World Geography 8 Chapter 13 Homework Physical Geography of Russia Name_____________________ Date __________Period____ Answer the following questions using the Regional Atlas pages 362-367: 1. How far is it from New York City to Moscow, Russia? 2. Compare the land size and populations of the US and Russia: 3. What is the deepest lake in Russia? 4. What mountain range separates the North European Plain (Europe) and the West Siberian Plain (Asia)? 5. Where are most of Russia’s cities generally located (in Europe or Asia?) 6. What is the life expectancy in Russia __________(compare that to the US______): 7. What is the per capita GDP in Russia? _________________ In the US? _________________ 8. What economic activity are most people in northern Russia involved in? Chapter 13 – p.370-385 Section 1 – Physical Features 9. How many miles from east to west is Russia, the world’s largest country? 10. Russia has a vast coastline. Why doesn’t it benefit from its access to the sea? 11. Where does Russia have access to warm water ports? 12. Where do 75% of Russians live (in what area)? 13. Name the two large cities located in European Russia: 14. What natural disaster often occurs in the Caucasus Mountain region? 15. Why are the Ural Mountains not very tall? 16. Describe Siberia: 17. What do people do for a living in Siberia? 18. From the chart on the top of p. 374, what two fossil fuels does Russia have an abundance of? 19. What is Russia’s major river? 20. Which direction does the Ob River flow? 21. Describe the Caspian Sea: 22. What body of water holds 1/5 of the world’s fresh water supply? 23. What three metals are mined heavily in Russia? 24. Besides fossil fuels and metals, what other resource is abundant, especially in Siberia? 25. What inhibits Russia’s use of their resources? Section 2 – Climate and the Environment 26. What sport is the person involved in on p. 378? 27. Most of Russia lies above what line of latitude (what degree)? 28. How did Russia’s winter play a role in WWII? 29. What is permafrost? 30. What is Russia’s largest climate area? 31. Describe taiga (where it is located, what it is, and how large an area it covers): 32. While Russia’s leaders were stressing economic growth in the 1900’s, what were they ignoring? 33. Define smog: 34. What do Russians often suffer from because of pollutants? 35. Why do more than half of Russians not have safe drinking water? 36. What steps are being taken to solve Russia’s pollution problems?