Town Council Meeting 5 January, 2015 NEW MILTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NEW MILTON TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 5 JANUARY AT 7.30PM IN THE TOWN HALL, ASHLEY ROAD, NEW MILTON Councillors: p p p p p In Attendance: G C Beck G Blunden S J Clarke Mrs J N Duke Mrs E M Davies D E Hawkins M Humphries J A G Hutchins T H Merifield p p p p p p p p p A W Rice D A Rice-Mundy A D O’Sullivan Mrs V E Schooling D N Tungate Mrs C V Ward J G Ward P R Woods R A Reid Officers: Mr G P Flexman - Town Clerk Elaine Reed – Administrator Student Advisors from the Arnewood School: David Nock, Oliver Nock, Jacob Rand _______________________________________________________________________ Prior to the meeting an update of matters of local interest was given by Stephanie Bennett – NFDC Community Safety Co-ordinator and Sgt Paul Beale of New Milton Police. Sgt Beale referred to dwelling burglaries in several local areas and emphasized that progress is being made on identifying culprits. Funding for time switches is available for those areas that are affected. Reference was made to recent ASB issues at the Phoenix Centre, Culver Road. Stephanie Bennett drew members’ attention to the recommendations in the report previously distributed to members. Ms Bennett was informed that Community Payback had already started work on clearing vegetation to improve visibility around the building. The Chairman suggested that partners involved in the Phoenix Centre meet to liaise on implementing the recommendations. A presentation was also given by Cllr Mrs Valya Schooling, Chair of the Town Economy Steering Group and Ros Bowles, Town Development Officer. This focused on information received from a conference entitled “The Future of UK High Streets” recently attended by Cllr Mrs Schooling and the Town Development Officer. In relation to New Milton, the following areas were highlighted. Improvements in the appearance of the town with more flowers and Christmas lights. 32 Town Council Meeting 5 January, 2015 To improve and enhance the high street, it was suggested that an evening market in New Milton is pursued, a meeting will be held with a representative from the National Association of British Market Authorities to discuss expanding market facilities. Examples of how upgrading street scene in other towns has helped improve the look of their high streets. The Chairman thanked Stephanie Bennett and Sgt Beale for their informative talks and Cllr Mrs Schooling and the Town Development Officer for their presentation. 79. APOLOGIES Cllrs Mrs E M Davies, Mrs J N Duke, J A G Hutchins, T H Merifield 80. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS/MAYOR’S ENGAGEMENTS 11 November - Ballard School Remembrance Day Service 12 November – Arnewood School prize giving for former Year 11 29 November – New Milton Christmas Festival was a fantastic day. The Chairman thanked all who were involved in making it work. 5 December – New Milton Rotary Senior Citizens Christmas Party at Bashley Village Hall. 6 December – Civic Carol Service at St Mary Magdalene – The retiring Collection for Help for Heroes raised £175.00. 7 December – Jubilee Singers Christmas Concert at the Memorial Hall was another great concert. 12 December – Ballard School Carol Concert at Christchurch Priory with excellent performances from several student choirs. 14 December – New Milton Rotary Carol Service at Durlston School chapel. 24 December – The Mayor visited the market to wish all the stall holders a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year on behalf of the town. 25 December – The Mayor was Santa for the Ashley Care Home, giving out Christmas presents to the residents, I enjoyed every minute of it seeing their smiling faces. The Deputy Mayor, Cllr Mrs C V Ward, attended a short Remembrance Day service at the War Memorial on the Recreation Ground at 11.00 am on 11 November, 2014 and also attended the Ringwood Carol Service in mid-December. 81. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 82. MINUTES The Chairman referred to the minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 November, 2014. Minute 73 – This minute should read “Cllr Beck reported he had attended meetings of the Police Crime Panel, Police Complaints Panel and the Victims of Crime Conference hosted at the Novotel Southampton on 5 November when the principal speaker was the Victims Commissioner, Baroness Newlove, who herself was a victim of serious crime. 33 Town Council Meeting 5 January, 2015 Minute 75 – District Cllr O’Sullivan presented the Milton Heritage Collection at the Tithe Barn on 11 November, 2014. It was then RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10 November, 2014, having been circulated, be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the amendments above. The minutes were duly signed. 83. CORRESPONDENCE a) A letter from Help for Heroes thanking New Milton Town Council for their donation of £175.00 from the Carol Service collection on 6 December, 2014 Members were also advised that a further collection was taken for Help for Heroes on New Year’s Eve from market stall holders that raised £106.00. b) A letter from Ron Loveless of the New Milton Friends Group offering funding in the sum of £1k towards a defibrillator in New Milton following the success of similar installations in Christchurch, Bransgore, Lymington and Burley. The Town Clerk will investigate defibrillators further and Cllr Beck will raise this at the next Council meeting. c) An e-mail from Hampshire Association of Local Councils referring to consultations on the Government’s intentions to modernise parish poll regulations and a technical consultation on Local Government Pension Scheme rules. 84. QUESTIONS - None 85. COMMITTEE MINUTES a) Planning Committee Cllr S J Clarke, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted the minutes of the Committee Meetings held on 6 and 20 November plus 4 and 18 December, 2014. He reminded members that Paul Vickers from New Forest District Council will be present at the meeting of the Planning Committee on 8 January, 2015. He invited all members to attend the information session which will start at 6.30 pm prior to the meeting. It was then RESOLVED: That the Minutes 135 to 174 inclusive be received. b) Amenities Committee Cllr G R Blunden, Chairman of the Amenities Committee, submitted the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 1 December, 2014. Minute 79 – Cllr Mrs Schooling referred to proposed plans for new toilets in New Milton and informed members of her views. Minute 82 – Cllr Beck informed members of a meeting he had recently attended with Clare Michael at New Forest District Council. A working group meeting will take place on 6 January, 2015 to discuss revised proposals for the area around the War Memorial. 34 Town Council Meeting 5 January, 2015 Minutes 91 – Cllr Blunden said that New Milton is at the top of the list for many projects planned by New Forest District Council using developers’ contributions. It was then RESOLVED: That the Minutes 73 to 91 inclusive be received. Cllr M Humphries left the meeting at 8.50 pm and Cllr P Woods left the meeting at 8.51 pm. c) Finance and General Purposes Committee Cllr A D O’Sullivan, Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee submitted the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 15 December, 2014. It was RESOLVED: That the Minutes 63 to 81 inclusive be received. d) Executive Committee Cllr D E Hawkins, Chairman of the Executive Committee submitted the Minutes of the Committee Meetings held on 10 and 26 November, 2014. It was RESOLVED: That the Minutes 49 to 67 inclusive be received with an amendment to Minute 44 changing the word “disagreed” to “discussed”. 86. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The Schedule of Payments endorsed by the F&GP Committee on 15 December, 2014 was submitted for Council approval. It was unanimously RESOLVED: That the Schedule of Payments S/No 05/14/15 totalling £91,252.77 for the period 1 September to 31 October, 2014 be approved. The Schedule was duly signed. 87. COUNCIL BUDGET FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2015/6 With a vote of 13 in favour and 1 abstention (Cllr J G Ward) It was RESOLVED: That the Town Council budget for 2015/16 be approved in the sum of £561,048 and the District Council be advised accordingly. 35 Town Council Meeting 88. 5 January, 2015 CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2015/16 The Chairman referred to Appendix 1, previously circulated It was RESOLVED: That the Calendar of Meetings for 2015/2016 be approved. 89. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS SERVING ON EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS Cllr Beck attended a quarterly meeting of the Hampshire Association of Local Councils on Saturday 6 December, 2014 in Winchester and County Cllr Andrew Gibson informed that meeting of potential future joint work streams including Telecare and Rural Broadband. Village agents have been previously discussed with Cllr Gibson. Cllr Beck reminded members that financial training is available for councillors. HALC have signed a Corporate Partnership with Rotary District 1110. There are two main projects; firstly, local rotary Clubs will be inviting local councils to work in partnership jointly improving winter lights displays for 2015; secondly, the Rotary Ride (a charity cycle ride) is due to take place across the country on Father’s Day. The New Forest Association of Local Councils meet on Thursday 15 January at 7 pm in Lyndhurst when the principal speakers will be Bob Jackson on Council Tax and Rosemary Rutins on the responsibilities of candidates seeking election at the forthcoming local elections. In regard to the provision of a yellow phone outside the police offices at the Town Hall in New Milton, Cllr Beck has contacted Simon Hayes and Andy Marsh again with a view to this being progressed. 90. REPORT FROM TOWN DEVELOPMENT OFFICER No report was available. 91. REPORTS BY COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS County Cllr Kendal reported that there was an 11% cut in grant budget from central government to Hampshire County Council. In regard to street lighting, orders for street lighting had been placed following preferences indicated by local councils at an earlier date, including Heritage Lighting in conservation areas. Cllr Kendal is working with Cllr O’Sullivan and other stakeholders regarding the future of the Memorial Hall. County Cllr Rice referred to changes to bus schedules on the X1 and X2 services (per update attached). He will contact Wilts & Dorset Bus Company in regard to providing illumination of bus timetables at bus stops. Cllr Rice raised the issue of long term car parking planning for New Milton and suggested that on street parking regulations be relaxed to encourage people to shop locally. 36 Town Council Meeting 5 January, 2015 Cllr Rice is in contact with the Tree Officer at the New Forest National Park authority in regard to tree surgery that took place over the Christmas weekend. Cllr Rice has used some of his county councillor grant towards the New Milton based charity HOPe (Helping Older People) for 2 new computers and the Rydal Cricket Club towards the refurbishment of their pavilion. District Cllr Mrs Jill Cleary updated members on parking issues in Manor Road. She complimented the police on their efforts to resolve this, however the problem still continues. In regard to housing, rent arrears post-Christmas are decreasing, more social housing will be available from a development in Ringwood which should address the long waiting list in that area. Some social housing will also be available in Bransgore. District Cllr Beck attended meetings including the General Purposes & Licensing Committee which discussed the proposed increase in numbers on Ellingham, Harbridge & Ibsley Parish Council and Pay Policy in respect of the New Forest District Council workforce. Cllr Beck continues to work with 9 colleagues on Community Speed Watch and reported that dragon’s teeth will be inserted on to a verge along the A337 to prevent parking which destroys the grass there. District Cllr Clarke will be attending the first meeting of the Child Poverty group at NFDC on 6 January, 2015 with Cllr O’Sullivan. District Cllr Rice spoke about the condition of access near the Skate Park on the Recreation Ground and the hedge bordering the War Memorial. Cllr Blunden drew members’ attention to the minutes of the Amenities Committee of 1 December, 2014 which stated that “Clare Michael said the proposed removal of the hedge is required whatever concept is agreed upon.” District Cllr Mrs C V Ward will be attending meetings at New Forest District Council after the Christmas break and District Cllr J G Ward chaired the Corporate Panel and attended an I.T. meeting together with Cllr O’Sullivan regarding various hardware and software expenses. Cllr J G Ward made a donation of just over £200.00 towards New Milton Scouts for a new flag and £200.00 towards the purchase of new chairs for the Guide Hall for New Milton Guides District Cllr O’Sullivan informed members that there is a consultation on the X1 and X2 bus service at Lymington Community Centre on 6 and 7 January, 2015, while Cllr Beck said that information on bus service options was received from Hampshire County Council previously with an update requested recently (see attached) and the Town Council has had the opportunity to make comments in the past. 92. ANY ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT None 37 Town Council Meeting 93. 5 January, 2015 NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Town Council will take place on Monday 16 February 2015 in the Town Hall, 2 Ashley Road, New Milton at 7.30 pm. The Meeting was adjourned at 9.25 pm for the Democratic Half Hour. No members of the public wished to speak. DEMOCRATIC HALF HOUR The public session of the meeting ended at 9.26 pm, and the Chairman thanked members of the public, press together and Student Advisors for attending. A proposal by the Chairman to go into Private Session was seconded and agreed by members. It was RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. 94. LONG TERM SERVICE AWARD It was RESOLVED: That a long-term service award be presented to a member of staff who has recently retired after 31 years, together with a gratuity in the form of vouchers. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked Members for attending and closed the meeting at 9.30 pm. Chairman __________________________ Date ____________________ Distribution: Town Councillors District Councillors S Davies, Mrs J Cleary County Councillors M Kendal, K Thornber New Milton Library New Milton Police Press 38