Lexical Choice Aims: To explore the lexical choices of poets with particular emphasis on connotations and denotation. Outcomes: To be familiar with the difference between connotation and denotation and to be able to apply this knowledge to the analysis of poetry. Definitions Lexis: Connotation: Denotation: Activity 1 Looking at the words in the following table, try to decide what the literal meaning of the word is and also the associated meanings and put them in the appropriate column. Words SLY YELLOW WHITE SUBURB GLARE Denotation Connotations Class Activity: 1. The _________ boy was successful in the debate. Choices: strong-willed / pig-headed 2. Home is where the heart is. 3. The _________ cat jumped onto the table. Choices: sneaky / curious / hungry / cunning Activity 3: Read handout ‘Black as Coal’, answer the questions and fill out the table of connotations. Activity 4: Fill in the blanks for the poems in the poem booklet on page 11.