Name: Spinal Cord Review List the 3 meninges found in the brain

Spinal Cord Review
1. List the 3 meninges found in the brain below and give a brief description of each:
Dura mater- tough fibrous outer layer, contains b.v. and nerves
Arachnoid mater- thin middle layer, no b.v or nerves. Contains CSF in subarachoid
c. Pia mater- thin inner layer, follows contours of brain. Contains b.v. and nerves.
2. List 3 ways in which the spinal cord and brain are protected.
Meninges, CSF, cranium
3. Describe the general structure of the spinal cord, include its origin and ending point.
31 segments each with 2 spinal nerves, starts at the foramen magnum ends at conus medularis.
Cauda equine continues from the conus medularis and contains spinal nerves and connective
4. Name the 2 major functions of the spinal cord.
2 way communication between the brain and body
Reflex center
5. Describe the cause and effects of the following:
a. Subdural hematoma: Buildup of blood and fluid in sub dural space. Caused by trauma
can lead to brain damage.
b. Meningitis: Inflammation of meninges caused by bacterial or viral infection. Can cause
loss of senses, paralysis and death.
c. Hydrocephaly: Build up of CSF in ventricles of the brain. Can cause brain swelling.
6. Label the following diagram of the spinal cord:
a. Word Bank: gray commissure, funiculi, anterior horn, posterior horn, central canal,
posterior median sulcus, anterior median fissure,
Posterior median sulcus
Posterior Horn
Gray commisure
Central canal
Anterior horn
Anterior median fissure
7. What are the 2 nerve tracts and what is their function?
Ascending tract- sends sensory impulses to the brain
Descending tract- sends motor impulses to the body.
8. What are the 3 partitions of the dura mater and what do they divide?
Falx cerebri- divides the cerebrum into right and left hemispheres
Falx cerebelli- divides the cerebellum into right and left hemispheres
Tentorium cerebelli- seperates the cerebrum from the cerebellum
9. List the steps to a reflex arc.
1. receptor
2. sensory n.
3. interneuron
4. motor neuron
5. effector
10. What is a ventricle and where are they found in the brain?
A ventricle is a cavity in the brain which produces and contains cerebrospinal fluid. There are 2 lateral
ventricles in the midbrain, a third ventricle inferior to the lateral ventricles and the fourth ventricle in
the brain stem.