Thematic Plan of practical classes in Introductory medical practice

Thematic Plan
of practical classes in Introductory medical practice for second year
pharmacy students (pharmacy department) of VNMU at III semester of
2015-2016 ed. years.
Introduction to the general structure of the hospital, admission department 2
work, medical records and documents. Sanitary and hygienic handling and
transportation of patients to the department. Work at the Sterile Processing
Department. Types of sterilization.Laying of dressings, clothes in the
sterilizing containers (bixes.)Usage of . Quality of sterilization and cleaning
before sterilization control.
Introduction to the structure and medical documents of the therapy 2
department. Desinfection (types, methods). Introduction to the daily regimen
at the inpatient department (general regimen, individual, bed regimen).
Sanitary and hygienic regimen at the department. Transportation of patient at
the department. Using of a functional bed.
Linen hygiene , personal hygiene, prevention of bedsores. Change of 2
patient’s underclothes. Introduction to using of care items: feeding cup,
warming pan , ice packs, Esmarch’s jug, bedpans, urinals, thermometers).
Care for the oral cavity, eyes, ears, nose, hair. Feeding of severe patients.
Manipulation office work organization.The technique of subcutaneous and 2
intramuscular injections.Control for the quality of handling before and after
sterilization.Tool’s processing before sterilization. The technique of
intravenously jet and drip administration of drugs.
Prevention of complications after injections.
Introduction to the simplest medical procedures: mustard plasters, cupping, 2
compresses, heating and cooling packs. The technique of heating and cooling
compress application. Medical leeches application and storage. Inhaled
methods of drugs administration. The technique of an administration of
moistened oxygen and oxygen pillow using.
Nursing for the patients with alimentary tract diseases. First aid at 2
pathological conditions.Methods and technique of stomach lavage. Preparing
for the stomach and duodenal tube test.Patient’s preparing and equipment for
the stool samples taking for helminth’s eggs, occult blood, coprogram.
Methods and technique of enema using. Types of enemas.
Nursing for the patients with cardio-vascular system diseases. Main 2
symptoms. Examination of pulse and blood pressure. Emergency at pain in
heart region (angina pectoris attack),collapse, syncope, acute left ventricular
failure, anaphylaxis, hypertension attack.
Nursing of patients with diseases of respiratory system. Main symptoms.
Methods of counting of respiratory rate, normal values, changes at different
pathological conditions.Emergency at acute respiratory failure, cough,
suffocation, hemoptysis and lungs hemorrhage.Methods of sputum samples
taking for laboratory examination. The technique of nose and throat swabs
9. Nursing for the patients with urinary tract diseases. Emergency at renal
colic, disorders of urination. The technique of urine collection for the
examinations. Patient’s preparation for the urography.
10. Final modul control
Total amount of hours
Chief of the chair of internal medicine
of medical faculty № 2
Prof. Zhebel V. N.