Purchasing - Humble Independent School District

Purchasing Department
Shelley Vineyard
Executive Director, Financial Services Operations
Melinda Sappington
Assistant Director, Purchasing
Catherine Dalles
Monica Comeaux
Dawn Davison
Purchasing Specialist
Let us help you help us!!!
Vendor Request forms must be filled out
completely and emailed to:
 Dawn Davison enters new vendors twice a week.
Her normal work schedule is Tuesday and
 Make sure you are submitting the most current
W-9 dated August 2013 (can be found on the
purchasing website).
 The signed W-9 must be within 18 months of the
date received, if not please request a current
one before you send it over to be entered.
6399 – General Supplies
Normal, everyday use
Necessary for instruction process and/or administration
Consumable teaching and office items
Audio-visual aids
6499 – Miscellaneous Operating Costs
Fees (not associated with travel or membership)
 Graduation Expenses
 Awards
 Specific Event Use (e.g., Meetings & Celebrations)
Plates, napkins, cutlery, tablecloths
Balloons and other decoration
 Please
DO NOT copy a requisition older than
last year.
 Make sure to delete all general notes and
vendor sourcing notes.
 Verify the PO delivery method did not
default to print. (Three boxes right under
the vendor name and address.)
 If you pull up a requisition and then decide
to use a different vendor, the vendor number
must be changed on all line items or the PO
will not successfully submit to your vendor.
 Always
use correct commodity codes for each
item you are purchasing.
 A complete listing can be located at the
 For commodity codes please refer to the
“Frequently used Commodity Code List”
located on the purchasing webpage.
Why do I need vendor sourcing notes?
To identify our legal method of purchasing.
 Every requisition must have a vendor sourcing note.
Where do I find the vendor sourcing note?
Commodities and vendors that are approved through
a District bid can be imported directly from the
vendor listing when you use the import tab while in
the vendor sourcing notes page of your requisition
entry screen.
What about sole source, non-biddable, student
activity purchases and open market?
All of these references are loaded into the vendor
sourcing notes page for you to import.
What if I can not locate my vendor under the
vendor sourcing notes import page?
If you are using a vendor from a District approved
cooperative, you will need to manually enter it into
the vendor sourcing notes page. When manually
entering you will not select the import tab you will
select the add (+) icon. A blank screen will appear.
Please type the approved cooperative vendor like the
example below:
Buyboard Contract # 203-12 Expires 7/15/17
When adding sourcing notes manually make sure to click
the print on PO tab so the reference will print on the
PO for the vendor to see.
 If
you are referencing a quote or a quote
number on your requisition- you MUST attach
 If
you received a quote please make sure to
attach it.
 Every
requisition must address shipping
 Shipping line items do not require a
Commodity Code.
 If you do not know if there are shipping
Is shipping included?
Yes- indicate free shipping with your vendor sourcing
No – Add a line item for shipping charges.
Pre-Pay and add – If they indicated pre-pay and add
make sure you have a line item for shipping. The
amount may be undetermined but it will be charged.
list of approved cooperatives can be found
on the Purchasing website.
 When obtaining a quote make sure they are
referencing the cooperative contract number
on the quote and always attach the quote to
your requisition.
 If you are going to use a vendor under a
cooperative, be sure to ask the vendor for
the cooperative pricing. Prices are not
always the same as what is found on their
Open market purchasing should be used as a last result.
Many items can be located under our approved vendors or
approved cooperatives.
Open market purchase requisitions will take longer to
Evaluate what you are purchasing:
Is it a sole source item
 A small aggregate purchase
 An infrequent purchase
In the near future our process will change for open market
purchases. A list will be generated of specific items that
will be acceptable to be purchased as open market.
The following companies are part of the E-School Mall program:
ABC School Supply (School Specialty)
Carolina Biological Supply
CDW Inc.
Educators Outlet
Fisher Scientific
Frey Scientific
Independent Stationers
Lakeshore Learning
Moore Medical
Office Depot
Office Max
Sargent Welch
School Specialty
Troxell Communications
 Detailed
instructions can be found on the
Purchasing Website under Purchasing
Procedure Memos.
 To lease or purchase new copier machines
contact Kathy Fontenot. (It is best to start
working 2-3 months before your lease
 All in one machines – Work with Technology
Department to make sure you are getting one
from their approved list.
Find the Requisition you want to track
Select the word Approvers (the last box at the bottom
right of the main page)
Under the word step there are arrows ( )
click on the arrow (where the status shows In Progress)
and it will display a list of names. A status of current
indicates whose queue it is in. The steps
below current show the approvals still pending.
 Use
the same process as tracking
 Accounts
Payable can not view Purchase
Orders in a change order status.
 Purchase
order change orders are not reprinted and are not automatically sent to
the vendor.
 The POCO image will not be visible in
Munis under the camera icon if it was not
re-printed and sent to the vendor.
 If the vendor is requesting the amended
PO to be sent please make sure to send an
email request to Melinda Sappington.
 If
you only need a copy for your record,
follow the following instructions:
Find your PO in POCO
Select the word file at the top of the page
a drop down box will appear
Select PDF a record of the change will
Print this document for your records.
Requisitions must to be entered for the correct
amount and quantity of shirts you plan to
purchase. You may not issue a requisition to the
vendor for shirts in the amount of $1.00.
If your quantity increases you may do a purchase
order change order prior to ordering or accepting
additional quantities.
Re-visit the website and make sure you are
familiar with the IRS Taxable Fringe Benefits
guidelines before making purchases for staff
 When
entering a requisition that has a
contract associated with it please make sure
to note the contract number or state
contract in process under your vendor
sourcing notes.
 Your
requisition can be entered before your
contract is approved, but will not be
converted until the contract has been fully
reviewed and approved.
Feel free to call Catherine, Monica or
Melinda if you need assistance with
purchasing. We are always willing to assist
you. If you are not sure who to call check out
our who to call page on our website.
 If
you feel you need one on one training
please contact Renee Beck and she will be
happy to coordinate it.
Here are a few helpful things you can find on the
Purchasing website:
Who to call for help
Approved Vendors for Goods and Services
Purchasing Procedures
New Vendor Forms
District approved Cooperatives
American Express Information
And much more…..
To ensure you are always using the most current forms,
download the form directly from the website.
Please make sure to check the website often for any
changes or additions. We are always updating information
to help you help us!!!