PLAWCS Minutes 102615 Reg

Pike Lake Area Wastewater Collection System
Canosia Township ~ Grand Lake Township
Regular Meeting, October 26, 2015
Grand Lake Town Hall
Board Members Attending:
Canosia Township
Grand Lake Township:
Scott Campbell
Kurt Brooks
Kevin Comnick
Duayne Anderson
Steve Torgeson
Dewey Johnson
Others Attending: Julie Lundholm, Chris Kimpling, Joe Jurewicz, Eric Appelwick, Paul Christensen, and six
Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance: Chair Dewey Johnson called the meeting to order at
7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call: all board members were present. Steve attended via Skype.
Approve Agenda: there was a MOTION by Kevin and a second by Kurt to approve the agenda with the
addition of 13. D. Video of PLAWCS Line, and the removal of 12. C. Joint Powers Agreement. Vote: all in
favor, motion carried.
Approve Minutes: the following minutes were presented for approval.
September 28, 2015: there was a MOTION by Kurt and a second by Kevin to approve the minutes
as written. Vote: five in favor (Duayne abstained because of his absence. Motion carried.
October 14, 2015: there was a MOTION by Kurt and a second by Kevin to approve the minutes as
written. Vote: five in favor (Steve abstained because of his absence. Motion carried.
Board Treasurer’s Report:
Duayne made a MOTION, seconded by Scott, to charge MSA fees for the lift station evaluations
to the capital account and not the operating account. Vote: all in favor, motion carried. Duayne
said that going forward, the board needs to keep in mind that MSA charges must be allocated as a
capital item. There are significant capital expenditures coming up that will deplete the capital
account quickly. The Superior Construction invoice for repairs at Ogston’s residence (5851 S
Pike Lake Rd for $12,000.00) was also deducted from the capital account.
The AR report has 19 people owing more than $500.00. A total of $32,000.00 is owed by people
who have opted not to pay their sewer bill. Kevin said he can make an attempt to call those on the
AR list. Chris will forward the list to him.
Duayne had a preliminary evaluation and discussion with the MN State Auditor.
Duayne reviewed the accounts and balances.
Meter readings were discussed. Holiday’s was questioned since it is approximately 1/3 of the
prior months reading. Kevin said that is likely due to the car wash being closed for repairs.
Duayne asked if baby wipes plugging a pump at 6014 Old Miller Trunk Hwy (Angus) would be a
possible bill-back. This can be discussed during PeopleService’s report.
There was a MOTION by Kevin and a second by Scott to approve the Treasurer’s report. Vote:
all in favor, motion carried.
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Accounting Report:
Chris said that from the AR Aging report, 5 people from Canosia Township and 2 people from
Grand Lake Township have paid the amount they owe and will be removed from the list. The
10% penalty amount for those still owing will show on the final list. The individual townships are
responsible for sending the tax certification list to St. Louis County. Chris will make sure
everyone has the final list on November 5th.
Chris said the Pike Lake Chiropractic Clinic has been sold to Gordon Hill. The LeGrande has
been sold to a new owner group from Alborn. The issue of whether to bill for one or two meters
was discussed, and Chris will send them a letter.
Citi Lites sent an open invoice for $1,170.00 to PLAWCS. Chris sent it back saying that
PLAWCS does not pay for those not on the system. Eric said Julie can call Gopher State One Call
to define PLAWCS’ boundaries.
Duayne asked how much of MSA budget figures would be considered capital expense. It was
determined that $44,850.00 for lift station and basin repairs is capital expense. The 2016 proposed
budget was discussed. Kurt asked if there was a document listing budget items for 2016, which
would be useful for a long range plan. Duayne said that right now we can use MSA’s 2015
figures as a base. There will also be the purchase of 8-10 new pumps, and the lift station repairs
will be the biggest capital investment. Duayne said that upcoming capital expenditures would
justify a rate increase for capital account reimbursement, not operating. Kevin said the Board
could incorporate a 3% rate increase into a revised budget, as was discussed previously. It was
determined that Chris should incorporate MSA’s budget figures into a revised budget.
There was a MOTION by Kevin and a second by Steve to approve Chris’s report. Vote: all in
favor, motion carried.
Sign and Approve Checks:
There was a MOTION by Kevin and a second by Duayne to approve the signing of the checks.
Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
PeopleService Report:
Both Kevin and Kurt asked for a copy of the PeopleService contract. Julie will send that out.
Paul Christensen said that Eric Appelwick has changed to a different job, however, to ensure a
smooth transition, Eric has agreed to stay with PeopleService as a consultant for the near future.
Kevin asked for an updated PeopleService contact list.
Eric informed the Board that he would like to order 8-10 more pumps for inventory; there are 5 on
hand now. Kevin made a MOTION, seconded by Duayne, to recommend to the townships the
purchase of 10 new E-One pumps at approximately $1,900.00 each with the total not exceeding
$20,000.00. Vote: all in favor, motion carried. Julie will notify Eric when the resolutions are
done so the pumps can be ordered.
Duayne made a MOTION, seconded by Kevin, to accept the request for proposal from Peterson
Excavating to replace one of the two grinder pumps that was included in the original $22,800.00
bid as recommended by MSA and allow the project to proceed based on township resolution.
Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
Joe talked about pump replacements in the five lift stations.
A discussion of the capital account balance and upcoming expenditures was initiated.
Kurt said he has found out from Zach Meyers that there is no meter inventory. He is also going to
accompany Zach when the meters are read. He also noted that the recent proposed purchase of
new meter reading equipment for $7,500.00 does not include installation and software updates.
Kurt said he is looking into automatic meter reading systems. The current handheld meter reading
unit is working ok. The batteries keep dying on the meter reading probe, which might be resolved
by buying an extra battery pack. Kurt also said that we should look at the meter reading
procedure. Steve explained that the software would not work on the computer so it has been done
manually. 15 meters are read with the handheld probe and 25 with the handheld radio unit.
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Customer Issues: nothing.
Public Input: nothing.
Old Business:
New policy draft – Suspension of Service (this has been definitely postponed)
Joint Powers Agreement – capital spending and purchase approval discussion/proposed
amendment to Article 5.2.B to allow capital purchases for emergency repair. (NOTE: this is an
every other month agenda item, for discussion next at November 23rd meeting).
Joint Powers Agreement – discussion of elected vs. appointed officials (Duayne): this has been
indefinitely postponed and can be removed from the agenda.
Meter reading equipment, repair, and replacement was already discussed.
Lift station snow removal: Kevin said this should be removed from the agenda. Gary Oswell has
agreed to do the snow plowing. Paul Christensen said PeopleService would do the snow blowing.
New Business:
PLAWCS approved contractor list: there is a need for more approved contractors. There was
discussion as to whether all contractors need to be approved or certified to work on the system.
Approval of Shelton’s contractor application: there was a MOTION by Kevin and a second by
Duayne to approve the Shelton Excavating PLAWCS contractor application. Vote: all in favor,
motion carried.
Susan Rees, 5652 N Pike Lake Road, possible new sewer connection: Ms. Rees described her
situation to the Board. She needs a new septic system and was inquiring about connecting to the
PLAWCS system. She said the state has an interest in getting people off septic systems. She is
asking if it’s possible to extend the line from the corner of Midway and N. Pike Lake Road. She is
two tenths of a mile from the main line. Joe said it would be the cost of running a line for 11001200 feet, plus the grinder basin and all other costs. At $20-$30/foot cost, it would still be less
expensive to install a new septic system or holding tank. WLSSD allowed for 10% growth so there
is adequate capacity. It is unsure if PLAWCS would qualify for additional funding. It would be
possible to install stubs but then all residents would be required to connect to the system to be in
compliance with the PLAWCS ordinance which requires any residence within 200’ of a main line
to connect. Duayne said she is beyond the district boundaries, which would mean a major change
in policy for the district to pay to connect one person. Kevin said that Dan Belden had stated that
PLAWCS is not at capacity, and there is a process to extend the sewer district. The Board needs
to decide if it will consider extending PLAWCS boundaries. It may also be possible that WLSSD
would be willing to extend the service area and if the decision could be stated in writing. PFA
would also need to approve. Mr. Rees was advised to call St. Louis County Health Services to get
an opinion other than a contractor’s. Scott said this should be a topic for future discussion; it is a
complicated topic. He also mentioned the need for a sewer system on Caribou Lake, and the
Board needs to take a closer look at this topic. Kurt asked Ms. Rees to talk to her neighbors. The
Board may be more receptive if more than one resident on the road is requesting this. It may also
be a possibility to install a private sewer line that would tie into PLAWCS, and would also mean
that neighbors would not be required to connect. Steve said the ordinance doesn’t address private
lines and is not sure that WLSSD would be on board with the idea. A lot of questions must be
answered before we can move ahead. Duayne made a MOTION with a second by Kevin to
definitely postpone further discussion until the November meeting. A resident referred to a
current residence outside the PLAWCS boundary that was allowed to connect, and said this does
not need to be financed by PLAWCS.
Video of PLAWCS line: Kevin asked Eric if he had any recommendations for PLAWCS to video
the sewer lines. Eric had previously recommended that PLAWCS consider doing a video of the
lines, gravity lines only. Pressure lines can’t be videoed because the pumps would have to be shut
off and service interrupted for the duration of the filming. This would be the main sewer lines
only, not individual lines. Joe said he would highly recommend doing this; it is very important.
He offered to look at plans if the Board wanted him to do so. Joe said he could request a quote.
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Typically, the cost is between $0.75 and 0.80 per foot for “clean and camera”. He will get a figure
for how many feet of line would be involved and send that to Julie. Kevin made a MOTION,
seconded by Duayne, to proceed with gathering information on videoing and cleaning the gravity
lines of the main system. Vote: all in favor, motion carried. This will be a November agenda item.
Clerk Items / Questions:
Julie read a draft letter to Dan and Sheri Nilsen, 5790 N Pike Lake Road, regarding the
underground wire issue. Duayne made a MOTION, seconded by Kevin, to send the letter. Vote:
all in favor, motion carried.
Julie read Superior Construction’s response to Duane Wick’s letter regarding construction issues
that arose from a basin replacement. The Board requested a copy of both letters for review. Julie
will have that available for the November meeting.
Other: nothing.
Adjourn: there was a MOTION by Kevin and a second by Duayne to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm.
Vote: all in favor, motion carried.
Approved By:
The next regular meeting will be held November 23, 2015 at 7:00 pm at Canosia Town Hall.
Minutes submitted by: Julie Lundholm, Clerk
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