Physical Chemistry Lecture 31 Raoult’s Law, Henry’s Law, Ideal and Nonideal Solutions Activity in solution θ µ liq (aliq , T ) = µ liq (T ) + RT ln aliq For any liquid system The activity in the gas phase is easily defined Equilibrium solution activity determined by µ liq (aliq , T ) = µ gas (a gas , T ) phase equilibrium with the vapor phase Solution activity is aliquid θ determined relative to = exp(− (µ liq − µ θgas ) / RT ) = K (T ) a the activity of the vapor gas at equilibrium Phase equilibrium with an ideal-gas phase Generally activities in aliq phases are related by equilibrium condition Vapor pressure is a measure of the gas’s a gas activity in ideal limit Ideal-gas-limit activity depends on the ideal gas limit aliq definition of the gasphase standard state = K a gas = P θ P P = K θ P Raoult’s law Pure-liquid standard state Vapor pressure over pure liquid P• Determines the solution activity relative to that of a molecule in the pure liquid Standard state: molecule’s energy is dominated by interactions with like molecules P θ RL liq a = P = • P • P Henry’s law Dilute-solution case derived from studies of sparingly soluble gases Imaginary standard state: solute’s energy is dominated by interactions with solvent molecules only Henry’-law constant obtained from solubility HL liq K HL a = P Pθ Ideal solution An imaginary solution in which the properties are sensitive to the amount of material, but only insofar as they change statistically with composition Activity changes mirror concentration ∆ mixing G ideal = n1 RT ln X 1 + n2 RT ln X 2 ∆ mixing S ideal = − n1 R ln X 1 ∆ mixing H ideal = 0 No enthalpy of mixing These are statistical results − n2 R ln X 2 Free energies of mixing in nonideal solutions A solution with negative deviation of free energy of mixing from that of ideal solution Molecules gain “stability” by being in solution over what they gain just by random chance A solution that deviates positively has a higher free energy of mixing than an ideal solution Molecules require more free energy to be in solution than if they were there by chance Indications of interactions between molecules 0 -200 -400 ∆ G (joule/mole) Deviation from Ideal Solution -600 -800 -1000 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 -2000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Mole Fraction Ideal Solution Negative Deviation Positive Deviation Raoult’s law in the idealsolution limit Activity determined by random statistics Does not depend on differential energies of interaction between components • 1 P1 = X 1,liq P P2 = X 2,liq P2• P = P1 + P2 • 1 = P • 2 • 1 + (P − P ) X 2 Summary Raoult’s law: activity relative to the situation in a pure material Henry’s law: activity relative to a dilute-solution environment (imaginary state) Ideal solution No enthalpy of solution All properties determined by statistics Deviations from ideality are indicative of molecular interactions in solution Excess free energy