Itasca Middle School Week of: 9/7-9/11/2015 SUBJECT: Reading 6th Grade Objective(s) MONDAY At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … TEKS: Assessment Homework Accommodations (May be noted weekly) ELPS: HOLIDAY BELL: AR read/test TUESDAY *SW complete the STAR test for reading ranges *SW make a graphic for figurative language BELL: Pass out student journals and AR folders; AR read/test WEDNESDAY PERIODS: 2, 3,4 UNIT TITLE: Literary Nonfiction and Poetry LESSON PROCEDURES: *SW be given new reading ranges and record in AR folders *TW how to put graphic in spirals *SW copy definitions and examples of figurative language used in poetry into their graphics and journals BELL: Hand out AR folders, S take to library THURSDAY Teacher: TAMMIE OWENS *SW finish definitions and examples of figurative language graphic if needed *AR read/test Library-Check out Locomotion * monitor own comprehensi on TEKS: FIG 19C,D,F *define and give examples of figurative language used in poetry *define and give examples of figurative language used in poetry TEKS: 8A; FIG 19A,C,D,F ELPS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ELPS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 TEKS: 8A; FIG 19A,C,D,F ELPS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 *Figurative language graphic *Independe nt reading number of pages in order to reach goal test date *Independe nt reading number of pages in order to reach goal test date *Independe nt reading number of pages in order to reach goal test date *Copy of class notes if needed *Copy of class notes if needed FRIDAY BELL: AR read/test *SW watch videos from Edpuzzle using figurative language in songs, movies, and poetry (13min.) *TW display poems on overhead and read aloud *SW choose which figurative language is being used and show evidence **1/2 AR Points due *recognize figurative language when it is used and give evidence of it TEKS: 8A; FIG 19A,C,D,F ELPS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 *Independe nt reading number of pages in order to reach goal test date