Click Here To The Application

It’s an application, bitches!
The Rival’s Fall 2014 Staff Writer App
Due by August 14 at 11:59pm
And welcome to The Rival’s (not so) much anticipated staff writer application for the fall
semester. By August 18, chosen applicants will be notified of their acceptance into our
cult organization. If it’s any incentive, which we think it is, The Rival staffers can register
for internship credit within their respective school. We know, it’s 2 legit. Accepted
applicants will be expected to write one article a week, meet with their editors
weekly, and attend bi-monthly all-staff “meetings” (…parties).
Please answer the basic questions below, answer the question specific to your chosen
categories, and provide a writing sample for the category/categories you choose to
apply for. YOU MAY APPLY FOR UP TO THREE CATEGORIES. That means you may apply
for one, two, or three categories. You must provide a writing sample (600 words or less)
for each category you apply for and answer the category’s accompanying question.
So to reiterate, please provide:
1. Answers to the basic questions below
2. Answer(s) to questions for each category you choose to apply for
3. Writing sample(s) for each category you apply for.
Questions (please limit your answers to a 3-5 sentences)
1. What is your…
a. Name?
b. Age?
c. School (Columbian, GWSB, etc)?
d. Grade?
e. Hometown?
f. Experience/jobs relevant to the position?
g. Favorite feature of your best friend?
2. You get to travel to one place with one historical figure/celebrity (dead or alive)
to have one meal while listening to one song on repeat. Where do you go, what
do you eat, who’s dining with you, and what song do you choose?
The Categories
1. Why This Matters: The hodgepodge of political and social issues in this country
are difficult to sift through as a student. Therefore, students become
disinterested in the very subjects that they should be concerned about. Staffers
of this section will be responsible for finding politically and socially driven stories,
analyzing them, and making them digestible to the GW student population,
adding their own stylistic twist along the way to combat traditional hard-news
a. If you apply for this section, please answer the following: what is an issue,
event, or idea that is important to you, and why do you think it deserves
the attention of GW students?
2. The GW Musket: What do all of our readers have in common? No, not a trust
fund. We all go to GW. The staffers of this section will report on everything GW.
It’ll be just like infomail, only funnier, more creative, more in depth, and you’re
parents will probably hate it.
a. If you apply for this section, please answer the following: What’s one
thing about THE George Washington University that you love? One thing
that you hate? One thing you’ll never understand?
3. Guilty Pleasures: Sex, health, music, fashion, romance, greek life… if any of those
buzz words strike your fancy, then this is the section for you. Staffers will
investigate trends in how our generation “gets together”, tell stories of onenight stands and hooking up, explore the social phenomenon that srat/frat life,
and critique and introduce new music.
a. If you apply for this section, please do the following: Rant about any of
the above Guilty Pleasure buzzwords for 600 characters or less. Go!
4. District Goods: DC has much to offer, but how do we filter out the options
inaccessible or impractical to students? I’m glad you asked! Staffers of District
Goods will be responsible for relaying all of DC’s best venues, bars, restaurants,
clubs, and the like to GW students. Upcoming events, concerts, and deals will
also be on their radar. They will also explore the world of consumer goods as it
pertains to our audience. That means tech, toys, cars, and more.
a. If you apply for this section, please do the following: List and briefly
describe, in your opinion, the 5 biggest things happening to DC this
upcoming semester.
5. The SemiColonial: The section that survived. If you read The Onion regularly, this
section is for you. Staffers of the SemiColonial will be responsible for writing
satirical articles so funny that GW sends out a Health and Safety alert for a “gutwrenching laughter epidemic”… you get the idea. If you write satire, apply for
this section.
a. If you apply for this section, please do the following: List three potential
satirical headlines. One must be about GW.
Please send your completed application - basic question answers,
categorical question answer(s), and writing sample(s) - to
Thank you for applying and God bless America.