SUMO Status and Future Plans CCSDS November, 2014 Outline • • • • • Activity Highlights Government ITT Status Industry Status and Plans Overall Future Plans Selected Technical Working Group Updates Activity Highlights • June 24-26 Workshop - 75 participants: 50% industry, 50% government – Sessions • Plenary: Industry, Government and Technical Working Groups (TWGs) on purpose, scope, status, support, opportunities, challenges • Breakouts: TWGs: H/W, S/W, CQE, Hosted Payload, EDS, Data Model, Cybersecurity); Steering level – strategy, scope and business case – Summary Results • Overall agreement on TWG scope and priority • Industry took action to indicate commitment of initial funding/resources by Sept 15 for final decision on whether sufficient interest to form consortium • Industry emphasized need for explicit government assurances (e.g. Letter of Intent) as catalysts to closing business case • Monthly Rhythms: July through October – – – – Industry Monthly (cross-section of CSIS industry leadership – primes and suppliers) Government Integrated Transition Team (ITT) – NASA, USAF/SMC, IC Joint Government / Industry Leadership Meeting Architecture Board and Technical Working Groups • October 2 Industry Planning Meeting (see additional charts) Government Integrated Transition Team (ITT) Status • USAF/SMC, NASA, and IC progress – Letter of Intent – Initial updates complete and in senior (signatory) level review – ITT Charter – Updates complete and in circulation for signature – Continued participation in TWGs October 2 Industry Meeting • Collective decision not to move forward with the proposed “stand-alone” consortium – – – – Insufficient number of sponsoring members Majority of primes saw value to both government and industry Suppliers struggled with business case to commit Government participation (e.g. FACE model) would likely increase industry participation • Industry interest to pursue other alternatives to begin to achieve voluntary consensus standards and reduced cost; – Narrow the scope/focus to achieve early success – Consensus reached to organize around Common Qualification Environments (CQE) area initially – Work iteratively via other existing forums (vs. new forum) – Attain proactive government support/advocacy (e.g. FACE, OMS) Future Plans • Reconstitute and charter CQE TWG as primary industry focus (to demonstrate early success) • Other TWGs may continue progress provided sufficient interest/resources – Industry to consult with HW and SW TWGs to adjust their paths and promote coordination (in lieu of consortium) • Determine new industry / government battle rhythm(s) as appropriate Architecture Board Lead: Fred Slane • Established a framework based on ISO 42010 for: – Stakeholders to express specific concerns to TWGs – Information from TWGs to respond to stakeholders – Cross-flow of TWG information • Captured the framework in an Architecture Description to be shared with Standards Development Organizations such as CCSDS, ISO TC20/SC14, AIAA, TOG, etc. The CSIS Architecture Description is effectively a subset of the different SDO reference architectures. • Initiated development of views for products and processes logical decomposition into modules so they can be tracked and modeled. • Began a standards view to show which existing standards are relevant and where gaps exist. • CSIS government and industry participants will continue to be informed of architecture description developments and standards at the relevant open space SDOs. Software Architecture TWG Lead: Ron Kohl, R.J. Kohl & Assoc. • Status: – – – Working on completing a set of Quality Attributes for a generic spacecraft SW Arch. This involves identifying candidate QAs, acquiring or creating definitions and descriptions, reviewing/agreeing upon those definitions and descriptions and proposing metrics to measure how well a given SW Arch has attained those QAs. Finally, providing guidance as to how the QAs could be used/prioritized for a specific SW Arch. Reviewing and comparing the SUMO needs of a SW Arch set of products/info to other existing SW Arch projects (e.g. FACE, cFE, SAVIOR). This will help to determine if/what can be ‘reused’ from existing open systems architecture projects and where will new artifacts need to be developed. Interacting with the H/W TWG to discuss if/how some of the h/w related arch views could or should be integrated with the s/w arch views to provide a more integrated set of views combining both SW and the HW that the SW interacts with. This is a fairly new activity and not much work has been done yet. • Next steps: – – – Complete the definition, description of the QAs and propose candidate metrics. Complete a report that compares existing OSA projects to SUMO and identify existing products and processes that could be ‘reused’ for SUMO and things which are missing, Determine if there is value, time and resources to complete the ‘SW arch views should be integrated with HW arch views’ activity. Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) TWG Lead: Ray Krosley • Participation in ISO subcommittee 13 (CCSDS) SOIS working group: – – – – • Integration of EDS’s with model-based system engineering tools: – – – – – • my review of recommended standard for EDS has been submitted to SOIS WG for Fall meeting. defining use cases during Fall meeting defining validation process during Fall meeting release for CCSDS review after Fall meeting MBSE is an alternative focus for EDS, compared to imposing controversial standard interfaces. Benefit is reduction of NRE throughout vehicle life (design, integration, operation) discussing JPL MBSE in review of CCSDS RASDS standard at Fall CCSDS meeting communicating with Jonathan Wilmot on JSC integration of MBSE and EDS integration with SUMO data model working group products Seeking inputs to develop EDS syntax and vocabulary for hardware interface descriptions. – – – – – NASA MBSE work will likely feed this effort participating in SUMO hardware working group possibly ISO subcommittee 14 other access to industry subject matter experts to be determined access to closely held device data sheets within mission boundaries for real examples from which to develop general EDS syntax and ontology for public reuse • prior work at AFRL Cyber Security TWG • Purpose – – – – • Status – – – – • Identify cyber threats throughout project lifecycle Enumerate mitigation tools and strategies (Include or reference existing standards, documents, guidebooks, etc. where applicable) Examine how existing cyber best practices can be adapted for space Scope includes Space to Ground link, onboard network, network of satellites Explained project life-cycle phases Reviewed example of cyber threat analysis and mitigation strategy identification Discussed risk/cost/benefit matrix Clarified scope of standards effort Path Forward – – – – – Affirmed value of threat analysis and mitigation strategy identification Define tiered cyber defense envelopes (Analogous to spacecraft classes, FAA aircraft classes, etc) Provide cyber threat analysis of CSIS hardware/software standards and reference architecture Identified need for closer collaboration with other working groups - Software Architecture TWG has representation in the cyber group; hardware should have as well Attain additional resource allocation from industry reps - Thorough cyber analysis will require additional resources, training, collaboration Hardware TWG Lead: Patrick Collier, AFRL • Established two sub-groups within the Hardware Working Group (WG) – The “Inside-the-box” group – The “outside-the-box” group • Agreed to a set of “first” items to standardize (electrical and data interfaces to start) • The Outside group developed an interface sheet for members to input information as to what interfaces they use regularly. • The Inside group started a mapping between SpaceVPX, SpaceFRAME, and the SpaceWire Backplane. Common Qualification Environments (CQE) TWG Lead - Chris Arroyo, Boeing • Vision Statement – Creation of more effective and efficient standards for components (units) and parts to reduce requalification across mission types • Charter – Form a group of Industry representatives from Primes (major space vehicle providers) and Suppliers (units, subassembly and piece parts) to define/identify a standard or set of standards which will establish common environmental qualification tests and levels/durations • This will allow a one-time hardware qualification to meet the requirements for the majority of space vehicle orbits and mission durations CQE First Steps • This WG was chartered to work 2 areas: Unit common qualification and Piece Part common qualification – We are focusing on Unit common qualification • We identified what units are most common on space satellites across Primes – Reaction Wheels (and electronics), Star Trackers, IMUs, GPS Receivers, Transceivers, Sun Sensors, Torque Rods, SADA/SADE – The emphasis was on units where circuit boards and power supplies were contained in an housing • We asked Aerospace for qualification history on thrusters and reaction wheels as a data point on how many failures typically occur across Industry – Results were non conclusive • The most recent task was to review at MIL-STD-1540 and other associated standards for the scope of these standards and how this group would specify test levels and durations – This task was on hold until the Oct 2 meeting results were known CQE Next Steps • • Identify what expectations CSIS is looking for from CQE Identify/verify the near-term focus of the group – • Define the team structure – • • • Unit only or both unit and piece part One Lead, Lead and Co-Lead, how many Primes and how many Suppliers required for minimum participation Define what products the group is to deliver and what is the process to deliver/release the products Define the schedule the group is going to operate to and will be used to measure progress Define what reporting “up” is required and how reporting is to be accomplished When all these steps are complete or near complete, Hold a Kick-Off to get the group restarted