Important Elements Hydrogen Symbol: H Atomic number: 1 Atomic Weight: 1.0079 Color: None It is the most abundant element in the universe and the source of everything in it. Because hydrogen atoms are so simple, they are very light. They are lighter than air, so if you fill a balloon with hydrogen, it will float up to the sky. nglow.jpg Oxygen Symbol: O Atomic Number: 8 Atomic Weight: 15.9994 Color: None Oxygen atoms make up almost a quarter of the air on Earth, and they're necessary for all animals and people to breathe. Some oxygen atoms combine with carbon atoms to make carbon dioxide so plants can breathe and hydrogen atoms to make water molecules. Chlorine Symbol: Cl Atomic Number: 17 Atomic Weight: 35.4527 Color: pale yellow-green gas hlorine.htm Chlorine atoms join up easily with any atom that has one extra electron. Sodium and chlorine atoms often join together and make molecules of salt. Chlorine also easily combines with water and form acid molecules made of oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine atoms, which gives bleach. We use it to kill bacteria in water, to make it safe to swim in and to drink. IMPORTANT ELEMENTS-CONTINUED Gold Symbol: Au Atomic Number: 79 Atomic Weight: 196.9665 Color: metallic yellow Gold is the most malleable and ductile metal and it is a good conductor of electricity and heat. Gold is used for jewelry, dental work, plating, and reflectors and in coinage. ementfacts/a/gold.htm Carbon Symbol: Ca Atomic Number: 6 Atomic Weight: 12.011 Color: dense, black Carbon is found free in nature in 3 forms: amorphous, graphite, and diamond Most of what we use for fuel is made of carbon: rkids/chemistry/atoms/carbon.htm Coal, gasoline, oil, and wood. These are all made of hydro-carbons (molecules of hydrogen & water). If carbon is pouring into the air it is causing global warming. Iron Symbol: Fe Atomic Number: 26 Atomic Weight: 55.847 Color: ductile, silvery metal The Earth's core is probably mostly made of iron, while Earth's crust is about ten percent iron.Iron looks black to us when it is on its own, and it looks red to us when it joins up with oxygen. That's why blood looks red. Unlike other atoms, iron can become magnetic.