2014-2015 HANDBOOK For Students & Parents HOME OF THE LION CUBS! Where Student Achievement Is Our First Priority Church Hill Elementary School Dr. Lloyd Taylor, Principal 631 Main Street Church Hill, Maryland 21623 Phone: 410-556-6681 Fax: 410-556-6602 Website: http://qacps.schoolwires.net/ches QACPS VISION A graduate of Queen Anne’s County Public Schools will be welleducated, globally competitive and prepared to become a caring, productive citizen of the 21st Century. QACPS MISSION The mission of Queen Anne’s County Public Schools, a highperforming public school system, is to ensure that every student demonstrates a commitment to high achievement and everyday excellence, possessing the skills and knowledge to empower them to thrive and continue to grow intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially in a rapidly changing, globally competitive society; this will be accomplished through a partnership with our families and community, a world class curriculum, excellence in teaching and challenging educational experiences. CHES MISSION The staff of Church Hill Elementary School, a diverse PreK-4 school, is committed to partnering with students, families and community. We will empower all students to achieve their maximum potential in a nurturing, challenging, and safe environment. We will impart the knowledge and skills for ALL students to become lifelong learners in an ever-changing world. Table of Contents Greetings from the Principal Purpose of Handbook PTA Officers & Meeting Dates Anti-Tobacco Use Policy Arrival & Dismissal Procedures Attendance Care of Books Change of Address/Telephone Church Hill Creed Code of Student Conduct Conferences Delayed Openings Queen Anne’s County Disciplinary Procedures Suspension/Expulsion Extended Suspension Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program Classroom Expectations Bathroom Expectations Cafeteria Expectations Assembly Expectations Playground Expectations Discrimination Early Closings Early Dismissal Requests Emergency Forms Field Trips Getting Help with a School Problem Guidance Health Services Discretionary Medication Hierarchy of Consequences Homework Lost & Found Lunch & Breakfast 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 Table of Contents Parent/Teacher Association Parking Parties Personal Belongings Possession & Use of Weapons & Dangerous Implements Report Cards School Bus Expectations Concerns Procedures Sanctions for Misconduct School Improvement Team School Visitation School Volunteers Search & Seizure Student Attire Student Rights & Responsibilities Tips to Help Your Child Have a Successful Year Calendar of Events Church Hill Elementary School Staff Closing Statement Church Hill Elementary School Floor Plan 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 21 23 24 25 Greetings from our Principal Dear CHES Students and Parents, Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 school year at Church Hill Elementary School. The faculty and I are looking forward to another productive year. We are asking that students make a decision to do their best work this year in order to become excellent readers, writers and mathematicians. We also invite parents to continue to be partners with us so that each student here is able to reach his or her full potential. It is also important that students follow the six “Pillars of Character” as enumerated in the Character Counts! program. Those pillars are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. The CHES staff will make every effort to incorporate these pillars into their day-to-day instruction in order to provide all of our children with a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment. This Handbook is written to assist parents and students gain an understanding of the expectations and guidelines that will help maintain our school as one of excellence. Please take time to carefully review the information that follows and, as a family, discuss the school’s rules, policies and procedures. It is vital that all who are associated with the school – parents, students, and staff – work closely together. We especially encourage our parents’ assistance. With the adoption of the new a rigorous Common Core Curriculum, it is more important than ever that schoolhome collaboration is maintained. With your help CHES can continue to be an exceptional school and our students outstanding scholars. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, other members of our staff, or me should you have any questions. I look forward to working with each of you this year. Sincerely, Lloyd W. Taylor, Ed.D. Principal P.S. Page 1 Purpose of Handbook This handbook was developed to answer many of the commonly asked questions that students and parents may have during the school year. The handbook contains information regarding student rights and responsibilities. Please take the time to become familiar with the following information and keep the handbook available for parents and students to use. It can be a valuable reference during the school year and an avenue to avoid confusion and misunderstanding when questions arise. The handbook reflects the policies set by the Board of Education. It is not all inclusive. As new policies arise, the school reserves the right to amend the handbook. PTA Officers President Vice President Secretary Co Secretary Treasurer Co Treasurer Jennifer Schultz Bonnie Brady Erin Kusmider Michelle Lavelle Betsy Taylor Liz Shirk PTA Meetings GENERAL – 6:30 P.M. September 11 November 13 January 15 March 12 May 14 EXECUTIVE – 3:00 P.M. October 9 December11 February 12 April 9 Page 2 Anti-Tobacco Use Policy The sale, use or possession of tobacco in any form by students is prohibited in all school system owned or leased buildings, school-sponsored events, and on all school grounds at all times. Violations will result in disciplinary actions, which may include suspension, or expulsion from school. Arrival & Dismissal Procedures Supervision will begin for arriving students at 8:40 A.M. For safety reasons, car riders should not use the bus lane to bring their children to school. Use the south side entrance between 8:40 to 9:00 A.M. Please obey the parking traffic signs. Students arriving after 9:00 A.M. are considered tardy. A parent must sign a student in at the front office. Dismissal begins at 3:30 P.M. Children should go directly home at the end of the school day. They are not permitted to ride a different bus per BOE policy. All children who remain after school to participate in after school activities must have written permission from their parents. We ask that parents say good-bye to students in the lobby upon morning arrival. It is important that students develop independence in going to their classes. Sign outs at the end of the day are in the Art Room. Please send in a note with your child in the morning. Calls will not be taken for pick-ups after 3:00 PM. Page 3 Attendance The school can perform its educational responsibilities only if students are present for instruction. It is the duty of the parents to see that their children regularly attend school and Maryland Law makes failure to do so a misdemeanor. If your child is absent from school, a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian is required on the day the student returns to school. A doctor’s note may be required for extended absences. Students who are habitually tardy or have an attendance problem will be referred to Pupil Personnel Services for appropriate action. Both classrooms and students with exemplary attendance will be recognized. A student who arrives after 9:00 A.M. but before 10:00 A.M. should report to the office before going on to his/her classroom, and will be considered tardy. Students who arrive later than 1 hour after the start of school (10:00 A.M.) or leave 1 hour before the end of the school day (2:30 P.M.) will be counted as half day absent. Hours may accumulate and transfer into days of absence. Care of Books Students are responsible for the care of text and media books that are signed out to them. All textbooks must be covered. Students will be assessed for lost or damaged text or media books. Change of Address/Telephone It is extremely important that every student maintain an up-to-date address and working telephone number record at the school office. Notify the school immediately if you have a change of address or phone number during the school year. Page 4 Church Hill Creed I am a Church Hill Elementary School Student. I have great expectations for myself. I accept the challenge to become the best I can be. Yesterday’s failures are behind me. Today’s successes are before me. I will make today the best of all, for this day begins the rest of my life.. Code of Student Conduct Appropriate student behavior is essential to an effective learning climate and is the responsibility of students, teachers, administration and parents. Students have the responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that facilitates learning. Each pupil must understand school expectations, make every effort to uphold them, and recognize that those in authority have the responsibility for maintaining the orderly process of education. Parents help by reinforcing good behavioral standards at home and by communicating regularly with their child’s teachers. Please adhere to PBIS expectations at all times. Conferences Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled in October/November and April, at which time parents are requested to meet with their child’s teacher in order to discuss academic progress. It is important for all parents to attend your child’s conference. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher when a question or concern arises. Often a telephone conference or email message can be helpful. To schedule a conference with the teacher, please call the school office or send a note to the teacher requesting a conference. Please do not attempt to discuss a student with a teacher in the hall. Page 5 Delayed Openings When Queen Anne’s County schools have a delayed opening due to inclement weather conditions, the delay is usually 1 ½ hours (90 minutes). This means that doors will open to students at 10:10 and school begins at 10:30 A.M. Staff members are required to arrive no later than (30) minutes beyond the regular school opening time. Listed below are some guidelines for delayed openings a. The school breakfast program will be canceled on days when delayed openings are in effect. b. Field trips scheduled during the regular school day are canceled when delayed openings are in effect unless specifically stated. This will not apply to events scheduled after school. Page 6 Queen Anne’s County Disciplinary Procedures Students are expected to behave in a courteous, cooperative manner toward each other and toward all others in the school setting at all times. Most violations of this standard of conduct may be handled within the classroom and/or with the intervention of the school counselor. Severe violations are handled as required by the implementation of suspension and/or expulsion from school. A student, who engages in any activity which violates the rights of another individual in any manner or continues to be an impediment to the learning process on school grounds, or on approved field trips or activities under the direction of staff away from the school facilities, may be suspended. Suspension/Expulsion Days of suspension are considered to be lawful absences. Therefore, a student may request and receive make-up work according to each school’s procedure. In accordance with recent legislation, each principal of a public school may suspend for cause, for not more than 10 school days any student in the school who is under the direction of the principal (COMAR S7305 Annotated Code of Maryland). Extended Suspension At the request of the principal, the superintendent may suspend a student for periods longer than ten (10) days. This is requested in cases when an intervention plan must be developed prior to the re-admittance of a student. During a period of extended suspension a student is not allowed on school property unless accompanied by his/her parent/guardian. Days of extended suspension are considered to be lawful absences. Therefore, a student may request and receive make-up work according to school procedure. Prior to returning to school from an extended suspension, a student, accompanied by his or her parent(s) or guardian(s), must attend a re-admittance conference with appropriate school staff. The purpose of the conference is to cooperatively develop a plan meeting the student’s needs and eliminate future suspension(s). The following offenses shall be considered cause for a request for extended suspension or expulsion and may result in referral to legal authorities 1. Theft-taking personal or public property. 2. Weapons or explosive devices-possess, use of having a representation thereof. 3. Deliberate defiance/assault-to a teacher or administrator. Page 7 Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program CHES implemented PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program) where the staff developed three goals: Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Respect Listen Use good manners Obey home rules Responsibility Complete all homework assignments Be responsible for Monday folders Study for all tests Safety Use the Internet with adult supervision Remain seated on the bus at all times Discuss problems with school staff We believe that: All children can learn, behave and succeed. Teachers have a right to teach. Students have a right to learn. Teachers’ needs in the classroom have to be met. Students’ needs in the classroom have to be met. Each staff member is responsible for all students. The link between families and positive behavioral interventions and supports is an important one. When families are meaningfully involved in education activities, their children perform better in school. Please help us implement our PBIS goals at home. Page 8 Classroom Expectations Respectful Listen Raise your hand Use kind words Stay in own space Responsible Follow directions first time given Complete assignments Safe Keep hands and feet to self Ask permission to leave seat/room Bathroom Expectations Respectful Honor privacy of others Wash hands Flush toilet Responsible Use trash cans Conserve water and paper Keep walls clean Safe Promptly return to the classroom Cafeteria Expectations Respectful Listen Use inside voice Use good manners Responsible Clean up Have money ready Know your cafeteria ID Be honest about your lunch choice Safe Line up quietly Follow directions Walk Page 9 Recess Expectations Respectful Listen Share Take Turns Include Others Responsible Follow rules for equipment and games Tell an adult if there is a problem Safe Line Up to signal the first time given Tell an adult if there is a problem Assembly Expectations Respectful Listen Sit Quietly Eyes on presenter Participate Use good manners Responsible Keep hands and feet to self Follow the quiet signal Safe Pay attention Keep hands and feet to self Bus Expectations Respectful √ Listen √ Use kind words and inside voice √ Face forward Responsible √ Follow directions and bus rules √ Stay seated Safe √ Keep hands and feet to self √ Stay seated and face forward Early Closings If conditions warrant an early dismissal, the radio and TV stations will announce the following: “Queen Anne’s County Public Schools will be closing one (or two) hours earlier than their usual closing time.” In the event of a two-hour closing, afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes will be canceled. Announcements are also placed on the telephone message recording at the Board of Education. The telephone number is 410-758-2403. You may also check the system web-site at www.qacps.org All students should know where he/she should go in the event of an early closing when parents/guardians are not home. Page 10 Early Dismissal Requests Please make every effort to limit requests for early dismissal. It is important that students be available for every minute of instruction. Should a student need to leave school early, we would appreciate written notification. Parents must come to the office and sign-out their children. Students are released only to their parents or their legal guardians. A written note only from the parent must be received if anyone other than the parent or legal guardian is to come for the student during the day or at dismissal. When possible, please arrange personal appointments around your child’s school schedule. Emergency Forms Emergency information will be kept on file in the school office and health room. Two forms will be sent home for you to fill out the first day of school. Please report any changes in address, telephone numbers or emergency contacts to the school office as quickly as possible. The school is not allowed to give out phone numbers and addresses of other students. All information is confidential and may not be shared with others. Field Trips Field trips are considered to be a valuable part of the instructional program. Notices are sent home to parents in advance outlining details and cost associated with the trip. Field trips are considered to be a valuable part of the instructional program and trips are arranged by individual grades. Parents are encouraged to return all monies and permission slips when due to allow for final bus arrangements and reservations to the facility that the students are visiting. If students are not participating in the field trip, they are expected to attend school or will be marked absent for the day. If field trips pose a financial hardship, parents are requested to contact the guidance counselor or principal. Parents are encouraged to participate as chaperones whenever possible. Pre-Schoolers are not permitted on field trips. Under specific circumstances, parents may be required to chaperone a trip. Page 11 Getting Help With a School Problem From time to time, parents may have concerns about their child’s emotional wellbeing, personal safety or academic progress. A parent with a problem or concern about a school related incident should follow these steps: 1. Discuss the problem with your child. 2. Discuss the problem with your child’s teacher or the person who made the decision or took the action in question. 3. For bus problems, discuss the problem with the bus driver. If the issue has not been resolved after conferencing with the person directly involved, a conference should be arranged among parents, teacher, bus driver, guidance counselor and principal. Guidance Guidance services are available for all students. Individual and group counseling will be offered during the school year. Parents are welcome to schedule a conference or telephone the counselor. Health Services Every effort should be made to minimize the administration of medicine at school. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If your physician deems it necessary for a student to receive medication during the school day, you must provide the school with a completed PHYSICIAN’S MEDICATION ORDER FORM. All medication sent to the school must be in its original container. Parents should bring the consent form and medicine to school, not sent with a student. The first dose of any new medication must be given at home by a parent/guardian. All medication is kept locked in a cabinet in the health room. A trained and designated person will administer all medication. A form must be kept in the health room to record all medication given to a student and the time it was administered. Students will report to the nurse’s office for all medications unless otherwise indicated. Page 12 Discretionary Medication 1. 2. 3. Certain discretionary medications (i.e. acetaminophen, (Tylenol), cough medicine) may be administered by the school nurse without a physician’s order but with a parent/guardian’s written consent. The consent form may be obtained through the school nurse. Prescription or non-prescription medication administered on a regular basis still requires the completed PHYSICIAN’S MEDICATION ORDER FORM. Hierarchy of Consequences Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 verbal reminder, warning cool down, time out, seat change, student/teacher conference loss of value time/workroom parent contact pre-referral form office referral Homework When appropriate, homework will be assigned. Homework assignments require students to apply skills and principles developed in the classroom and provide repetition and reinforcement that is necessary to aid students in the retention of concepts. Homework assignments also have value in teaching students to assume responsibility and develop positive work habits. Students should complete homework independently. Parents may help by providing study areas, allowing time to study, and checking on progress and completion. The scheduling of homework is at the teacher’s discretion. All children should have some homework Monday- Thursday. For primary grades homework should last 10-30 minutes and for intermediate about 30- 50 minutes per evening to complete. Lost & Found Articles may be claimed in the front hallway and cafeteria in the lost and found box. Articles marked with the child’s name will be returned to the owner. Items remaining at the end of the school year will be donated to charity. Page 13 Lunch & Breakfast Lunch Schedule Grade K Grade 1 and 3 Grade 2 and 4 Regular Reduced Milk 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 Breakfast $1.30 per day $6.50 per week $.30 per day $1.50 per week chocolate/white $ .50 Lunch $2.25 per day $11.25 per week $.40 per day $2.00 per week Healthy snacks are also available if all of a student’s regular lunch has been consumed. County policy requires each child to have a lunch each day. Parents may send a lunch from home or your child may buy a school lunch. In a situation when a child forgets his/her lunch he/she may charge no more than two (2) school lunches. When this occurs, please send money for the lunch to the cafeteria as soon as possible. The Marriott/Sodexho Corporation will coordinate school meals. Marriott/Sodexho will provide menus and special information. An application for free or reduced price lunches is sent home the first week of school. If you do not receive an application, please call the school office. Children who received a free or reduced lunch/breakfast last year will continue so until September 30th. An application for this year must be completed and returned to the school before September 30th to qualify for this program. Media Center Children have the opportunity to visit the Media Center once a week. Fines are not assessed for over due books. However, children may not check out additional books until any late books are returned. There will be a charge for a book that is lost, damaged, or not returned at the end of the marking period. Page 14 Parent Teacher Association The PTA, through the combined efforts of parents, teachers, and administration, work to promote the welfare of our children in home, school, and community. Membership is open to all parents, staff, and any adult who is interested in the objectives of our organization. Parking Parking is provided for parents and visitors in the lots at the north and south ends of the building. No vehicles are allowed in the bus loop that circles the school from 8:15 A.M. to 3: 15 P.M. Visitors must use the main entrance and are required to sign in at the office. Parents picking up children at the end of the day may sign them out in the Art room and park on the south side of the building. Parties Classroom celebrations will be scheduled to coincide with the following holidays: Halloween, Christmas, and End-of-the-Year. Please contact the school if your child can not participate due to religious or other reasons. Personal Belongings Students often bring personal items to school that enhance class learning. Other items, however, are often inappropriate and tend to distract students or create problems. For these reasons, toys, radios, video games, etc. should not be brought to school. The first time an item such as these is brought to school, the teacher will take the item and return it to the student at the end of the day. The second time the item is brought to school, the teacher will take it and the parent can pick it up at their convenience. If the item is brought to school a third time, the parent will need to pick it up from the principal’s office on the last day of school in June. Page 15 Possession & Use of Weapons & Dangerous Implements The Board of Education strictly prohibits any student from possession or using and weapon or dangerous implement on Board of Education property. Compliance with the standards set forth in this policy is mandatory. Any student who violates this policy shall face disciplinary action. Possession of a weapon or dangerous implement may result in suspension and/or expulsion. Use of a weapon or dangerous implement shall result in expulsion. Report Cards Report cards are issued every nine weeks to notify parents of student progress. Parent/Teacher conferences are held during the first and third marking periods. Attendance at these conferences is extremely important. Interim reports may be sent home at the mid-point of the marking period to notify parents of student’s performance. Page 16 Church Hill Elementary Concerns 2014-2015 Page 17 Sanctions for Bus Misconduct A. For the first offense, the school administrator will take appropriate action, which will include, but is not limited to, a parent conference. In addition, appropriate action for a first offense may include bus or school suspensions, the school administrator will determine the term. B. For a second, third, or fourth offense and after parent notification, the administrative staff will take appropriate action, which will include, but is not limited to: 1. 2. 3. Bus suspension for 3 days for a second offense. Bus suspension for 5 days for a third offense. Bus suspension for 30 days for a fourth offense. School Improvement Team The CHES School Improvement Team addresses the needs of the school and works on solutions to address these needs. The team includes administrator, guidance counselor, specialists, teachers, support staff, parents, and business and community partners School Visitation Parents are always welcome to visit the school for the purposes of observation and volunteering. Any visits during the school day should be for the above purposes only, unless a conference time with a teacher has been prearranged. Conferences must be planned in advance as teachers and students work on a planned schedule and program. For the protection of students and security reasons it is required that any person entering the building during the day come directly to the office before going to any other part of the school. The main entrance is located in the front of the building. All other doors remained locked from 9:00 A.M. to 3:25 P.M. Page 18 School Volunteers Volunteers are welcome in all areas of our school program. All volunteers are required to attend an annual training session before they begin the volunteer each year. All volunteers must complete a criminal background check before volunteering or chaperoning each year. Search & Seizure It is the responsibility of the student to cooperate fully with the lawful investigation by authorized persons on school property. A student’s consent to a search will be obtained if at all possible. Every principal, designee or authorized person of a public school may conduct a reasonable search of a student on school premises and the physical plants of a school and everything therein if he or she has probable cause to believe that the student has in his or her possession an item that constitutes a criminal offense under the laws of this state. Student Attire Church Hill Elementary students have the option of wearing school uniforms. The school uniforms are a navy shirt/blouse and khaki slacks/skirts or jumper. The wearing of uniforms is encouraged. Students have the right to choose their attire and to arrange their personal appearance in a manner that is healthy, safe, inoffensive, and not disruptive to the educational process. Headwear may be worn only for health, safety, and religious reasons. Clothes may not show obscenities or violence, promoter alcohol, tobacco or drugs, or show bare skin between the upper chest and mid thigh. Use the finger tip rule to measure the appropriate lengthens of shorts and skirts. Student Rights & Responsibilities A Queen Anne’s County Public School Calendar Handbook is distributed to each student the first week of school. It should be read and reviewed with your child at home to further reinforce the student’s responsibility to conduct himself/herself in a manner that does not detract from the learning process. It is important to sign the policies and procedures page in the front of the calendar and return to school promptly. Page 19 Tips to Help Your Child Have a Successful Year · Provide a space for your child to do his/ her homework and check to see that it is completed daily. Make sure there is a desk or table space to work free of distractions. You may help your child plan when to do his/her homework, explain directions and make sure that he/she has the necessary materials, but your child should do the actual work. · Talk to your child about the papers he/she brings home from school and what he/she is learning at school. Read to your child or listen to your child read each day. Practice math facts daily. · Make sure your child has a library book to read. Ask them questions about the book as they read it. Make sure your child has the necessary materials to be successful in school. · Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher and attend parent conferences. Page 20 School Calendar August 11 18 22 25 25-29 1 2 9 September 12 15 26 30 October November December 5-10 20-24 9 8 13 17 19-24 27 27-31 28 31 3&5 4 11 13 17 -21 17 18 19 21 25 26 – 28 1 11 16 19 22- Jan 2 New Teachers report All Teachers Return Meet N Greet : PK/K - 12:00 Gr 1 & 2 – 1:00 Gr 3 & 4 – 2:00 First Day of School (Grades 1-9) Pre – Kindergarten & Kindergarten Conferences School Closed – Labor Day First Day of School (PreK & K) Back to School Night – 6:30 PM PTA Meeting – 6:30 PM Writing Songs to Learn Assembly – 2:00 Picture Day School Climate Assembly SIT Meeting – 4 PM Fire Prevention Week Quarter 1 Reading Assessment PTA Executive Meeting 3:00 PM Title I Orientation Night School Closed ½ Day – Professional Development School Closed – Professional Development School Bus Safety Week Picture Makeup Book Fair SIT – 4 PM School Climate Assembly Parent/Teacher Conferences School Closed – Professional Development Professional Development – 1:00 Dismissal PTA meeting – 6:30 American Education Week American Ed Week – PK & K visitation day American Ed Week – Gr 1 & 2 visitation day American Ed Week – Gr 3 & 4 visitation day Grandparent’s Day SIT School Closed – Thanksgiving Break Bobbledy Books Assembly – 2:00 PM PTA Executive Meeting – 3:30 PM Winter Program – 6:30 PM School Climate Assembly School Closed – Winter Break Page 21 School Calendar January February 5 12-16 15 19 26-37 27 29 30 29 – Feb 6 School Reopens Reading Assessment PTA Meeting – 6:30 PM School closed – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Closed – Professional Development SIT – 4 PM School Climate Assembly Japanese Festival Assembly – 2 PM Mid Year Math 12 13 PTA Executive Meeting – 3:30 PM Professional Development – 1:00 Dismissal Jump Rope for Heart Father/Daughter Dance School Closed – President’s Day Beat Boxing Assembly – 2 PM SIT School Climate Assembly 16 20 24 27 March April May 12 31 PTA Meeting – 6:30 PM SIT Meeting – 4 PM School Climate Assembly 1 2-7 9 13-14 24 28 30 Professional Development – 1:00 Dismissal Spring Break PTA Executive Meeting – 3:30 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences Pirates of Chesapeake Assembly – 2 PM SIT – 4 PM School Climate Assembly 1 4-8 14 19 22 25 26 29 Professional Development – 1:00 Dismissal Reading Assessment window PTA Meeting – 6:30 PM Spring Program – 6:30 PM Field Day Memorial Day – School closed SIT Meeting – 4 PM School Climate Assembly June 13 15 End of Year Assemblies (tentative) 4th Grade Advancement (tentative) Tentative Last Day of School for Students Tentative Last Day of School for Teachers SIT Page 22 Staff & Faculty Dr. Lloyd Taylor Nancy Connolly Susan Peterson Linda Slaughter Claire Gervais Marjorie Hershberger Jeanine Brizendine Cathy Crew Lynn Henderson Kim McSorley Erin Kusmider Margaret Macedonia Faith East Michelle Patterson Pam Brown Tamara Forte Amber Taylor Alice Tickler Leigh Dean Jessica Hall Kristina Lam Ginger Camp Stacey Collier Jesse Freeman Carrie Foreman Amanda Ensor Paul Taylor Deborah Tomassoni Patricia Halliday Cassandra Hosler Michelle Lavelle April Pinder Bev Dadds Diane Malecki Michael Moore Jennifer Smith Victoria Pape Heather Wright Sarah Arnold Nate Copper Tim Williams Shirley Duckery Nate Copper Jr Roianne Schauber Janet Boone Sausha Roberts Sandy Dulin Calvin Embert Dale Kinnamon Tommy Pippin Wayne Pyle Goldie Singh Connie Engrem Joyce Butler Gayle Kinnamon Principal Administrative Secretary Secretary/ Title I Parent Coordinator Guidance Counselor Nurse Teacher Specialist Math Specialist Reading Specialist School Psychologist Speech Special Education Special Education/IEP Chair Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten First Grade First Grade Second Grade Second Grade Second Grade Third Grade Third Grade Third Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fourth Grade Fourth Grade Music Art Media Physical Education Computer Lab Assistant Pre-Kindergarten Para Professional Special Education Para Professional Special Education Para Professional Special Education Para Professional Title I Tutor ESOL Tutor County/Building Foreman Custodian Custodian Custodian Cafeteria Cafeteria Cafeteria Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Page 23 CLOSING Welcome to CHES. I am sure that this year will be a most successful one for all of the students here. It is important that we work together toward a common goal of the highest academic achievement possible for all youngsters. I look forward to meeting and working with all of the students here as well as you, their parents. Please do not hesitate to call your child's teacher, our guidance counselor, Mrs. Slaughter, our teacher specialist Mrs. Hershberger or me with any questions are concerns that you might have. Church Hill Elementary School 631 Main Street Church Hill, MD 21623 410-556-6681 Page 24