Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………... 3 Components of ALC Training…………………………………………………………….4 Certification Requirements……………………………………………………………….6 Module Three: Personal Growth for Success……...…………………………….. 7 Part One: Maintain Balance…..…………………………………..…………….8 Part Two: Unleash Your Creative Expression….………………………….9 Part Three: Reclaim Your Life Purpose……...……………….……………10 Part Four: Discover Your Life Mission…...………………………………..14 Part Five: ABCs of Abundance with the Angels…….…………………….16 Module Four: Anatomy of a Coaching Session..………………………………….30 Part One: Managing the Coaching Session…………..…………………….31 Part Two: Coaching Session Ground Rules………………………………..36 Part Three: Action Steps………………………………..………………………..41 Part Four: Business Basics………………………………………………………43 Module Five: The Coaching Toolkit………………………………………………..... 47 Part One: Applying Angel Communication…..………..………..………..48 Part Two: Emotional Freedom Techniques ..……………………..…...49 Part Three: Angelic Blueprint/Human Design……………………………54 Part Four: Coaching Scenarios…………………………………………………76 Part Five: Muscle Testing Techniques……………………………………….87 Part Six: Creative Visualization, Affirmations & Prayer….…..……...88 Part Seven: Journaling & Drawing Analysis………………………….……91 Appendices…..………………….………………………..……………….……….….……..94 Appendix A: Class Exercises….………………..…………………….….……..95 Appendix B: Reading List..…………………………………………….………..115 Appendix C: Prayers..……………………………………………..…….…..……116 Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 2 Introduction “Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.” Muhatma Gandhi Welcome to Angelic Life Coach Training! On behalf of the teaching team here at AngelsTeach, I am so excited that you have chosen to deepen your connection with the angels and to dedicate your life to service and live your life purpose. I have developed this training program because after teaching about angel reading and giving thousands of personal readings, I realized that angel reading alone creates the space to give loving guidance from the angels and provide our clients with amazing clarity and insight. However, the piece I found was missing was the ability and format to help our clients overcome their emotional obstacles and limiting belief systems by working with them on a continuing basis to help them create positive change. It’s one thing to be able to give our clients a message and it’s a whole other thing to have the ability to help them make the changes they want to make with guidance and support from the angelic realm. This training program was designed to give you the tools to guide your clients to a higher quality of life by breaking through traditional paradigms. With a combination of Emotional Freedom Technique, Angelic Blueprint (aka Human Design), angel communication, and several other intuitive tools, it is possible to guide people to quickly discover their inner truths and step firmly on their path of healing. It all begins with your commitment to being an effective coach. It is essential that you work on your own personal healing and be living your own personal truth. Would you want to be coached by someone who would rather be fishing? You must know your passion and be living it. To this end, it is my priority – and I know that of the entire AngelsTeach Teaching Community - to support you on your journey of evolving into a successful coach in all ways. As any needs for healing surface, be sure to speak up and let us know how we can help. My prayer is for YOUR success! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 3 Components of ALC Training Personal Growth for Success The key to your success as a coach lies right here. This is where your dedication to your own personal growth makes or breaks your career. Think about it - who wants to seek guidance from a coach who is complacent about their own spiritual journey? We are all here to continually learn and expand and YOU are a model of wellness for your clients. Yes, you may – or likely will! – encounter challenges in life, but your attitude of it being a phase you move through with grace, ease and guided by your angels sets you apart as a leader, an example for others. In this module, you will learn about: Committing to a spiritual practice that supports your ongoing evolution. Tapping into your life purpose and uncover and/or validate why you’re here. Through exploratory exercises and meditation, you will examine your soul’s truest desires. Discover more about your true passions and release what you think you’re “supposed to do!” Live out these passions through your coaching practice. The basics of the manifestation process. What you focus upon, expands. If your faith in the angels’ ability to provide is wavering, your client will likely pick up on it and question your guidance. On the other hand, if you exhibit strong faith, clarity and trust in the angels, then your clients will flock to you. It is essential for you to understand the basic rules of engagement with the manifestation process. How when you unlock your unique creative abilities, you realize your fullest potential. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 4 Anatomy of a Coaching Session A successful coaching session begins and ends with your professional, confident interactions with your clients. In this module, you will learn about: Establishing goals. How to run a professional coaching session and setup a short and long term coaching plan. How to deepen the messages from the angels and give your client homework to help them begin to make necessary changes between sessions. What your role is as a coach and how to draw healthy boundaries. Business basics – While many coaching students need time to integrate what they learn into a viable business, it is important to focus on how you will bring your gifts out into the world. Your business is an essential service contributing to global healing. Your success is not so much about you as it is about service for humanity. Our line of business is about compassion not competition The Coaching Toolkit The heart of ALC Training - this module consists of the basic toolkit that you’ll need to help your clients align their lives with peace and harmony. Building upon what you have learned in your prior training, an angel reading may give your clients the information they need, but it doesn’t provide tools and strategies to work through it. This toolkit provides techniques and grounded processes to overcome emotional blockages and belief systems that need to be cleared. What you will learn: Advanced angel reading to cover some suggestions for how you can deepen your ability to communicate with the angels. Emotional Freedom Techniques® in combination with angel communication is where Angelic Life Coaching puts the pedal to the metal! You will learn how to release blockages and limiting belief systems using EFT®. Using Human Design, you will learn how to interpret the energetic expression of your clients and be able to guide them more effectively by capitalizing on their inherent gifts. You will also learn more about yourself and gain insight on your own expressions. Topics covered include: the five types and strategies, the nine centers and the basics of the six profiles. How to perform energy work and prayer to support your client from an energetic perspective. Muscle testing techniques, visualization, affirmations, prayer, journaling and drawing analysis to add that extra oomph to your client’s experience. We will also look at case studies and do some role playing to build your confidence. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 5 Certification Requirements ACS/ACM Certification You must have completed your certification requirements for both the Angel Communication Specialist™ and Angel Communication Masters™ classes. Class Attendance Live attendance at 75% of the tele-classes is required. While recordings are a very effective means of learning, they do not provide the opportunity for interaction that makes learning a richer experience. Any exceptions will be considered under extenuating circumstances. Please work with your teacher. Coaching Sessions You must complete a minimum of 40 hours of coaching sessions. 25 with classmates and 15 with clients outside of class for a nominal fee of $25-$40/session to get the practice! Certification Essay You will be asked to complete a 2-3 page essay answering questions that will be assigned towards the end of training. ALC Service Project All coaching students will be asked to create and deliver a service project. Certification Board Review You will be required to meet with the AngelsTeach certification team. This process is merely to allow response and expansion on any of the above pieces of the certification process. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 6 Module One Personal Growth for Success “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing." Hermes Trismegistus As an Angelic Life Coach, you are a model for your clients for how to exist peacefully and happily in this ever-changing world. Your choices and decision making affects them directly and you are demonstrating what it means to live as one with the angels. Many times, it is your actions that speak more loudly than your words. If you are always in a rush, running late or frequently sniffling from a physical imbalance, your clients will notice. On the other hand, if you are always at peace in your interactions and are able to reference a lifestyle that is in healthy order that includes wellness and growth on all levels of being, then they will admire and strive to attain the same. Make your own wellness and healthy decision making process a top priority and create the space for your own personal growth staying 3 steps ahead of your client at all times. It’s the only way to succeed! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 7 Part One Maintain Balance One of the hardest things to accomplish as a good coach can be maintaining balance with your own life. Your clients will test your boundaries, push your buttons and sometimes lead you right to the edge of sanity. And it’s all for a good purpose, because as we are helping them with their healing process, they are helping us with ours. ;) In order to keep your own healing process in check, there are four essential elements to maintaining balance: Know your limits! Do not over-schedule yourself or make commitments that don’t feel like a true priority for you. Strive to stay on your highest path with all your choices and actions. Maintain your own spiritual practice. As a coach, it is crucial to maintain a daily spiritual practice and to set a goal of expanding your relationship with the angels. Whether you pray, meditate, or simply pick a card, it is essential to continue to build your connection. Over time, communicating with them on a moment-to-moment basis and allowing yourself to feel as one with them is how you move in the direction of living a life of only Love. Work through issues that come up with your own healer. Just because you are a masterful coach, doesn’t mean you don’t need a little help from time to time! Take care of your body. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that your body is your temple and it is very true. Be sure to eat well, drink lots of good quality water, take supplements as needed, exercise and get fresh air. If you don’t take care of your body, how can you expect your clients to take care of theirs? Decide to BE and model happiness! So you can see, we always have healing to do to increase and deepen our connection with the Divine. The more you build spirituality and good health habits into your life, the more you will live as one with the angelic realm. And the more effective you will be as a Coach. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 8 Part Two Unleash Your Creative Expression This section is new with ALC 2013 and has become a priority, in the eyes of the angels, for personal growth. So many first-world earth angels are creatively stunted. With technology readily available, the expected ease of life and a boat load of reasons NOT to connect with our creative potential, many of us rest on our laurels. The ego likes comfort, the ego likes easy. And yet easy is just that, easy. It doesn’t stretch us and help us expect the brilliant surprises that are waiting around every corner. Stumbling into the honor of best-selling author, I’ve learned that I can write and people will read what I write. Tell that to my high school English teacher! Never in a million years did I think I had the ability to be a published author. Absorbing this truth, I then believed my creative potential was quite alive until I signed up for a painting course over the winter. I’ve never considered painting before and honestly didn’t believe I had a talented bone in my body. I doubt anyone will ever care to hang my artwork on their walls, but that doesn’t matter; it’s for my own personal development. You see both of these activities – writing and painting – weren’t on my radar screen until the angels put them there. Both events have touched a part of my soul that was beforehand, unreachable. The task for you my dear one, is to discover a new talent that will touch a part of you that’s lain dormant. You can dust off a skill that you already know about, but if you do, I’d like to challenge you to take it to a new level. Unleash your creative expression and watch how so many things in your life are affected – relationships, life fulfillment, your career. All good! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 9 Part Three Reclaim Your Life Purpose Introduction Perhaps you’ve noticed that our world often seems to lack clarity and direction and the leaders of our modern societies sometimes seem to struggle to have a common vision for working together to create positive change. The result is confusion, disruption and often times violence. Leaving out the violence, does this ever feel similar to your own life? I love to chew on the phrase as within, so without…because as we create clarity of purpose in our own lives, we create clarity of purpose on a global scale. How do we do this? By eliminating vibrations of confusion and replacing them with a sense of wisdom and guided intention. We actually have a responsibility to get our “stuff” together because each of us affects the health of our global community. This module gives focus to changing your life with deliberate intention. It’s about taking firm steps to understand why you are here in this life at this time. It’s about getting to know yourself more intimately and opening up more dialogue with your soul. It’s about gaining clarity. It’s about releasing the need for compromise and gaining trust that as we all live our respective life purposes there is no need for compromise because harmony is Earth’s homeostasis - “a living organism, that regulates its internal environment so as to maintain a stable, constant condition.” [] The result of this process will be that some of you discover a need to change careers as you gain perspective. For others, you may learn that you are fulfilled through other means, such as family relationships or hobbies and perhaps, more casual coaching. You may even find that some of your relationships themselves need to change as your soul is given a louder voice. Ultimately, discovering your life purpose is an evolutionary journey that has phases and is never complete. It is ongoing self-discovery, not a destination to be reached. That said, with intention, deliberate action and prayer, your purpose is discovered by understanding your needs and desires as you assess them on both an internal basis through introversion and on an external basis through extroversion. As you balance these two forces on a moment-to-moment basis, you live your purpose. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 10 As Within Introversion is defined as, “the act of directing one's interest inward or to things within the self; the state of being concerned primarily with one's own thoughts and feelings rather than with the external environment”. [] As you search within, you see all that you are. When you examine your state of being in the moment, you assess, “Am I happy? Do I know joy? Does my body feel good and well nourished? Does my inner being feel whole and complete? Am I connected to my Divine Spirit?” Signs that the inner being isn’t fulfilled are that pulling sensation that something isn’t right, chronic illness, depression, anxiety, etc…When you ignore any of these messages, then you are ignoring your purpose and there is something that needs to change. …So Without Extroversion is defined as “the act of directing one's interest outward or to things outside the self; the state of being concerned primarily with things outside the self, with the external environment rather than with one's own thoughts and feelings.” [] As you search without, you see all that can be. When you examine your surroundings, your relationships, your career, everything that is outside of you, you assess, “Does this make me feel good? Is this situation or action something that is healthy for me? Is there something else I wish I was doing? Does this person, place or thing support my connection to my Divine Spirit? Am I fulfilling the role others have ordained me to fulfill?” Signs that the inner being isn’t fulfilled are physical or emotional abuse, resistance to an easy flow, instability of environment, etc…When you ignore any of these messages, then you are ignoring your purpose and there is something that needs to change. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 11 What Your Life Purpose is Not Your life purpose is not a grand event or a destination. Most people believe that their career, their children, their family, their hobbies, their home, these things outside of themselves are their life purpose. “When I finally am successful with my holistic wellness center, I will be living my life purpose!” OR “Raising my children is my life purpose.” OR “Having a happy marriage and a career that pays the bills with a little extra for vacations is my life purpose.” NO! These are not a life purpose! I used to hold some of these beliefs too, although there had always been a lack of wholeness around my feelings and I knew something was missing. Truthfully, this has been the hardest module for me to write. Thankfully, the angels have put books, classes and events in my path to help me make these teachings complete. This is the most difficult lesson because it’s all about BE-ing who you really, truly are and letting go of everything else. Your life purpose is the ongoing realization that when your world within and your world without are in harmony, you are divinely fulfilled! As within…So Without – Putting it all together This concept that your life purpose is to know that your life is consistently in harmony both within and without, is not something most of us are taught as children. Just know that it is easiest to achieve this state through your connection with the angels and have the courage to ask them the hard questions such as… What is it going to take for me to heal this pain in my back? What do I need to do to feel more relaxed and peaceful at home? Why do I always get indigestion on my drive into work? Is there a reason why I always come down with a cold in the fall and feel depressed during the winter months? Why do I always get so overwhelmed and sad when I think about the 911 event? It’s been years now and I should be able to maintain my emotional balance with it. On a day to day basis, this means assessing your soul’s priorities and living them. Your life purpose is to pull together everything in your life into one harmonious package. In other words, if you have an urgent situation and need to respond immediately, your purpose is to do that. Your need to provide a healthy dinner for your family is part of your purpose. Your need to exercise and take care of your body is part of your purpose. Your need to get sufficient sleep is part of your purpose. Your need to go out with your friends and play is part of your life purpose. All of these, of course, have the caveat that if your guidance in the moment is to forego a family meal, because of your soul’s higher priorities, then you do that. Or if a seemingly urgent business matter is rearing its head, then check in with your guidance; your purpose may still be to have dinner with your family. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 12 Our world is a challenging one and we are in the midst of great transition that is causing more struggle and pain. Now, more than ever, it is essential to work with the angelic realm to ensure that you are living in alignment with your soul, that you are living your life purpose and are not living a lie. An underlying theme for many when they begin to think this way is “Oh my God, I can’t handle all the change! And how will I ever make a living doing what I really love to do?” These fears are natural and quite common at the outset of this process. The result, however, is that you start living your personal truth…a life that you love. Your inner world and outer world come into alignment and the “right” job, relationship, house, etc… easily come to you as you allow the harmony. Your life purpose is simply… to be happy! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 13 Part Four Discover Your Life Mission Life Mission Saying it again for emphasis…your over-arching life purpose is to be happy! You accomplish this by following your heart and doing what your soul incarnated to do - by fulfilling your life’s mission, by doing what your heart truly desires…not what your mother wants for you, or your cousin, or your boss, or your partner, or your neighbor, or society…what your heart desires. So how do clear away the cobwebs of conditioning and figure that out? What do you already know? The first and most important step in discovering your mission is to get clear about what you already know. The fact is, you already know your mission. The confusion you may have comes from years of doubt and living in a society that doesn’t teach about trusting the intuitive sense. This step of our process is an exercise in casting aside training you’ve already received, expectations you’ve inadvertently placed on yourself or any expectations well-intending loved ones may have for you. Just because you’re a trained reflexologist doesn’t mean you’re destined to have a reflexology practice if it’s not what you love to do. This is your chance to start from the beginning and really pay attention to your wants and desires, because those wants and desires stirring deep in the core of your soul are an arrow pointing directly at your destined path. Any time you attempt to push forward with anything (and I mean anything!) that moves you away from the direction of joy, you are working against your mission. The angels never wish anything but goodness for you. In fact, your attempts to do something that you “tolerate” rather than love will likely result in failed relationships, ill health, or general depression. Whenever you find yourself pushing endlessly, that is a clear sign that you are trudging down the wrong path. Rather, focus is key! Focus on what you LOVE to do! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 14 Service As Lightworkers, there are often many things that make us happy provided we are helping other people. We are satisfied if we can simply make someone smile or feel better. What often gets missed is your specific path for doing this. You are here to serve humanity, without question, but you must allow your angels to show your path of service. Something you believe you’re guided to do may feel good in your heart, but ask your angels, “is this my service to fulfill?” If the answer is yes, then go for it! Otherwise, continue to listen and allow, but don’t act. If you’re not sure of the answer, then wait. A choice, a thought, an action is either of service, or not. There is no grey area. And when you act upon what feels good and is of service, you allow for the magical synchronicity if the Universe to flow. Be Yourself. Love Yourself. You are the sum of all your experiences! This is your greatest asset. Many Lightworkers have had challenging experiences in life. Many have history of addiction, abuse, low selfesteem. Maybe this is something you can relate to. It is crucial to allow these experiences to become the gift that they are and be woven into the fabric of your being. The truth is, they may be part of your purpose! If you are a recovered alcoholic, then perhaps that is where your work lies. If you have a father who abused you as a child, then perhaps helping abused children are at the core of your practice. I was a corporate executive for many years and have only just reembraced that business aspect of myself. It is those qualities that help me to help you! Without it, I wouldn’t be where I am. Embracing who you are may very well take some healing, but set the intention and allow the angels to help you bring all the gifts that are hidden to the surface. So as you are unraveling your life mission, examine what actions and beliefs lead you closer to what feels like pure unadulterated you! Live Your Design Stepping into the flow of your life mission is a lot about living your Human Design. This means using your strategy and authority to make decisions, understanding the benefits and limitations of your defined centers and protecting your more vulnerable open centers. Yes, this is merely a paradigm for integration with the energies around you, and my angels insist that it’s as close to accurate as any paradigm in existence. Make a commitment to know your energy and to reclaim the pure intention of living in alignment with your inherent and unique energetic expression. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 15 Part Five ABCs of Abundance with the Angels Essential to attaining happiness is to allow full manifestation of all that your soul desires and to live a life that makes your heart sing. As you learn about the manifestation process, you will begin to better understand what you really want and what you are really creating. Clarity is critical, because when your intentions and your actions are not in sync, chaos and unhappiness results. I want you to learn how to love all parts of your life and to be in control of what you attract and create. There is a clear and simple process for making this happen and I intend to help you master it. My prayer is for you to be happy, successful and surrounded by only Love! The Process of Manifestation According to my angels, the Law of the Attraction is the only law in the Universe and is equivalent to God. It is the force that drives all that happens in our lives and is activated all of the time. Because many of us have been taught to believe that we have limited influence over what happens in our lives, we don’t understand that we have the ability to influence and direct this Law and make it work in our favor. Starting now, understand that YOU are a master creator!!! YAY!! The core process of manifestation is broken into three key steps: Ask, Believe, and CoCreate OR the ABCs! 1. While the asking process may appear on the surface to be about requesting something that doesn’t already exist, the truth of the matter is that if a desire exists in your heart, it’s already been created. Your role with asking is more a matter of bringing that request forward into physical form. Your role is about clearing the path that’s been obstructed or unclear up until this point. When you ask for your heart’s desires with strong commitment, you are setting the intention to let anything and everything else fall away. Your role in this step is to ask with clarity, gratitude and fullness of heart. Your role is to align with your soul so that you can direct your energies towards freeing those obstacles that stand in the way of your soul creating what it desires. This is all about creating the opportunity for your soul to fully express its inherent power – and your birthright! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 16 You can think of it as if your soul is setting the destination on your GPS which then reveals the routes to get there. As you travel those routes, you realize any obstacles that must be overcome. Are you driving over mountains, around a swamp, or on flat plains? By understanding where your soul wishes to go, you realize the work that needs to be done. 2. The next step is to believe. This is where forgiveness and faith play a big role. Forgiveness and faith remove those obstacles and open the channels between the steps of asking and co-creating. 3. Lastly, is the step of co-creation. This is where you focus on what your soul wants and where you take guided action to make it happen. You may have asked for financial abundance in the first step, but this is where multiple answers may present themselves to you and you have to choose the one(s) that feel really good. Or, if you asked for something specific and a resulting opportunity presents itself, you have to decide if you really want it. Just because it shows up in your reality doesn’t mean you must act on it. Only act and respond to what feels right on the soul level. If you choose not to respond, then this puts into motion another request, because you have decided what you don’t want! As crude as it may sound, my personal mantra for myself with this step is “shut up, surrender…and listen!” Gets me focused! The ABCs of Abundance is a cycle. Rarely does a request given to your angels produce the exact results you expect on the first try. It is with understanding and refinement when you are offered answers that you don’t want, that you gain clarity with what you do want. With this new knowledge, you can reframe your request and get closer to the target. Manifestation is a cycle that gets shorter and shorter with practice and awareness as you align your thoughts and actions with your desires. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 17 Step 1: Ask! What Are You Communicating? Let’s start with how you communicate. Your requests are made up of the sum of the vibrations that you transmit to the Universe. These vibrations come from multiple sources including your thoughts, conscious and sub-conscious , prayers and actions. If these messages are not in alignment, then the result is chaos, confusion and not what you desire. This conflict can arise from a religious or spiritual background, family concerns, your personal belief system and values, or even past life issues. Any seated vibration that is unaligned with your soul’s desires results in lack of synchronicity in the manifestation process. Examples include: As a child, perhaps you were required by your parents to embrace the teachings of the Bible. You never fully agreed with all of what you were taught, but it was never presented as a choice, so you accepted it as best you could. Now, as an adult, no matter how hard you try to embrace your own spirituality, it feels like something is standing in the way and you can’t break free…you may not even know why. Or you may believe that if you buy that beautiful, expensive dress or take that vacation, that it will take away from your daughter’s college savings account. You want to manifest the trip to the Caribbean and ask for that, but underneath is the belief that you will take away from your children. Your desire is to meet your soul mate, but your actions speak otherwise. Your habits suggest you will remain alone. You see yourself as boring, uninviting and picture yourself eating meals-for-one for the rest of your life. You ignore invitations to meet new people, you’re sprawled all over your house, with no room for anyone else and despite your prayer to meet your partner, every other thought and action contradicts your desire. So again, the question is “what are you really asking?”, “what is the overriding vibration you are transmitting to the universe?” Is it the one of your desires and one that resonates strongly within you, or is it from some other category? How much “stuff” is in the way of you creating your heart’s desires? Tune into your emotions and notice what brings you joy and serenity and what brings you unhappiness or feelings of lack. The Asking Process 1. Ask from the soul level! When working with the angels, this is a requirement! Your angels will help you clarify which requests come from the soul and which come from the ego. Ultimately, your asking is really clarification of the soul’s desired expression and by understanding what that is, you identify the obstacles to be removed. This is an important distinction, because in essence, your manifestation process is about getting clear what the soul wants/needs and what healing it’s going to take to make that happen. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 18 2. Be clear!!! State your request in 3 simple sentences or less! Complex or long requests lose focus! Again, this clarity will help you to understand what changes need to occur to bring about your request. It also helps you to authentically align with your soul’s expression. 3. Pick one thing at a time. If you are requesting too many things at once, your requests can get crossed in the process. 4. Communicate with deep appreciation your desired outcome. State from a place of gratitude so you set that energy from the get-go. “I appreciate that my daughter has a happy and fulfilling summer.” Using the present tense for your request can help to set the tone of your intention. It demonstrates that you have faith that it is already coming into your reality. Gratitude also helps you to align with your soul and with God. 5. Remember, your heart’s desires already exist. You are merely clearing the pathway to their realization. Examples: Your heart/soul is guiding you to buy more organic fruits and vegetables to help support the healing of your body, but your budget doesn’t feel like you can afford it. Ask your angels, “I gratefully request the financial resources to purchase wholesome and nourishing foods for the health and wellness of my body.” Your spirit needs some time away and you keep thinking about how wonderful it would be to spend a weekend in the mountains, but you just don’t think you have the time to get away. Ask your angels, “I really would like some time off. Angels, please show me how I can create the time for a weekend away in the mountains with my family.” Or perhaps you are wilting in your present occupation and would really like a different job and you can’t see how to make the transition. Ask your angels, “please help me create a career that is aligned with my life’s mission and supports me physically, emotionally and spiritually.” Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 19 Step 2: Believe! Faith – the Triad of Forgiveness, Surrender and Gratitude Forgive and surrender with gratitude to have faith in the process. Easier said than done! The “Believe” step is where you must work hard to exercise your faith muscle and keep it strong. It takes commitment, focus and patience to sift through the lessons of forgiveness while maintaining an attitude of gratitude. There is always active work to be done for healing, so awareness of this fact is the first step. As you develop your own daily healing routine, serenity will enter your life. Your ability to have faith and just believe will grow exponentially! Without obsessing, stay tuned to what you are communicating after the initial request and be aware of actions and behaviors that are consistent with your request as much as possible. If there is inconsistency, then your request is being overridden with other requests. For example, you ask for a new job and say a prayer for it every morning. You believe you know what you want to do in your next career and have even drawn a vision board to help with your manifestation process. You’ve done all the things you thought you were supposed to, yet, the other 15 hours of the day, you spend grumpy, tired and discouraged. In this example, you do believe you are manifesting your new job, but most of your energy continues to communicate lack. And what are your actions communicating? Has your vision board become dusty? Have you cut back on your praying because it’s taken longer than you wanted? Are you spending more time wanting and less time envisioning yourself IN this new career? There are many ways of asking the Universe to provide. Assuming your request is in alignment with your core, the only way to ask and have your request answered is to hold pure intentions in your heart and know in your core that you will be served. If you struggle, then there are underlying beliefs that are conflicting with your request and there is healing work to do. Typical challenges are feeling unworthy and undeserving, fear of lack, not having the self-confidence or support to create change, etc… Enter: forgiveness, surrender and gratitude! “Your action has nothing to do with your abundance! Your abundance is a response to your vibration. Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So if you believe that action is part of what brings your abundance, then you've got to unravel that.” Abraham-Hicks Manifestation is not about doing. It is about Being. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 20 Vibration There are 7 perspectives for analyzing your vibration, any of which can be influenced by a past lifetime, or the energies that you bring into this body. They are: 1. Emotional history Unreleased abuse, trauma, challenging relationships, jobs, etc… 2. Patterns from the past Habitual behaviors such as, “I always stop at Starbucks on my way to work, or whenever I get my period, I eat a pint of Cherry Garcia, this is just what I do…” or intimacy issues with the opposite sex, … 3. Willful ego-based beliefs I deserve a good man right now! If I don’t get that job I want, then God just doesn’t love me! What did I do to be punished? Victim mindset, “woundology”, “If I forgive him, then I’m letting him off the hook!”, etc… 4. Present thoughts – where are your thoughts now? 5. Your energetic expression (the vehicle for your soul) This is your Human Design, your Angelic Blueprint and the energy that you came into body with and carry into the world. 6. Core of your soul – your God-self This is where your Truth lies. It carries your heart’s desires, your life’s lessons, its true mission and purpose. 7. Collective Conscious – your connection to all other life forms. This is hugely affected by your ability to forgive and express gratitude. In order to positively understand and consciously affect your vibration, you must bring awareness to all 7 elements. Of course thinking about all 7 of these on a regular basis would be overwhelming, so the 3 key words to tune into daily are Surrender, Forgive and be Grateful! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 21 Gratitude The opening of your heart with Love for everything and everyone in your life! In our example, when you get into your old car, have GRATITUDE for all it has provided for you. Have GRATITUDE for your old car taking you from point A to point B for the past 15 years. Have GRATITUDE for the flat tires, the ailing transmission and the cracked windshield. Have GRATITUDE for the warm heat that never fails. At the same time, begin to pretend and see yourself driving your new car. You must move in the direction of consistent faith and pretend you already have the car; see yourself in it, feel yourself in it, imagine yourself in it. Tap into the power of your emotions and amplify your pretending to hasten the process. And all along the way, find GRATITUDE for everything!!! A message about gratitude from self-help author Melody Beattie: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 22 Forgiveness Giving forth what no longer serves you to the angels. If you have blockages to creating abundance, then you have blockages in your connection with God. The angels only want abundance for you and are constantly showing the way to the answers. FORGIVENESS is literally about giving the emotions that are excluding you from abundance back to the angels; it is about releasing your fears, doubts, anger, etc… From on the Jainist view of the need for forgiveness…The following is an edited extract from a discourse by a contemporary Jain teacher: “The first line in our Kshamapna Sutra [see final section of this article] states: “I grant forgiveness to all living beings”. This powerful philosophy, somehow, got diluted in our practice. In my opinion, it is more important to forgive than to ask for forgiveness. We need to forgive others, not because they need our forgiveness. It is because we need to release ourselves from the rage, hostility and resentment we carry within us when we don’t forgive. I have often heard people say, “I have no problem forgiving. If he/she asks, I will forgive him/her.” This is not true forgiveness. It just feeds our own ego and does more harm than good. Forgiveness is not a sense of false humility that makes us better than somebody else. It is an attitude that sets us free, so that we are not continually re-victimized by our wounds. The other excuse people use for not being willing to forgive someone is “If I forgive so easily, he/she will continue doing the same thing and will never learn a lesson”. Well, there is a penalty for not granting forgiveness. The penalty we experience is the hurt that remains trapped within us, which rots a portion of our body, mind and soul daily. In order to heal ourselves of the wounds inflicted upon us we must be willing to forgive those who hurt us, totally and unconditionally. It does not mean that we must go and tell them that they are forgiven. It doesn’t mean, if we are the offending party, we must go to the other and beg for their forgiveness. Realization of our mistake and true repentance (Prayaschitta) can in itself set new direction for our life. Forgiveness not only makes us whole once again, it energizes us and makes our world more beautiful that ever. In my case, I have always been hurt a lot easier than I used to admit to and in the past, instead of healing my hurt, I would deny it. I believed I should not be hurt so easily. The problem with this denial is that it created secret resentments and I experienced depression so deep within me that it almost incapacitated me. Learning to forgive has made all the difference. As someone once said, “Forgiveness isn’t about letting him or her off the hook… it’s about taking the knife out of your soul”. When it comes to forgiveness, it is far better to have a small amount of the real thing than massive quantities of the fake stuff." Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 23 From the Mayo clinic on the health benefits of forgiveness… What are the benefits of forgiving someone? Researchers have recently become interested in studying the effects of being unforgiving and being forgiving. Evidence is mounting that holding on to grudges and bitterness results in long-term health problems. Forgiveness, on the other hand, offers numerous benefits, including: Lower blood pressure Stress reduction Less hostility Better anger management skills Lower heart rate Lower risk of alcohol or substance abuse Fewer depression symptoms Fewer anxiety symptoms Reduction in chronic pain More friendships Healthier relationships Greater religious or spiritual well-being Improved psychological well-being Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 24 Surrender Give up your control with faith in the synchronicity and abilities of the Divine SURRENDER to the timing and the process of the Universe. If you are clear, persistent, passionate and keep your faith during the process, then your request will be answered. It is the Law. One of the Buddhist noble truths is that “Suffering arises from attachment to desires.” There is a grand difference between being attached to the idea of a new car and asking for it and surrendering to the knowledge that it will come when it’s time. And if it doesn’t, then there is a higher purpose in that outcome. There is faith that something better is in the works. This is true SURRENDER. From Kirk VandenBerghe & Sandy Breckenridge, “If I am able to remain unattached to results, I am happy. It is when I am so attached to a certain outcome that I suffer. I know that I can manifest all the goals and dreams that I've been given by my Higher Aspects, if I can let go of my attachments, particularly my attachment to time. Time makes me feel I am behind or not doing enough. It is only when I measure my goals against time that I grow impatient. I will begin to know that time does not matter. I've got eternity, after all.” Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 25 Keeping the Faith Be mindful of the personal need for Gratitude, Forgiveness and Surrender. Honor these actions and practice them daily. Set the intention of building your capacity to trust that all is in divine order, regardless of outward appearances. Prayer Reciting an actual prayer. Choose a prayer that really resonates for you and say it out loud every day. Meditation – either guided or silent. You can also walk alone in nature for a meditative experience. Read inspirational books General positive attitude Affirmations – Louise Hay has some wonderful books with powerful affirmations. You can also easily make up your own. Setting a goal to move through whatever healing you need to process, however is right for you. EFT® for anxiety Start a gratitude journal Faith Faith is very dependent upon your daily spiritual practices of prayer and your attitude. Bring practices into your life that keep you connected to Spirit and the angels and allow yourself to witness the magic of the flow of the Universe. Health Your physical health – or more specifically – your intention for good health is essential to your ability to manifest. If in one moment you say “I love myself and ask the angels to help me build a new career” and in the next moment you make a choice that isn’t a loving choice for your body, then you are, in essence, believing that you are undeserving of abundance. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 26 Step 3: Co-Create! Of course Co-Creation is really a theme throughout the manifestation cycle, but it is most pronounced with this third step because this is where you choose to respond to your request...or not. It is here that you must (1) listen, (2) process, and (3) choose to create with clarity, intention and in alignment with your angels and your Angelic Blueprint/Human Design. Following these 3 steps is what it means to follow your true guidance. It’s also how you will develop a deep trust in your ability to make successful choices. This is the process of Creation. Listening So now that you have Asked and are doing your work to Believe, you must listen to the responses that the Universe is Creating for you. The emphasis here is on listening, because your angels are creating the response. The HOW of your request will not be provided by you. It will be chosen by you, but not provided by you. This is a critical distinction in the roles of co-creation with Source. If you Ask for a new car and your soul agrees, “it’s time”, there are many ways that a new car can manifest in your life. It can be a gift from a friend, a second job opportunity, a low-interest, affordable loan, etc… Your angels will provide sometimes multiple answers to your request. It is in this step that you hear their messages. You must step aside and allow the Universe to respond and you must hear its voice! Listen through whatever means works best for you. Your emotions are generally a good indicator of what actions you need to take, just be truthful as to where they are actually at. Processing How do the answers you are receiving feel in your soul? Which ones feel sort of right, but sort of not right? Is there one that feels 100% YES!? Ask your angels, have you received enough information to make a decision yet? This is especially important if you are emotionally defined. Is there an answer that is more in alignment with your Angelic Blueprint/Human Design strategy/authority? In this step in the creation process, you are pulling together information you have received. Remember, your energetic expression is designed to be successful when you use it properly and to your advantage. If you are a generator or manifesting generator and you are trying to push rather than respond, your soul will not succeed. If you are a projector and you haven’t been invited, you will struggle. If you are a manifestor and you are working in a vacuum without informing the appropriate people in your life, you will alienate opportunity. And if you are a reflector and don’t wait 28 days to make significant decisions, you will likely make a choice that feels right only some of the time; the rest of the time, it may feel very wrong. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 27 Choosing And now that you have some answers, you can make your choice. Whatever is in alignment with your Human Design, decide with intention and passion. What feels right in the core of your soul? If you have to ask too many times, “is this right?”, then it probably isn’t. Follow what feels really good in your heart not in your head! What you choose may seem illogical, but if you know it’s right, it’s right! If an opportunity is presented to you and it doesn’t feel totally wonderfully yummy, then don’t do it! Remember YOU are the master Creator! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 28 Listen to Your Guidance It is NOT up to you how your request will be answered. The HOW and WHEN lies in the hands of Spirit. Your job is to choose the answer that’s right for your soul. This step in the process is a lot about awareness and surrender! (NOTE: this very directly relates to following your Human Design authority for decision making. This subject is covered in depth in the Human Design for Coaching elective.) Examples 1. If the angels decide you need to meet someone to help you on your path and are guided by them to go to Starbucks by a sudden and unusual craving for a Caramel Macchiato and your heart is saying “YES!” and you are told it is of service, you need to listen! You may be destined to meet someone there who will be your partner, and if you miss the opportunity, you could be waiting a long time before another door opens for you. If, however, there’s something about this guidance that doesn’t feel right, then ask your angels if this excursion is indeed necessary and on your highest path? Is your resistance coming from a place of ego, or is it because another better answer is on its way? Your angels will guide you if you ask them. Trust it and realize that the clearer your communication with them, the easier this process will be. 2. You want to check your emails again and finish that draft of a proposal due tomorrow. If you take the time for these tasks, however, you will miss your chance for a walk with your dogs. Depending on how much your angels believe you need the walk, they may very well tell you it’s not of service to do this work. The greater service may be in nurturing your energy so that you have greater capacity to serve tomorrow. The energy and ideas to finish your draft will likely flourish when given the space to nurture and create. Abundance is a mindset and a state of being, not something accomplished with endless action. 3. Your best friend really needs to talk about the demise of her marriage. You’re scheduled for a first time client and don’t know what to do because you really want to take care of your friend. Ask your angels, which is of greater service. And when they respond that it’s to go for coffee with your friend, you call your client who says “you know, I was planning to come, but my daughter isn’t feeling well so it’s really better for me to reschedule anyways.” Mastering the Law of Attraction and creating a life your soul desires is attainable. All it takes is focus and commitment to your work. You will get out of it what you put into it (by way of the Law of Attraction!). As you cycle around through the ABCs of Abundance with your angels, strive to clear the confusion and continue to do the work to keep the priorities of the body, mind and soul aligned. And remember, in the mind of God and the angels, you already are a master creator! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 29 Module Two Anatomy of a Coaching Session “Nature magically suits a man to his fortunes, by making them the fruit of his character.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Getting your coaching session management down pat is crucial for being a professional coach. You can master all the techniques in the world, but if you can’t be clear about your coaching process, charge an appropriate rate, or manage your time effectively, then you won’t stay in business for very long. It takes practice to master your professional side, but rest assured that you can – and will - do it! You’re #1 job is to help your client heal by discovering their personal truth and to eliminate any distractions that could prevent this from happening. To accomplish your goal of being an ace coach, you need to establish clear goals, be clear about your role as the coach and your client’s role as your customer. Lastly, you need to understand what it takes to best serve them. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 30 Part One Managing the Coaching Session How you combine your tools is unique to you. The two primary suggestions I have are one to practice, practice and then practice some more. And second, experiment as guided by your angels. You will know what is in your client’s best interest, so trust that. Outline of a Typical Coaching Session First, you’re going to want to welcome your client and help them get settled in. Use breathing or prayer if need to change the energy. The goal is to create energy that’s easy to work with. Next, check in and: Revisit the client’s goals What’s happened since last time? How did they do with their action steps? Continue your core coaching work using various techniques and following the energy based on what the check-in brings up. As you approach the last 10 minutes of the session, start to identify action items for homework and get commitment for follow through. Lastly, wrap up and summarize key points and action items as needed. Some coaches like to close with a prayer or blessing. Follow whatever outline feels best to you, just make sure you’re professional and accomplish what your client needs to accomplish. Client Notes It is essential for good client management for you to take notes during your session. How you do that will depend upon what works best for you and whether you are meeting with them by phone, email or in-person. I use my computer and keep notes in an email that I keep in a folder for my client. You can use paper, word document, again whatever works best for you. Things to keep track of are: How are they today? What’s happened since the last session?How did they do with their homework? Where are they with their goals? What is the focus of today’s session? What are you working on? What are their next steps and action items? And yours (if any)? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 31 Pace Your Session Clients are often nervous at the beginning of working in a coaching relationship. They are not sure what to expect and somewhere inside know that changes are inevitable. And change makes people uncomfortable. I have had coaching sessions where clients start crying before any words are even exchanged. This is a normal release response from their soul for having committed to doing the work. I have also had clients who will try to talk incessantly as if they are scared of what will happen if they stop and allow the space for me to talk. And I have had some clients who are quite silent. Any of these reactions is usually their ego self attempting to intervene with the process of healing. Part of your job is to balance the dialogue and the pace of the session. None of these examples sited above is healthy for a session, so if your client talks too much, then you must interrupt them and gently explain that if they want to accomplish their healing goals, then you need to move on and lead the session. If your client doesn’t contribute much to the session, then you need to poke at the reasons why. This is an indication that there is an emotional block that needs healing. One last point about pacing your session is to stay on track with your appointment times. At the beginning of your practice, you may have lots of time between sessions, but it’s important to develop the habit of scheduled start and stop times early on. This will train both you and your clients as to how you operate. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 32 Challenging Clients As you already know, you attract clients to assist you with your own healing process. When you encounter one who gives you struggle, be grateful. Your gratitude will help you see the lesson more swiftly and easily. Typical scenarios: 1. The demanding-client-who-knows-no-boundaries Ahhhhhhhh…such a common occurrence for us Lightworkers! Our hearts are big and we want to help everyone with all of their needs. The trouble is, some people will take advantage of this quality. There are so many ways our clients – whom we dearly love – will push against and cross over boundaries. With money, time, unreasonable requests, etc… The trick is to keep yourself on an even keel and be firm and loyal to what feels right in your heart…no matter how tough that may feel. 2. The client-in-denial When emotional and spiritual blockages are very stubborn, your clients may think you’re barking up the wrong tree. If you are certain your guidance is right, then stick with it. Worse case is that you will lose your client. But if you were true to your path, then it’s very likely that your client will benefit from your guidance sooner or later. I’ve had clients come back to me many months later and say “you were right about…” Our job is not to keep the clients in our practices for the sake of business, but only for the sake of their healing. Your angels will tell you if you’re off the mark with your advice and they will tell you if your message needs to be tweaked. Just trust! 3. The mad-at-you-because-they’re-mad-at-the-angels-client At the root, anger is always about anger towards the self. It’s always pointed inward. And thus, always at God and the angels. When your client gets angry, you must keep your peace and stay aligned with your angels. Don’t take it personally, for their regrets are their own gift of healing. 4. The mirroring-you-client If a portion of an angel reading message for your client is meant for you, guess what? A portion of their healing message is meant for you. When you do EFT® with someone else, you are releasing for yourself as well. If you happen to have a client who annoys you on some level or pushes your buttons, then you have an arrow pointing directly towards where you have healing work to do. Your client is holding a mirror just for you! 5. The non-compliant-client It’s frustrating to work with clients who say one thing and do another. If your client repeatedly doesn’t do the homework you set out for them, then your first attempts must be to work through the emotional blockages to self-care. This is a clear indication that your client does not want to heal. And if you target this issue and give your client doable homework, then you are not only entitled, but truly obligated to either set them straight or let them know you can’t continue the coaching relationship. This may feel harsh, but it also may be an indication that you aren’t the best coach for them or that this isn’t the right time in their lives. It is not doing them a favor to continue on. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 33 Bottom line is to focus your efforts on the clients you can help. If when working with a challenging client you’re getting the sense that you can’t really help them, then figure out a strategy for moving them to a place where they can get help. Perhaps they’d do better with another coach, or they just need to have you make clear the conditions you view for opening their healing process. Not an easy topic, but stay close to your guidance as you work through these situations. Client Empowerment While this topic is a thread throughout the whole coaching process, I’ve included it here as it follows our discussion about managing challenging clients. Ultimately, your client can/should only go where they are ready to go, where they are open and ready to allow. Your role is to lead, but never push because pushing is disempowering. Always, always, always view your role as one of empowering your client. Even if – especially if – they are pushing buttons left and right. When this happens, your angels have sent you a lesson and the sooner you embrace your role as the true empowering coach, the sooner you will resolve any friction. Own your part in the healing! When I’m unclear of how to do that, I ask, “How would Mary Magdalene handle this? Or Mother Mary? Or Jesus?” I get really honest with myself about how to shift into a place of compassion and love. Discover the process that moves you into this place, because I promise, you’ll need it! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 34 Time Management Sometimes we feel complete with a session when the client feels satisfied, and/or we feel done or the clock runs out of time. As you become a professional Coach, it is critical that you create the space for the angels to do all the work they believe is essential. Balancing this with keeping a schedule can be challenging, but is essential to running a successful business. 1. As you are conducting your session, keep an eye on the time and check in with the angels to determine if you are on track to completing their agenda. 2. As guided, let your client know that it is a priority for you to answer their questions, but if they begin to ask questions that the angels feel are less important that their agenda and you are pressed for time, you may need to adjust the session a bit and perhaps address their other questions another time. Sometimes clients will play the avoidance game. If they know the angels may tell them something they don’t want to hear, they will fill up the time with trivial questions. 3. Be mindful of how you train your clients. If you always go over by 10 minutes, then they will expect that and it’s hard to undo. Establish healthy time management and boundary practices at the beginning of your client relationship. 4. Finish your session by reviewing the key themes and reiterating the action steps. 5. Always, always, always leave your client feeling supported and loved!! Make certain that if you have just told them something that is difficult to hear, that you have also brought forth a message of light and hope. They have to see the light on the path and your role is to shine it…with love!!!! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 35 Part Two Coaching Session Ground Rules Goal Setting When you begin working with a client, it is essential to ask them to set goals for working together. While in a reading, you asked them what they wanted to learn, in a coaching session you must guide them on their healing path. Coaching is not about finding out if the angels are taking care of grandma-on-the-other-side. This is about helping them to heal the pain resulting from grandma’s loss and healing that pain at its source. Work in partnership with them on their goal setting, always letting them take the lead, but gently guiding them as needed with an appropriate healing purpose with goals based in positive, love-based growth rather than fear. You will be using these goals set in the beginning as your guidepost for subsequent sessions. They are your focal point for the beginning of each session together until it is time to move onto new goals. Examples of well-structured goals: I’d like to learn more about my connection with the angels and go deeper with them (translation – live their truth!) I’d like to improve my relationship with my husband I’d like to get more in touch with what I’m here to do, to discover my mission in life and start to do it I’d like to learn how to use my intuition more effectively and consistently I’d like to know how I can parent my children with less confrontation and chaos, with more peace and compassion I’d just like to feel healthier, eat better, want to be more inspired about life I feel like I’m just living day to day and I’d like to be more excited about waking up in the morning When you follow up with clients in subsequent sessions, sometimes a client will lose focus and start on an unrelated topic. While there are times when this is appropriate indicating that the goals need to evolve, it can be an avoidance strategy, so be sure to check in with your guidance in the interest of keeping them comfortable while guiding them forward, and often out of their comfort zone. More on this later… Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 36 The True Healer The client’s goals are essential because they give focus for your sessions however, it’s important to understand that the angels will always be working their agenda of personal empowerment to help your client discover the truth that lies within their soul, their inner healer. Recognize that you are not their healer; your client is the healer. As the Coach, you are the guide and your role is to facilitate your client’s healing. Your role is to open doors to wellness for their inner healer to step forward and embrace health and personal empowerment. Homeopathy is based on the belief that the body already knows how to heal itself. This is also true of Cranial Sacral Therapy and other well-respected healing modalities. In essence, your client’s soul already knows what it needs to do to guide the body to a perfect state of health and wellness. In truth, your client is already healed. This is exactly what is meant by “I choose to see you in all others and in myself” in The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. God and the angels do not see us as sick – ever. They see us as healed and whole and this is the perspective that you must learn to adopt. Yes, this can create some interesting situations, but as you shine the light on your client’s highest path and provide the roadmap for getting there, they are given the space and grant themselves the permission to heal. Illness, disease and emotional imbalance come from years of stress, trauma and heartbreak that allow people to convince themselves that they are unwell and that their highest path is unattainable. The result is that they judge themselves, lack self-worth, and lose their sense of self. They lose the connection to that truth of already being healed. They lose their connection to the Divine. The simple answer to why this happens is conditioning. Clients are conditioned to believe that they aren’t good enough, that they’re meant to be a doctor when their soul’s desire is to be a mountain ranger, that they’re supposed to stay in an unloving relationship because they’ve “made their bed”, that they have to stay in a caustic work situation because it pays the bills and there’s no point in desiring anything else because the economy’s bad, they’re not good enough, etc… They’ve lost the connection with what truth is for them and they’re lost in believing the truths that others hold for them.** Your job is to guide them to re-establish the connection with their inherent truth! **Note: this doesn’t mean that your client is mis-aligned if they need a doctor’s help. The angels may well guide them to a physician for resolution. It all goes back to intention! ;) Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 37 Serving your Client The most important aspect to keep in mind during the session is to focus on your client. The session is all about them! They need: to be physically, mentally and emotionally comfortable to know, without question, that you are listening to them – use their words whenever possible. Go back to examples they may have shared with you during session to understand your words clearly and completely. Check in with important messages and ask them if your words make sense. Does the message resonate? to feel the Love of the angels through you You don’t have to like your client’s behaviors, but you do need to ensure they feel loved. Your healing task will be to release any judgments in order to create a safe space for their healing. See them as God sees them – always! (And you benefit too!) Allow the Release When clients have a release, it can happen in several ways. Usually they cry, but sometimes they laugh, yawn or have some kind of physical sensation. When your client has a release, it is imperative that you do not interrupt the process! It is hard to watch someone cry and we want our clients to feel better. But if you stop the release process with a hug, by handing them a tissue, with any kind of interruption, the release halts. As your client releases, beam them with Love and sit quietly while they finish. Once they have given a sign that it’s done, then hug them, gently touch them, hand them a tissue, whatever you feel you need to do. But do them a favor, and allow the release. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 38 Choose Your Words from a Higher Place Language is an interesting thing. It is said that words are 2 layers removed from the source. We receive, we think and process, and then we speak. During all phases of channeling, we apply our personal filters. We receive images that we can relate to. We make associations based on our experience. And we choose words that are familiar. A message given to Coach A may very well come be stated differently than the same message given to Coach B. Provided both delivery methods are from a place of angelic Love, there is nothing to be concerned about. Unless you’re an extremely advanced channeler, it’s nearly impossible to shut the filters off. And the beauty is that personal filters typically add great depth to a reading. Clients love to relate to your story and your filters help to accomplish that. The dynamic here to be aware of is choosing your words from a higher place and ensure they consist of only Love. When you struggle to do this, take a moment to breathe and simply ask your angels to help. Some examples: If you say, “I hope you will remember to follow through with your action steps”, there is an energy of doubt that is left with the client. If, however, you rephrase it as, “I trust you will remember to follow through with your action steps”, then you are holding your client in energy of the highest belief. “You need to see a doctor as soon as possible” versus “My sense is that it would be best for you to see a doctor to put your mind at ease and to be sure there’s nothing that needs immediate attention.” One other element to be aware of with your message delivery is that the tone of your voice speaks volume. If you become doubtful or get alarmed, your client will pick up on it. Your role is to BE the peace! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 39 Be the Guide Angel readers often feel as though they need to do all the talking. There is an expectation that the messages are supposed to come through them, and only them, and that the client’s role is to be passive and mostly silent. In a coaching session, nothing could be further from the truth. Balanced dialogue is what creates the space for the healing to occur. There are two reasons why it is important for you to play the role of the active guide and not the domineering practitioner. First, many clients live their days feeling unheard. When you give them your undivided attention, you are acknowledging that their needs are important. Second, when you guide the conversation in a masterful way, you often get the client to come to their own conclusions making their realizations that much more powerful. If you have a really challenging message that needs to come through, create dialogue and leading questions that will guide your client to state the message themselves. The truth is, they already know the answer on some level and when the words come out of their mouths, the message carries more weight. Once they have responded, you can confirm or deny it with the message you received and lead them to their truth. For example, “The relationship with your spouse is really unhealthy, I recommend you leave him” versus “do you think your relationship is supporting your emotional state? Do you feel you are receiving the Love you deserve?” If the conclusions your client verbalizes feel untrue to you, then persist as guided. This is often when you need to use EFT® to help them release obstacles and false beliefs. Remember you are leading your client to their truth which many times they are unable to see and why they’ve come to you in the first place. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 40 Part Three Action Steps Coaching Action Steps As you transition from an angel reader to an Angelic Life Coach, the angels will be assisting you by giving messages that contain more content. In the ACS module, you learned to listen to the requests of your client and answer their questions. You also shared messages on the angels’ agenda. You learned how to give professional level angel readings. With coaching, you will now start to receive an angels’ agenda that is more complete and will give more advice for helping your client understand the changes they need to make and what steps they need to take. The angels will be playing a more active part in creating change of a higher purpose. To this end, homework is a must. In order to coach your client to create lasting changes between sessions, you must get them to initiate change in their daily lives. And the best way to do this is to give them assignments. Never end a coaching session without assigning some action steps! (…even if the action step is just to rest or play more!) Assigning Action Steps As you are conducting your reading, you will receive from your angels at least 3-5 concrete action steps for your client to take. These action steps will be simple, specific and doable for your client to visualize and incorporate into their daily life. More than 3-5 tasks will make them feel overwhelmed. Less than 3 tasks is less common, though possible when the angels are really emphasizing one or two things. (Note: if you only receive 1 action item to assign and you’re clear on your guidance, really emphasize this 1 action step…it’s essential!) Most importantly make certain the advice you give is from the angels and feels achievable and not too airy for your client. If the angels state that the tips are doable and the client does not then your angels are leading you somewhere else. Sometimes it’s simply some tapping to do in session to release obstacles to healing. Sometimes it can entail more intensive sleuthing to get to the bottom of an issue. The original action item may have been brought up to uncover a core issue. For example, if the angels recommend spending 10 minutes of quiet time each day and the client can’t comply, perhaps there’s an underlying issue that the client doesn’t trust themselves alone with their own thoughts. It may take some work to uncover the source of that belief, but it’s a linchpin in the client’s healing. Their action item may well become tapping daily on some aspect of that issue replacing the prior action item. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 41 Remember, you’re not done until you, your client and the angels are in sync and your client has really taken ownership of their actions! Think of this as a contract for your work together. Examples of advice that is NOT grounded are: 1) You should drink more water 2) Try getting outside more to get fresh air and maybe a little exercise 3) Do something more for yourself 4) Pay more attention to your physical health 5) Tap on your self-esteem issues 6) Vague or no discussion about next appointment Examples of grounded advice are: 1) drink more water – at least 2 more glasses/day 2) exercise outside 3-4 times/week; the gym is not a healthy environment for you because you really need the fresh air 3) begin to follow your heart and do things for yourself. Start with spending one hour a week that is dedicated just to what you want. Pick a day that will work and stick to it. 4) you really need to consult with a doctor, I’m picking up on some possible health issues with your liver. I encourage you not to worry about this, but I do suggest you schedule an appointment with your doctor within the next week or two. 5) Tap 3 times everyday with the following setup: Even though I don’t believe I’ll ever be worthy of a successful business, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally. 6) It would be a good idea for us to meet again in a month; would you like to set that up now? Follow Up on Action Steps When you begin your next session, start by revisiting the client’s goals and then check in with them to see how they did with their action steps. Gently ask what they were able to accomplish and what has changed in their lives since you last met. If they weren’t able to comply with their homework, then this is an indication of where you may need to focus. People will come up with all kinds of reasons why things don’t happen, and sometimes they are true and often times there is little substance because the truth is, they were afraid to do the work. Most people are afraid of change. There is no judgment here, it’s all happened to show you where there’s work to be done. Perhaps the client doesn’t want to heal. You need to help them see that it’s safe. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 42 Part Four Business Basics Starting your coaching business is a course in and of itself. That said, there are a few elements unique to coaching that are important to touch upon, because to be a successful coach, you must also be a successful business person… Best Client Payment Practices It is best to be upfront with your clients about your payment, scheduling and cancellation policies. At the same time, if you are too fierce, you may turn people away. I remember I was given a reading as a Christmas present many years ago. When I finally scheduled it and had my session, I really enjoyed it. My obstacles to continued work with this practitioner, however, were that she had little to no flexibility with her office hours which were quite limited. Additionally, she had a requirement that payment be received prior to the session and she didn’t take online payment. These barriers were enough to turn me away as an ongoing client simply because it was too much work to meet with her. Post your payment requirements and make it easy for your clients to pay you. Also post your cancellation policy so that your clients are aware of it, but it’s not in their face. Keep office hours that meet your personal needs but render you available. If people are going to open themselves and trust you with their life’s challenges, you need to be accessible. Taking a Salary If you are building a practice that includes other practitioners, employees, or partners, it is essential that you pay yourself first. And even if you are a sole practitioner and feeling financially constricted because you’re in startup mode, pay yourself first. Our healing mindset keeps us operating out of our upper chakras. It’s the lower chakras that revel in comfort and material sustainability. Too many times, healers dismiss the needs of the lower chakras and neglect the needs of the physical body. As hard as it may be, keep an account that is yours and yours alone, and pay yourself first! Recommended Reading: John DeMartini, author of How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven, makes a very convincing argument for this critical step in the sustainability of your business. Marianne Williamson, author of the Divine Law of Compensation is based on A Course in Miracles and is an awesome resource. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 43 Disclaimers Be clear about what you are…and what you are not. Unless you have training from another program, you will not be licensed and you are not a therapist. The lines with this can feel grey when you’re mid-session, but keep this in mind and be sure your clients know this. When a client’s situation starts to spiral out of your comfort zone, it may well be time to refer them to a doctor. If you’re thinking perhaps you should, then you should. Professional Space for Your Practice Whether you work from your home or rent space elsewhere, there are 4 key points to keep in mind: 1. Is your space comfortable, safe and clean for your clients? Does it feel really good and healing for them? Keep in mind the elements of feng shui and use this paradigm as you feel guided to keep the flow of your space clear and clean. 2. Is your office easily accessible? In other words, are you situated in close proximity to your target market? Is it easy to get to and well marked? Is there ample parking? 3. Is your space affordable? If it is a stretch, is it in alignment with your plans for growth? On the other hand, does your space allow for ease of growth? Or are you limiting yourself? 4. Who/what are the other businesses in the building? Do they, or their energy, contribute to the growth of your practice? What is the overall potential of the environment? Your office represents who you are as a coach. If your space is cluttered, then that is the impression you give your clients. If your space is clean and your clients experience healing just by being in your space, then you have accomplished a great thing. Always realize that your space is a very important aspect of your business. If you do work by phone, then be sure that you have a good quality phone line that doesn’t allow for interruptions. If you wish to offer recordings for sessions, there are several online companies. The one I recommend is The other consideration is the phone cost. If you are going to be doing a lot of phone work, then I suggest an unlimited calling plan. You can use an 800 number to help with your client’s costs, but it does cost about $0.03/minute. Remember that your phone interaction is just as important as your office space! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 44 Keep Your Work Schedule in Balance Along with knowing when to hire is knowing when to take time off. There’s a common myth in our society that the more you work, the more you will achieve. We are a culture that is all about “doing” and not much about “being”. It took me about two years before I realized that I needed to take Sundays off – completely – no online or offline work whatsoever. And, I need to take time during the week that is just for replenishing myself. When I don’t allow for this, I stunt my creative potential. I remember one of my prominent teachers who at the beginning of a business course directed us to mark off every 6th weekend for R&R. Translation: two out of every 42 days was for replenishment. At the time, I thought, there’s no way. I already knew I needed more time than that, but I still pushed myself hard thinking that this was a proper model for creating an abundant practice. No! Your personal guidelines are what’s right! I strongly encourage you to embrace life to its fullest. No matter how much you love your work, you will love it more if you give yourself time to grow outside of your practice. Spend time with family, friends and just by yourself. This is where you will deeply explore yourself through other interests – and have fun in the process! Live Your Design Yes, even in your business you must make decisions in alignment with your Angelic Blueprint/Human Design. If you are not a manifestor and are pushing to make something happen, what do you think will be the result? If you are a projector and no one has invited you in setting up your practice in a specific location, do you think it will flow easily? We have covered this concept in great depth in other modules and the purpose here is to simply remind you to apply what you’ve learned to building your practice. Maintain Flexibility With any business, flexibility is key because change is inevitable. Imagine if McDonald’s never developed the drive-thru or if Dunkin Donuts didn’t figure out that serving soup was a less-than-brilliant idea. As you try new ideas, with respect to any aspect of your business, keep a pulse on what is working and what is not. There is a delicate balance between staying the course with a good idea and knowing when to abandon ship. Again, keep the dialogue open with your angels. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 45 Gentle Warnings If you do not run your business with clarity and a strong sense of purpose, you will not accomplish your goals of living an all around abundant life doing your divine healing work. It is essential that you follow the steps that have been outlined in this course to go forward on your mission. This takes great energy and dedication, so if you are not able to put 100% of yourself into the process, then the best option for you may be to wait. Intend to start and sustain your business – whatever it’s destined to be - with clarity and commitment to achieve abundant success. As an intuitive being, you already know or sense much of what is coming into your future. Because of this inherent gift, you may struggle with patience because you already know what’s going to happen. The catch 22 is that when it takes a little longer to manifest, you may begin to doubt and then what you are creating begins to change because of your doubt. Stay steadfast in your practices of prayer, meditation and selfnurturing. When doubt seems to cloud your life, double your efforts and strive to stay focused on what you really want, not what you believe might be happening. Strive to focus on how you are destined to serve and what you love to do in each moment. This may sometimes fly in the face of what you believe you “should” be doing. Stay in your place of faith and trust your guidance and as you follow your path of service, you will be brilliant! Encouragement According to SCORE, “there were 671,000 new businesses and 544,800 closures. Twothirds of new employer firms survive at least two years, and about 44% survive at least four. Findings do not differ greatly across industry sectors.” I believe when you are ready to take the step and as you follow your guidance in service, you will be in the 44%! Why? Because you will be doing what you came here to do! Go forth and change the world! You are an integral and essential thread in the fabric of our Universe and you have chosen to bring our planet to a place of greater peace. Clarify your business, do your work and have a fabulous time! It has been my honor to work with you and I look forward to the continual evolution of our relationship! Know that you will always have support and love in my heart and in the community ministry of AngelsTeach. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 46 Module Three The Coaching Toolkit “A feeble man can see the farms that are fenced and tilled, the houses that are built. The strong man sees the possible houses and farms. His eye makes estates as fast as the sun breeds clouds.” Ralph Waldo Emerson With a combination of your ever-deepening intuitive connection with the angels, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Angelic Blueprint/Human Design, muscle testing, creative visualization, affirmations, prayer, journaling with the angels, and drawing analysis you have a powerful toolkit to open the doors of potential for your clients and create the space they need to heal and build a life they love. You will learn how to lead your client in their healing process and give tangible, grounded advice showing a pathway for change that is truly accessible and highly effective. It is as if you are shining a spotlight on a path before them that has been dark until their meeting with you. You are showing them that there is a path and that it is safe to take steps forward along it. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 47 Part One Applying Angel Communication Attune to Your Environment You learned this in your ACM training, but it’s important enough to repeat. Everything going on in your environment and in your mind is relevant during a session. Remember that you are attracting everything in your life. Remember also that the angels are always communicating with you. So when with a client, the angels are orchestrating what’s going on around you, so it is important to pay attention. For example, in my house, the traffic flows by smoothly and indicates that the reading is progressing. If a policeman drives by with the siren alarmed, I pay attention to what I am saying at that time. Do I need to emphasize the point? Is there something alarming underneath the message? Is there more that I need to know that I might be blocking? Or maybe the cat jumps up on my lap at a certain point in the reading. She can represent many things for me including independence, nurturing, or feminine energy. The point is not to be obsessive about your environment, but rather to build awareness. Sometimes the cat will jump up and it doesn’t really mean anything significant. The point is to ask the angels if there is an additional message in the reading. As you practice, you will know the difference. Let the Angels Be Your Guide One of the most powerful aspects of coaching is that we act as the true instruments of peace. The more you surrender and allow the angels to drive your session, the better. Use their guidance with what questions to ask, whether or not you need to use cards, and how/when to apply EFT, Human Design, or prayer, etc... View yourself in session as the angels’ messenger and put your ego aside. Some clients will need you to find techniques other than EFT, some will want you to always use angel cards, some will just need to talk. Again, stay in tune with your guidance always this is how you can have the greatest effect on your clients. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 48 Part Two Emotional Freedom Techniques Overview Emotional Freedom Techniques is a powerful way to clear blockages on all levels. In combination with Human Design and angel communication, it’s possible to have dialogue directly with your client’s soul to identify and release the healing priority points. EFT is a tool that you will likely find you use frequently in your coaching. Whenever you have a negative experience, your body registers it as a vibration and stores the memory of that experience in your body’s energetic expression. As you accumulate life experiences, you collect vibrations – some good, some not-so-good. And when you have a situation that triggers something from your past, it can cause an amplified reaction simply because of the history that this event brings up. Have you ever wondered why you reacted to something so strongly and that perhaps you were overreacting? EFT® is the process of tapping on various points of the body and accessing these vibrations through the meridians, which are the energetic highways through the body. By releasing these emotions and replacing them with forgiveness and love, the energetic expression is cleared of negative feelings and blockages. EFT® has been used for all kinds of conditions ranging from simple phobias to complex cases of cancer. The theory is that emotions and limiting beliefs lie at the root of disease. EFT® is a method for unlocking the pattern of emotions that have trapped doubt, fear and lack of confidence. So as you are tapping, you will realize that other emotions, memories or sensations arise. Before you move on to the next blockage, you must “follow the breadcrumbs” and tap on whatever has come up. For example, if while you are tapping on feelings of abandonment you recall a time when your mother left you at the playground, then you must tap on that. Or if you suddenly get a constriction in your chest while tapping on anxiety about changing careers, tap on the physical feeling in your chest. Just follow the trail! With help from your angels, your body knows where it needs to go! (Please refer to Appendix B for more information.) Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 49 The EFT Setup The standard format for an EFT® setup is “Even though __________, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally.” The blank is filled in with statements such as “I am filled with rage that I’m still working my day job…” or “it really sucks that my mother never spent time with me…” or “I’m so sad that I have cancer…” While some people struggle to tap on the negative emotions associated with healing and would rather use affirming statements instead, the angels assure me that this is the most complete and expeditious way to clear baggage. Affirmations are important and are often a necessary aspect of a healing protocol, but when used alone can be like BandAids on a gaping wound. The underlying issues need to be looked at head on, or they fester. This is another reason why it’s so important for you to hold the space for your client to feel safe doing their work. When using EFT®, it is essential to get the setup as accurate as possible. Use the client’s words, their experiences, their impressions. Be sure that the setup is theirs! You do not need to tap on every scenario that has ever summoned feelings of abandonment in order to release the bulk of the abandonment vibrations. Gary Craig gives the example of a card table with the surface of the table representing all the vibrations a person carries around any one challenge, in our sample case, abandonment. In order to release all the vibrations, your client only needs to knock out one of the table legs to bring the whole thing down. And realize that for some clients, the big issues may take some time and multiple sessions. While I emphasize that it is essential you get the setup right, I will also add that if you don’t get it 100%, you are still having a positive effect on your client. Just the fact that they are acknowledging the need to release unhealthy emotions and replace them with forgiveness and love is huge! Get creative! You can also tap on anything. And I mean anything. It can be a body sensation, a general blockage, an unidentifiable feeling, etc… I have often used the setup, “even though I have a block in my healing and I don’t know why, I love, …” or “even though I have this heavy pain in my chest that is making me anxious, I love,…” Don’t assume any limits! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 50 The EFT Process See Appendix B for a diagram and specific instructions for tapping. Once you have completed a round of EFT with your client (yes, you tap too!), take a deep breath and allow for some silence for processing. Then ask your client how they are feeling. What physical sensations did they/are they experiencing? Did they recall any memories? Have any emotions surfaced or intensified? Guide them to notice anything that happened. One method for measuring change is to ask them on a scale of 1-10, how big is this issue. You can ask before you tap and then after to give you a sense of accomplishment. Remember that their release with any aspect of healing, including EFT, may happen in any number of ways. A yawn, a sigh, crying, laughter, etc… it’s different for everyone. Just allow it and do not interrupt their healing! Finish with Love At the end of a round of tapping to release lower vibrations, I find it’s uplifting and often clearing to end by tapping on the crown chakra “I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally” or some other affirmation that feels appropriate. Finish with love! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 51 Combining EFT with Human Design This is where the pedal hits the metal with Angelic Life Coaching. As you will learn learned in the Human Design section of the manual, it is possible to speak to the soul through what’s called the “sacral motor.” For Generators and Manifesting Generators, the guttural un-huh for yes or un-un for no is a brilliant means for cutting through layers of confusion and speaking with the higher self. By asking short, simple and wellarticulated questions, you can easily determine the priorities for your EFT work and formulate an effective EFT setup statement. This is the soul response used to find the entry point or doorway to healing. For other HD types, you can get to the same end result using the quick yes/no question approach rather than the sacral guttural method. Using the Soul Response Let’s say the theme you are working on with your client is our sample of abandonment. To get started with this technique, it is a good idea to help your client push their ego out of the way. For all types, just ask some questions according to their type with obvious answers. For example, “is your dog pink?” or “are you wearing sneakers?” or “is there a candle burning in the room?” Then you can quickly follow with, “do we need to tap on feelings of abandonment in your relationship with your husband?” Then perhaps you learn that while this is a prominent layer, it’s not the best entry point for release. So keep asking questions… “do we need to go back to when you were a child?” and then, “is the source of this issue related to a situation with your mother?” and then, “do we need to tap next on being left at the playground by your mother?” and so on. You can then ask, “is [insert EFT setup] the setup we need to use?” Combining EFT® with Human Design, in concert with the messages from your angels, is how you can access the truth that lies within your client’s soul. Their soul knows what healing needs to take place and this technique is how you can listen to the guidance from their truth. We will practice this technique quite a lot to ensure that you are comfortable with it. Generally speaking, if you are not able to get a clear soul response from your client, then it’s because either: your question is not simple enough and both the yes and no answers are trying to come through the client has a blockage with the answer. In this case, you can proceed with asking directly if there is a blockage and if the soul knows how it can be cleared. Many times in this case, energy work is very helpful. Combining EFT with Muscle Testing On rare occasions, it can be hard to find foundation using Human Design to find the entry point to healing. This is where muscle testing can be hugely helpful. Use your muscle testing skills on yourself in addition, or instead of, using the soul response. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 52 Surrogate Tapping When you are tapping with your client, you are actually connecting with their soul and assisting with their energetic release. This is called surrogate tapping, because your intention is to help them with their healing. You can also employ surrogate tapping for people (or animals) who are unable to tap for themselves. It’s all about intention! Borrowed Benefits Tapping with another person is typically more effective than tapping alone because of the collective energy. When tapping with your client, you will experience healing as well on issues you may not have even known were there. When tapping in a group, the theme may be relationships and a participant could have a healing around their career. It’s all about energy and sometimes labels can limit our understanding of what’s actually occurring. Be open to all possibility and if a client session brings up issues for you, that’s a gift! Experiment! Combining Human Design with EFT and angel communication is the heart of Angelic Life Coaching. Experiment with EFT for yourself and with family members and see what happens! Once again, don’t assume any limits! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 53 Part Three Angelic Blueprint/Human Design By Peter Roe, Human Design Specialist & Founder, What is Human Design? Human design is a tool to understand personal action and interaction from an energetic viewpoint. Human Design is a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, The Chinese I’Ching, quantum physics, the Hindu Chakra system and the Kabala. My visual representation for Human Design is the energetic wiring of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies, which integrates with your spiritual body or your soul. Just as the size and shape of crystals in a snowflake are affected by the temperature, the atmospheric pressure and the humidity level at their time of formation, your human design blueprint is energetically impacted at birth by the angles of the planets, stars the sun and the moon. What is the Angelic Blueprint? I like to call the Human Design body graph the Angelic Blueprint because it comes from the stars that are the home of the angelic forces and like the blueprint of a house; it illustrates the design and features. Are the rooms small and defined or are they open and airy. Is the house designed for efficiency or does it meander? The angelic blueprint sheds light on many of the attributes of how a person is designed to act through their energetic circuitry. What scientific facts support the electric model? The human body is an electric and energetic vehicle. The food you eat is broken down to provide energy. The energy is controlled by electronic signals to and from the brain. The signals travel down the pathways of the nerves to various parts of the body. Science has shown that thru electronic waves like lasers, electromagnetic pulse, and x-rays that cells and structures in the human body can be changed. Planets, stars, the sun and the moon give off electric and magnetic waves all the time which are measurable on the planet. It’s these waves of energy and the angles which they come from relative to planet earth that create your energetic blueprint during the fetus development and at birth. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 54 How does understanding Human Design help? By understanding your design features, both strengths and limitations, you can identify and create strategy to maximize your design. For example, a quiet contemplative design will probably do better in an academic setting, verses a position in the marketing or sales arena. A person with a design of investigation and experimentation needs space to carry that out. While these are very general examples, human design goes to very deep levels of detail. The more you understand your design, the design of your friends, your family and your children, the more you can identify areas of energetic conflict and areas of energetic synchronicity. The deeper you understand these areas, the more you can maximize productivity, increase harmony and reduce conflict by developing and implementing strategies. The more you live your design, the more aligned you are to carry forward your life purpose. What makes up the Human Design /Angelic Blueprint? The Blueprint consists of two sets of numbers surrounding planetary symbols, a graphic chart with lines and shapes and a section on Design Keynotes. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 55 The numbers The two sets of numbers are the key data that go into the graphic chart and are the elements that drive your design. These numbers are called gates These are the gates of the I’Ching. The gates on your chart are determined by the relative position of the planets to earth and a mathematical calculation as to what gate the energies of the planets are coming through at the time of your birth and approximately 88 days before birth when your soul crystal is seeded into your fetus. The Graphic Chart The gates are then fed into the graphical chart called the Rave body graph. Each of the 64 gates of the I’Ching are represented by half a line and a number. Each gate is connected to 1 of the nine centers. The 9 centers are represented by shapes of triangles, squares and a diamond. The centers are connected by a combination of 2 gates. Each 2 connecting gates form what is called a channel. The gate half lines are colored in for each gate occurrence in the columns numbers. When two connecting gates are colored in forming a defined channel, the centers on both ends are colored creating defined centers. Each chart has defined and undefined attributes. The defined attributes are colored in and the undefined attributes are white or not colored in. Understanding what is defined and what is not defined within a chart is the key to understanding the body graph. The Keynotes The keynotes are made up of several statements. These include your type and strategy which is key to living your design. They define the high level role that you play in this life. The profile is made up of two numbers. The interpretation of these two numbers describes the characteristics of how you play out your role in this lifetime. Are you investigative, experimental, a bit of a hermit, a social net-worker, projective, or more of a role model. The cross is the incarnation cross and is defined from the 4 lead gates of your design relating to the Sun and the Earth. The incarnation cross is the cornerstone to your life purpose. The definition speaks to the connectedness of your defined centers. The authority identifies where you can find true authority for making decisions while living your design. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 56 The 9 Centers of the Angelic Blueprint Note: The defined centers on the chart are colored in shapes. The undefined or open centers are white shapes. Head – Inspiration / Ideas Defined – About 1/8th of the population has a defined Head. They are here to generate ideas and inspire others. The defined Head is and inspiration and idea machine. The defined Head may not be aware that they are inspiring others. They find it easy to stay focused even in a noisy environment. The ideas may raise questions but they don’t feel under pressure to answer them. These ideas and inspirations are here for people with the open Heads to work on and to help find the answers. Challenge of the defined Head: How do you tell when it’s time to stop thinking? Undefined –. If you have an undefined Head it is unlimited in experiencing ideas and inspirations. It is like crystal and is here to magnify, highlight and expand the inspiration pouring forth from the defined Heads. People with undefined Heads may lose focus on their own ideas. They may struggle with what to order when looking at a menu in a restaurant because everything is inspiring or not. Undefined Heads need to make sure the ideas and inspirations they embrace and work on resonate with their core. They may experience pressure to find the answer to the questions of others. Questions of the open Head: Are you still trying to answer the questions of others that don’t truly inspire you? Are you still struggling for inspiration? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 57 Ajna – Details, thoughts and process of actions Defined – The Ajna center determines the storage of data and how you approach process. With a defined Ajna you are able to store large amounts of data, sometimes to the extent of overwhelming detail and trivial data. The Ajna also controls approach to process. A defined Ajna will have patterns, often in a set way of how to process things and do activities. People with a defined Ajna tend to always do chores such as laundry, folding their clothes or their morning routine in a precise manner. They may struggle when events interfere with these chores or routines. They resist when people try to make changes to the way they do things. It may be perplexing for them to think of doing it any other way. This is because their defined Ajna has learned the perfect way to do it and the energy reinforces the pattern. Challenge of the defined Ajna: Is “your way” keeping you stuck from moving forward? Undefined – The open Ajna is unlimited in the way it can think about things. People with an open Ajna can easily look at problems from many angels. They may vary their approach to tasks and chores and are flexible in trying them in new ways. They may struggle with remembering details even though at the time they learned them they felt confident they would remember. They may feel uncertain at times about decisions. At a restaurant they may change their mind often and then be disappointed in what their order shows up. The open Ajna can have difficulty maintaining focus in large groups or noisy situations. A strategy for the open Ajna is to write lists or write things down that they are going to need to recall later. Question of the open Ajna: Are you still trying to convince everyone you are certain? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 58 Throat – Communication and manifestation Defined – The defined Throat center has energy for communication that is consistent and energized. Often the defined Throat will speak of the subject or theme from the other defined centers with direct channels. For example, a defined Throat connected to a defined Spleen may talk of intuition, fear or doing things in the now. The defined Throat connected to the defined Ajna will talk of details and process. The defined Throat has energy to speak that is recognized in group situations. The Throat is not just about talking it is about communication in all forms, art, voice and action. It is this communication that brings things into existence through manifestation. Challenge of the defined Throat: Are you talking when you should be listening? Undefined – A person with an open Throat is unlimited in the ways they express themselves. They can often modulate their speech and voice to communicate with anyone in a way they will understand. The open Throat at times may struggle to be heard. It is the lack of consistent energy that causes the open Throat to go unrecognized. Development of elaborate strategies to be recognized are common for the open Throat. Or the open Throat may go silent having grown tired of not being heard. The strategy for the open Throat is to let the energy carry the message, that you have a lot to say. It is through this quiet focus that the open Throat will be recognized to speak. Question of the open Throat: Are you still trying to attract attention? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 59 G/Self – Identity, the self, and the seat of the soul Defined – The defined G center is comfortable and has a good understanding of who they are. They probably have a good sense of where they are going. The defined G may have a good sense of direction geographically. The defined G is usually less particular about their surroundings and where they sit in group settings. A person with a defined G will be able to return to center more easily due to shock or impact from energetic events. The defined G will have a more consistency in their method of connection with Spirit/God. Challenge of the defined G: Are you complacent with your connection to Spirit/God? Undefined – The open G is unlimited in who they are and how they define themselves. They can live out many different states of being. They may sometimes struggle with identify or find themselves. Their sense of their self may feel inconsistent or they may feel that who they are is constantly changing. If their world is impacted by events around them, they may struggle to come back to center. The open G may question their lovability, at times for no apparent reason. Question of the open G: Am I lovable? Am I doing the right thing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 60 Will – Will power and the Ego Defined – The defined Will center has will power to get things done. Only 1/8th the population has a defined Will. They must be careful not to over exert their will power just to get their way. The Will center is a pulse motor and is either on or off. When it is off their will power will be lacking. They must work to rest. The must honor their time of rest or they can damage their heart. The defined Will must choose their words carefully as the energy will set expectations with others, especially around promises and commitments even if they don't say "I promise". Challenge of the defined Will: Are you pushing to hard? Are you over promising with out knowing it? Undefined – The open Will center is unlimited in the way it experiences Will power but lacks the ability to get things done thru sheer will alone. The person with the open Will may use will power from those around them to get it done, but the better option is to succeed by using their strategy. An open Will may occasionally suffer from feeling not worthy or not valuable enough to charge for services or deeds. The open Will center is here to be truly wise about what is of value. Questions of the open Will: What are you trying to prove? Am I worthy? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 61 Spleen – Intuition, time and fear Defined – The defined Spleen center has complete understanding of time and the now. A person with a defined Spleen has their own defined energies of intuition. They usually have a grasp on time and are timely even when they don’t wear a watch. A defined Spleen is a feel good center. It is the center of the immune system. People with undefined Spleens like to hang out around the defined Spleens for no obvious reason. They are healing themselves by the energy of the defined Spleen. Challenge of the defined Spleen: Do you have people draining your splenic energy by hanging on? Undefined – The undefined Spleen center has unlimited abilities to understand intuition. They may experience time in unlimited and undefined ways. They may also be vulnerable to sudden rashes of fear. It is likely that a person with an undefined Spleen struggles with being on time. Often they are chronically early, chronically late or watching the clock like a hawk to ensure timeliness. A person with an open Spleen can feel when they are getting sick or feel others sickness when they are around them. It is a good idea for the open Spleen to envision a protective barrier when encountering hospitals or groups of people in close proximity. Question of the open Spleen: Are you holding onto to things from the past that are no longer good for you? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 62 Sacral – Generator motor, life force Defined – A defined Sacral center is the most powerful motor in the human design system. If your Sacral is defined you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator. The Sacral motor turns on in the morning, runs all day and burns out at night. A person with a defined Sacral experiences this energy of their own each day rising up from their Sacral center. The sacral energy has a physical quality to it and you must have some physical activity to burn out the motor. A person with a defined Sacral who doesn’t get physical activity during the day might take a short walk at night to help burn out the motor for proper sleep. Challenge of the defined Sacral: Are you using your Sacral motor according to your strategy? Undefined – A person with an undefined Sacral center can experience sacral energy in unlimited ways. The world is 70% full of Generators and Manifesting Generators so there is a lot of energy out there to amplify. They can utilize others sacral energy to get things done but this is not sustainable. They do not generate the sacral energy on their own. They need a strategy for work as they are not designed for the 9 to 5 work world. One strategy would be to work a flex schedule and break up the work so they can rest or nap in between work segments. Those with an open Sacral must go to bed before they are tired, to dissipate external energy so they can sleep soundly. Questions of the open Sacral: Can you hear what you truly want to do today? Do you know when enough is enough? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 63 Solar Plexus – Emotions and the nervous system Defined – A person with a defined Solar Plexus center is an emotional being. The Solar Plexus experiences its energy in waves going up towards joy and down towards melancholy. If they have either of the channels ( 59-6, 40-37, or 19-49) they have the tribal emotional waves. These waves are like a tribal drum beat with a steady up a little and then down a little. If they have either the channel of (39-55 or the 22-12) they have the Individual emotional wave. This is a big swing up and a big swing down. Sometimes this can feel like a roller coaster. If they have either channel (41-30 or 35-36) then they have the collective wave and will experience a constant building emotional rise up and then a steep drop off. Their down last just a short while and then will start to build up again. The emotional Solar Plexus provides clarity over time. Decisions from peaks and valleys are not representative of the whole. Those with an emotional Solar Plexus must ride the wave to achieve clarity. Challenge of the defined Solar Plexus: Are you amplifying your down cycle with fear and despair by not recognizing it will pass? Undefined – The undefined Solar Plexus center can experience emotions in an unlimited fashion. On their own those with and open Solar Plexus are relatively quiet emotionally. Emotionality only comes from the world around them when they amplify the emotions and sometimes ride the waves like they are their own. They can be very empathetic of emotions and need to be careful not to live the drama of others. Be a screen and not a sponge. Questions of the open Solar Plexus: Are you still living out the drama of all those around you? Are you avoiding confrontation and Truth? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 64 Root – Adrenal and Kundalini energy Defined – A defined Root Center is the list doer and the energy to get things done. The defined Root engages the gear like a letting out the clutch on a car. A person with a defined Root will know when enough is enough as they work though their task list. The defined root center is a pulse motor and is either on or off. When the root is off there is no energy to push to get things done. It is a time of rest. Challenge of the defined Root: Do you know to surrender when your root is off? Undefined – The undefined Root center is unlimited in experiencing adrenalin and Root energy but has none of its own. A person with an open Root may feel under pressure to complete their task list and struggle to break off working. They may have many lists or always keep adding to the current list and create a diabolical never ending list. At work or home they may feel under pressure to get everything done, today. Question of the open Root: Are you still under pressure to finish so you can be free? Do you know when to stop? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 65 The Types and Strategies of the Angelic Blueprint/Human Design There are 5 types within the Human Design System and these are: Generators Manifesting Generators Projectors Manifestors Reflectors Human Design Types as a percentage of the population Reflectors 1% Manifestors 8% Projectors 21% Generators 36% Manifesting Generators 34% Chart data comes from a study by United Life Sciences Each type plays a critical role in the interaction of the human species. Generators and Manifesting Generators have powerful internal motors to churn out work, Projectors have vision and projective energy to guide, lead and manage, Manifestors are stirring the pot, creating and initiating action to create and manifest new things. Reflectors act as a mirror to society to show us how and what we are doing. If everyone on this planet lived their type and strategy of the design they were given, there would be a lot less struggle and discontentment in the world. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 66 Generators The Generator has the Sacral motor, the most powerful motor in the Human Design system. This is consistent energy. The motor turns on each morning and runs all day until it burns out at night. The Generator is here to do work. This can be manual work and or creative work and the energy is there to work for long periods of time in a sustained manner. The motor burns out each night and is recharged at night to begin a new each day. The motor needs some degree of physical production to help it burn out by the end of the day or it may be restless at night. This can interrupt sleep and the recharging process. For the Generator there can be many types of work, the trick is to find work that is inspiring. Generator Strategy: Wait to respond Theme: Frustration As a Generator in this world, there is a constant array of things to respond to. The world is like a pinball machine and it is the generating energy that bounces the ball around. For the Generator, the trick is to wait until the “ball” comes “to your flipper” or within reality. It is easy to get drawn into pushing forward to force things to happen. That is often the motto in our world, “Just Do it!” The Generator in pursuit of the bigger things in life you can, “Just do it!”, as long as they are responding to something in their reality. It should be more direct then just seeing it on TV, and the more concrete it is in your reality the better. This is where the Generator intertwines with the Law of Attraction. For example, a Generator sees an ad on TV for training to start a new career in life coaching. The next day in a conversation a friend mentions that they are good at coaching people. At this point the idea of life coaching has become more concrete within their reality. It is more of a concrete situation for the generator to respond to. Not necessarily to the point of dropping everything they are doing but at least enough to investigate the coaching opportunity at bit more. Ultimately, for the Generator it must feel like the right thing to respond to in their core, at the center of their being. A Generator that follows this strategy of response will be much more successful then trying to push to make things happen or trying to respond to everything that comes their way. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 67 Manifesting Generators The Manifesting Generator, like the Generator has the powerful sacral motor that provides consistent energy everyday. This is sustainable energy to work and produce. This production can be manual or creative in nature. It is the consistency and duration that sets the Manifesting Generator and Generators apart from the rest. The difference from a generator is that the Manifesting Generator has a defined and motorized throat. The throat is motorized by energy flowing in a defined channel or series of channels from one of the four centers that are motors. The 4 motor centers are the Sacral, the Will, the Solar Plexus and the Root. This motorized throat adds a degree of initiative and creative energy to the power of the Manifesting Generator. It also adds a degree of speed to the energy. Some Manifesting Generators are very quick to act and respond and get bored if there is not enough going on. Their Manifesting energy is at times pushy and pushes them into thinking they are a Manifestor. They are not a Manifestor, they are a Manifesting Generator. Manifesting Generator Strategy: Respond, envision, reprocess, inform, and act Theme: Frustration Much like the Generator, Manifesting Generators need to respond to events and occurrences in their reality. The difference is the Manifesting Generator can push the gray area of initiation a little bit. In some situations they may respond, repeatedly so quickly that it appears more of initiation than a response. But to truly maximize the energetic return they need to be responding. Take job hunting for example. A Manifesting Generator has much better odds responding to occurrences in their reality than pounding the pavement or hawking the classifieds. An occurrence may be a mention of an opportunity by a friend or from a social network connection or it could be training seminar promoted at a local store. For a Manifesting Generator it is these threads within their reality that create the optimal energetic exchange when responding with the proper intentions. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 68 Projector The Projector is here to mange, guide, direct and lead. They are here to project thoughts, ideas, patterns, solutions and inspiration. Like a movie or overhead projector, this energy is outwardly expressed to society and the universe. It lights the way to a more organized or better way of doing things. The Projector does not have the sacral motor so their energy is not sustainable for work over long periods of time. They need to rest and take breaks. A projector is best suited to work a flexible schedule that allows for this rest, and perhaps even an afternoon nap. The Projector should go to bed half an hour before they intend to sleep in order to discharge the sacral energy that they have picked up and amplified during the day. Projector: wait to be invited Theme: Bitterness The Projector must be invited in order for the energy to flow properly. How many of us have had the experience in a group or social situation when someone starts guiding and directing and everyone is thinking “Who invited you (to be the boss of me?)” It is this dynamic that requires the Projector to participate by invitation. The invitation can be formal, informal or implied but it is critical for the energetic exchange that it is there. The invitation is needed for employment, to participate in a group discussion, play on a sports team or even as part of dating. The people in the life of the Projector can help aid and orchestrate the invitations a Projector receives. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 69 Manifestor The Manifestor is here to create, initiate, and manifest. The manifesting energy is quick and flows to the throat center through channel(s) from one or more motor centers within the design. The throat center is all about the creative and initiative expression. The Manifestor uses this energy to create opportunity for themselves and others. As a society we depend on the Manifestors to get things started or get things going. Once initiated, it is the other types, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors, that come in and help the creation of the Manifestor to truly manifest. Manifestor Strategy: Inform before you act Theme: Anger The manifestor energy is fast and that is the beauty and the flame in the creative process. To take time and explain in the midst of this process is a hindrance and annoying to the Manifestor. However, the Manifestor is reliant on an influx of energy from the other types once the initiation or initial manifestation has taken place to have the desired effect or take the manifestation to a higher level. Therefore the Manifestor must inform before acting to keep the energy flowing around them and their actions. A Manifestor that does not inform creates a vacuum isolating themselves from the dance of the others energies. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 70 Reflector The Reflector is the mirror of the energies and actions within society. A Reflector has no defined centers. All of the centers in the chart are white. They are like crystals able to amplify and reflect the energies around them. Reflectors can be highly sensitive to their environment. Reflectors do not have sustainable energy. Because of their open design they are significantly influenced by the energetic gates created by the cycles of the moon. Reflector Strategy: Simply wait 28 days Theme: Disappointment The strategy for the reflector is to ride their lunar cycle and make the big decisions only after experiencing their full 28 days. This can pose difficulty for the reflector, yet understanding this in many cases can provide relief. They may have struggled finding consistency in their changing nature. The reflector will be very sensitive to their immediate environment due to their openness, and certain energies of people may unduly influence their decisions. The reflector should look at having a lunar reading of their human design to identify the cyclical augmentation to their definition as the Moon passes through gates that add definition to their charts. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 71 The Profiles of the Angelic Blueprint/Human Design There are 6 lines within each gate in the Human Design. As the planet or celestial body moves thru a gate it starts in line 1 and exits thru line 6 into line 1 of the next gate. For example, in the Mandela chart below, a celestial body would enter gate 10, line 1 and then move thru gate 10 lines 2,3,4,5 and 6 and then move into gate 58 line 1. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 72 The lines are significant as they add detail to the characterization of the energy within the gates. It is the lines from both the conscious and unconscious gates in the sun that make up the profile. In the case of this chart, the profile lines are 6 from the personality (conscious) gate 10 line 6 and 2 from the design (unconscious) gate 18 line 2. Thus the profile is a 6-2. The 6 lines are depicted in this chart for high level attributes of focus and foundation. Lines 1 thru 3 are introspective and looking inward. Lines 4-6 are interpersonal, social and looking outward. Introspective Line # - Formal Name 3 – Martyr 2 – Hermit 1 – Investigator Outwardly Focused Line # - Formal Name 6 – Role Model 5 - Heretic 4 – Opportunist There is harmony between the lines in the same rows. Lines 1 and 4 are at the bottom as they are very foundational. They need the foundation to thrive and survive. Lines 2 and 5 tend to be reclusive and need their alone time. Lines 3 and 6 are more free wheeling and to some extent can seem aloof. So in reading a persons profile you will take the two line descriptions and it is this combination that results in their full profile. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 73 Now we add the high level characteristics and integrate them to create detailed descriptions below. Line 1 The first line is a foundational investigator. A person with line 1 will ask a lot of questions. They need to have a solid understanding of the details before they can proceed. If they are learning a new profession, they will get all the books, take as many courses as they can and feel they need to know it all before starting to take clients or customers. If they are planning a trip they will investigate it in great detail including ways to get there, what to do, places to stay, etc. The 1st line gathers all this information and applies it to themselves. How does this affect me? How does this change what I am going to do? Line 2 The second line is a hermit. However, line 2 has a projected social aspect to them. While the person with a 2nd line profile tries to hide, the people around them recognize that they are hiding and call them out. You could almost call them an unsuccessful hermit, because they will get some alone time, and in fact they need it, but they will eventually be called out by their friends or peers. Line 3 The third line is an experimenter. It is through experimentation that the 3rd line understands how the world works. The will try things many ways until they get it right. With each experiment, they will take the results and apply it back to themselves. “Well, I went to work on a rainy day without and umbrella and I was cold and wet all day and felt uncomfortable so I will always take an umbrella to work.” Time passes. “Ok, I have carried this umbrella to work for 3 months and it has only rained twice and it is inconvenient to be hauling this around. I will only carry the umbrella when it looks like it’s going to rain”. The 3rd line can feel ridiculed by their failed experiments. So remember, for the 3rd line there is no failure, it is just part of their experience on the planet. Line 4 The forth line is a social networker with a need for foundation. The 4th line desires the next thing to be lined up before they are ready or willing to move forward. If it is a job, then they want the offer letter in hand before they will resign from their current job. If it’s a relationship, they will want at least prospects for a replacement. If it’s moving, they will want an apartment or house to move into before they will think about packing up from their current one. The forth line will get opportunities thru their social network and their peers and friends recognize this. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 74 Line 5 The fifth line is a projected line and the person with a 5th line profile has a projected field around them. They 5th line is outwardly expressed. This acts like a magnetic force that can really draw people to the 5th line. But like a mirror the 5th line person is often projected back onto by people in their life. If they have sexual energy in their chart they can be accused flirting even if that is not on their mind. If they have the energy of opinions, the can be judged as opinionated even without saying anything. If they have an undefined G center, people may say “You don’t really know who you are” even when they feel grounded. Line 6 The sixth line lives out 3 different life stages. From birth to 28.5 years the 6th line is prone to experiment like the 3rd line. The 6th line attempts to internalize the results of the experiments. From age 28.8 to 50 the 6th line withdraws as the experimentation didn’t really work. This period is often called being on the roof. It is sort of an aloof observational period where the 6th line looks outward at the world to figure out how things really do work. Around age 50 the 6th line comes off the roof and moves into the role model phase. The role model is passive and not aggressive. People will seek out the 6th line for help and advice which the 6th line will offer if they deem it to be a worthy cause. Much of the Information contained within this module is from the teachings of: Karen Curry of Ra Uru Hu of Jovian Archive Corporation *The percentage data used in Chart data comes from a study by United Life Sciences Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 75 Part Four Coaching Scenarios In this section, we will focus on some of the nuances of applying EFT in partnership with Human Design and angel communication to support you in developing a coaching toolkit that is not only rich, but goes deep with understanding and your ability to help your clients. We will look at common themes, hidden dynamics, health, relationships, wealth and overall abundance. And we will be practicing the application of EFT to feel confident in using this technique. Surprisingly – or not! – most issues clients face relate to fairly simple, common and discernable causes. Of course the story and experiences of each client is unique, so it’s a matter of identifying what that cause is and your client’s unique manifestation of it. For example, if rejection is the underlying cause of their pain, how did that theme of rejection start for them? Where do you begin to pull the thread and unravel their healing story? Or if it’s a slightly different variation on that same theme, perhaps it’s a form of abandonment. Again, how did it manifest for them? What is their story? How do you personalize the use of EFT for each unique client? Get ready to delve into the juicier topics of coaching! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 76 Ghosts in the Closet Many, if not most, deep issues begin in the pivotal years of childhood development. Following are the ideal conditions for a child to develop and thrive. Birth to 2 years old need: physical nurturing contact routine with an environment that supports the development of healthy decision making open and appropriate dialogue love and affection proper nourishment, rest, playtime, etc… 3 to 5 years old: need all of the above space to experiment as much as possible within the bounds of safety and health. This is a highly experimental stage of development when the child is learning for themselves what is right/wrong, etc… during this stage, the brain is operating mostly from a place of survival. When parents are emotionally unavailable during this stage, it can create early childhood scarring encouraged to choose for themselves point in time when the 3rd eye begins to open. Fears can start to develop and child needs to be guided to express through help with words, art, creative expression, … this is where fear of life can emerge 5 to 6 years old: hugging and appropriate physical contact is still essential beginning of self-esteem issues because the child begins to know that they don’t know. The are more aware of what they aren’t aware of. Can be a difficult point to be sending a child away from home everyday. Focus on self-empowerment 7 years old: aura becomes fully developed. Physical contact is still needed, but not as much Fear of life can start to translate into a fear of death and dying Onward: Love Respect Open communication Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 77 Depending upon the personality of the individual, especially with respect to their unique Human Design, depletion in one or more of these areas could easily cause a lasting impact. The result is that the dynamics from the childhood trauma affects every interaction the person has going forward. It’s like a layer of clothing they’re wearing and they don’t necessarily even know it. In some situations, this layer of clothing will be on the outside and a very prominent aspect. Other times, this same layer of clothing will be hidden underneath other dynamics. When you’re working to unlock a case, the question often becomes, “who are you treating?” Your client at age 51, the 7 year old girl who was bullied on the playground for playing with trucks, the young teen who got her first period during math class or the 33 year old who’s marriage fell apart leaving her with 2 young children? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 78 “Writing on the Walls” Gary Craig talks about the “writing on the walls”. What he’s referring to is the inner scripts and conditioned expectations that each of us has when we are in relationship; relationship that’s with another person, a job, a situation, anything really. When a person enters into any relationship whatsoever, they hold expectations about what should/shouldn’t happen. Many times, they aren’t even conscious of these expectations because they’re so ingrained; they can be an actual part of a person’s Human Design. Issues arise when the writing on a person’s wall conflicts is not aligned with the other elements of the relationship. Examples: Wife: a good husband should know when I’m tired and need a break. Husband: it’s my wife’s job to put the kids to bed no matter what. Daughter: a mother should be warm and nurturing and never yell at me. Mother: it’s important for my child to understand the world is a tough place to live. If I take this job, my company will provide for me and I’ll be happy there if ______. Family moves into a new town. Parents expect easy commute to work, will meet new friends, find babysitters, house will be a piece of cake to maintain and afford, … Children want their “old” rooms, are shy about meeting new kids, want to please their parents. Child enters high school thinking that by the time they reach senior year, they’re close to freedom and choosing whether or not they want to go to college. Parents expect their child to know what they want to study in college by junior year of high school and pressure them to stay focused on that. By the time I’m 30, I will be happily married with 2 children. By the time I am 50 I will be _________. And on and on…. How a person adapts to expectations that they have of themselves and others or expectations others may have of them will depend upon their unique circumstances and Human Design. This correlates to the ghosts in the closet because sometimes you’ll find that conflicting expectations in a relationship root back to a parent/child dynamic that began when the child was a toddler. Find the unmet and conflicting expectations and most times you will find the ghost! And ultimately, it’s about helping your client to understand that everyone has their ghosts and there is a chain reaction. This understanding makes room for compassion and forgiveness. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 79 Following the Energy In the standard EFT curriculum you learn how to tap using a static EFT setup that you found using angel communication, the sacral response, and/or muscle testing. Tapping on the setup point, you repeated 3 times “even though I have this problem, ...” and then commenced tapping on all the points while stating the reminder phrase of “this problem”. This is the easiest way for most people to learn EFT and definitely gets the job done. In order to expedite the healing process and go deeper with your client, it’s time to employ more fully your role as an instrument of the angels. This means surrendering to their will and setting the intention of following your client’s energy wherever it needs to go. Dynamic Setups and Reminder Phrases Dynamic EFT setups and reminder phrases evolve as the healing energy of the client emerges. This is where the “art” aspect of EFT comes into play because you have to stay attuned to where the energy is going. The easiest way to do this is to get out of the way. Think too much and you’ll get stuck. Again, remember that you are an instrument for the angels. Tips as you’re doing the setup and then tapping: Be aware of your own emotions and bodily sensations as they are likely mirroring the issue for your client Be aware of your client’s emotions and body language Be aware of instantaneous messages from your angels. For example, while tapping are you suddenly remembering the time your brother put frogs in your bed? How does that memory make you feel as the mirror for your client? Sometimes following the energy will ultimately lead to a place of acceptance and greater awareness. That’s really the goal, though it can happen more slowly or quickly depending upon the client. It’s not uncommon to follow self-hatred to a place of “and even though I don’t believe I can ever stop hating myself…but I am open to change…and I know if I continue to hate myself it will make me sick…” A client may only be able to go so far with this in one session. Or they may be able to go the whole distance. All depends on who they are and what they can handle. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 80 Dynamic Tapping Points As you are tapping with your client, don’t feel trapped by which points you’re “supposed” to tap on. Remember this is an art and just follow your guidance. If you finish the standard routine and feel the need to immediately do another round, tap on the top of the head, then do it. If you feel the need to tap on any of the other points, then do it. Other tapping points you may find you won’t use a lot, but they’re good to know about: Top of the head – can center and balance. Nice way to finish a round. Under the breast – liver point that can be pivotal in releasing anger. Use only when you know it’s a comfortable relationship and won’t inhibit your client Wrists – about where you would take a pulse. Inside of ankle – about 3 fingers up from the ankle bone Counter clockwise in a circle over high heart – some practitioners start this way Lymph point outside of the high heart – where we do the setup for the long version Top of the foot about halfway between the bone and the big toe Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 81 Keys to Finding the Release Use the Raw Emotion One of the most important elements of achieving a wholesome release with your client is to tap into the power of the raw emotion. While forging into this territory can feel unwelcoming and often impolite, it is an essential piece of your work as a coach. The trick is to find the terminology that best matches the client’s true feelings. Not their filtered versions, but their true feelings. Gary Craig speaks of an example of a little boy who had messed in his pants. The coach working with him tapped on “Even though I made a mess in my pants,…” There little to no release. When the coach tapped on “Even though I shit my pants,…” there was a huge release. The inner script in this boy’s mind and heart were much more harsh than polite filters would allow. Uncover and use the raw emotion that’s within your client. You can think of it as a tumor that has festered within them and it needs to be removed. Using words like “even though I’ve tried hard to love my mother but she just doesn’t accept me for who I really am,…” when your client is really thinking, “even though my mother’s a bitch because she shit on every idea I ever came up with, …” is like trying to perform surgery with a spoon rather than a knife. Yes, it can put you and your client out of the comfort zone, but realize that this language is reserved for the intimate moments in a session only. Obviously polite ways and social norms should be honored when your client isn’t on the operating table, but when they are, follow your guidance and don’t hold back if you need to clear away some uncomfortable filters. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 82 Common Healing Themes When you’re looking for the release and having trouble knowing where to go to find the entry point, as you’re listening to your client ask your angels if any of the more common healing themes is presenting. While it may not be obvious, it could still be a factor and once you ask your angels to make it clear for you, that’s when your client may open an important door (e.g. “I remember when I was 6 and my mother _______”) Some common themes are: Fear of failure Fear of success Need for control Abandonment Rejection Need to be perfect Sadness/grief Self-punishment Lack of self-worth Feeling trapped These themes can interconnect as well. Your client may be punishing themselves by way of expecting perfection, or holding onto grief, or because they’ve felt abandoned all their lives and never felt worthy enough. Their fear of success could make them feel trapped. Their need for control could be their way of handling a self-worth issue. This is less about nailing the exact emotion, but really more the hidden ghost. So what was going on when your client was 6 with their mother? While mom may have been doing her best, did she leave her child feeling abandoned? As we discuss in the core ALC curriculum, dialogue with your client is key and trust that your angels will guide your client to share exactly what you need to figure it out! Tuning into the Breath When all else fails and you don’t know where to begin (or your angels tell you to just start here!) ask your client to notice their breath. What’s going on with their breathing pattern? Is it constricted? Is it shallow? Is it rapid, slow, or are they struggling to find a rhythm? Whatever issue is presenting with their breath, use that as your starting point. For example, “even though my breath is quick and shallow and I feel like there’s an elephant on my chest, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally.” Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 83 Health, Wealth and Relationships The core premise of EFT is that emotions are a root cause of any imbalance in life, whether it’s health, wealth, relationships, overall happiness, you name it. You will find that when you address problem A with a client, many times problem B will disappear. Tap on their fear of flying and their chronic headaches may go away. Tap on their lower back pain and suddenly they’re ready to stand up for themselves at work and ask for that promotion they deserve. Remember that energy is interconnected by design. We tap on one particular emotion and it can’t help but affect something else. Health With respect to addressing health issues using EFT, there may be some exceptions with respect to environmental factors, etc… however EFT has proven to be effective in helping many heal through challenging health situations, or at least provide relief. Important note: It is essential to mention at this point that you must be upfront with your clients that you are NOT a medical expert or licensed therapist. No promises made here, just loving support to guide them through the healing that you are destined to help them with. Louise Hay has done amazing work that correlates various emotions with physical manifestations. Her best selling book “You Can Heal Your Life” has a list of these associations and a guideline for what they could mean. For example, she says that loss of balance can be the result of “Scattered thinking. Not centered.” Or that anorexia can be the result of “Denying the self. Extreme fear, self-hatred and rejection.” These guidelines can be quite helpful and if you’re drawn to this book, I do recommend it. The bottom line for you as an ALC student is to look at your client’s illness from the angel’s perspective. Where is their belief system out of alignment? Use your angelic intuition to get a sense of what associations, what emotions could be beneath the illness. Breast cancer is a great example because think about what the breasts, nurturing, sexuality, … What imbalances of belief does your client hold about their breasts? Do they always give, give, give and struggle to give to themselves? Have they always believed their breasts were too small, too big? That it stinks to be a woman? That their body is just an instrument for men? Ask your angels to help you identify the emotions that are simmering and let the tapping begin! If you’re not sure what emotions may be the best starting point, just begin with the illness itself and follow the energy. “Even though I have breast cancer and ____, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally.” Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 84 Wealth Wealth challenges are always going to relate back to either self-worth, lack of understanding how their unique energy works (i.e. are they living their design?), and/or it could be that they are trapped in the power of the material world and the angels are working to teach them otherwise, restore balance, and perhaps lead them on a different path. Money is just another representation of energy. Just think of it as energy and nothing else. So, when working with a client who is feeling deficiency with abundance, look in these areas and if you’re not sure where to start, try this exercise to help identify the best starting place (this can actually work nicely when working on most any issue, but is especially good for those vaguer areas.) Money Exercise - Ask your client to take out a dollar bill and then guide them as follows: Get comfortable in their chair Take some deep cleansing breaths Hold the dollar bill to their heart and notice how their body responds, what emotions come up, memories that surface, notice everything… Use what happens during this exercise to determine how/where to start. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 85 Relationships Relationship work ALWAYS begins with aligning the expectations and priorities of the relationship. Doesn’t matter if it’s parent/child, wife/husband or friends, it will always start by getting honest with what each person expects, needs and wants from the relationship. Disharmony is ALWAYS going to be the result of these dynamics not being in sync. How you handle is will depend on whether you’re working with one person or all involved. In my experience, most times a client comes to me with relationship problems, it’s because they want to move forward and their partner doesn’t. Or, the mother is expecting one thing and the child has no intention of doing it. Or one friend wants to continue the friendship and the other person involved has moved on. Your focus, no matter what the circumstances, should always be personal empowerment for everyone involved. This may well include working with all involved in addition to one-on-one work. The best way to handle a client who comes to you with a challenging relationship situation is just as you would any other coaching session. Just realize that your client will need to follow their own pace (always true but especially with relationship issues it seems!) and honor that. You may think they should leave their partner, o release their dreams for their child because it’s an unhealthy situation. That’s not your decision to make and if they ask you for your advice, it’s usually best to throw it back to them. They need to decide for themselves if/when they make a change, especially a big one. That’s how you can support them on their journey of self-empowerment. Emphasize from the angels’ perspective, the pros/cons of the situation and be clear about that. Then let the decision rest with the client. Tearless Trauma Tell the story… Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 86 Part Five Muscle Testing Techniques Muscle testing, also known as kinesiology, is a powerful clairsentient way to communicate with the angels through the body’s reaction to yes/no questions. In theory, muscle testing is very straightforward, you ask a simple question and you get a clear response because when the body is in the presence of a YES answer, it strengthens and when in the presence of a NO answer, it weakens. The Muscle Testing Process There are several techniques for muscle testing. If you are muscle testing yourself, link your thumb and index fingers from both hands together to form an infinity symbol. When you ask your question, if the answer is NO, the fingers should weaken and the link breaks. If YES, it will strengthen. You can also try body dowsing. Ask your angels to show you how your body responds to a YES versus a NO. For most people, the body moves forward with a YES and backward with a NO, although I have seen other scenarios. It all works, provided you know the language! If you are testing your client (not typical for most coaches, but good to know), ask your client to take their shoes off to be grounded and stand straight up in front of you with their knees relaxed. Guide them to raise one arm straight out to the side. Gently try to push their arm down and ask them to resist your pressure as you ask them to show you a YES and a NO response. Their arm should stay strong for the YES and weaken with the NO. Note: it is possible that your client is not in a testable state. There are ways to determine this, though beyond the scope of this course. You can always ask your angels and you may get a clear answer. Sometimes in the close proximity of someone whose energy is imbalanced, it can be challenging to get a clear read from the angels. Determine Testability Stress from a multitude of causes can create mixed wiring within the body. Ultimately this can lead to various emotional and physical imbalances and it can also confuse the body’s response to muscle testing. To determine if you, or your client, are testable, ask your angels if you have permission to do muscle testing. If the answer is no, follow up by asking if it’s because of an energetic imbalance. If so, then you may not be able to continue. Corrective options that will usually rebalance a client (or yourself) is breath work, prayer or the energetic healing with the angels techniques. Try it and ask your angels if the situation has changed and you have permission. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 87 Part Six Creative Visualization, Affirmations & Prayer Creating positivity is essential for the healing process. As noted in the section on EFT , there are many times that affirmations alone just don’t cut it and you really need to delve into the shadow side of the situation. That said, you also need to identify and bring focus to the light side. Creative Visualization Visualization is all about allowing the soul to express its desired vision. It’s all about harnessing the power of imagination to shift the energy and can be used in an infinite number of ways. For example, if your client is working on relationship issues, encourage them to “see” what the situation resolved looks like. How does the relationship change? How do they personally change? Coach them to hold this vision for several minutes (or more) each day. I will often coach students/clients to envision little sparkly hearts surrounding a person who is aggravating them. As they shift their mindset to one of playful love, the heaviness that previously haunted them with the other person is lifted. If your client seems to have obstacle after obstacle to overcome, have them visualize a crystal clear path in front of them. Play with it – maybe envisioning the yellow brick road will work well for them! Healing doesn’t always have to be heavy work! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 88 Affirmations Let’s face it. Affirmations just plain feel good! After an intense EFT session, a few uplifting affirmations can really help to ease the release. The guidelines for good affirmations are simple. Always come from a place of love. Try to use the client’s terminology and/or language they can relate to. Examples: Low self-esteem: I am worthy of great things! (Child version: I know I’m a really cool kid!) Depression: I trust that there is a great gift in this moment. (Child version: I may not see it, but I know something really good is happening right now!) Loneliness: I know I am deeply loved by my angels and God. I am truly never alone. (Child version: I know my angels really really love me soooooo much!) Anger: Peace comes easily to me. (Child version: I feel good right now!) As with the visualization, use your imagination and follow your angels’ guidance. If you need more examples, Louise Hay has several wonderful books about affirmations. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 89 Prayer & Meditation Often overlooked in our society, prayer and meditation are two of the most powerful tools in your toolkit. Similar to affirmations, prayer is a method for affirming help and soliciting divine guidance from the angels. Prayer automatically shifts the energy into a sacred, respectful place that creates the space for great things to happen. Memorizing a sacred prayer and using it regularly creates the pathway for amazing things to happen. There are many wonderful prayers of various religions or you/your client can write one. When committed to memory, all it takes to calm down in a tough moment, is often as simple as recalling a favorite prayer to shift the energy. Prayer can also take the form of meditation as they are both about communing directly with the divine. Here’s an article from Psychology Today on the benefits of meditation: “Maybe meditation isn't so mysterious after all. Neuroscientists have found that meditators shift their brain activity to different areas of the cortex - brain waves in the stress-prone right frontal cortex move to the calmer left frontal cortex. This mental shift decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. There is also less activity in the amygdala, where the brain processes fear. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, recorded the brain waves of stressed-out employees of a high-tech firm in Madison, Wisconsin. The subjects were split randomly into two groups, 25 people were asked to learn meditation over eight weeks, and the remaining 16 were left alone as a control group. All participants had their brain waves scanned three times during the study: at the beginning of the experiment, when meditation lessons were completed eight weeks later and four months after that. The researchers found that the meditators showed a pronounced shift in activity to the left frontal lobe. In other words, they were calmer and happier than before. The study will be published in the next issue of Psychosomatic Medicine.” And a quote from the Bahá'í Faith about prayer and meditation ( ...the core of religious faith is that mystic feeling that unites man with God. This state of spiritual communion can be brought about and maintained by means of meditation and prayer. And this is the reason why Bahá'u'lláh has so much stressed the importance of worship. It is not sufficient for a believer to merely accept and observe the teachings. He should, in addition, cultivate the sense of spirituality, which he can acquire chiefly by the means of prayer. The Bahá'í Faith, like all other Divine religions, is thus fundamentally mystic in character. Its chief goal is the development of the individual and society, through the acquisition of spiritual virtues and powers. It is the soul of man that has first to be fed. And this spiritual nourishment prayer can best provide. Laws and institutions, as viewed by Bahá'u'lláh , can become really effective only when our inner spiritual life has been perfected and transformed. Otherwise religion will degenerate into a mere organization, and become a dead thing.1 Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 90 Part Seven Journaling and Drawing Analysis Journaling A common way for people to process their emotions is to journal. A less known method for journaling which is a fabulous way to receive messages from the angels is through automatic writing. This is a powerful way to channel the angels through journaling and can often provide insight that would otherwise remain unseen. There are 3 steps to automatic writing with the angels: 1. Open your journal to a new page 2. At the top, write “Dear [your name], Today I would like you to know that ___________________. Love, Your Archangel” In the blank space, you write whatever comes through. No edits! 3. Generally speaking, your letter can be from whatever angel you feel you need clarity from. If you’re asking about healing, then perhaps you’d want to write from Archangel Raphael. You can also use automatic writing to converse with another aspect of the person, such as their inner child. For example, if your client has some major challenges that you’ve discovered originated when they were 5 years old. Ask them to journal a conversation with their 5-year old self. You could give your client homework to journal, “Dear Little Sammy, How are you feeling today?” and allow Little Sammy to respond with whatever he has to say. When healing a relationship with someone who is not involved in the process, sometimes it can be helpful for your client to write a letter. Start with something like, “Dear Mom, I love you a lot, but today I’m really angry with you because __________.” Use your imagination and follow your guidance because there is SO much that can be done with automatic writing and creative journaling. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 91 Drawing Analysis There are times when it helps to have another angle into the subconscious and the fact is that whenever we make ANY choice, a part of our being is expressing itself. When we draw a picture, every aspect of it reveals information about what’s going on within us. Art therapy is a vocation in and of itself, but to get a sense of where your client is at, a simple assignment is to have them draw a picture. A typical scheme would include a house, a tree and their family. There are formal ways to interpret the result, but the best method for you is to read it just as you would an angel card. It’s just another image! Just be mindful and extra sensitive of how you share your insight with your client as it is such a personal and intimate medium. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 92 My Blessing for You May you experience life with wonder and an open heart. May you see the gift in every moment that comes into your life. May you be steeped in gratitude for the abundance you already have. May you feel unlimited in the choices you are capable of making. May you always choose from a place of Love. May you connect and trust the guidance you receive from your Angels. May you always know Love in a deep and profound way. May you always know Grace, Peace and Harmony. May you realize you ARE Love. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 93 Appendices Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 94 Appendix A Class Exercises Personal Growth for Succes Comprehensive Abundance Assessment Meditation You are currently carrying around a “suitcase” of vibrations. How heavy this suitcase is, depends on how frequently you decide to lighten the load. Life throws us challenges for our learning everyday. Of course there are inherent gifts, but you must be take time every day to unload the suitcase of vibrations that are no longer serving you…of vibrations you are carrying that are counter to your true desires. Rate the following from 1-10 with 10 being healthy and 1 needing the most help: Family – children, parents and spouse/partner Friends – platonic Career/material Self-care Physical Emotional Spiritual Other Meditation Notes: Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 95 Gratitude Make a list of all the things in your life that you are grateful for. Make a list of all the things in your life that you resent? How can you access the gift? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 96 Forgive Who do you need to forgive and for what? What’s your plan for making this happen? Include actions and timeline. What do you need to forgive yourself for? Again, what’s your plan for making this happen? Include actions and timeline. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 97 Surrender Who do you need to surrender right now? What in your life are you attempting to control? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 98 “What you already know” - Meditation Notes What do you LOVE to do? What did you love to do as a child? Remember to focus on everything! Not just what you think you’re “supposed” to love or do. Are you a people person or do you prefer to spend time alone? Or does the answer lie somewhere in between? What do you like about people? What types of people are you currently attracting? Who do you want to attract? If you could change anything about your life, what would it be? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 99 “What gifts do you offer the world?” - Meditation Notes What gifts do you know you have to offer the world? What experiences have you collected that make up the fabric of who you are? Remember that both the scars and the badges are what you bring to your clients. How do you see yourself using these gifts? How can you pay them forward? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 100 Blockages I am currently overcoming to… Discovering My Angelic Life Mission Date Description How prevalent? (scale 1-10) Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 101 Life Purpose – Journal Entry – Day 1 What makes (or has made) me happy about today? In what ways did I live in alignment with my Human Design strategy? If I’m a generator or manifesting generator, what did I respond to? If I’m a projector, what were my invitations? If I’m a manifestor, what clarity did I gain by informing others? If I’m a reflector, how do I feel about my decisions today? What didn’t move me in the direction of joy today? Is it something that occurs frequently in my life and I need to consider changing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 102 Life Purpose – Journal Entry – Day 2 What makes (or has made) me happy about today? In what ways did I live in alignment with my Human Design strategy? If I’m a generator or manifesting generator, what did I respond to? If I’m a projector, what were my invitations? If I’m a manifestor, what clarity did I gain by informing others? If I’m a reflector, how do I feel about my decisions today? What didn’t move me in the direction of joy today? Is it something that occurs frequently in my life and I need to consider changing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 103 Life Purpose – Journal Entry – Day 3 What makes (or has made) me happy about today? In what ways did I live in alignment with my Human Design strategy? If I’m a generator or manifesting generator, what did I respond to? If I’m a projector, what were my invitations? If I’m a manifestor, what clarity did I gain by informing others? If I’m a reflector, how do I feel about my decisions today? What didn’t move me in the direction of joy today? Is it something that occurs frequently in my life and I need to consider changing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 104 Life Purpose – Journal Entry – Day 4 What makes (or has made) me happy about today? In what ways did I live in alignment with my Human Design strategy? If I’m a generator or manifesting generator, what did I respond to? If I’m a projector, what were my invitations? If I’m a manifestor, what clarity did I gain by informing others? If I’m a reflector, how do I feel about my decisions today? What didn’t move me in the direction of joy today? Is it something that occurs frequently in my life and I need to consider changing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 105 Life Purpose – Journal Entry – Day 5 What makes (or has made) me happy about today? In what ways did I live in alignment with my Human Design strategy? If I’m a generator or manifesting generator, what did I respond to? If I’m a projector, what were my invitations? If I’m a manifestor, what clarity did I gain by informing others? If I’m a reflector, how do I feel about my decisions today? What didn’t move me in the direction of joy today? Is it something that occurs frequently in my life and I need to consider changing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 106 Life Purpose – Journal Entry – Day 6 What makes (or has made) me happy about today? In what ways did I live in alignment with my Human Design strategy? If I’m a generator or manifesting generator, what did I respond to? If I’m a projector, what were my invitations? If I’m a manifestor, what clarity did I gain by informing others? If I’m a reflector, how do I feel about my decisions today? What didn’t move me in the direction of joy today? Is it something that occurs frequently in my life and I need to consider changing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 107 Life Purpose – Journal Entry – Day 7 What makes (or has made) me happy about today? In what ways did I live in alignment with my Human Design strategy? If I’m a generator or manifesting generator, what did I respond to? If I’m a projector, what were my invitations? If I’m a manifestor, what clarity did I gain by informing others? If I’m a reflector, how do I feel about my decisions today? What didn’t move me in the direction of joy today? Is it something that occurs frequently in my life and I need to consider changing? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 108 Anatomy of a Coaching Session Coaching Session Summary Coach’s name: Client’s first name: Client Session #: Date: Describe in one or two sentences your client’s goals: If this is not the first session, how did your client comply with their homework? If you used angel cards, what were they? Briefly describe the messages that came through. If you used EFT, what were the setups? What was the effect on your client? Did you use Human Design to help you determine your setups? Did you use Human Design? If so, how? Did you use Energetic Healing with the Angels? If so, how? What other tools/techniques did you use? What are your client’s action steps? Other comments: Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 109 Business Definition Meditation Notes What do you LOVE to do? What gifts do you know you have to offer the world? Doesn’t matter if this is something you’re currently paid or trained to do. (Yes, we did this in the Life Purpose module, but it’s important to continue to revisit these big ideas.) What does your ideal work situation include? What is the work environment like? Is your ideal business home-based? Spa-based? In your own space? On the internet? Are you working with anyone? If so, who? How much do you want to work? How much do you want to earn? Do you want to work with people one on one, in groups or some combination? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 110 Client Base Meditation Notes What types of people do you LOVE to work with? Who is drawn to you that you love to service? What types of qualities do they have? Do you want to work with people one on one, in groups or some combination? Do you want clients to be at the beginning, middle or end of their healing process? How much client education do you want to do? What do you envision your ideal client saying about your service offerings? Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 111 The Coaching Toolkit Emotional Freedom Techniques Head Tapping Points Working top down (note: 1-3 is basic tapping technique and 4-6 include the full process): 1. head – see markings 2. inside of collar bones 3. 4 inches under each arm 4. on one hand - inside edge of each nail (excluding ring finger) 5. top of hand between ring and pinkie fingers a. hum b. count to 5 c. hum 6. repeat steps 1-4 and end with tapping on fleshy part of the outside of hand Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 112 General EFT® setup: while gently tapping the outside of your hand (or rubbing the tender part of your chest for the full process), repeat the following: Even though I _____________________, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally. Examples: Even though in the past I did not believe I deserved a happy life, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally. Even though I still don’t believe I can be successful in creating a job that I love, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally. Even though I don’t believe I deserve a partner who loves and supports me, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally. Even though it makes me really mad that people don’t treat each other lovingly and with respect, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally. Even though my chest feels tight and I don’t know why, I love, forgive and accept myself unconditionally. The trick is to “follow the trail”. When a round of tapping brings up a feeling or an emotion that doesn’t feel settled, tap on it until you feel the release is complete. Sometimes what results is an uncomfortable bodily sensation and that is something to tap on as well. There are no limits when it comes to tapping, so be creative! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 113 Angelic Blueprint/Human Design Chart Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 114 Appendix B Angelic Life Coach Training Reading List (Note: the only required reading is the EFT Manual) How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven, by Dr. John DeMartini The E-Myth, by Michael Gerber A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsh Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You were Meant to Live, by Martha Beck The Lightworker’s Way: Awakening Your Spiritual Power to Know and Heal, by Doreen Virtue Love is a Killer App, by Tim Sanders Awakening the Entrepreneur Within, by Michael E. Gerber The Science of Spiritual Marketing, by Andrea Adler The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell Small is the New Big, by Seth Godin The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles (free e-book online) Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill The Biology of Belief, by Bruce Lipton, PhD Eastern Body Western Mind, by Anodea Judith Anatomy of the Spirit, by Carolyn Myss Book Yourself Solid, by Michael Port The Copywriter’s Handbook, by Robert W. Bly The Divine Law of Compensation, by Marianne Williamson The Element, by Ken Robinson Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 115 Appendix C Prayers Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 116 Abundance Manifesto Manifesto – noun – a public declaration of intentions I AM a Master Creator! As a Divine child of the infinite power of Spirit, I manifest my dreams effortlessly and easily! There is an infinite supply of abundance in the Universe and as a Master Creator, anything I require flows easily to me! I stand fully in my power right now! I trust that everything in life has a purpose and I believe that all that is happening is divinely guided. I am all that I am! I now choose to manifest my healing practice with joy, ease and abundance! And so it is! Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 117 Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi (modified by Rev. Nina Roe) Oh Great Spirit of Light and Love, I am your Instrument of Peace. Where there is hatred, I AM Love. Where there is injury, I AM Pardon. Where there is doubt, I AM Faith. Where there is despair, I AM Hope. Where there is darkness, I AM Light. And where there is sadness, I AM Joy. Oh Divine Creator, through Unconditional Love, I choose to be Compassionate, I choose to be Understanding, I choose Love. I choose to see You in all Others and in Myself, I choose to Give, Trusting in my replenishment, I choose to Allow, knowing that all is in Divine Order, And I choose to Surrender, knowing that this truly is the path of Peace. Copyright ©2013 - AngelsTeach - Angelic Life Coach - Student Training Manual 118