cns test review -

Name: ___________________________________
Central Nervous System Review
1. The worm-like ridges on the surface of the brain are called
2. The thin, web-like membrane between the outer and inner layer of meninges is called
the ____________ mater.
3. The right side of your brain controls the _____________side of your body
4. A spinal tap or lumbar puncture is inserted here: ________________________ to
remove _______________________.
5. The innermost layer of meninges that supplies blood vessels to the brain is called the
________________ mater.
6. The ________________________________ suture/fissure separates the left and
right hemispheres and the _________________________ is the structure that
communicates between the left and right hemispheres.
7. The subarachnoid space of the spinal meninges contains______________________.
8. A(n) _______________________ is a weak spot in a blood vessel that could possibly
9. The ___________________________________ is the major part of the brain that
controls higher mental activities, such as planning and making decisions.
10. The ________________________ is the part of the brain that controls the
coordination, balance and smooth skeletal muscle movement.
11. The _________________ nerve root of the spinal cord carries sensory information
toward the CNS and the __________________ nerve root of the spinal cord carries
motor impulses away from the CNS toward skeletal muscles.
12. The outermost of the three meninges is the _________________ mater.
13. The fluid filled cavities within our brains are called ________________________.
14. The brain and spinal cord are surrounded (and float within)
___________________________ fluid.
15. The ____________________ consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
16. The _______________________ system controls emotional experiences.
17. The _____________________ is responsible for regulation of the ANS, such as
heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure.
18. The part of the brain that plays a major role in recording new memories is the
19. Which part of the brain is involved in emotional responses such as fear and
aggression? ________________________
20. What does the choroid plexus produce? _________________________
21. What are two functions of cerebrospinal fluid?
Be able to describe the following structures/ answer the questions. Also be able to label the
structures of a brain (pics from quizlet).
Meninges & spaces
o Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, Pia Mater
o Epidural space, subdural space
o Subarachnoid space
Hematoma/ hemorrhage/ aneurysm
Flow of CSF through the ventricles (what is the order? Where does it end up?)
White matter vs. gray matter
o Which structures have more white matter?
o Which structures have more gray matter?
Cauda equine
Are there differences between right and left brain?
Describe how a person with a severed corpus callosum (split brain) processes and
communicates information they see.
Broca’s area
Wernicke’s area
Brainstem- its structures and their functions
Diencephalon- its structures and their functions
Cerebrum- all the lobes and their functions
Limbic system
Memory: what affects your memories?
Short term vs. long term memory
Retrograde vs. anterograde amnesia
How does emotion affect memory?
What is consolidation?
Why is you memory of smell the best?