Syllabus Introduction to Spanish Sr. Garner Room 2414 299

Introduction to Spanish
Sr. Garner
Room 2414
299-4415 ext. 5245
Course Overview:
This course is designed to facilitate entry-level learning in Spanish by allowing students the experience
of engaging in conversations, providing and obtaining information, expressing emotions and feelings,
and exchanging opinions in Spanish. Student will gain information and understanding of Spanish culture
and will experience the grammar usage at a basic level. If student plans to enroll in Spanish I for high
school credit in the 8th grade, he/she must complete this course during the 7th grade year, earn a B or
better, and obtain the teacher’s approval to enroll in Spanish I.
Required Materials:
1. Textbook: ¡Avancemos!, McDougal Littell
2. Workbooks: Práctica por Niveles (Practice Workbook), Lecturas para Todos (Reading Workbook)
3. Student spiral– Students will maintain a spiral notebook throughout the year for daily bellwork
assignments. Students will be expected to bring this to class every day starting on the second
day of school.
4. Pencil
Students will be evaluated based on their daily classwork, homework, participation, projects, quizzes,
and tests. Additionally, the student will also take a cumulative semester exam at the end of each term.
Tests / Projects 45%
Quizzes / Mini-projects 35%
Participation 10%
Homework and Classwork 10%
Homework and Assessments:
Homework will be given on a regular basis and is due on the assigned date.
 I will be using Power School to post all graded assignments and homework. If you are absent,
you will have access from home to see what was assigned.
 Per Jenks Middle Schools’ Late Work Policy, students may turn in assignments one day late
with a 10% reduction in the final grade. Major assignments that are not completed after one
week will be documented as a failing grade (“zero”).
 Major assessment items will be considered for retake unless otherwise communicated in
advance to students. Reassessments must be taken within one week of the original test date.
Students may earn up to 70% of the original assignment value on a retake assignment. The
teacher will determine whether or not to allow a student to retake a test.
A student with an excused absence will have the same number of days to make up work as
days absent.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Be on time for class. You must be in your seat when the bell rings.
2. Come to class prepared. Have all materials ready and be ready to participate.
3. Respect others. Teachers have the right to teach, and students have the right to learn. You
may not distract or disturb other students who are trying to learn.
4. No food or drink, except for water, which must be in a sealable container.
5. Cell phones must be put on silent and out of sight, unless the student is given special
permission. Typically, permission to use a phone is only given in order to take a picture of
the whiteboard with weekly assignments.
6. Earbuds must be put away during class. School policy permits you to wear one earbud in the
7. There will typically be plenty of opportunities for students to collaborate and engage with
one another. However, students may not talk or get up from their desk while the teacher is
presenting a lesson.
Discipline Policy:
If you do not follow school rules or classroom expectations, these are possible consequences of your
actions (this list does not reflect every possible course of action for every infraction):
1st Step - Verbal warning
2nd step - “Negotiated Consequences” – Disciplinary action should be, as much as possible, logically
related to the infraction.
3rd step – Detention and phone call to parent or guardian.
4th Step – A discipline referral to the office and a phone call to the parent or guardian.
Please note that any of these steps can be bypassed by the teacher depending on the nature of the