Three Branches of Government Worksheet

Three Branches of Government Scavenger Hunt
Directions: Use the packet on the Three Branches and Three Levels of Government that you marked up
to answer the following questions. Then, you will pair up and share your answers with a partner.
There are three levels: Federal, State, and Local.
Within those levels are three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
1. Which level of government handles traffic violations and small claims?__________________
2. Which level of government approves state budgets?_________________________________
3. Which level of government deals with national security?______________________________
4. If you wanted to join the Army National Guard, which level of government would receive
your application? __________________________________
5. Who is responsible for the day to day business of a city or county? _____________________
6. What level of government is responsible for cross state transportation?__________________
7. Under which branch is the court system found? ____________________________________
8. Which level of government deals with international commerce? ________________________
9. Which branch of government (on all three levels) is responsible for making laws?
10. To which branch of government would you complain if you did not like a law/policy?
Grievances and Lobbying
Assume that you are a colonist living in the 1700s and in 5-7 sentences argue against the one
policy/law that you feel most strongly about. Why do you think it should be repealed? Why do
you think it is unfair? Who will you send your argument/appeal to? What could be done to
make the policy more agreeable for the colonists?
Key terms for next class…