Medical Abbreviations WEEK 1 bid CBC chol CNS DOA DOB Dx ER ETOH GI ICU NVD qd qhs qid twice a day complete blood count cholesterol central nervous system dead on arrival date of birth diagnosis emergency room ethyl alcohol, intoxicated gastrointestinal intensive care unit nausea, vomiting, diarrhea every day every night at bedtime four times a day WEEK 2 BM BP c/o DNR ETA gtt(s) Hx MRI NaCl qod CPR DPT IM LD MVA bowel movement blood pressure complains of do not resuscitate estimated time of arrival drop(s) history magnetic resonance imagery sodium chloride every other day cardiopulmonary resuscitation diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus intramuscular lethal dose motor vehicle accident WEEK 3 CHF ECG Fx LP OR TB NG KCl DNA COPD congestive heart failure electrocardiogram fracture lumbar puncture operating room tuberculosis nasogastric potassium chloride deoxyribonucleic acid chronic obstructive pulmonary disease BKA inj PDR L&D IV below knee amputation injection physician’s desk reference labor and delivery intravenous WEEK 4 CA CVA FH GB HDL IVF LDL MOM vag BR DC DW est GTT NKDA cancer cerebrovascular accident family history gall bladder high density lipoprotein in vitro fertilization low density lipoprotein milk of magnesia vaginal bed rest discontinue or discharge distilled water estimated glucose tolerance test no known drug allergies WEEK 5 Bx CAD cal D5W EMG exam FUO HR K+ MI neg OU PE postop qh biopsy coronary artery disease calorie 5% dextrose in water electromyogram examination fever undetermined origin heart rate potassium myocardial infarction negative both eyes pulmonary embolism postoperative every hour WEEK 6 BS BUN cc CSF DT’s breath sounds blood, urea, nitrogen cubic centimeters cerebrospinal fluid delirium tremens EKG hgb IUD lac meds MICU pc UA Vfib Vtach electrocardiogram hemoglobin intrauterine device laceration medications mobile intensive care unit after meals urinanalysis ventricular fibrillation ventricular tachycardia WEEK 7 BLS C&S c-spine TMJ ung UTI tid MVI ss stat sx po prn PT qs basic life support culture and sensitivity cervical spine temporomandibular joint ointment urinary tract infection three times a day multivitamin ½ immediately symptoms by mouth as needed physical therapy quantity sufficient WEEK 8 palp PEDS PNS pO2 pro time RBC RDA r/o ROM sc SOB STD TPN TWE w/c palpitation pediatrics peripheral nervous system partial pressure of oxygen prothrombin time red blood cell/count recommended daily allowance rule out range of motion subcutaneous shortness of breath sexually transmitted disease total parenteral nutrition tap water enema wheelchair WEEK 9 vo VD R.R. Rx TAH PH pp RAIU REM NPO Nitro Ortho ORTH p P verbal order venereal disease recovery room take (prescription) total abdominal hysterectomy past history postprandial (after eating) radioactive iodine uptake study rapid eye movement nothing by mouth nitroglygerine correct, right (bones) orthopedics after pulse WEEK 10 TCDB TLC TV URI US WA SA SL SVD PID pt OT OD NSR MA turn, cough, deep breath tender loving care tidal volume upper respiratory infection ultrasound while awake sinoatrial sublingual spontaneous vaginal delivery pelvic inflammatory disease patient occupational therapy right eye, overdose normal sinus rhythm mental age WEEK 11 bil BK bpm cath CAT CC CHD CT DRG EENT FBS bilateral below knee beats per minute catheter computerized axial tomography chief complaint coronary heart disease computerized tomography diagnosis related group eye, ear, nose, throat fasting blood sugar FHS HCG Hyst I&O fetal heart sounds human chorionic gonadotrophin hysterectomy intake and output WEEK 12 bl circ CPT CS ED FBOA H&H I&D ICP Irrig IT KUB L MN NS blood circumcision chest physical therapy central supply erectile dysfunction, emergency department foreign body obstructed airway hemoglobin and hemocrit incision and drainage intracranial pressure irrigation inhalation therapy kidney, ureter, bladder lumbar midnight normal saline WEEK 13 CCU CHO cl liq CVU CXR DAT EBL etiol FBW FF FIFO ft hct ht hypo coronary care unit carbohydrate clear liquid cardiovascular unit chest x-ray diet as tolerated estimated blood loss etiology fasting blood work force fluids 10 first in first out foot hematocrit height hypodermic injection WEEK 14 exp GU HOB IS iso IVP exploratory genitourinary head of bed intercostal space isolation intravenous pyelogram lat LLQ LLL LMP LOC MS NGT oint OPD lateral left lower quadrant (abdomen) left lower lobe (lung) last menstrual period level of consciousness morphine sulfate, multiple sclerosis nasogastric tube ointment outpatient department WEEK 15 tol trach TT TSH unc. ur SVT SSE spec SB S&S s RUQ RLL RL tolerated tracheotomy, tracheostomy tetanus toxoid thyroid stimulating hormone unconscious urine supraventricular tachycardia soap suds enema specimen small bowel signs & symptoms without right upper quadrant (abdomen) right lower lobe (lung) ringer’s lactate WEEK 16 diff EEG ET lap MCI N/C nsg O ord PAR PERRL PPD qns unk vit differential electroencephalogram endotracheal laparotomy mass casualty incident no complaints nursing oxygen orderly postanesthesia room pupil equal & reactive to light purified protein derivative (TB test) quantity not sufficient unknown vitamin WEEK 17 bl wk BOW BRP BSI BSO BVM c cl liq CPK cysto d/c D&C del Del Rm. D/S blood work bag of waters bathroom privileges body substance isolation bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy bag-valve-mask with clear liquid creatine phosphokinase cystography discontinue dilation & curettage delivery Delivery room dextrose in saline WEEK 18 EOA ESR ext FHT FSH gyn hr hs ing IPPB lab LDH liq lt min esophageal obturator airway erythrocyte sedimentation rate external, extract, extraction fetal heart tone follicle-stimulating hormone gynecology hour bedtime, hour of sleep inguinal intermittent positive pressure breathing laboratory lactic dehydrogenase liquid left minute WEEK 19 Na+ neuro noc NVS OB OOB ORTH os P&A PAC PAT sodium neurology night neurological vital signs obstetrics out of bed orthopedics mouth percussion & auscultation premature atrial contraction paroxysmal atrial tachycardia per PET PKU pm by or through positron emission tomography phenylketonuria between noon and midnight