1 Success is concerned with the intent to contribute WHEN DO GROUPS SUCCEED? A surplus is the direct measure of the degree to which people have given more than they have taken. A B SURPLUS C 3 The Person that you would work for willingly… A TYPICAL LIST WOULD BE: Approachable, honest, fair, has vision, gives direction, listens, is knowledgeable, understanding, trustworthy, integrity, sense of humour, decisive, support, gives feedback, has my best interests at heart. • There are two themes in this information, a soft theme and a hard theme 4 The soft theme includes: Approachable, honest, fair, has vision, gives direction, listens, is knowledgeable, understanding, trustworthy, integrity, sense of humour, decisive, support, gives feedback, has my best interests at heart. CARE 5 The hard theme includes: Approachable, honest, fair, has vision, gives direction, listens, is knowledgeable, understanding, trustworthy, integrity, sense of humour, decisive, support, gives feedback, has my best interests at heart. GROWTH 6 This suggests that if you work for someone because you really want to, it is because that person CARES for you and GROWS you 7 THE PRINCIPLE: Any relationship of power is legitimate if the aim of that relationship is the Care and Growth of the subordinate. 8 The Implications 9 The Implications 10 The Implications 11 The Implications 12 The Implications COMMITMENT 13 The Implications Care and Growth Care and Growth Care and Growth COMMITMENT 14 Typical Current Definition of Leadership: Leadership is that process in which one person sets the purpose or direction for one or more other persons, and gets them to move along together with him or her and with each other in that direction with competence and full commitment. Elliot Jaques and Stephen D. Clement “Executive Leadership” 15 In English this means: Leadership is about achieving a result through people. 16 Assume I am very knowledgeable in a job that both Joe and Fred have to do because I did that job in 1980. “Joe, in 1980 I did what you have to do and what I did worked, don’t argue with me, do what I did.” “Fred in 1980 I did what you have to do and what I did worked, it may be helpful to you, take a look.” 17 Assume I am very knowledgeable in a job that both Joe and Fred have to do because I did that job in 1980. MEANS JOE PERSON FRED TASK ENDS TASK =TAKING PERSON =GIVING PERSON OR TASK? 18 A manager uses people as his means whereby he gets a job done and produces results MEANS JOE PERSON FRED TASK ENDS TASK =TAKING PERSON =GIVING A coach or leader uses tasks and the results as his means whereby he enables people. 19 PERSON OR TASK? CONTROL OR POWER? CONTROL MEANS JOE PERSON FRED TASK ENDS TASK =TAKING PERSON =GIVING POWER 20 PERSON OR TASK? The Person that you would work for willingly… Approachable, honest, fair, has vision, gives direction, listens, is knowledgeable, understanding, trustworthy, integrity, sense of humour, decisive, support, gives feedback, has my best interests at heart. want to 21 The difference between working for someone because you have to or because you want to is not about their behaviour, but rather about their … intent 22 Is Care and Growth the same as democracy? Not necessarily…………. Care and Growth implies an incremental suspension of control in order to enable the subordinate. 23 Three overall truths regarding control………….. • The more control you impose the less control you have. • There is no such thing as a value adding control. • Control is the organisational equivalent of weed. 24 What does EMPOWERMENT mean……….? Means Resources, Tools, Authority, Standards, Time Ability How Why Careless C E N S U R E S T A N D A R 25 D R E C O G N I S E R E W A R D Extra Mile D I S C I P L I N E Meets Standard Malevolence Accountability 1. Identify the next step 2. Teach people to take the step (why and how) 3. Test ability (why and how) 4. Hand over means 5. Hold people accountable 26 The difference between immaturity and maturity……. Maturation is a process, and like any process it starts somewhere and it ends somewhere. At what point does the process of maturation start and at what point does it end? IMMATURE MATURE BIRTH DEATH 27 MATURITY AND ATTENTION………… OTHER GET GIVE Expectation Contribution Needs Values Rights Duties SELF 28 THE IMPLICATIONS FOR THE SELF……. OTHER GET IMMATURE MATURE Insecurity Security Discontent Fulfillment Weakness Power Conflict Harmony Emotional Rational Subjective Objective Impatient Patient Irresponsible Responsible Unreliable Reliable GIVE Expectations Contributions Needs Values Rights Duties SELF 29 Value Driven Behaviour and Growth DEATH GROWTH BIRTH 30 Being Appropriate • A Hungry child knocks on your door asking for food… • You see an old lady being beaten by a thug for her handbag… • WHAT DOES GIVING MEAN HERE? • WHAT DOES GIVING MEAN HERE? • Giving the child food. • Beating the thug. • GENEROSITY • COURAGE MODULE 3 31 What does giving mean? GIVE? GENEROSITY COURAGE 32 When you beat the child for asking you for food: GENEROSITY COURAGE =SELFISHNESS When you take the old lady’s handbag and give it to the thug: GENEROSITY MODULE 3 COURAGE 33 =COWARDICE THE THREE ATTENTIONS dark 1ST ATTENTION I AM HERE TO GET INFANTILE : solicits resistance from other. 2nd ATTENTION I GIVE TO GET ADOLESCENT: solicits discontent in self and conflict with other. 3rd ATTENTION I AM HERE TO GIVE MATURE : solicits security and fulfilment in self and harmony with other. light 34 To Conclude………………. Welcome to the Age of Convergence! 35 THANK YOU