WEB OPAC 2.0 Discovering a better search tool Kevin Collins & Darren Chase, Stony Brook University the one-two punch 1 university. • Stony Brook University – SUNY University Center, 24,600 students 2 campuses. • academic and medical 2 library systems. 2 OPACS. One OPAC to rule them all. • Users complained about having to switch between 2 catalogs. • OPAC committees from both libraries came together to find a singlesearch solution. – The joint OPAC committee’s makeup is important: a blend of technical staff and public services librarians. What do we need & want? NEEDS: Identify our users’ needs, our needs • Combined search results • Categories • Easy to use • Multi-base searching, all-in-one “like Google” WANTS: Identify what we want: what do we value? what are the characteristics of a 21st Century library discovery tool? • Features for sharing records • Supports multiple platforms and devices • Modular & mashable Usability & Knowing What Is Good Invite users to test the new OPAC • Use an assessment tool to measure user experience, functionality, result relevance Everyone has an opinion. Opinions and suggestions are great, but it is vital to look for strategies to measure the efficacy of the OPAC. This slide sucks. Mandatory Features Desirable (Optional) Features Ability to load/link to vendor generated enriched content such as table of contents, summaries, etc. Faceted navigation with ability to narrow a set of search results by attribute. Ability to link back to “classic” catalog and library databases, from discovery tool screen Keyword searching with ability to place/code search box on our own web page. Spelling alternatives or “Do you mean…?” (Alternatives can be automatic or given as an option to widen range of search) Relevancy ranking of results. Ability to load cover art. Ability to save and export results to bibliographic software management tools such as Endnote. Ability to search with Mobile devices Ability to save results in bookshelf (e.g. issue requests) FRBRized (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) display of results Faceted navigation with “breadcrumbs” to easily add or delete facets. Ability to work with federated searching tools for accessing licensed databases. Advanced or Boolean searching capabilities ILL integration. Library has ability to control relevancy ranking of results or turn off relevancy ranking altogether. Mandatory Features Product Product Product Product 1 2 3 4 Ability to load/link to vendor generated enriched content such as table of contents, summaries, etc. 2 2 2 2 Faceted navigation with ability to narrow a set of search results by attribute. 2 2 2 2 Ability to link back to “classic” catalog and library databases, from discovery screen 2 2 2 2 Keyword searching with ability to place search box on our own web page. 2 2 2 2 Spelling alternatives or “Do you mean…?” (Alternatives can be automatic or given as an option to widen range of search) 2 0 2 1 Relevancy ranking of results. 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Patron has ability to control results ranking (eg. by Relevancy, title, author, year) Key: •Does not currently meet the requirement •Somewhat meets the requirement •Completely meets or exceeds the requirement Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Product 5 Product 6 Product 7 Mandatory 14 Features Score 26 26 26 22 19 25 Desirable (Optional) Features Score 09 21 17 21 15 12 20 Overall Total Score 23 45 43 47 37 31 45 3rd Party Vendor: Ebsco Discovery Service Encore Endeca Primo Summon Worldcat (Ebsco) (Innovative Interfaces Inc) (ExLibris) (Serial Solutions) (OCLC ) Open Source: Blacklight IDS Project VuFIND XC Project (eXtensible Catalog) Xerxes Project (calstate) Implementation times range from 3 to 6 weeks. Actively Managed Passively Managed False True Longer implementation times because a True library must customize software (eg several months) False Required ongoing (day to day) management can be more automated. (automated data loads) True True Staff have little customization for look and feel of the screen. False True We must wait for the vendor to 'innovate'. True, for vendor software False, for custom changes True Library must wait for vendors to correct software problems True, for vendor software False, for custom changes True Upgrades / maintenance will be handled by the vendor, with little required for a library False True Upgrades mean libraries must make implementation changes to gain new software changes True False Upgrades can be scheduled for a more convenient time for us. True False Ongoing cost of opportunity for staff time (IT and non-IT staff) True False Active and growing community of users to keep supporting it True for VuFind and Primo Uncertain for Blacklight Yes, according to vendor sales staff Thank You! Any Questions? Contact Kevin J. Collins, Health Sciences Library ALEPH Administrator. 631.444.9740 Darren Chase, Web Services Librarian, Melville Library. 631.632.9830 References Feldman, Susan. "The Key to Online Catalogs That Work? Testing: One, Two, Three." Computers in Libraries 19.5 (1999): 16. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text. EBSCO. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. Letnikova, Galina. "Developing a Standardized List of Questions for the Usability Testing of an Academic Library Web Site." Journal of Web Librarianship 2.2/3 (2008): 381-415. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text. EBSCO. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. Images •Amazing Circle: Blockhead 3 •Lucha_libre_0158 •I’m Going To Have Nightmares