find a purchase order by vendor

Find a Purchase Order
uBASE Purchase Ordering
Guidance on … how to find a Purchase Order by Vendor (ME2L)
Purchasing Report ME2L can be used to find a Purchase Order raised to a specific vendor.
Access to the report
Access to the Purchasing Reports is not restricted by user profile and anyone with access to uBASE can use this
Open the report
The report is located in the folder ‘Purchasing General Reporting’ and within the sub-folder ‘Purchase Order
Reporting’. The report is called ‘Purchase Orders by Vendor’ or by using transaction code ‘ME2L’.
Using the report
You’ll need to restrict your search criteria by entering information into the different fields on the front screen:
‘Vendor’ – use this field to input the vendor number to
search under (see below for help on searching for a
vendor number)
‘Purchasing group’ – use this field to restrict the search
to provide information for your department only (input
your Purchasing Group code in this field)
‘Document date’ – use this field to find Purchase Orders
created on a specific date, or between two dates
Start the report to search by your criteria
Click the execute button
If the message ‘No suitable purchasing documents found’ is displayed then there are no Purchase Orders
which match your criteria. Either widen or change your criteria to search again.
The report will show a list of the Purchase
Order lines which match your search criteria.
To view the actual Purchase Order you are
interested in double click on the ‘Purchasing
Document’ number:
Finished? Click on the back button to return to the report results list
Guidance prepared by:
Policy, Advice and Communications Team
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Need help or more information?
Guidance for myPurchase and uBASE users is available in uSpace here.
Guidance notes for uBASE Purchase Orderers is available in uSpace here.
If you are having problems logging into the system then contact the myPurchase and uBASE helpdesk via
email at:
Not sure how to search for a vendor number?
Guidance prepared by:
Policy, Advice and Communications Team
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