations with business
Keeping up with the latest technology
Finding talented tradesmen
Step 4: Validate with Research
Continue to revisit your personas and help them evolve as you discover more about their real-life
Meet with customers in person
Create places for feedback at your brick and mortar location
Send out quarterly surveys with tools like Survey Gizmo or Survey Monkey
Persona Worksheets
Print/Download this workbook and use the following worksheets to create your own personas.
Day in the Life
Biggest Challenges
Years on the Job
Day in the Life
Biggest Challenges
Years on the Job
Day in the Life
Biggest Challenges
Years on the Job
Buyer’s Journey Worksheets
Understanding What Your Buyer Personas Are Looking For At Each Stage Of The Buying Process
Three Stages of ZMOT
Each buyer persona arrives at 3 different points with different questions at different times. Sometimes they
even return to a previous point several times before making a purchase decision.
Awareness [Just looking] : Consumer just made aware of brand/solution that can address a need.
Consideration [ Comparison shopping] : Consumer will +/- brands and/or solutions based on current
Decision [Ready to buy] : Consumer eventually buys and builds expectations built on experience
Stage 1: Just Looking
List 3-5 questions an ideal buyer persona is asking at this point. Things to consider:
What are their pain points? And, can you help solve them?
What obstacles does the industry present to other solutions which you can overcome?
What recent breakthroughs in science or technology need to be shared with the average person?
What are common mistakes buyer making when purchasing a service similar to yours?
Tim the Toy Tester’s 1st Website Visit
CXR Company Target: Toy Manufacturers
Can you find contaminant in my product?
Is X-ray safe for testing products?
Is X-ray safe for QC personal?
Can you provide X-ray in my country?
How does X-ray solve my problem?
What is real time vs. delayed time?
Will legal allow this method of testing?
Industry Keywords To Tie Into Fun Posts:
Reasons Why Legos Are Safer Than Barbie?
3 Common Things That Make A Toy Unsafe
A Toy Story: Toy Testing Without Being Sid
Real-Time Testing A Hero with X-ray Powers
Stage 2: Comparison Shopping
List 3-5 questions an ideal buyer persona is asking at this point. Things to consider:
What is the timeline for delivery. Are you faster?
What value do you add without impacting cost?
What are typical frustrations in working within your industry, which you help avoid?
Tim the Toy Tester is considering options
CXR Company Target : Toy Manufacturer
How quickly can you deliver equipment?
What does X-ray machine leasing cost?
What are X-ray equipment lease options?
How many years do you have in business?
How does x-ray machine leasing work?
How many employees needs to operate?
When is in-house testing a better option?
Does the FDA approved x-ray testing
Alternative – long tail keyword phrases
Shipping lead time for X-ray equipment
Benefits of leasing X-ray equipment
Save time and money buy leasing X-ray
Experience is X-ray leasing and testing
The x-ray machine leasing process
How to successful operate an x-ray machine
We hate long term contract too.
Knowing when to test samples yourself
Benefits of small sample testing by 3rd party
Working with an FDA Registrant saves time
Stage 3: Ready To Buy
List 3-5 questions an ideal buyer persona is asking at this point. Things to consider:
What are next steps after purchase?
How will buyer be updated on status?
What are potential barriers to on-time deliver? And, what is being done to avoid them?
What can the buyer expect for you?
What do you expect from the buyer?
Tim the Toy Tester At the 1st Moment of Truth & ZMOT
CXR Company:
Ready To Buy
Can product be run by the cases?
How to use the x-ray machine for testing?
How much testing space is needed?
What power sources is needed to operate?
Does insurance covers machine transport?
Alternative – long tail keyword phrases
Best practices for successful x-ray testing
Watch videos on how to best test products.
Keeping people safe while working w/ x-ray
Ensure the quality control of your inventory
Whose insurance is responsible for machine
WOW – What are ways to delight buyers
Gather Resources
Client will have responses to all their questions. We need to gather their supporting documents and conduct
our own research to help support clients claims to difference.
Meet with customers in person
Search for data, trends, and findings within industry associations tied to each persona.
Buyer’s Website Journeys
Print/Download this workbook and use the following worksheets to create your own personas.
Persona Name’s 1st Website Visit
Company Name Target: Industry
(1) List questions that matter here
Industry Keywords To Tie Into Fun Posts:
Be creative and industry focused.
Persona’s Name is considering options
Company Name Target : Industry
List questions persona has when comparing
Alternative – long tail keyword phrases
List different ways to say the same thing
Persona’s Name At the 1st Moment of Truth & ZMOT
Company Name Target: Industry
Ready To Buy
(1) List questions for before and after
Alternative – long tail keyword phrases
List post and type ideas for delivering
WOW – What are ways to delight buyers
List current things done & future things