5-Year Technology Improvement Plan

Five-Year Technology Improvement Plan
Years 3 – 5
January 2012 – January 2015
(Last Update: 8/1/2012)
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Prior to 2012, the last major upgrade of library technology was in 2007, during
better budget times. Since 2007, the library has been faced with an infrastructure
and configuration built and maintained in a limited bandwidth environment that
severely limited technology progress. Bandwidth limitations did not allow the
library to consider viable and emerging technology options. Software and
applications were outdated and the major automated library system was several
versions behind. Hardware to include server and network components were quickly
reaching end-of-life. The infrastructure was fragmented with many individual,
standalone components that were difficult to fully integrate. In addition,
maintenance costs were extremely high and very little benefit was being provided
in concert with these costs.
Budget constraints in 2008 – 2010 forced the library to reevaluate its technology
strategy and seek alternatives to costly maintenance and operating processes.
Beginning in January 2010, Anne Arundel County Public Library (AACPL) started a
rather ambitious technology improvement process projecting forward five years
during a time of severe budget constraints. Earlier organizational steps toward
improving technology saw the creation of a position and subsequent hiring in late
2009 for a Chief, Information Systems Support at the library’s leadership level.
Through the detailed analysis of the existing infrastructure, capabilities of
technology staff, software and services provided to patrons and library staff and
including an analysis of existing contracts and obligations, an initial plan emerged.
AACPL took advantage of contracting modifications, grants, available funds and
existing resources to achieve some significant, initial technology successes and
more importantly change the prevailing culture to accept technology as a valued
added resource in the overall accomplishment of library goals and objectives.
This change came to fruition as the library’s Budget Committee expanded their
analysis of technology requirements for the Fiscal Year 2012 library budget
submission. Identification of those requirements, although not funded within the
constrained budget, led to the approval of a LSTA Grant to begin improvements in
the technology infrastructure.
During the subsequent year planning for the Fiscal Year 2013 budget and following
the initial successes of the previous year, the Budget Committee approved the
submission of a $200,000 technology supplement to the budget. This supplemental
request was recommended by the County Executive and unanimously approved by
the County Council.
The infusion of these supplemental funds for Fiscal Year 2013 will significantly alter
the technology planning process and allow acceleration of the technology goals and
objectives which are described fully herein. Previous technology plans and reports
will remain intact as a technology snapshot of the time they were created and
refreshed to meet the changing technology landscape. These include:
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The AACPL Technology Master Plan 2011 – 2014, approved by the State in
April 2011 with Strategic Goals as follows:
Enhance Service Delivery
Expand IT Governance
Workforce Enhancement
Implement Records Management
Develop IT Partnerships
The State of Library Technology report, December 2011, highlighting “AACPL
quickly found themselves in a widening technology gap between existing
capabilities and newly available and less costly technology. A critical success
factor for AACPL will be to reduce that technology gap in the coming years
through effective technology management, acquisition and enhancement…
AACPL must continue efforts to reduce this technology gap.”
The library is on the cusp of becoming the technology leader in the community by
offering up-to-date software, improved Internet access, and significantly improved
hardware. The addition of the funds from the FY 2013 budget will help AACPL begin
to close our technology gap.
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Year 1 – 2 Summary
January 2010 – January 2012
As you can see in this summary, technology has been on the move for the past two
years at AACPL even in light of reduced funding and support.
There are many areas of functionality that comprise library technology at AACPL
and improvements have been made in all areas to include:
Public services staff for their technology efforts for continually improving our
public facing databases, initiating and improving our eReader processes, and
coordinating with SIRSI on Enterprise installation, facebook application
implementation, mobile Bookmyne access and the installation of the new
Acquisitions Module. And to the New Tech Committee for their ongoing
analysis of Google email and other emerging technologies.
PR Web Team for their continuing efforts with social media and networking,
and changes and updates to improve the library website.
HR and FIN staffs who are working on new changes in the HR and payroll
system (ABRA) and will soon be adding a new automated module for Staff
Development and Training to improve processing efficiencies in those areas.
Foundation team for exploring the possibility of a new website to expand the
use of the Drupal content management system beyond Eliza at AACPL.
Although not approved by the Foundation Board, the effort allowed the
library to perform an initial scan of the marketplace and get a general feel for
available services for future planning.
At the same time, the behind-the-scenes, back room efforts being made by the ISS
staff daily, are building and enhancing a very sound and effective technology
infrastructure for AACPL's future growth in concert with other ongoing enhancement
efforts and planning in facilities, collections, repair and renovations and others
across the library.
Key technology improvements have included, but not limited to:
Efforts to find less cost and more efficient software early in 2010 significantly
reduced SPAM in email traffic and greatly improved email processing
efficiencies for library staff. In the first two years of this change over 62
million SPAM messages have been effectively blocked.
Recognizing a need to eliminate potential high equipment replacement costs
and improve support services, the library initiated an effort to outsource
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hardware and software for its major integrated library system. This softwareas-a-service (SaaS) solution is a software delivery model in which software
and associated data are centrally hosted on the cloud and accessed through
the web. This solution has provided many long term benefits for the library.
In addition, seeing the approaching end-of-life of several network
components and a high cost for replacement, the library requested and
received an LSTA Federal Grant to upgrade the network by integrating
equipment and components into a single solution, saving the library over
$100,000. The first phase of these improvements has been completed in FY
2012 with the installation of new firewalls at every location and the
consolidation of branch servers, improving processing efficiency and reducing
maintenance costs.
Bandwidth was significantly improved at all library locations with the
elimination of antiquated and slow T1 communication lines and the
installation of Comcast Business Services cable Internet access. The library is
still in the plans for expansion of the County’s fiber broadband network to all
locations over the next 2-3 years that will supplement these recent upgrade
initiatives by the library. The library will continue to work with the County to
expand network connectivity and Internet access.
Internal library communications and collaboration were greatly improved with
the installation of a new library Intranet, using open sourced software.
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Technology Goals and Objectives
Years 3 – 5
January 2012 – January 2015
Focus Area 1: Infrastructure and Network Development
The ongoing refreshment and replacement of equipment and network components
is critical to the success of the library. It is important these efforts provide for
continuous improvement and scalable growth. The library’s primary goal is to build
and maintain a sustainable, secure and integrated infrastructure to support the
development of new and emerging technologies, sustain and enhance applications
and databases and meet the needs of patrons and staff in an ever changing
technology landscape.
Objective 1: In FY 2013, replace network switches at Community Branches.
In order to continue the success of the 2011-2012 network improvements
that placed new firewalls and increased bandwidth in the branches, new
network switches will be installed in many branches to improve throughput of
Internet searches, and database/catalogue searches and reduce slowness
still experienced infrequently.
Objective 2: In FY 2013, improve the wireless access capability in every
Branch. New wireless access points will be placed in all branches, greatly
increasing patron access and speeds through our wireless capabilities. Access
points will be placed in all branch meeting rooms.
Objective 3: In FY 2013, continue to improve bandwidth and access at all
Branches. The objective continues to move more branches onto fiber
backbone with Comcast providing redundancy and provide capability to
segment bandwidth access.
Objective 4: In FY 2013, enhance computer room operations and efficiency
through server virtualization. Provide for increased efficiencies by reducing
overall servers from 30 to 3, eliminating antiquated operating systems,
hardware and software.
Objective 5: In FY 2014, implement improved automated network systems
management capabilities. Install products to improve and monitor
performance of network components while also providing asset management
and capabilities to move software to PCs automatically.
Objective 6: In FY 2014 build upon existing network improvements for
increased network efficiencies and security and ensure the network
infrastructure is a solid foundation for future enhancements as technology
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Objective 7: In FY 2014 replace the aging email system at AACPL. Under
consideration are improved Outlook capabilities and Google Applications and
include enhanced archive and storage functions.
Objective 8: In FY 2014 replace and upgrade Uninterrupted Power Supply
(UPS) in all locations to enhance backup procedures and ensure continuity of
Focus Area 2: Public Access Computing
PC replacement and refreshment schedules have not been part of the AACPL
technology landscape except for the “replace it if it breaks” mode of operation. This
quickly became problematic as there were few, if any PCs, for replacement. PCs in
the inventory are overdue for replacement. Beginning at the end of FY 2012 and
into FY 2013, a PC replacement plan has been put into place.
Objective 1: In FY 2013 replace the public PC configuration in eight (8)
library Branches. Upgrade provides new PC, widescreen monitor, new color
printer and Office 2010 software for each PC with other software capabilities.
Upgrades PC to Windows 7 and increases browser access with Firefox,
Chrome and upgrade Internet Explorer.
Objective 2: In FY 2013 replace the color printing capability in all Branches.
Objective 3: In FY 2013 replace the Circulation Receipt Printers in all
Branches, providing thermal printing with an expanded capability to add
messages and announcements to patron receipt.
Objective 4: In FY 2103 replace Microsoft Office 2003 on public PCs in all
Objective 5: In FY 2013 upgrade the PC Reservation and Print Management
Systems in AACPL.
Objective 6: In FY 2013-2014 explore the software and hardware options for
an upgraded Circulation Desk/Self Check configuration in conjunction with
Service desk upgrades.
Objective 7: In FY 2014-2015 replace the public PC configuration in all
remaining branches.
Objective 8: In FY 2014 enhance printing and other services through multifunction devices for patrons. MFD allows for faxing, copying and scanning
functions in single device.
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Focus Area 3: Web Presence
While the AACPL web site has undergone improvements in the past couple years,
the need exists for content management and a revised software environment. With
the completion of the library intranet using an open sourced software product plans
were revisited for a redesign of the AACPL web site and these plans included
putting a professional webmaster in place to oversee the design and development
of a new web site.
Objective 1: In FY 2013 hire an AACPL Webmaster.
Objective 2: In FY 2013 begin the redesign and development of the AACPL
web site using database driven technologies in concert with a content
management system.
Objective 3: In FY 2013-2014 enhance social networking capabilities in
coordination with new Virtual Branch Manager.
Objective 4: In FY 2013 enhance Eliza capabilities in coordination with the
Eliza Systems Committee.
Objective 5: In FY 2014 redesign the Foundation web site.
Objective 6: In FY 2014-2015 ensure continuous improvement and
technology update of AACPL web sites.
Focus Area 4: Integrated Library System
In FY 2012 several improvements were made in the ILS environment to include the
installation of an Acquisitions Module, the Bookmyne mobile application, and a
Facebook application. It is important to note the library is in a long term
relationship with its ILS vendor SIRSI. Efforts must be made to take full advantage
of this relationship and explore avenues with the vendor to improve and enhance
services and opportunities.
Objective 1: In FY 2013 establish a new System Administration role in ISS
to fully incorporate API (application programming interface) capabilities to
enhance the maintenance and operation of the ILS. API gives AACPL the
advantage and flexibility many other libraries have to program changes and
reports without having to contact SIRSI.
Objective 2: In FY 2103 install and implement the OPAC front-end
Enterprise. Enterprise provides enhanced searching mechanisms and a
capability to combine with the library’s web environment to facilitate patron
Objective 3: In FY 2013 upgrade the ILS to Version 3.4.1
Objective 4: In FY 2013 enhance web services and the API.
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Objective 5: In FY 2014 upgrade to ILS to Version 5.0
Objective 6: In FY 2014 install and configure eResource Central capabilities.
Focus Area 5: Staff Technology Enhancement
A continued area of focus needs to be the technology environment under which our
staff performs to meet the needs of library customers. This environment needs to
be continually updated and refreshed for staff meets the changing technology
Objective 1: In FY 2013 upgrade the Print Management System. The
primary objective is to replace or upgrade SAM to a more standard and easy
to use management software environment creating less problems for staff
Objective 2: In FY 2013 replace and refresh staff PC and desktop
configurations. As the public PCs are replaced as mentioned above, older
staff PCs in the backroom will be replaced by more current public PCs and
reimaged with refreshed software.
Objective 3: In FY 2013-2014 upgrade staff PC software. There is an
objective to move to a more current operating system (Windows 7) for PCs
that will allow for many enhancements.
Objective 4: In FY 2013 implement Branch Troubleshooters for front line
technical support.
Objective 5: In FY 2014 standardize PC configurations and facilitate the
distribution and update process for software.
Objective 6: In FY 2014-2015 continue the replacement and refreshment of
staff PCs.
Objective 7: In FY 2013 provide improved ISS support and customer
service. With the recent loss of positions, ISS has the ability to reorganize
service support to improve the customer service to staff and change to a
more effective and efficient operating structure.
The target outcome of this 5-Year Technology Improvement Plan for AACPL is to
reach a plateau of productivity for the next 5-10 years where technology change is
programmed, easily implemented, managed and control with the least adverse
impact to library day-to-day operations.
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