6 – 8 th grade
• Each student (or small group) will pick a topic and design an experiment:
1. Write a question, hypothesis, procedure and materials list
2. Design an experiment and collect data
3. Form a conclusion from the data
4. Design a display
5. Explain the project steps to others
• By the end of grade eight, students will:
• C.8.1 Identify* questions they can investigate* using resources and equipment they have available
• C.8.2 Identify* data and locate sources of information including their own records to answer the questions being investigated
• C.8.3 Design and safely conduct investigations* that provide reliable quantitative or qualitative data, as appropriate, to answer their questions
• C.8.4 Use inferences* to help decide possible results of their investigations, use observations to check their inferences
• C.8.5 Use accepted scientific knowledge, models*, and theories* to explain* their results and to raise further questions about their investigations*
• C.8.6 State what they have learned from investigations*, relating their inferences* to scientific knowledge and to data they have collected
• C.8.7 Explain* their data and conclusions in ways that allow an audience to understand the questions they selected for investigation* and the answers they have developed
• C.8.8 Use computer software and other technologies to organize, process, and present their data
• C.8.9 Evaluate*, explain*, and defend the validity of questions, hypotheses, and conclusions to their investigations*
• C.8.10 Discuss the importance of their results and implications of their work with peers, teachers, and other adults
• C.8.11 Raise further questions which still need to be answered
• Pre-assessment survey
Self assessment
Family assessment
• Writing a Scientific Question and Hypothesis Practice
• Writing a Procedure Practice
• Daily rubric (our class will set the criteria)
• Power point presentation of project
• Display board with visual aids of project
• Judge interview and questions
• Paper and Pencil assessment
Science Fair Student Survey
1. What do you like to do when you are not in school?
2. What do you hope to do for a job someday?
3. Do you prefer to read, write, or listen to information?
4. List some T.V. shows and / or movies that you like:
5. What are your favorite science subjects?
6. Name two science experiments that you have done in science classes:
7. Do you play video games? If so, which games?
8. How do you find answers to questions that you have?
9. What do you do in the summer?
10. Do you prefer to work alone or with another person?
Science Fair Family Survey
Student Name ____________________________
Family Member Name_________________________________
1. What does this student like to do when not in school?
2. Who usually helps this student with homework?
3. Does this student prefer to read, write, or listen to information?
4. List some T.V. shows and / or movies that you watch at home:
5. What are your favorite science subjects?
6. Name two science experiments that you have done at home:
7. Do you play video games? If so, which games?
8. How do you help others find answers to questions that this student has?
9. Do you think this student would work better alone or with another person?
10. List 3 suggestions for a science fair project for this student:
Scientific Question and Hypothesis Practice
• Write a testable, measurable scientific question:
• Use the scientific question to write a hypothesis in
“If______, then______.” format:
First, we will detail a procedure for making root beer floats as we make them, and eat them!
Procedure Practice
Write a detailed procedure to describe an activity of your choice.
Detailed Procedure:
Category 4 3 2 1
• You will be able to use your creativity to design a display board for your project.
• Your display board can include pictures and decorations that relate to your project.
• The board should include the steps to the scientific method.
• You will present your project at the school science fair.
• You will stand by your display and organize your visual aids.
• You will present your project to students, parents and community members
• You will be required to explain your project to judges and answer their interview questions.
Display Board Display board is a complete and logical summary of science project.
Visual aids are included and relevant to project.
Display shows significant effort and creativity.
2 1
Display board is incomplete, but adequately summarizes the science project.
Display board relates to science project.
Visual aids are included.
Display shows adequate effort and creativity.
Visual aids are mimimal.
Display shows minimal effort and creativity.
Student is confident and clear in explaining the science fair project.
Student adequately explains the science fair project.
Student answers questions confidently with consistent reference to project results or research done.
Student adequately answers questions with some reference to project results or research done.
Student is able to minimally explain the science fair project.
Student answers questions with minimal reference to project results or research done.
• True / False
1. The scientific method is a way to investigate scientific questions.
2. Scientific understandings cannot be revised to accommodate new knowledge.
• Fill in the blank
The last step in the scientific method is to _______________ understanding to others.
• Multiple Choice
All of the following are steps in the scientific method, EXCEPT: a. forming a hypothesis b. initiating an example c. analyzing data d. doing an experiment
• Essay
Describe how you would explain your science fair project results to a news reporter who wants to feature you and your project in a very popular teen magazine.
• What did you do well?
• What could you improve?
• What topics might you want to explore for the next science fair?
• What will you do different in the next science fair?