
Paper Writing Skills
Appropriate Paper Title
Bad examples:
“Rousseau: Control group”
“Marx: The Communist Manifesto
Good Examples:
“Aristotle’s politics: a theory for the
many or the privileged few?”
“Communication as process in the
political theory of Althusius”
Two-pronged approach
The Hour Glass Approach
information gathering
topical sorting
structuring essay
essay writing with feedback
Where To Begin?
study the text(s)
hit the library early
adjust topic to material found
design structure of argument
sort material into structure
write main part of essay
write introduction and conclusion
find a meaningful title
The introduction should:
- summarize what the
paper is about
- identify the key
problem / question /
- give overview of
argument structure
Intro Examples
Bad Examples:
“Locke is an extremely
interesting individual”
“In Plato’s Republic, he
Good Examples:
“Hobbes’ theory of human
nature was greatly
influenced by the English
civil war.”
“A central assumption in
Locke’s contract theory is
that human beings have
agreed to inequality.”
• summarize: on the
one hand and on the
• add personal
evaluation: why is this
• what is your final
judgment on this?
Citation of Primary Source
“I wish I could wear such a crown” (Conservative Manifesto, II, 2/6).
Citation of Secondary Source
“I can see Russia from my house” (Palin 2008: 123)
Bibliography (1)
Book (primary or secondary):
Harper, Stephen, Conservative
Manifesto (Fort McMurray: Tar
Sands Press, 2009)
Bibliography (2)
Book chapter:
Putin, Vladimir, “America is Doomed,” in Martha Stewart
(ed.), Interior Decoration and the Decline of the
American Empire (Alderson: Prison Press 2004), 33-66.
Bibliography (2)
Journal article:
McCain, John, and Sarah Palin,
“The Earth is Flat,” American
Republican Quarterly 36: 4
(2008), 123-122.