October Manifesto

October Manifesto: Document Analysis (pg 47)
1. What Tsar Nicholas means by ‘rioting and disturbances’ is the workers strikes that around 400,000 people
participated in around the country, paralyzing the country and the economy.
2. Reforms outlined in the document:
 Civil freedoms- freedom of conscience, speech, assembly and association
 Development of a Duma
 Equal voting rights for the Duma
 All laws must pass through the Duma
 The Duma is public
3. In my own word measure no.1 means that all people within Russia will be given civil freedoms. These include
freedom of conscience, speech, assembly and association
4. Obligations of the Russia people, outlined in the document:
 Remember their duties toward the country
 Assist in terminating the unprecedented unrest, that is now prevailing
 Make an effort to restore peace and tranquility to Russia
5. The manifesto sounds fair as the Tsar is granting the people a constitutional monarchy and giving the people
their civil freedoms, all in exchange for peace to be restored to the country. Thus this sounds fair as the Tsar is
giving the people what they requested and it would be expected that the country would now elapse into a state
of peace.
6. At the time, the October Manifesto impacted the Russian people in many different ways. The Constitutional
Democrats (Kadets), who had emerged from the right-wing liberals, were content with the reforms outlined in
the Manifesto, seeing that their political hopes being resolved. But in comparison the Left-wing Liberals
believed that the reforms had not gone far enough and further reforms were needed. The Soviets also rejected
the Manifesto, proclaiming it did little for the impoverished and exploited factory workers. Further, Left-wing
parties and leaders saw the manifesto as a sign of the government’s weakness.