April 2015

The Steering Wheel
Our Mission Statement:
To share the love of our antique cars and to show them off.
To enjoy fellowship of other car enthusiasts.
APRIL 2015
Al Preisner
Jim Nyman
Shirley DeLange
Leon DeLange
(616) 874-9336
(616) 914-8895
(616) 878-3618
(616) 878-3618
Fred Brailey
Roseanne Lynch
Chuck Swift
Carl Esakson
Judy Swift
Dennis Biggins
Jim Nyman
(616) 365-0804
(616) 460-2161
(616) 450-7245
(616) 677-5816
(616) 450-7245
(616) 365-1371
(616) 914-8895
April Auction
Al Preisner
Craig Chalmers
Sean & Cynthia Smith
(616) 874-9336
(616) 361-2220
(616) 560-3108
Tours: Dust Off
Roseanne Lynch
Cheryl Chalmers
Judy Swift
Al Preisner
Leon DeLange
Bonnie Woodman
Ruth Esakson
Jim Nyman
Linda Biggins
Ruth Esakson
Cynthia Smith
Sean & Cindy Smith
(616) 460-2161
(616) 361-2220
(616) 916-3538
(616) 874-9336
(616) 878-3618
(616) 997-6413
(616) 677-5816
(616) 914-8895
(616) 365-1371
(616) 677-5816
(616) 560-3108
(616) 560-3108
Fall One Day
Al Preisner
(616) 874-9336
Board of Directors:
Committee Chairs:
Christmas Banquet
Club Historian
Club Picnic
Metro 28th Cruise
Newsletter – Typing
Retirement Visits
Sick & Shut Ins
Special Events
Events Calendar
** Indicates a SPECIAL Event
Note: - Potluck
Mar 24
GRACC Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Leon & Shirley DeLange - Entertainment:
April 14
GRACC Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm
April 28
GRACC Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Carl & Ruth Eskason Entertainment: Annual GRACC Auction
May 9
Note: Auction
DUST OFF TOUR – leaving ‘New Beginnings’ on 44th &
Broadmoor at 8:30 AM – heading south to Gilmores – details this newsletter
May 12
GRACC Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm
May 25**
EVENT: Standale-Memorial Day Parade - lineup @ 11am on Sunset
Hills Dr - just off Lake Michigan Dr near the Golf Course
May 26
GRACC Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: John & Judy Wilson
June 9
GRACC Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm
June 23
GRACC Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home
- Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Denny & Linda Biggins
June 25**
EVENT: East Fulton Street Car Show – from 6pm to 9pm – lining
Up on Fulton Street in front of businesses.
“Dates marked in BOLD, Underlined and marked with a double asterisk **, are SPECIAL Events and
Visits. Please make note of these dates. These events and visits earn points toward the year end
** We will now have a 50/50 Raffle and/or a prize drawing at all membership meetings – this
is to help offset the cost of the Awards Banquet.
Hi All,
Hopefully everyone is doing fine. Hopefully Spring will soon come and we can get our cars out.
Please remember that club dues are DUE. This months’ membership meeting will be our Spring
Potluck. I hope to see all our members enjoying some excellent food. Aprils’ meeting will be our
yearly Club Auction. Remember to bring your money to buy items with plus your items to sell.
Your GRACC President
Al Preisner
Board Of Directors Report
A Reminder: the Board Meetings are open to all Club members. If you have suggestions for the club, please
join the Board Members at one of the meetings.
$ Treasurers Report from Leon DeLange $
Treasurer's report – First Report for 2015
Balance January 1st
Balance March 9th
- 685.31
Note: a further detailed report will be available at the March membership meeting.
Committee Reports
Sick & Shut Ins
Linda Biggins – Chair
Thoughts and prayers for all our sick & shut-ins are greatly appreciated ……
Roseanne Lynch was in for foot surgery and is home and doing well. Cards may be sent to Roseanne at: 7635
Leonard St, Coopersville MI 49404
It’s good to report that all others from last month’s ‘Sick’ list are doing well.
NOTE: If you know of someone else in the club who has been ill and/or in the hospital, has
had a death in the family, etc. Please call Linda and let her know – 616-365-1371
Retirement Visits
GREAT NEWS!! Ruth Esakson and Jim Nyman will be sharing the ‘Retirement Visit’ duties for the
for seeable future. THANK YOU!!!!!
Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Jim Nyman
July 25 Sat Veterans Carnival 3000 Monroe 11-3 please arrive between 10-10:30
PS – if you’re not sure where a ‘Retirement/Nursing Home’ is – ask us – maps are available!!
Special Events
Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Cynthia Smith
(616) 677-5816
Two Events locked in for 2015 – see Ruth to sign up:
 Mon. May 25 – Walker Memorial Day Parade @ 12 noon
 Thur. June 25 – East Fulton Street Car Show
Thanks again, Ruth & Cynthia
Al Preisner – Chair
We currently have a total of 67 families in our group!
WELCOME to our newest member – Peggy Barber of Muskegon. She does not have a car as of yet
but is looking for a 60’s Mustang Convertible – if you know of one – let someone know. Please be sure
to say HI and Welcome when you see her at the next club event.
DUES - ARE DUE!!!! They can be paid via mail or at the next club meeting.
They are $20.00 per family for the year. They can be paid by check - made out to GRACC and
mailed to: Al Preisner - 7973 Ramsdell Dr NE – Rockford, MI 49341-8079 OR bring them to the
next membership meeting.
If you have any questions, contact Al.
Note: - the following still have not paid dues and will not receive a newsletter if not paid by March
Ted & Catherine Callender
Bob & Dolores Chettleburgh
Bob & Cherle Giles
Mark & Elizabeth Gunlach
Casey & Ruth Meyer
Terry & Caroline Noffsinger
Lavina Oosterhouse
John S Scott
Ronald & Ruth Waybrant
Bob Woods
Extra Newsworthy News
Don’t forgot it’s the March Potluck this month – bring a dish for all to enjoy, plus your tableware.
Beverages will be provided. Date is Tuesday, March 24th. Come early to grab your spot. We usually
try to eat at 7:00pm that night. Also bring the recipe of the dish that is brought so that it can be
published in an upcoming newsletter.
April Auction
– The Auction will soon be here. Start thinking of items you can bring in for others to bid
on. We will have a short meeting starting at 7pm, with a brief break following, then the fun begins with
the auction. For those that are new to this, you may bring in stuff laying around the house (sorry ladies,
no husbands), such as gifts you received and didn’t like, something that you haven’t used in awhile or
you can request donations from businesses (such as restaurants’, oil change garages, car washes, auto
parts stores, etc). We do have letters for businesses for any donations given – if businesses would like
one, PLUS – if you get their business card, we will advertise in an upcoming newsletter. Everyone
receives a number at the door, and when the ‘auction’ begins, you just shout out your bid or hold up
your number. DON’T” FORGET – bring a full wallet to buy the stuff you now have room for, since
you brought other stuff in to sell! Good times are had by all!!
A Note to the ladies (or our gentlemen bakers) there will be a “Bake Sale” during the
auction, bring in some goodies to be purchased. Have them tagged with a price for selling. There will
be a separate table set up for the baked goods.
Sign in a Automotive Repair Shop
2015 Car Club Dust Off Tour May 9th
We hope everyone is getting a chance to enjoy the finally arriving Spring weather. I know we are ready
for the snow to be gone and Spring to arrive. This year for our Annual Car Club Dust Off Tour we
hope that you will all join us on a trip to the Gilmore Car Museum. Everything is pay on your own.
We will meet at the New Beginnings Restaurant on 44th Street & M37/Broadmoor.
We will be leaving there at 8:30 am sharp & head towards the Gilmore Car Museum.
If you arrive in an antique car, it will cost $ 8.00 per person. (for this discounted price, our antique cars
will need to be shown along with other cars)
If you do not have an antique car, it will cost $12.00 per person.
Lunch will be on your own at the Blue Moon Diner on the premises.
We will be leaving around 3:00 pm. If you choose to, you can stay there until 6:00 pm.
Thank you,
Sean, Cynthia, Michael & Daniel Smith
We need some ‘Greeters’ for our monthly membership meetings. We have most of the months
covered, just a couple more need to be set. So, if you can meet & greet and bring a little treat – please
sign up at the next meeting. A flier will be passed around.
It’s a great way to meet the members,
especially our newer ones.
Meeting Event
Tax Talk w/Leon
Spring Potluck
Annual Auction/Bake Sale
Cruisin’ after meeting
Cruisin’ after meeting
Cruisin’ after meeting
Fall Potluck
Election Night
Carl & Ruth Esakson
Leon & Shirley DeLange
Carl & Ruth Esakson
John & Judy Wilson
Denny & Linda Biggins
Casey & Ruth Meyer
Chuck & Judy Swift
Chuck & Judy Swift
PS – if you think of something interesting for the May and/or September meeting – let a board member
know – maybe a speaker or game or something????
Merchandise Sales
GRACC merchandise is available For Sale and/or Order .
Contact the following members for imprinted items you can order and/or purchase with the GRACC logo.
 Name Tags: Linda Biggins – (616) 365-1371– Special order only
Hats are $15.00 /Key Chains are $6.00 / Car Magnet Signs are $6.00/each: talk to Bonnie or John Woodman –
(616) 997-6413
** Auto Trivia Answer: Watch next months’ newsletter for the answer to this months’ Trivia.
1. Which automobile was the infamous John Dillinger’s favorite car to steal?
2. What year did Studebaker introduce snap-on fender skirts?
3. What auto company became the third place automaker in 1928?
4. What year were rear-view mirrors standard equipment on production cars?
5. What year was the first speeding ticket issued in the U.S.?
Visit our web site at www.clubs.hemmings.com/gracc
Cars/Parts For Sale and/or Wanted
Bogardus @ 616-534-3778 or Cell 616-648-1394
WANTED: A Classic Mustang Convertivle mid to late 60s/Early 70s – mid condition call
Peggy Barber - @ 231-740-8200
FOR SALE: 1957 Chevy Bel-Air – 2 Door
Hardtop – Yellow & Black interior – 25,449 miles,
283 4BBL V-8, Power Glide, Power Steering &
Brakes – Dual Exhaust, Rear Antennas, Calif. Car
until 2001, never driven in salt – lots of extras & in
very good condition - $27,000 – call 616-457-2450
FOR SALE: 1984 Corvette – Viper Red – New
Paint/Interior Auto/Sharp, 68,000 miles call Dick
Hayes @ 616-250-6611
FOR SALE: 1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe
Club Coupe – 100% original – 47,000 miles,
excellent condition, inside and out. Runs and
Drives Well - $8,000 or Best Offer – call Ken
GARAGE Available – Call Al Preisner – (616)
Breton Auto Wash (in Grand Rapids)
Eastbrook Auto Wash Oil & Lube (in Comstock Park)
Will be advertising our Car Club on their website – and feature some of the activities & events that we as a
group participate in. So please, if you’re in the area stop by and use their services. And be sure to let you
friends and family know. Great advertising for us!!!!!
Some Fun Auto Trivia
So, if Henry Ford didn’t invent the first automobile, who did? And when? The answer may surprise you: it
was Ferdinand Verbiest in 1672! This Flemish missionary invented what many people consider to be the first
self propelled vehicle.
The first windshield wipers were introduced in 1905. They were invented by a woman named Mary Anderson
in 1905. This interesting woman was also a rancher, real estate developer and viticulturist!
Slow down! The first speeding laws in the world originated in the UK. They were adopted in 1865 to regulate
the speed of horse drawn vehicles. They could be ticketed for going over 2 mph in town or 4 mph in the
Japan has a vibrant automotive industry which adds a lot of variety to the market. The first Japanese car
built in America was the Honda Accord in 1982.
Safety first! Auto insurance is not just a modern day necessity: the first policy was sold in Westfield,
Massachusetts in 1897!
Dazzling Auto Records
 Records are a fun way to test your knowledge and show off to your friends. Here are some interesting auto
records that not a lot of people know. Pull these facts out on trivia night:
 Now that’s what I call service! In 1985, an engine was removed and completely replaced in a Ford Escort in
42 seconds!
 If you hate your commute, consider this: in 1980, the world’s longest traffic jam occurred between Paris and
Lyon. It was 110 miles long!
 Low on cash? Consider the “Tata Nano.” This India built vehicle is available brand new for the astonishing
price of $1,800. I wonder if reputable Ford repair shops enjoy working on such a vehicle.
Got more cash than brains? You might be interested in the Bugatti Veyron. This vehicle is the world’s most
expensive car at $1,600,000.
More traffic problems: the tiny country of Luxembourg has 570 cars per 1000 people giving it the most
crowded streets in the world!
Back Seat Drivers
APRIL Recipes
Dyke’s Soup
cup V-8 Juice
cup beer
beef bouillon cubes
large can tomatoes (don’t drain)
lb. cubed stew beef
1 tsp. Spicy Mrs. Dash
1 to 2 stalks celery – chopped
2 carrots – chopped
1 med. Onion – chopped
Bring beer to boil; add bouillon cubes, V-8, tomatoes. Brown cubed beef; add to pot. Add Mrs. Dash &
vegetables. Season to taste w/ salt & pepper. Simmer 1 hour.
Spinach/Mandarin Orange Salad
1 lb. fresh spinach – wash, remove stems & tear in bite size pieces
1 med. Red Onion – sliced
1 large can mandarin oranges – drain well
Mix together
½ cup sugar
1/3 cup vinegar
¼ cup poppy seed
½ tsp. salt
1 ½ Tbsp. grated onion
1 tsp. dry mustard
Mix in blender – add 1 cup salad oil & toss with salad gently
Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares
¾ cup butter – melted
1 ½ cup peanut butter
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 (12 oz) pkg chocolate chips
In large bowl, combine melted butter, peanut butter & powdered sugar. Press mixture into bottom of
greased 9x13 pan. In double boiler, melt chocolate chips. Spread melted chocolate evenly over ingredients
in pan. Let cool before cutting into 1 inch squares.
Tips for Planning/Organizing a One – Day Tour
If anyone is interested in putting together a one-day tour, here are some ‘guidelines’. If you have any
suggestions or ideas, those are always welcomed.
Find a place or places of interest to go (shouldn’t be more than two hours or so distance from where
you’re starting. (in the past, we’ve tried to find something to go to in the morning, then a stop for
lunch, then perhaps another place of interest for the afternoon ride home.) Quite often a stop on the
way home for Ice Cream.
Make contacts with the people of your places and set your dates and times.
Choose a starting point (usually a place for breakfast or at least coffee (we’ve even supplied our own
rolls or doughnuts on occasion)
Get the county maps out and route your tour. (ask around, some of us have good county maps)
Locate a place to eat lunch midday, talk to a manager, let them know what is being planned – we’ve
been able to call them the morning of a tour to let them know how many to expect, which helps them
out. We also get a great response and most if not all places are willing to have us.
If you’re going further than an hour or so, you may want to locate a ‘potty’ stop along the way, both
going and coming. (even if it’s a small road side park)
Take a day and drive your route. (what I have done in the past, is written the route out ahead of time,
turns, route #’s, etc according to our maps – then make your corrections as you drive it and time the
route. Usually plan for not much over 45mph – some of our older cars don’t like to go as fast as
Type up or write up your route, place(s) you’re going to, costs, fees, etc. and make copies to be
handed out the morning of the tour. (Newsletter editor will help with typing out the info if it’s gotten
in time)
Let the newsletter editor know of the details (date, starting point, time heading out, and extra expenses
(such as meal costs, entry fees, donation contributions, etc.) so that it can be published ahead of time.
Be sure to include your name and phone number in case anyone has any questions.
We have tried to put a little fun in some of our trips, games and such for drivers and passengers to play along
the way. Again there are county maps to be borrowed, and even some books on places of interest.
We would love to see more participation from our members and planning and organizing a tour is a great way
to benefit everyone.
Happy motoring…….