this PowerPoint - Mr. Hunsaker's Classes

Older Brain Structures
Older Brain Structures
The Brainstem & Thalamus
The medulla is at the top of the spinal column.
It controls life-sustaining functions such as breathing and
swallowing. The nerves from each side of the body also cross
over in this structure to opposite sides.
The pons is above the medulla and acts as a bridge between
the lower part of the brain and the upper part. It influences
sleep, dreaming, arousal, and coordination of movement on
the left and right sides of the body.
The combination of the Medulla and the Pons make up what
is called the Brainstem.
The reticular formation runs through the medulla and the
pons and controls our general level of attention and arousal.
The thalamus sits atop the brainstem and is the sensory
control center. It receives information from all the senses
(except smell) and routes it to the higher brain regions.
Thalamus: like a massive intersection
Older Brain Structures
The Cerebellum
The “little brain” at the rear
of the brainstem; functions
include processing sensory
input and coordinating
movement output and
balance, enabling
nonverbal learning and
Sometimes these structures are referred to as the
The Limbic System
Doughnut-shaped neural
system located below the
cerebral hemispheres
– Hippocampus
– Amygdala
– Hypothalamus
Associated with emotions
and drives.
The Limbic System
The Hippocampus
Curved structure located
within each temporal lobe
Responsible for the
formation of long-term
memories and the
storage of memory for
location of objects.
The Limbic System
The Amygdala
Two lima bean-sized
neural clusters in the
limbic system
Linked to emotion
− Fear
− Aggression
The Limbic System
The Amygdala
Stimulate the amygdala
in one spot, a cat will
engage in fight-or-flight
Stimulate in a different
spot, it will be afraid of
just about anything.
Amygdala Video
The Limbic System
The Hypothalamus
Located below (hypo) the
Directs several maintenance
activities (eating, drinking,
body temperature).
Helps govern the endocrine
system via the pituitary
Linked to emotion and reward.
Remembering the Limbic System
H ypothalamus
A mygdala
T halamus