Language Arts Name: Date: _______________________ Context Clues Learning Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Entrance Slip: Directions: Context clues are the words and sentences surrounding an unfamiliar word. Context clues can come in many forms, including; definitions, synonyms and antonyms, examples, list/series, inference and cause and effect. Using your foldable notes Determine which type of context clue is being used in the following examples. Definition Example Synonym Inference Antonym Cause and Effect List/Series 1. The tables were set up randomly; there was no order to their placement. Type of context clue: 2. I was mortified when my friend pointed out that my zipper wasn’t zipped. Type of context clue: 3. Like any famous person, celebrities have to deal with photographers always being around them. Type of context clue: 4. In science we’re learning about aquatic animals, including dolphins, alligators, and sharks. Type of context clue: 5. Unlike a cheetah, a sloth is sluggish. Type of context clue: 6. Walt’s pugnacious behavior made his opponent back down. Type of context clue: 7. Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars, have fascinated man through the centuries. Type of context clue: Part A: Whole Class Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using context clues. Then list the type of clue. 1. Disposition: Unlike his sister Cattie, who had a very calm and mellow disposition, John jumped on Sofas and ran through the house like an animal kingdom. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ Type: _________________________________ 2. Amiable: If you go to the party wearing your best smile, laugh good naturedly, and try your dance steps out (even if you aren’t the best dancer), you will attract attention with your amiable disposition. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ Type: __________________________________ 3. Fastidious: When John saw his report card, he was excited because he had all As and an A- in Biology; but when his fastidious mother saw his report card, she shook her head in disappointment. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ Type: ___________________________________ 4. Provoke: I didn’t want to fight him, but he provoked me by insulting my family and I lost control. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ Type: ____________________________________ Part B: Practice – Partner Work Review: Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning. Synonyms are often indicated in readings by the following words: like, and, so, or. A Thesaurus is a reference book, like a dictionary, that contains synonyms for words. Example: Synonyms for the word big are huge, large, gigantic, or massive. A. Circle the pair of synonyms from the following sets of words. 1. accept accomplish accent achieve 2. slowly readily easily leisurely 3. located positioned departed unsettled 4. disclose secret reveal obscure 5. avoid livid evade depressed B. Write TWO synonyms for each of the following words. 1. neat: a. b. 2. interesting: a. b. 3. beautiful: a. b. 4. smart: a. b. 5. fast: a. b. C. Rewrite the following story by replacing the underlined word with a synonym. Write the new word neatly above the underlined word. Be sure to spell it correctly. My mother was so tired after work; she decided to take nap on the couch. While she was sleeping, I quietly snuck into the kitchen to make her an ice cream sundae. I placed it on the table next to the couch, excited about the fantastic surprise she would have when she woke. However, her supposedly “quick” nap, turned into nearly two hour long event. When she woke, she was greeted, not with a delicious ice cream sundae, but a puddle of melted ice cream! Exit Slip: Directions: Answer the following multiple choice questions. You will trade and grade your answers. 1. The generous people fed the emaciated lost dog. A. fierce B. calm C. thin D. tame 2. She invariably leaves her homework at home and must turn it in late. A. purposefully B. hated C. happily D. always 3. The mother bathed the baby in the tepid water. A. lukewarm B. hot C. muddy D. cold 4. The car collector bought the vintage Ford Mustang. A. rose colored B. broken down C. real D. classic 5. The slovenly boy never cleaned his room or washed his hands. A. proud B. sloppy C. careful D. little 6. The policeman arrested the speeder for flagrantly disobeying the speed limit. A. joyfully B. cautiously C. obviously D. sadly 7. The city council concurred with the excellent recommendations of the library committee. A. agreed B. rejected C. argued D. stopped 8. A man of few words, he is known for his brevity. A. briefness B. athleticism C. laughter D. skills DAY TWO Learning Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Entrance Slip: Directions: Give a possible definition for the bolded words. 1. Candor: After weeks of avoiding him, Annie finally found the courage to tell David that she wasn’t interested in him; and even though David was heartbroken, he appreciated her candor. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Ostentatious: Amy wanted to wear the simple white dress to the dance but her friend Emilia kept pushing her to buy this big, puffy, golden ballroom gown as ostentatious as it was expensive. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Endeavor: John may have been excited about becoming an artist, but his mother was waiting to see if he’d see this endeavor through before buying him the expensive paint kit. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Engross: The young child was so engrossed by the flashing lights on the toy train that when his mother asked him if he wanted a piece of chocolate cake, he didn’t even respond. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Scarce: Due to the scarcity of food in her territory, the mother lioness had to roam far from safe ground to find a meal for her child. Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________ Part A: Practice – Partner Work Review: Antonyms are words that have almost the exact opposite meaning. Antonyms are often indicated in readings by the following words: but, not, unlike, however, although and in contrast. Example: Antonyms for the word big are tiny, miniscule, and small. A. Circle the pair of antonyms from the following sets of words. 1. scarce empty evasive abundant 2. calm partial anxious careless 3. receive remain recall bestow 4. frigid temperate soothing scalding 5. energized elated serene livid B. Write TWO antonyms for the following words. 1. always a. b. 2. talkative a. b. 3. empty a. b. 4. fall a. b. 5. eager a. b. C. Match the following antonyms 1. bleak A. enslave, shackle F. commendable, praise-worthy 2. despicable B. tidy, orderly G. improve, strengthen 3. impair C. gullible, believing 4. emancipate D. soft, delicate 5. skeptical Exit Slip: Directions: What is the meaning of the crazy, make-believe word that is underlined in each sentence? Circle the correct meaning. Then circle at least two clue words that helped you to figure out the meaning of the word. 1. The apploga bounced really high when Jimmy threw it on the ground. Then, Cathy threw the apploga through the net and scored two points. We like playing with the apploga during recess. What is an apploga? table ball orange 2. Mary rode her camonga to school yesterday. She could not ride it today though because it was raining. Her little sister Alice also has a camonga, but it still has training wheels on it because Alice is not old enough yet to ride without them. What is a camonga? car boat bike 3. Tommy likes to eat cheese sneitoo for lunch. His brother prefers his sneitoo to have sausage and pepperoni on it. For dinner, their mom took a frozen sneitoo out of the freezer and cooked it for dinner. It was yummy! What is a sneitoo? milk pizza apple 4. My dibek is living with us in the spare bedroom. He just moved back to town. He is my dad’s brother and sometimes teases him. When my brother is not there, he says that I am his favorite nephew. What is a dibek? uncle grandpa mom 5. Write your own riddle with a made-up word. Give clues so that your friends can figure it out. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ DAY THREE Learning Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Entrance Slip: Directions: Define the terms below based on the Brain Pop video. You will need to add one word of your choice. Part A: Group Work Directions: Copy the words listed in RED from the PPT. Use the text to define them with your group members. Word Definition Exit Slip: Directions: Choose 4 words from the list above and write them in a logical sentence. Remember C.O.P.S. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ DAY FOUR Learning Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Entrance Slip: Directions: Read the introduction below and fill in the definitions. While some words have more than one dictionary definition, words can also have shades of meaning. A word’s denotation is its dictionary definition. A word’s connotation is the feeling or idea associated with the word. A word can have a positive connotation, evoking good feelings, or it can have a negative connotation, evoking bad feelings. Denotation: _____ _____ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Connotation: _____ _____ _____ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Part A: Introduction – Whole Class Directions: Fill in the chart based on what’s RED in the Power Point. Denotation Apple A fruit you eat Rose A flower Lamb A young sheep Connotation Part B: Practice – Whole Class Directions: Fill in the following chart with the connotations you associate with the following words. Word Denotation home to present reasons for or against a human habitat shack a human habitat argue mature old elderly old Connotation Part C: Context Clues Jeopardy Directions: Write down the answer to the questions as teams answer correctly. Nonsense Words Synonyms Antonyms Definition Details DAY FIVE Learning Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Entrance Slip: Directions: Fill in the following chart with synonyms that represent the positive and negative connotations of each word. Word Denotation Large of greater than average size, quantity Thin of little thickness or depth Short measuring a small distance from end to end Tall Inexpensive Intelligent Positive Connotation Negative Connotation of great or more than average height not costing a great deal having knowledge and skills Part A: Whole Class Directions: Practice choosing the word with the correct connotation. Circle the most appropriate word or phrase for the blank. Careful writers choose words for what they mean (their denotation) and for what they suggest (their connotation). Especially in persuasive writing, it is critical to get the connotations of a word right. For instance, “slim” and “scrawny” have the same denotative meaning (“thin”), but very different connotative meanings. 1. “You look lovely in that blue dress; it shows off your slender thin figure.” skinny 2. Everyone in the office respects Jermaine because of his kind but bossy domineering assertive 3. “Some people might have found my comments insulting inappropriate attitude. ,” the Senator said cautiously. rude 4. “Well,” said Curtis with an embarrassed smile, “I’m looking for a more economical a cheaper car.” a cut-rate 5. “Here’s a scholarship that you might qualify for,” said Mike’s advisor. “It’s for people who are .” poor poverty-stricken 6. William annoys his friends because he’s so thrifty less privileged when it comes to money. economical stingy 7. We’re worried about Danielle; she’s lost so much weight that she looks slender trim 8. Erika wasn’t hired because she was self-assured . skinny during the interview. forceful assertive 9. The company spokesperson said during the press conference that the president may have during his speech. been lying been deceitful given some misinformation 10. “Welcome to the neighborhood. I heard that you have moved here from the the countryside the sticks the boondocks 11. “That’s an interesting answer, Jeremy,” said Professor Smith, “but you’re clueless .” out in left field .” inaccurate PART B: Partner Practice Directions: For each underlined word, list two synonyms: one with negative connotations (NC) and one with positive connotations (PC). 1. I recognized the familiar smell of my roommates cooking. NC: PC: 2. McDonald’s Dollar Menu is an inexpensive meal. NC: PC: 3. Uncle Henry lives in a hut in the woods. NC: PC: 4. My old laptop finally died. NC: PC: 5. My parents and I had a long discussion about my curfew. NC: PC: Exit Slip Connotation is used in marketing and advertising to persuade us to buy things, or to influence our behavior or interests. Often a word’s connotation depends on our own set of beliefs, values, experiences, or interests. In marketing, companies try to brand (name or label) their products to appeal to a certain consumer. Often this brand name has the connotation of particular images or feelings the product is designed to appeal to. Discuss some product brand names that have a specific connotation. Directions: Here are some car names from the past: Thunderbird, Falcon, Charger, Comet, Mustang, Barracuda, Rabbit, Pinto, Gremlin, Cricket, Fairlady, and Honey Bee. Choose a car from this list and answer the following questions in complete sentences. Car Name: 1. What sort of image do you get from this name? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What sort of function do you think this car serves? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of person would this product target (would be likely to buy this car)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Create a Car Brand Name 1. Decide what type of product you have (mini-van, SUV, sports car, luxury car, family sedan, truck…): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Now, think of a name for your product (car) that describes its function and performance and that would appeal to your target audience: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Finally, create a logo, or slogan that might sell this car to the desired consumer: Context Clues PACKET RUBRIC 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts Novice Apprentice Proficient 25 pts Distinguished COMPLETENESS COPS DEMONSTRATED MASTERY OF CONCEPT ON-TIME TOTAL +25pts. /100