Active Study Tool For Vocabulary Test You must complete ONE of the options below, for ALL OF THE WORDS for Weeks ___________for a H.W. grade. This assignment is due ________________. No late assignments will be accepted. Active Study Tool Options: a. Create a Jeopardy review game to play by yourself, with friends, or family. b. Make flash cards with vocabulary word on one side of the card, a synonym and an antonym and a definition context clue sentence on the other side of the card. c. Type out the vocabulary words, definition, synonyms and antonyms you remember WITHOUT looking at your notes in one color font, then looking at your vocabulary notes, type in a different color what you missed; this lets you know what you need to study. For the ones you needed to look back at, try creating a context clue sentence or a “trick” to remember it. d. Create a study guide chart of word, part of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and context clue sentence. e. Make a book of illustrations and captions for all the words. f. Create your own Test and Answer Key (using past tests or the format on the other side). Test Format/Sections Part A – Understanding Word Meanings in Situations You will read statements about vocabulary words and choose the correct word for that statement. Example: My cousin Rita, is always a sore loser after we play War and I win the game. sulk humble guffaw The correct answer is sulk because someone would most likely be pouting and sulking if they were a sore loser. Part B – Understanding Word Meanings in Situations You will read statements about vocabulary words and circle yes or no for the statement. Example: If Minnie was so worried about Mickey and could not concentrate on her performance in the show, she would be distraught. YES NO The correct answer would be yes because when someone is distraught they have trouble focusing on other things. Part C – Synonyms (multiple choice) ______ grimace (answer is a) a. scowl b. laugh c. run d. smile Use your definitions/synonyms on your vocabulary notes to help you make questions for this section. Part D: Antonym (multiple choice) ______ grimace (answer is d) a. scowl b. laugh c. run d. smile Use your antonyms (opposites) on your vocabulary notes to help you make questions for this section. Part E: Context Clue Sentences _______________________________________