Basic Financial Statements

Managing Risks With
Financial Analysis
What's Your Plan?
Human Resource
Montana State University
Are You a Risk Taker?????
Human Resource
Montana State University
Do You Take Unnecessary Risks????
Montana State University
Objectives For This Session
Gain an understanding of:
Business’s financial position & performance
Interaction among financial statements
Financial interaction/impact the family has on the
Different types of risk affecting the business.
Montana State University
Key Producer Items/Concerns
Adequate funds for family living (All Families)
Alternative enterprises, enterprise mix
Debt Load and Structure
Expansion plans/capabilities
Government payments
Off Farm Inflows
Managing cost of production, financial info,
marketing, labor (family)
Tight profit margins
Montana State University
Financial Trends in Agriculture
Suggest several slides reviewing Ag financial
Trends in
Farm Net Income
Debt Load and Structure
Number of farms
Sources of Ag Household income
Use these as background information
Three examples follow
Montana State University
Net Farm Income
Montana State University
Net Cash Farm Income
Montana State University
Total Production Expenses
Montana State University
Complete Financials Required
Beginning and Ending Balance Sheets
Cash Flow Statement
New form = Statement of Cash Flows
Accrual Adjusted Income Statement
Statement of Owner Equity
Montana State University
Terminology Causes Us Problems
All cash inflows are not income
All cash outflows are not expenses
Principal payments to lenders
Expense versus Expenditure
You can have non-cash expenses
Loan proceeds from lenders
Depreciation most common
Also through accrual adjustments
You can have non-cash income
Accrual adjustments
Montana State University
Just Like Balancing a Check Book
Beginning Cash Balance
These are
Ending Cash Balance
Your business performance is measured
the same way using a complete set of
financial statements
Montana State University
Statement of Owner Equity
Beginning Owner Equity
+ Net Income
Balancing a Checkbook
- Withdrawals
Beginning Equity
+ Contributions
+/- Activity
= Ending Equity
- Distributions
+/- Change in Valuation
= Ending Owner Equity
Montana State University
Some Topics for Examination
Non-business income
Government Payments
Cost of Production
Debt Load (asset and liability structure)
Asset revaluation
Capital asset purchase
Risk Protection Tools (Insurance)
Non-cash income
Non-cash expense (not depreciation)
Contributed capital
Distributed capital
Montana State University
Note the:
Net worth (equity) on the balance sheet and the change
in equity from beginning to end of year
Note net income (Accrual Adjusted Income Statement)
The relationship between cash flow and the balance
sheet, follow the red arrows.
Change family withdrawals to zero
What is relationship of Net Income and change in
What does this tell us about how equity growth in
the business MUST occur
Change family withdrawals back to $30,000
Montana State University
Continuation of Owner Withdrawals
With a positive Cash Flow
No operating loan carryover
May be a negative net worth change
If so, the system tells how much owner draw
is impacting net worth
Also indicates the amount of money from nonbusiness sources that must be brought into the
Montana State University
Continuation of Owner Withdrawals
With a negative Cash Flow
Will have an operating loan carryover
Carryover amount indicates the dollar adjustment
necessary from:
Off farm earnings
Income and/or expense adjustements
Combination of all the above
If from Off-Farm, enter as a nonbusiness
cash inflow.
May still be a negative equity change
Correct with more non-business inflow
Montana State University
Family Living & Form of Ownership
Sole Proprietor versus Corporation
Change family living withdrawal to a business
Zero out Owner Withdrawals and enter total dollars of
“family living” on the “Other Cash Business Expense” line
of the Cash Flow
Illustrates the effects of a corporate form of ownership
Review effects on
Income Statement,
Cash Flow,
Balance Sheets,
Relationship between Net Income and Net Worth Change
Montana State University
Non Business Income
Income not generated by business assets
Types of non business income
Off farm wages
Non farm earnings (interest, dividends, etc)
Interest earned on a farm business checking
account would be considered business
Montana State University
Government Payments
Note current profit levels and cash flow
Reduce/eliminate government payments on
Effects on cash flow, net income, equity
Implications for profit
 Profit  Net Cash Flow  Taxable Income
Implications for the size of the business
Where is the risk?
Montana State University
Cost of Production
Implications for this operation
Do you know your cost of
Enterprise record keeping system
Quicken or QuickBooks
Spreadsheets that allow you to allocate income
and expenses to enterprises
If you can not measure it, you can
not manage it
Montana State University
Debt Load and Structure
Example starts with approximately
16.5% debt load
What is the debt load that can be
carried by an operation this size?
What about debt structure?
Short vs long term debt
How does family living withdrawal effect
debt carrying capacity?
Crop vs Livestock operations
Montana State University
Asset Revaluation
Assets are occasionally revalued to reflect
inflationary pressures
Machinery, land, buildings, improvements,
breeding livestock
Necessary to accurately reflect the market
value of these assets
Do not misinterpret this increase in equity
Is not due to business performance
Can be very misleading and can mask serious
business performance issues
Montana State University
Capital Asset Purchase
Question: Will purchasing a new capital asset
increase your net worth?
What is affected
Pickup, new bull, combine, center pivot, etc.
Ending asset balance, ending liabilities, cash inflows and
cash outflows, net income
Bottom line, You CAN NOT buy equity
Equity or growth in equity must be earned
The only way to do this is make the new asset earn
additional revenue and/or reduce costs
Increase net income
Montana State University
Risk Protection Tools (Insurance)
Example used here is limited to the Basic
Unit coverage provided by MPCI
Only three Basic Units are allowed in this
Enter “example” levels of MPCI coverage for
up to three Basic Units.
Set initial yields and prices at low levels to
simulate bad year.
Turn MPCI section on/off to show affects of
using MPCI insurance.
Montana State University
Non-Cash Income
Non-cash income adjustments are made on
the Accrual Adjusted Income Statement to
reflect changes in Current Asset values on
the beginning and ending balance sheet.
Include changes in:
Crops Held for Sale
Market Livestock
Other Current Assets
Cash Invested in Growing Crops
See the AccrualAdj tab for complete details
Montana State University
Non-Cash Expense (Not Depreciation)
Non-cash expense adjustments are
Made on the Accrual Adjusted Income Statement
Reflect changes in Current Asset and Current
Liabilities section of the beginning and ending
Balance Sheet.
See the AccrualAdj tab of the spreadsheet for
a detailed review of these adjustments
Montana State University
Three Types of Contributed/Distributed Assets
Cash or Near Cash
Listed on the Current Assets portion of the Balance Sheet
Capital assets, which include:
Long term depreciable assets
Breeding livestock
Machinery and equipment
Buildings and improvements
Montana State University
What is Contributed Capital
Capital not generated by the operation but
given to the operation to support our farming
Will have affects on:
Off farm income (wages/salary)
Nonbusiness income (dividends, etc.)
Gifts, inheritances, etc.
Equity, Profits, Cash Flow
Earned versus Unearned
Montana State University
What is Distributed Capital
What is distributed capital?
Capital taken out of the operation
Will have different affects on:
Equity - Short term vs long term
Profits - Short term vs long term
Immediate reduction in asset value
Reduction in ability to produce income in the future
Cash flow - Short term vs long term
Swapping assets within a family structure run
as one business?
Montana State University
Income Taxes
The RDFinancial spreadsheet is distributed
with the Income and S.S. tax estimator
turned off.
It can be turned on in cell W8 on the Statements
Users can enter additional cash business
expenses in cell I22 of the Statements tab to
show the affects on the financials
Net Worth, Net Income, Cash Flow
Montana State University
You MUST measure your Financial Business
Positions and Performance
Must be efficient
Maximize output per unit of input
Often we try to maximize just output
Low cost producer
The right size producer (size matters)
Family structure matters
Manage marketing, production, family risk
Financial analysis measures the impact of
Montana State University
Business Position & Performance
What is key to your ability to survive?
Managing all forms of risk
Production, Human, Marketing, Financial, Legal
With respect to the financial end
Profits are critical
Profits  Net Cash Flow  Taxable Income
 Earned positive Cash Flow also helps a great deal
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it!!
Montana State University
Business Must Produce Net Worth Internally
Every dollar of income goes towards
increasing net worth
Every dollar of expense goes towards
decreasing net worth
If growth in Net Worth comes only from
external sources, your on shaky ground
You must be profitable enough to pay for:
Family Living , Debt Principal, Savings,
Reinvestment, Retirement
Positive Cash Flow is good but……
Montana State University
Accrual Adjusted Financials:
Catch problems with:
Inventory sell down to manage cash needs
Selling capital asset base, your manufacturing
plant (livestock, machinery, land, etc.)
Capital distributions
Unearned equity increases
Allows accurate business performance
evaluation for each time period
Shows strengths and weaknesses
Will not be easy the first time through
Montana State University
Must Do Your Own Detailed Analysis
“RDFinancial” = Readers Digest Version
“WFBudgets” = Intermediate version
“Financial Statements” = Very detailed
“Machines” = Enterprise budgeting for crops
“CCFS” = Cow-Calf, Feeder, Stocker
enterprise budgeting
Montana State University
How To Get There
What is your business plan?
Do you have a management team to help
Production decisions
Marketing decisions
Financial analysis
Human resources
Are communications good among team
Are team members missing that are critical to
the overall success of the business?
Montana State University
Parting Comment
Do not risk the
future of your
operation (family
and business) with
frustration over
preparing detailed
Just do it!
Montana State University