Ellipse Application Worksheet

Worksheet # 2. Size 1
1. An arch is in the form of a semiellipse that has a span of 250 ft and
with the greatest height of 50 ft.
There are two vertical supports
equidistant from each other, and 25
ft from the minor axis. Find the
height at the support.
2. The arch of an underpass
is a semi-ellipse 60 ft wide
and 20 ft high. Find the
clearance at the edge of a
lane if the edge is 20 ft from
the middle.
3. An arched entrance to a
zoo has a cross section, with
the curve a semi-ellipse.
a. Find the heights of arch
measured from the ground
at every 3 ft distance from
the point P.
b. If it is 10 ft thick, find the
number of cubic yards of
concrete required for its
construction. The area of
an ellipse of semi-axes a
and b given by πab
4. The arch of an underpass is a semi-ellipse 60 ft
wide and 20ft high arched entrance to a zoo has a
cross section, with the curve a semi-ellipse.
a. Find the heights of arch measured from the
ground at every 3 ft distance from the point P.
ft high. Find the clearance at the edge of a lane
if the edge is 20 ft from the middle.
b. If it is 10 ft thick, find the number of cubic
yards of concrete required for its construction.
The area of an ellipse of semi-axes a and b
given by πab.