March 2015

The Steering Wheel
Our Mission Statement:
To share the love of our antique cars and to show them off.
To enjoy fellowship of other car enthusiasts.
MARCH 2015
Al Preisner
Jim Nyman
Shirley DeLange
Leon DeLange
(616) 874-9336
Fred Brailey
Roseanne Lynch
Chuck Swift
Carl Esakson
Judy Swift
Dennis Biggins
Jim Nyman
(616) 365-0804
(616) 460-2161
(616) 450-7245
(616) 677-5816
(616) 450-7245
(616) 365-1371
(616) 914-8895
April Auction
Al Preisner
Craig Chalmers
Sean & Cynthia Smith
(616) 874-9336
(616) 361-2220
(616) 560-3108
Roseanne Lynch
Cheryl Chalmers
Judy Swift
Al Preisner
Leon DeLange
Bonnie Woodman
(616) 460-2161
(616) 361-2220
(616) 916-3538
(616) 874-9336
(616) 878-3618
(616) 997-6413
Tours: Dust Off
Linda Biggins
Ruth Esakson
Cynthia Smith
Sean & Cindy Smith
(616) 365-1371
(616) 677-5816
(616) 560-3108
(616) 560-3108
Fall One Day
Al Preisner
(616) 874-9336
(616) 878-3618
(616) 878-3618
Board of Directors:
Committee Chairs:
Christmas Banquet
Club Historian
Club Picnic
Metro 28th Cruise
Newsletter – Typing
Retirement Visits
Sick & Shut Ins
Special Events
Events Calendar
** Indicates a SPECIAL Event
Feb 10
GRACC Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm
Feb 24
GRACC Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Carl & Ruth Eskason Entertainment: Leon’s Talk on Taxes
Mar 10
GRACC Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm
Mar 24
April 14
April 28
Note: - Potluck
GRACC Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Leon & Shirley DeLange - Entertainment:
GRACC Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm
Note: Auction
GRACC Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Carl & Ruth Eskason Entertainment: Annual GRACC Auction
“Dates marked in BOLD, Underlined and marked with a double asterisk **, are SPECIAL Events and
Visits. Please make note of these dates. These events and visits earn points toward the year end
** We will now have a 50/50 Raffle and/or a prize drawing at all membership meetings – this
is to help offset the cost of the Awards Banquet.
Hi All,
Hopefully everyone is doing well and enjoying our Michigan weather. Please remember that
club dues are due. Our first general meeting of the year, Leon will give a talk on any new tax changes.
March’s meeting will be our Spring Pot Luck, and it’s not too early to start getting items together for the
Annual Auction. Hopefully we will have a large turnout for all of our meetings.
Your GRACC President
Al Preisner
Board Of Directors Report
A Reminder: the Board Meetings are open to all Club members. If you have suggestions for the club, please
join the Board Members at one of the meetings.
Volunteer Opportunities: Please consider volunteering for the following, benefits include: helping out your
fellow club members, feeling good about yourself and working with some great fellow club members.
Nursing Home/Retirement Chair – coordinating the Nursing Home/Retirement visits throughout the
summer, submitting dates and info for the newsletter calendar of events, keeping a log of all who attend
and reporting that back to the newsletter editor for submission. Turning in names and their number of
visits for yearend awards.
NOTE: these positions will be available starting with the 2015 club events. Let your president and/or one of the
Board of Directors if you are willing to volunteer for these opportunities.
$ Treasurers Report from Leon DeLange $
Treasurer's report – Annual Year End Report
Balance November 25th
Balance December 31st
Note: a further detailed report will be available at the February membership meeting.
Committee Reports
Sick & Shut Ins
Linda Biggins – Chair
John Rutka passed away this past November – he
and Barb were members in the club for a long time –
please remember Barb in your thoughts and prayers.
Cards may be sent to: Barb @ Pilgrim Manor –
2000 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids MI
Ken Bogardus had surgery and is home and doing
well – cards may be sent to Ken at 3280 Gladiola
SW, Wyoming MI 49519
Don Sheridan has surgery on his hip – cards may be
sent to: 12251 60th Ave – Allendale MI 49401
Virg Phelps has been ill – cards may be sent to Virg
at 6970 Archway Dr NE, Rockford MI 49341
Ione Sheridan passed away in December – She was
a great lady and will be missed. Cards may be sent
to Don at 12251 60th Ave – Allendale MI 49401
Roger Beard had a stroke and is home and doing
well – cards may be sent Roger at 1109 Short St NE,
Grand Rapids MI 49503
Barbara Vos had knee surgery and is home and
doing well – cards may be sent to: 4421 Baywood
Dr SE – Grand Rapids, MI 49546
David Roop had surgery in December, he is home
and doing well – cards may be sent to David at3935
Kalamazoo SE, Grand Rapids MI 49508
Dennis Biggins is going in for foot surgery on the
18th – keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Cards
may be sent to: 3991 Bell NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Former member Alyce Cooke passed away in December. Another great lady who will be missed.
Former member – Gordon Herrington passed away just recently. A great guy – he’ll be missed
Thoughts and prayers for all our sick & shut-ins are greatly appreciated ……
NOTE: If you know of someone else in the club who has been ill and/or in the hospital, has
had a death in the family, etc. Please call Linda and let her know – 616-365-1371
Special Events
Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Cynthia Smith
(616) 677-5816
This was the last event for the year 2014.
Santa Claus Parade -Saturday, November 22, 2014 - Roseanne Lynch drove her convertible
and Ruth Esakson went along. I think this is going to be the last year we do the parade. The
weather is so unpredictable like this year it was hard driving down there. It was a sheet of ice. It's
too dangerous. Thanks again for driving. We want to thank everyone who participated this past
year in all our events. Looking forward to next year.
Thanks again, Ruth & Cynthia
2014 Awards
Honorable Mention (those with 4 points or less) – Dave Birdsall; Gene & Pattie Birdsall; Bob &
Dolores Chettleburgh; Ed & Jeanine Davies; Russ Doerfer; Bob & Cherle Giles; Joe & Stacie
Niedzwiecki; Dick Olmsted; Lavina Oosterhouse; Ed & Chara Potyraj; Harold & Karen Ringler; Bob &
Julie Rinzema; Don & Ione Sheridan; Sally Thelen with Frank Scofield; and Keith & Dot VanderPol
5 Points: Fred & Arlene Eisen
6 Points: Len & Judy Johnson
7 Points: Sig & Margie Baumgart
8 Points: Al Preisner and John & Judy Wilson
9 Points: Leon & Shirley DeLange and John & Bonnie Woodman
10 Points: Roseanne Lynch
11 Points: Jim & Penny Nyman
14 Points: Carl & Ruth Esakson
16 Points: Roger & Frances Beard; Ken & Nancy Bogardus and Chuck & Judy Swift
17 Points: Craig & Cheryl Chalmers, Bob & Carol Diefenbaker and Casey & Ruth Meyer
20 Points: Dennis & Linda Biggins
Al Preisner – Chair
We currently have a total of 66 families in our group!
DUES - ARE DUE!!!! They can be paid via mail or at the next club meeting.
They are $20.00 per family for the year. They can be paid by check - made out to GRACC and
mailed to: Al Preisner - 7973 Ramsdell Dr NE – Rockford, MI 49341-8079 OR bring them to the
next membership meeting.
If you have any questions, contact Al.
Note: - the following is a gentle reminder that your dues have not been paid as of yet:
Ken & Nancy Bogardus
Ted & Catherine Callender
Bob & Dolores Chettleburgh
Bob & Cherle Giles
Mark & Elizabeth Gunlach
Casey & Ruth Meyer
Joe & Stacie Niedzwiecki
Terry & Caroline Noffsinger
Lavina Oosterhouse
Harold & Karen Ringler
Dave & Debbie Roop
Rich & Lynlou Rzemek
John S Scott
Gary & Debby Timmermans
Keith & Dot VanderPol
Robert & Barbara Vos
Ronald & Ruth Waybrant
Bob Woods
Extra Newsworthy News
Annual GRACC Christmas Awards Banquet
Happy New Year to All,
Thank you all to the members that were able to attend our 2014 Club Awards Banquet back on
Dec 13th. We had more members attend this year than in 2013. We heard many compliments of the
food, location and entertainment by “Sentimental Journey”. Here is a small quote from a lovely thank
you note we received from a fellow member: “Food was delicious, entertainment was very enjoyable
and room was beautifully decorated with Christmas ornaments.”
For 2015 I am looking at possibly booking again with same caterer and location.
We would like to say a big thank you to Carl, Ruth, Roseanne, Arlene and our son Michael for all their
help with either the set up or tear down. MANY hands make light work
Thank you again and we look forward to seeing all our Car Club Family again soon.
Sean & Cindy Smith
It’s time for all the cooks to get the cookbooks out and work up something grand for our March Potluck
The date is Tuesday, March 24th. Bring a dish to pass and your table ware. Beverages will be
provided. Come early to grab your spot. We usually try to eat at 7:00pm that night. Be sure to bring
the recipe of the dish that is brought so that it can be published in an upcoming newsletter.
April Auction
- It’s not too early to start thinking of the April Auction. We will have a short meeting
starting at 7pm, with a brief break following, then the fun begins with the auction. For those that are
new to this, you may bring in stuff laying around the house (sorry ladies, no husbands), such as gifts you
received and didn’t like, something that you haven’t used in awhile or you can request donations from
businesses (such as restaurants’, oil change garages, car washes, auto parts stores, etc). We do have
letters for businesses for any donations given – if businesses would like one, PLUS – if you get their
business card, we will advertise in an upcoming newsletter. Everyone receives a number at the door,
and when the ‘auction’ begins, you just shout out your bid or hold up your number. Good times are
had by all!!
A Note to the ladies (or our gentlemen bakers) there will be a “Bake Sale” during the
auction, so bring in some goodies to be purchased. Have them tagged with a price for selling. There
will be a separate table set up for the baked goods.
2015 Club Directory
Deadline for sending in your Profile Sheets is Tuesday, March 24th. 65 were sent out and I’ve not yet
receive all back. Please make any corrections and return – address is on the back of each – just fold,
tape down and put a stamp on it – OR bring it to the next club meeting. Information is needed so that
the new directories can be started and finalize quickly. Questions???? – call John or Bonnie Woodman
– 997-6413 – A gentle reminder to the following to turn your profile in.
Roger & Francis Beard
Dave Birdsall
Robert & Marge Boss
Robert & Dolores
Ed & Jeanane Davies
Nicholas & Cathy DeWitt
Ken Gates
Mark & Elizabeth Gundlach
Larry & Carole Lenon
Roseanne Lynch
Terry & Caroline Noffsinger
Jim & Penny Nyman
Al Preisner
Dave & Debbie Roop
Rich & Lynlou Rzemek
John S Scott
Ronald & Rosalie Shook
Chuck & Judy Swift
Ronald & Ruth Waybrandt
We need some ‘Greeters’ for our monthly membership meetings. We have most of the months
covered, just a couple more need to be set. So, if you can meet & greet and bring a little treat – please
sign up at the next meeting. A flier will be passed around.
It’s a great way to meet the members,
especially our newer ones.
Meeting Event
Tax Talk w/Leon
Spring Potluck
Annual Auction/Bake Sale
Cruisin’ after meeting
Cruisin’ after meeting
Cruisin’ after meeting
Fall Potluck
Election Night
Carl & Ruth Esakson
Leon & Shirley DeLange
Carl & Ruth Esakson
John & Judy Wilson
Denny & Linda Biggins
Casey & Ruth Meyer
Chuck & Judy Swift
Chuck & Judy Swift
PS – if you think of something interesting for the May and/or September meeting – let a board member
know – maybe a speaker or game or something????
** Auto Trivia Answer: Watch next months’ newsletter for the answer to this months Trivia.
Visit our web site at
Cars/Parts For Sale and/or Wanted
Bogardus @ 616-534-3778 or Cell 616-648-1394
WANTED: A Classic Mustang Convertivle mid to late 60s/Early 70s – mid condition call
Peggy Barber - @ 231-740-8200
FOR SALE: 1957 Chevy Bel-Air – 2 Door
Hardtop – Yellow & Black interior – 25,449 miles,
283 4BBL V-8, Power Glide, Power Steering &
Brakes – Dual Exhaust, Rear Antennas, Calif. Car
until 2001, never driven in salt – lots of extras & in
very good condition - $27,000 – call 616-457-2450
FOR SALE: 1984 Corvette – Viper Red – New
Paint/Interior Auto/Sharp, 68,000 miles call Dick
Hayes @ 616-250-6611
FOR SALE: 1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe
Club Coupe – 100% original – 47,000 miles,
excellent condition, inside and out. Runs and
Drives Well - $8,000 or Best Offer – call Ken
GARAGE Available – Call Al Preisner – (616)
Breton Auto Wash (in Grand Rapids)
Eastbrook Auto Wash Oil & Lube (in Comstock Park)
Will be advertising our Car Club on their website – and feature some of the activities & events that we as a
group participate in. So please, if you’re in the area stop by and use their services. And be sure to let you
friends and family know. Great advertising for us!!!!!
Ten Fabulous, Funny, Car Safety Facts
1. In 1771 the first accident involving a motor vehicle took place in Paris when Cugnot, the
French inventor's steam tractor hit a low wall in the grounds of the Paris arsenal.
2. Police women were used for traffic control duties for the first time in Paris in 1964. Delhi,
India, introduced women traffic police in 1989.
3. The world's first car number plates were issued by the French police in 1893.
4. In 1895 John Henry Knight was convicted and fined for using a motor-tricycle on the highway.
He was probably the first motorist to appear in court.
5. In 1902 Tar was first used on a Macadam surface to prevent dust in Monte Carlo. It was the
idea of Dr. Guglielminetti, a Swiss gentleman. At first the tar was brushed in cold, but soon it
was applied hot.
6. The Motor Car Act of Britain came into force on 1st January 1904. It required that all cars be
registered and carry a number plate, and all motorists to have a driving license. But there
was no driving test to pass and the license was obtained by filling up a form and paying the
fee at a post office. The act made dangerous driving an indictable offence.
7. The World's first traffic lights were installed in Detroit, USA in 1919. The first traffic lights in
Britain were installed in Wolverhampton during 1928. However, they were not installed in
London until 1932.
8. The pedestrian crossing was instituted in Britain in 1934. The roads were marked by dotted
lines. On the pavement there were striped Belisha beacon light poles named after Britain's
Minister of Transport L. Hore-Belisha. The Zebra crossing with black and white stripes was
developed after the Second World War.
9. Box junctions, marked with yellow cross-hatching, were introduced in London during 1964.
The aim was to prevent traffic blocking junctions when it could not proceed and this was
10. The first recorded motor-car accident in Britain, resulting in the death of the driver, occurred
in Grove Hill, Harrow-on-the Hill, London, England on 25th February 1899.
Back Seat Drivers
MARCH Recipes
BBQ- Glazed Chicken
½ cup Zesty Italian Dressing – divided
4 Small boneless skinless chicken breasts (1 lb)
¼ cup Barbecue Sauce
2 Tbsp orange marmalade
Heat grill to med. Heat. Pour ¼ cup dressing over chicken in shallow dish; turn to evenly coat both sides. Refrigerate
10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix barbecue sauce, marmalade & remaining dressing. Remove chicken from dressing,
discard dressing. Grill chicken 5 to 7 minutes on each side or until done. Brushing occasionally with sauce mixture for
the last few minutes. (Note: chicken can be marinated in frig up to 24 hours before grilling)
Baked Potato Casserole
8 med. Potatoes (peeled & cut into 1 inch chunks)
1 cup carnation Evaporated milk
½ cup light sour cream
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp ground pepper
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese – divided
6 slices bacon, cooked & crumbled – divided
sliced green onions (optional)
Place potatoes in large saucepan. Cover with water; bring to a boil. Cook over med-high heat for 15 to 20 minutes or
until tender; drain. Preheat oven to 350 – grease 2 ½ to 3 qt. casserole dish. Add evaporated milk, sour cream, salt &
pepper to potatoes. Beat with hand-mixer until smooth. Stir in 1 ½ cups cheese and half of bacon. Spoon mixture
into prepared casserole dish. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until heated through. Top with remaining ½ cup cheese,
remaining bacon & green onion. Bake for an additional 3 minutes or until cheese is melted.
Éclair Cake
1 pkg. (3.4 oz) Vanilla Instant pudding
1 ½ cups cold milk
15 graham crackers, broken crosswise in half – divided
1 tub ( 8 oz) Cool whip – thawed
1 cup chocolate frosting
Beat pudding mix & milk in large bowl with whisk 2 min. let stand 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cover bottom of 8 inch
square pan with one layer of graham squares, overlapping as needed for form even layer. Stir cook whip into
pudding. Spread half over graham squares in pan, cover with one layer of graham crackers. Another layer of pudding
mix, then top with a layer of graham squares. Refrigerate 3 hours. Spread with chocolate frosting.
Spring Checklist
/ Hagerty (Reprinted courtesy of Hagerty.
It's just about time to "think spring," and with that comes a few things you should do before driving your
car the first time after storage. If your car has been in storage for less than six months, follow these steps:
If the battery has not been removed already for storage, take it out to charge and then store it in a warm dry
place until start up.
 Inspect the fuel system. Be sure the choke and throttle linkages move freely and the system is free of any
leaks. Check lines for signs of deterioration. Due to advances in refinery procedures, modern pump fuel
remains stable for at least six months, so if you topped off the tank prior to storage the fuel should be fine
for start up.
 Inspect cooling system. Look for cracking or loose fan belts and leaking or deteriorating radiator and
heater hoses. Check that coolant is clear of debris, at the proper level, and is still a rich green color.
 Inspect the engine for signs of oil leaks and that the oil level is up. If the oil wasn't changed prior to
storage, change it now; otherwise wait until after the initial start up. Also check transmission, brake, and
differential levels and inspect for leaks.
 Inspect the ignition system for signs of cracking on ignition wires and related wiring connections. Check
the distributor cap for moisture or deterioration.
 Inspect the brakes and suspension components for any signs of deterioration. Be sure all components are
operating freely and functioning as designed, including the emergency brake.
 Repair any problems found prior to start up.
Now you’re ready to:
 Install the warm, fully charged battery into your classic. Remove the ignition wire from the coil and turn
the engine over several times. You should do so until your oil pressure gauge needle moves up – if you
have a light, let it spin for a 10 count.
 Reconnect the ignition. Also remove the air cleaner lid and check that there is fuel squirting in the
carburetor when you move the throttle. Reinstall the air cleaner lid.
 Get in the driver’s seat and follow the usual starting procedures for your car. Be sure the vehicle is out of
 Let the engine idle until it reaches operating temperature. Closely monitor engine operation, watching for
leaks, or malfunctioning systems. Listen for noises such as knocks or rattles.
 After the engine has warmed up, shut it down. Change the oil and filter; this clears the engine of any
moisture that gathered inside over the winter. Check for any leaks in general once again on and around
the car.
 Now you can start it up and check the brakes for proper operation. Take the car for a 30-minute ride
close to your home.
 Check again for any fluid leaks when you return home.
 Finally, give your classic a good wash and wax. It’s time to take a spin and enjoy the road with your
NOTE: If your car has been in storage longer than six months, a more thorough inspection and procedures may
be required. Storage for long periods of time can actually leave the car in a state of disrepair due to deterioration.
It is good to reserve this type of inspection and start up to a trusted mechanic.