Lecture 3 Characteristics of Medical Terms Characteristics of Medical Terms Pronunciation Plural of Medical terms Forms of Medical Terms Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms Pronunciation of Medical terms medical terms difficult to pronounce partly attributed to the large number of borrowed words e.g. cholecystectomy [7kClisis5tektEmi,7k Euli-] Pronunciation of Vowels Pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables Pronunciation of vowels in unstressed syllables pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables vowel pronunciation open syllable pronunciation example closed syllable pronunciation example a /eI / face /feIs/ /A/ e /i:/ gene /di:n/ /e/ abdomen/`AbdEmE n/ vessel /`esEl/ i /aI/ spine /spaIn/ /i/ skin /skin/ o /EJ/ nose /nEJz/ /C/ bronchus/`brCNkE s/ lung /lQN/ u / immune/i`mj ju:/ u:n/ /u:/ flu /flu:/ /Q/ pronunciation of vowels in unstressed syllables a, o, u : /E/ y : /i/ /E/ or /i/ acid /`Asid/ immunity /im`ju:niti/ colony /`kClEni/, i, e: Pronunciation of Some Individual letters c: [k] before a, o, u, cardiac [5kB:diAk] carcinoma [7kB:si5nEumE] leucocyte [5lju:kE7sait] Pronunciation of Some Individual letters c: [s] before e, i, y paracentesis [7pArEsEn5ti:sis]穿刺术 placenta [plE5sentE ] acid pregnancy[5pre^nEnsi] emergency Pronunciation of Some Individual letters :[g] before a, o, u gastral [`^AstrEl] acromegaly [9AkrEJ`me^ElI] antagonism [An5tA^EnizEm] 对抗 作用 regulator anticoagulant [5AntikEu5A^julEnt] 抗凝(血) g Pronunciation of Some Individual letters g : [d] before e, i, y agent emergency age analgesia [7AnAl5di:zjE] 痛 觉缺失 Pronunciation of Some Individual letters Initial x : [z] xacorin [5zAkErin ]茶碱胆碱 xalogen [zA5lCdEn] 眠尔通 xanthocyanopsia [7zAnWEu7saiE5nCpsiE] 红绿色盲, 黄蓝视症 in other places: [ks] anthrax [5AnWrAks] 炭疽热 axilla [Ak5silE] (掖窝) examination Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations ch, ph and rh are three consonant combinations. They appear in a word as a unit and their pronunciations seem to have nothing to do with individual constant. Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations ch : [tF] choke chest Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations ch : [k] stomach chromosome[5krEumEsEum] 染色体 cholecystectomy [7kClisis5tektEmi, 7kEuli-] 胆囊切除术 chronic cholecystitis [7kClisis5taitis] 胆囊炎 ch or both catechin [5kAtitFin, -kin]儿茶酚. Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations ph usually [f] pheromone [5ferEmEun]信息素 pheron [ 5ferCn ] 酶蛋白 phoresis [ fEu5ri:sis ] (=cataphoresis) [7kAtEfE5ri:sis] 电泳现象, phase Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations rh [r] rhabdomyolysis[9rAbdEJmaI`E JlIsIs] 横纹肌溶解 rhabdovirus[`rAbdEJ9aIErEs ,9rAbdEJ`-]棒状病毒, rhinal [ 5rainl ] rhinalgia [ rai5nAldiE ] rhinitis [ rai5naitis ] Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants At the beginning of a word, the first consonant of double constants, including cn, gn, mn, pn, ps, and pt, is silent. However, the two consonants are pronounced if the pair appear in the middle of a word. Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants Initial cn : [n] cnidoblast [`naIdEJblB:st] 刺细胞 cn in the middle: [kn] gastrocnemius [7^AstrCk5ni:miEs] 腓肠 肌 Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants gn : [n] gnarl 节,瘤 gnathal [ 5nAWEl ] 颚的, 颌的 gnotobiology [ 7nEutEubai5ClEdi ] 限菌生 物学,无菌生物学 but in the middle of a word : [^n] prognosis [prC^5nEusis ] Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants mn : [n] mneme [`ni:mI]记忆力 in the middle of a word : [mn] amnesia [Am5ni:zjE].健忘症 Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants pn :[n] pneodynamics [7ni:Eu7dai5nAmiks] 呼 吸动力学 pneophorus [ 7ni:5CfErEs ] 人工 呼吸器 pneumonia in the middle of a word :[pn] Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants ps :[s] psicaine [ 5saikein ] 赛卡因, psychalgia [ 7sai5kAldiE ] 精神性痛 pseudo 假的 in the middle of a word :[ps] apselaphesia [ 7ApselE5fi:ziE] 触觉缺失. Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants pt :[t] ptyalin [ 5taiElin ] 唾液淀粉酶 ptoma [ 5tEumE ]尸体 ptomatopsy [ 7tEumE5tCpsi ] 尸体剖 检 pteridine[ 5terE7di:n ]蝶啶 [pt] hemoptysis[hi5mCptisis] 咳血, 咯血. Pronunciation of Some Rules of stressed syllables Monosyllabic words automatically take stress For most disyllable nouns, stress is on the first syllables e.g. caput [`keipət] phosphate[`fɔsfeit] For the polysyllables, main stress falls on the antepenultimate syllable (the 3rd syllable of a word counting back from the end) e.g. pathogenesis [7 pæWə`dʒenisis] metabolism [mə`tæbəlism] paralysis [pə`rælisis] Pronunciation of Some Rules of stressed syllables Exceptions: main stress falls on the penultimate syllable (the 2nd syllable of a word counting back from the end) if (1) it has a long vowel and a diphthong ) e.g. magnesium [mæɡ`ni:zjəm] epidermis[7epi`də:mis] prognosis [prɔg'nəʊsis] (2) it is closed by a consonant (including x [ks]) e.g. eclamptism [ek`læmptism] bacillus [bə`siləs] Plural Forms of Medical Terms invariably singular, especially nouns denoting diseases, even though some of them end with –s such as hemophilia arrhythmia adenitis appendicitis arthritis bronchitis diabetes hepatitis measles mumps rickets shingles The Plural forms of some medical words Some medical words may have only the irregular plural forms, for example, bacillus → bacilli, ovum → ova, some may have only the regular forms, for example, virus → viruses, antibody → antibodies, electron→ electrons. Some medical words may have both the regular plural forms and the irregular peural forms, for example, vertebra → vertebras and vertebrae, apex → apexes and apices, matrix → matrixes and matrices, sarcoma → sarcomas and sarcomata, glottis → glottises and glottides, thorax → thoraxes and thoraces. The irregular forms are generally used in formal style, while the regular ones are frequently used in daily medical English, especially in spoken English. Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms different origins Old English, Latin, Greek, French and other languages One result: different elements, or even words are used to refer to the same concept, thing or idea. Overlapping in reference is very common in medical terminology. Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms 一词多式(常见的是一词三式) Referent English Latin root Greek root of the body parts 体 头 心 手 手指 血管 静脉 鼻子 胸 腹 脑 body head heart hand finger vessel vein nose chest belly brain corporocapitocordimano-/manudigitovasovenonasopectoabdominocebebro- somato- -some cephalocardiocheirodactyloangiophleborhinothoracoventroencephalo- Different spellings for some roots: A caryocolpocytoleucocrypto- B karyokolpokytoleukokrypto- hemoesthesio- haemoaesthesio- cheirocleido- chiroclido- Change of spelling Former Spelling appendicectomy antiacid urinanalysis conlapse inmiscible synbiosis Present Spelling appendectomy antacid urinalysis collapse immiscible symbiosis