World History Note Outline Industrial Revolution

World History Note Outline
Industrial Revolution- Chapter 25
Industrial Revolution begins in Britain
a. Industrial Revolution
b. New farming methods used
c. New technology and methods developed
i. Jethro Toll
ii. Crop rotation
d. England’s population and resources aid the revolution
i. Industrialization
ii. Natural resources needed for industrialization
e. England’s economy helps industrialization
i. Investment in new inventions
Inventions spur industrialization
a. John Kay
b. James Hargreaves
c. Richard Arkwright
d. Samuel Crompton
e. Edmund Cartwright
f. Work leaves the home and enters factories
g. Eli Whitney
Improvements in transportation
a. Why was there a need for a better system of transportation?
b. James Watt
c. Matthew Boulton
i. Entrepreneur
d. Robert Fulton
e. Canals are built
f. Turnpikes
The Railway age begins
a. Richard Trevithick
b. George Stephenson
i. The Rocket
c. Effects of the railroad
Industrialization changes life
a. People start to move to cities
i. Urbanization
b. London becomes Europe’s largest city
c. Why were England’s cities so poorly built?
i. What were some problems with the cities?
ii. Epidemics strike cities
d. Why were the working conditions so poor?
Class tensions grow
a. Poverty high but some people get wealthy
b. A middle class is formed
i. Middle class
c. The working class is becoming frustrated with industrialization
i. Luddites
Positive effects of the industrial revolution
a. What were some of the positive effects of the revolution?
Industrialization in the US
a. Why was the US successful like Britain in industrializing?
b. What effect did the War of 1812 have on the industrialization of the US?
c. Britain tries to keep their ideas out of other countries
i. Samuel Slater
ii. Moses Brown
d. 1813 a factory is built in the US
i. Large towns form
e. The northeast vs the south with industrialization
f. Large companies control the railroads
i. Stock
ii. Corporations
iii. Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel
1. Control every aspect of their industry
2. Make big profits
Continental Europe industrializes
a. Why does France not industrialize as quickly?
i. What effect does it have on their society and economy?
Impact of industrialization
a. Widened the gap of the industrialized and nonindustrialized countries
i. How did these countries work together?
b. European countries take advantage of their colonies
c. Imperialism
d. Life in industrialized countries eventually improves drastically
The Philosophers of industrialization
a. Laissez Faire
i. Free market
ii. What does it mean?
iii. Who developed this idea?
iv. Tariffs?
v. Government interference?
vi. Adam Smith
1. Wealth of Nations
2. What did he believe?
b. Laissez faire capitalism
i. Capitalism
ii. Thomas Malthus
iii. David Ricardo
iv. Why did the Laissez faire thinkers not want policies created to help the poor?
The Rise of Socialism
a. Utilitarianism
i. What did it say should happen?
ii. What should the government do?
iii. Poor workers living poor lives?
iv. More equal distribution of profits
v. Utopian society
b. Socialism
i. What did it say should happen?
ii. Government’s role?
c. Karl Marx
i. Marxism
ii. The Communist Manifesto
1. What did it say about social classes?
2. Bourgeoisie
3. Proletariat
4. What would eventually happen with society?
a. A classless society created
5. Communism
a. What did it say should happen?
Labor Unions formed
a. Why did workers form unions?
b. What was the role of the unions?
i. Collective bargaining
ii. Strikes
c. Skilled workers form the first unions
d. Britain’s ideas about unions?
e. American Federation of Labor
Labor unions and reforms
a. What were some reforms caused by unions?
The Reform movement spreads
a. What happens to slavery?
b. What did women start to do during this time?
c. Education reforms
i. Public Education
ii. Prison reforms