Psychological determinism LO: I will know what classical and operant conditioning means. Essay: for 6th March “Only we can decide our future.” Discuss. Recap…. Define compatibalism. Define soft determinism. Give 2 pieces of information about compatibalism. Give two pieces of information about soft determinism. Pavlov & classical conditioning society/pavlov.ppt#263,8,THE END • Who was Pavlov? • What is classical conditioning? • What does the dog analogy mean? Skinner and operant conditioning Using consequences to modify behaviour? It is the same as classical conditioning? It modifies involuntary behaviour? It works in the environment? It is maintained by consequences? The main dependant variable is family? Tasks 1 – 2 paragraps to summarize Skinner. Brainstorm all the ways operant conditioning affects free will. How does operant conditioning affect free will? Modifies individual behaviour. It means you are no longer an individual. It talks about a general not individual environment. It changes you as a person.