The electronic principle on which radar operates is very similar to the principle of soundwave reflection. If you shout in the direction of a sound-reflecting object (like a rocky canyon or cave), you will hear an echo. If you know the speed of sound in air, you can then estimate the distance and general direction of the object. The time required for an echo to return can be roughly converted to distance if the speed of sound is known. Radar uses electromagnetic energy pulses in much the same way, as shown in Figure 1. The radio-frequency (rf) energy is transmitted to and reflected from the reflecting object. A small portion of the reflected energy returns to the radar set. This returned energy is called an ECHO, just as it is in sound terminology. Radar sets use the echo to determine the direction anddistance of the reflecting object. The term RADAR is an acronym made up of the words: RA(dio) (Aim)DetectingAndRanging The term “RADAR” was officially coined as an acronym by U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Samuel M. Tucker and F. R. Furth in November 1940. The acronym was by agreement adopted in 1943 by the Allied powers of World War II and thereafter received general international acceptance. It refers to electronic equipment that detects the presence of objects by using reflected electromagnetic energy. Under some conditions a radar system can measure the direction, height, distance, course and speed of these objects. The frequency of electromagnetic energy used for radar is unaffected by darkness and also penetrates fog and clouds. This permits radar systems to determine the position of airplanes, ships, or other obstacles that are invisible to the naked eye because of distance, darkness, or weather. Modern radar can extract widely more information from a target's echo signal than its range. But the calculating of the range by measuring the delay time is one of its most important functions. Basic design of a radar system The following figure shows the operating principle of a primary radar set. The radar antenna illuminates the target with a microwave signal, which is then reflected and picked up by a receiving device. The electrical signal picked up by the receiving antenna is called echo or return. The radar signal is generated by a powerful transmitter and received by a highly sensitive receiver. All targets produce a diffuse reflection i.e. it is reflected in a wide number of directions. The reflected signal is also called scattering. Backscatter is the term given to reflections in the opposite direction to the incident rays. Radar signals can be displayed on the traditional plan position indicator (PPI) or other more advanced radar display systems. A PPI has a rotating vector with the radar at the origin, which indicates the pointing direction of the antenna and hence the bearing of targets. Transmitter The radar transmitter produces the short duration high-power rf pulses of energy that are into space by the antenna. Duplexer The duplexer alternately switches the antenna between the transmitter and receiver so that only one antenna need be used. This switching is necessary because the highpower pulses of the transmitter would destroy the receiver if energy were allowed to enter the receiver. Receiver The receivers amplify and demodulate the received RF-signals. The receiver provides video signals on the output. Radar Antenna The Antenna transfers the transmitter energy to signals in space with the required distribution and efficiency. This process is applied in an identical way on reception. Indicator The indicator should present to the observer a continuous, easily understandable, graphic picture of the relative position of radar targets. The radar screen (in this case a PPI-scope) displays the produced from the echo signals bright blibs. The longer the pulses were delayed by the runtime, the further away from the center of this radar scope they are displayed. The direction of the deflection on this screen is that in which the antenna is currently pointing. Physical fundamentals of the radar principle The basic principle of operation of primary radar is simple to understand. However, the theory can be quite complex. An understanding of the theory is essential in order to be able to specify and operate primary radar systems correctly. The implementation and operation of primary radars systems involve a wide range of disciplines such as building works, heavy mechanical and electrical engineering, high power microwave engineering, and advanced high speed signal and data processing techniques. Some laws of nature have a greater importance here. Radar measurement of range, or distance, is made possible because of the properties of radiated electromagnetic energy. Reflection of electromagnetic waves The electromagnetic waves are reflected if they meet an electrically leading surface. If these reflected waves are received again at the place of their origin, then that means an obstacle is in the propagation direction. Electromagnetic energy travels through air at a constant speed, at approximately the speed of light, 300,000 kilometers per second or 186,000 statute miles per second or 162,000 nautical miles per second. This constant speed allows the determination of the distance between the reflecting objects (airplanes, ships or cars) and the radar site by measuring the running time of the transmitted pulses. This energy normally travels through space in a straight line, and will vary only slightly because of atmospheric and weather conditions. By using of special radar antennas this energy can be focused into a desired direction. Thus the direction (in azimuth and elevation of the reflecting objects can be measured. These principles can basically be implemented in a radar system, and allow the determination of the distance, the direction and the height of the reflecting object. (The effects atmosphere and weather have on the transmitted energy will be discussed later; however, for this discussion on determining range and direction, these effects will be temporarily ignored.) Waves and Frequency Ranges The spectrum of the electric magnetic waves shows frequencies up to 10 24 Hz. This very large complete range is subdivided because of different physical qualities in different subranges. The division of the frequencies to the different ranges was competed on criteria formerly, which arose historically and a new division of the wavebands which is used internationally is out-dated and arose so in the meantime. The traditional waveband name is partly still used in the literature, however. An overview shows the following figure: Figure 1: Waves and frequency ranges used by radar. Since without that the correct frequency is known, a transformation isn't always possible into the new wavebands. Often in the manufacturers documents are published the traditional wavebands. So I take on and commentn't these informations. Figure 2: some radars and its frequency band Radar systems work in a wide band of transmitted frequencies. The higher the frequency of a radar system, the more it is affected by weather conditions such as rain or clouds. But the higher the transmitted frequency, the better is the accuracy of the radar system. The figure shows the frequency bands used by e.g. radarsystems. A- and B- Band (HF- und VHF- Radar) These radar bands below 300 MHz have a long historically tradition because these frequencies represented the frontier of radio technology at the time during the World War II. Today these frequencies are used for early warning radars and so called Over The Horizon (OTH) Radars. Using these lower frequencies it is easier to obtain high-power transmitters. The attenuation of the electro-magnetic waves is lower than using higher frequencies. On the other hand the accuracy is limited, because a lower frequency requires antennas with very large physical size which determines angle accuracy and angle resolution. These frequency-bands are used by other communications and broadcasting services too, therefore the bandwidth of the radar is limited (at the expense of accuracy and resolution again). These frequency bands are currently experiencing a comeback, while the actually used Stealth technologies don't have the desired effect at extremely low frequencies. C- Band (UHF- Radar) There are some specialized Radar sets developed for this frequency band (300 MHz to1 GHz). It is a good frequency for the operation of radars for the detection and tracking of satellites and ballistic missiles over a long range. These radars operate for early warning and target acquisition like the surveillance radar for the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS). Some weather radar-applications e.g. wind profilers work with these frequencies because the electromagnetic waves are very low affected by clouds and rain. The new technology of Ultrawideband (UWB) Radars uses all frequencies from A- to CBand. UWB- radars transmit very low pulses in all frequencies simultaneously. They are used for technically material examination and as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for archaeological explorations. D- Band (L-Band Radar) This frequency band (1 to 2 GHz) is preferred for the operation of long-range airsurveillance radars out to 250 NM (≈400 km). They transmit pulses with high power, broad bandwidth and an intrapulse modulation often. Due to the curvature of the earth the achievable maximum range is limited for targets flying with low altitude. These objects disappear very fast behind the radar horizon. In Air Traffic Management (ATM) long-range surveillance radars like the Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) works in this frequency band. Coupled with a Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) they use a relatively large, but slower rotating antenna. The designator L-Band is good as mnemonic rhyme as large antenna or long range. E/F-Band (S-Band Radar) The atmospheric attenuation is higher than in D-Band. Radar sets need a considerably higher transmitting power than in lower frequency ranges to achieve a good maximum range. As example given theMedium Power Radar (MPR) with a pulse power of up to 20 MW. In this frequency range the influence of weather conditions is higher than in D- band. Therefore a couple of weather radars work in E/F-Band, but more in subtropic and tropic climatic conditions, because here the radar can see beyond a severe storm. Special Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR) are used at airports to detect and display the position of aircraft in the terminal area with a medium range up to 50…60 NM (≈100 km). An ASR detects aircraft position and weather conditions in the vicinity of civilian and military airfields. The designator S-Band (contrary to L-Band) is good as mnemonic rhyme as smaller antenna or shorter range. G- Band (C-Band Radar) In G- Band there are many mobile military battlefield surveillance, missile-control and ground surveillance radar sets with short or medium range. The size of the antennas provides an excellent accuracy and resolution, but the relatively small-sized antennas don't bother a fast relocation. The influence of bad weather conditions is very high. Therefore air-surveillance radars use an antenna feed with circular polarization often. This frequency band is predetermined for most types of weather radar used to locate precipitation in temperate zone like Europe. I/J- Band (X- and Ku- Band Radars) In this frequency-band (8 to 12 GHz) the relationship between used wave length and size of the antenna is considerably better than in lower frequency-bands. The I/J- Band is a relatively popular radar band for military applications like airborne radars for performing the roles of interceptor, fighter, and attack of enemy fighters and of ground targets. A very small antenna size provides a good performance. Missile guidance systems at I/J- band are of a convenient size and are, therefore, of interest for applications where mobility and light weight are important and very long range is not a major requirement. This frequency band is wide used for maritime civil and military navigation radars. Very small and cheap antennas with a high rotation speed are adequate for a fair maximum range and a good accuracy. Slotted waveguide and small patch antennas are used as radar antenna, under a protective radome mostly. This frequency band is also popular for spaceborne or airborne imaging radars based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) both for military electronic intelligence and civil geographic mapping. A special Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) is in use as a maritime airborne instrument of pollution control. K- Band (K- and Ka- Band Radars) The higher the frequency, the higher is the atmospheric absorption and attenuation of the waves. Otherwise the achievable accuracy and the range resolution rise too. Radar applications in this frequency band provide short range, very high resolution and high data renewing rate. In ATM these radar sets are called Surface Movement Radar (SMR) or (as p. o.) Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE). Using of very short transmitting pulses of a few nanoseconds affords a range resolution, that outline of the aircraft can be seen on the radars display. V-Band By the molecular dispersion (here this is the influence of the air humidity), this frequency band stay for a high attenuation. Radar applications are limited for a short range of a couple of meters here. W-Band Here are two phenomena visible: a maximum of attenuation at about 75 GHz and a relative minimum at about 96 GHz. Both frequency ranges are in use practically. In automotive engineering small built in radar sets operate at 75…76 GHz for parking assistants, blind spot and brake assists. The high attenuation (here the influence of the oxygen molecules O2) enhances the immunity to interference of these radar sets. There are radar sets operating at 96 to 98 GHz as laboratory equipments yet. These applications give a preview for a use of radar in extremely higher frequencies as 100 GHz. In Merill Skolniks “Radar Handbook” (3rd edition) the author pleads for the older IEEEStandard Letter Designation for Radar-Frequency Bands (IEEE-Std. 521-2002). These letter designations (as shown as in the red scale of Figure 1) were originally selected to describe the radar bands as used in World War II. But the usable frequencies are higher than 110 Ghz now - There are phase-controlled generators up to 270 GHz, powerful transmitters up to 350 GHz today. Sooner or later these frequencies will be used for radars too. In parallel, the use of UWB radar is beyond the boundaries of traditional radar frequency bands. The different designations for Radar-Frequency Bands are very confusing. This is no problem for a radar engineer or technician. These skilled persons can handle with these different bands, frequencies and wave lengths. But they are not responsible for procurement logistics, e.g. for purchasing of maintenance and measurement tools or even to buy a new one radar. Unfortunately, the management of logistics has graduated in business sciences mostly. Therefore, they will have a problem with the confusing band designators. The problem is now to assert, that a frequency generator for I and JBand serves an X- and Ku-Band Radar and the D-Band Jammer interferes an L-Band Radar. UWB-radars use a very wide frequency range, beyond of the strict borders of the classic frequency bands. What is better to say: This one e.g. UWB-radar uses a frequency range from E to H-Band, or it uses the same frequencies from higher S-band to lover XBand? But so long the offered radar sets will named with the old frequency-band designators by the radar manufacturers, so long the IEEE will declare, that the new frequency bands: “…are not consistent with radar practice and shall not be used to describe radar frequency bands.” I think, it's merely a matter of time, and even the IEEE will change its opinion. Remember: It is not long time ago, even as the metric system of units of measurement was considered inappropriate within the IEEE. And really, to describe how long a mile is, it is better to say “one mile”, instead of “1.853 kilometers”. (What a pity that most people of this world does not know how long is a mile.) Radar Coverage The radar coverage describes controlled by a radar or a radar network airspace. In a two-dimensional radar is often used an antenna with a cosecant square pattern. Its main beam direction forms a vertical rectangle with rounded corners, which rotates about a vertical axis. Thus arises on the radar site a room with the geometry of a flat cylinder within which the radar can locate a aerial target. At an Air Surveillance Radar (ASR) (or referred to Terminal Area Radar), this cylinder (shown in green in Figure 1) has a diameter of about 120 NM (220 km) and a height of about 10,000 feet (or 3,000 m) Cone of Silence A radar is not designed to detect aircraft directly above the radar antenna. This gap is known as the cone of silence. This gap or cone of silence is the inverted cone mapped out by the rotating antenna as a result of the antenna back angle being less than 90 degrees. Hence, the back angle is an important antenna parameter. If the back angle is shallow then aircraft will fall outside radar cover as they over-fly the radar site. By most radars the actual radius of the cone of silence is the double of the targets height. This means, a target in a height of 10,000 feet (or 3,000 m) enters the cone of silence in a range of 3¼ NM (6,000 m). Aircraft flying in a radar's cone of silence may, however, be detected by another, or several other radar sites a hundred or so miles away due to their overlapping coverage. Figure 2: Vertical overlap of the radar coverage areas, above: a typical case of air defense, below a typical case of air traffic control This term is applied accordingly in side-looking airborne radars. Here, however, the cone of silence is an area in the advance flight direction, or in the opposite direction. Low-altitude Coverage The flat cylinder shown in Figure 1 has a relatively smooth lower surface in flat terrain. A curvature of the outer edges upwards is in the order of half a degree. The low-altitude coverage is limited by the shadow formed by the earth's curvature. Uneven terrain such as hills or even mountains and valleys by shading also have an impact on the size of the dead zone. Also this dead zone can be covered by another radar. Despite a large number of organized in a radar network radar, a space will always remain in extremely low altitude at which an aircraft can fly below the radar. In practice, however, this is for the pilot not as easy as it must know exactly where to fly for to remain as far away from each radar. In order to keep this lower limit as low as possible, but a very dense network of radars must already be deployed. As you can imagine, countries in mountainous regions (e.g. Switzerland and Austria) have problems to establish a complete area with full radar coverage. For the requirements of national defense, a number of smaller mobile radar sets (as so-called Gap-filler) are established exactly in such gaps when needed. Figure 3: horizontal radar coverage of a network of weather radars in Germany (Source: Deutscher Wetterdienst) Depending on the task, such overlap is done according to different principles. For the air surveillance on behalf of the national defense a complete radar coverage must be organized down to a height, for example, of 100 m. In crisis or defense case that needs to be lowered even further. However, an overlap to the cones of silence is not necessary. In air traffic control, the cone of silence has a much higher importance. In contrast, flight movements in a flight level lower than 300 feet (100 m) are completely irrelevant far away from any airport, e.g. from a distance of 30 NM (55 km). For very large airfields, such as the Munich airport for reasons of redundancy two Terminal Area Radars are used. One ASR is located north, and one ASR is located south of the airfield at a mutual distance of just 8 km away. So they cover their cone of silence each other. The Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service) can cover Germany with 17 radars, each with a range of 150 km as shown in Figure 3. The radars used (for example type Meteor 1500C) are able to pivot their parabolic antennas also vertically upwards. Therefore they don't have a cone of silence compared to a 2D radar. A radar low-altitude coverage of less than 200 m is also not really matter for a weather radar. Frequency Diversity Radar In order to overcome some of the target size fluctuations many radars use two or more different illumination frequencies. Frequency diversity typically uses two transmitters operating in tandem to illuminate the target with two separate frequencies like shown in the picture. The received signals can be separately processed in order to maintain coherence. In addition to the 3dB gain in performance achieved by using two transmitters in parallel, the use of two separate frequencies improves the radar performance by (typically) 2.8dBs. With the multiple frequency radar procedure it is possible to achieve a fundamentally higher maximum reach, equalprobability of detection and equal false alarm rate. That is, if the probability of detection and the false alarm rate are equal in both systems, then by using two or more frequencies it is possible to achieve a higher maximum range. The smoothing of the fluctuation of the complex echo signal is the physical basis for this. The extreme values (minima and maxima) are moved against each other because of the differences in the secondary radiation diagram of the target for the different carrier frequencies. If the backscatter of the first frequency has a maximum, then the backscatter of the second frequency has a minimum for most part. The sum of both signals don’t alter the average of the single signals. This causes a smoothing of the resulting signal at an addition of the single received signals. The reflected single signals must be independent in order to increase the maximum range by increasing the probability of detection of the target. The disadvantage of this process is that the signals have different spectra and therefore they are easily detected, making a target visible to the enemy. The multiple frequency procedure is used by the following technical methods: Simultaneous transmission of several pulses at different carrier frequency in the simplest form can be made with several transmitters and receivers working simultaneously. Succession following radiation of several signals the carrier frequency can be changed by changing the frequency: of each pulse after the other (frequency agility), within the duration of a single pulse (frequency diversity) and after several pulses (possible at higher pulse repetition frequencies only). Combinations of several methods are also used. Example given: the ATC-radar ASR-910 uses multiple frequencies, transmitting two pulses closely following the other (frequency diversity), and the RRP-117 air defense radar is also equipped with two frequency carriers and an additional pulse compression. (Since the spectra of the transmitted frequencies cover themselves in the pulse compression, other rules have to be considered.) The delayed radiation of several signals has advantages opposite to the simultaneous radiation of several signals: different transmitted signals don't influence each other, more favorable energy conditions arise from the delay, therefore there is no need of using different transmitters and a simple construction of the transmitters and the antenna systems. An important advantage of the multiple frequency procedure is the high jamming immunity of the procedure. The further processing of the single received signals has a contribution to that. The linear addition of the signals of different frequency components increases the probability of detection of the target. However, this brings disadvantages with regard to the jamming immunity like a radar with a single Tx-frequency only. The work with two transmitters of different frequencies (E.g.: ASR-910) is often looked at falsely only for reasons of the redundancy. („However, if a transmitter fails, I still have the other transmitter!”) The projected maximum range of the radar unit is then reduced to 70%¹. This fact is usually noticed by the flight checker, however, the cause is usually checked somewhere else. ¹) fourth root from the losses of 3dB (decreased Tx-power) plus 2 to 2,5dB increasing of the fluctuations loss Principle of Operation Synchronizer The synchronizer supplies the synchronizing signals that time the transmitted pulses, the indicator, and other associated circuits. Modulator The oscillator tube of the transmitter is keyed by a high-power dc pulse of energy generated by this separate unit called the Modulator. Transmitter The radar transmitter produces the short duration high-power rf pulses of energy that are radiated into space by the antenna. Commutator Figure 2: Commutator A commutator is actually a time controlled switch. The word comes from Latin and means „collecting bar” or „call handling”. Either the commutator works passively (all incoming RF pulses on the three input jacks will be conduct to the output jack) or actively (the RF input pulses are switched to the output time controlled by separate gate pulses like shown in the figure.) Since very high frequencies must be switched very fast, the commutator uses a wiring technology like the one used by the duplexer. Duplexer The duplexer alternately switches the antenna between the transmitter and receiver so that only one antenna is used. This switching is necessary because the high-power pulses of the transmitter would destroy the receiver if energy was allowed to enter the receiver. Antenna The antenna transfers the transmitter energy to signals in space with the required distribution and efficiency. This process is identical during reception. Frequency Selector The frequency selector is a frequency-separating filter. It separates the received echosignals into the receivers depending on the frequency. Receivers The receivers amlify and demodulate the received RF-signals. The receiver provides videosignals on the output. Delay stage f2 f1 oscilloscope delay time Figure 3: delay time At the transmitter, pulse f2 is delayed by a predetermined time with respect to pulse f 1. To undo this delay on the receiving path (The pulse f 2 won't dwell faster, even if we want it! ), the pulse f1 must be delayed exactly with the same time delay. Now the signal processor can process both signals simultaneously. Notice, that the first pulse transmitted is shown on the oscilloscope as the first pulse as well, i.e. on the left side of the screen! Signal Processing The single signals are processed in parallel in separate channels at a multiple frequency radar unit. These signals arethen accumulated and compared with a threshold value. Several processing procedures are used: linear addition of the amplitudes of all channels (maximum range at low jamming immunity); multiplication of the amplitudes of all channels (maximum jamming immunity, but at the lowest value of the maximum range); addition of the squares of the amplitudes of all channels (optimal procedure!); linear addition of the amplitudes of several channels followed by a multiplication of the partial sums (This procedure is drawn in the upper functional block diagram.); Multiplication of the amplitudes of several channels followed by addition of the partial results. High effectiveness is reached when using one of the mentioned processing procedures. But which procedure to use to which radar unit is usually highly classified. Indicator The indicator should present to the observer a continuous, easily understandable, graphic picture of the relative position of radar targets. Fluctuation Loss The fluctuation of the reflected signal is based on the complicated diagram of the relative radar cross-section (RCS). At a forward movement the RCS diagram of the airplane is turned in the reference to the radar set. Caused by the temporal changes of the aim course the amplitudes and phase changes effect a strong fluctuation of the reception field strength at the radar antenna. The Swerling models were introduced in 1954 by the American mathematician Peter Swerling and are used to describe the statistical properties of the radar cross-section of objects with complex formed surface. According to the Swerling models the RCS of a reflecting object based on the chi-square probability density function with specific degrees of freedom. These models are of particular importance in the theoretically radartechnology. There are five different Swerling models, numbered with the Roman numerals I through V: Figure 2: Swerling I and II: The target consists of a number of equally large isotropic reflectors which are distributed on a surface. Another aspect angle of the same assembly (view b) results to other distances and thus to other interferences. Swerling I Target This case describes a target whose magnitude of the backscattered signal is relatively constant during the dwell time. It varies according to a Chi-square probability density function with two degrees of freedom (m = 1). The radar cross-section is constant from pulse-to-pulse, but varies independently from scan to scan. The density of probability of the RCS is given by the Rayleigh-Function: (44) Where σaverage is the arithmetic mean of all values of RCS of the reflecting object. Swerling II Target The Swerling II target is similar to Swerling I, using the same equation, except the RCS values changes faster and varies from pulse to pulse additionally. The Swerling cases I and II applies to a target that is made up of many independent scatterers of roughly equal areas like airplanes. However, in Swerling case II there is no rotating surveillance antenna but a focused onto a target tracking radar. Figure 3: Swerling III and IV: A dominant isotropic reflector is superimposed by a plurality of small reflectors. Swerling III Target The Swerling III target is decribed like Swerling I, but with four degrees of freedom (m = 2). The scan-to-scan fluctuation follows a density of probability: (45) Swerling IV Target The Swerling case IV is similar to Swerling III, but the RCS varies from pulse to pulse rather than from scan to scan and follows the Eq. 45. Cases III and IV approximates an object with one large scattering surface with several other small scattering surfaces. This may be the case for ships. Swerling shows in his publication, that an additional fluctuation loss depends more on the probability of detection and less on the probability of false alarms PN. Given values of the theoretically maximum range of a tracking radar set are based on the Swerling II and IV Target Model often. The fluctuation loss of a steady target is with the typical value of 1 to 2 Decibels relatively small at a probability of detection PD=60%. Figure 2: Fluctuation loss Lf for the Swerling cases I and III The cases I and III apply for search radars. The fluctuation loss depends on the probability of detection and is shown in Figure 1. There is a fluctuation gain for a PD<30%. This is while the statistically changing of the magnitude excels small signalto-noise ratios. Swerling V The Swerling case V is a reference value with a constant radar cross-section (also known as Swerling 0). It describes an idealized target without any fluctuation. Radar Equation for Frequency Diversity Radar The radar equation we have developed is independent of the modulation scheme and in general can be used with each radar unit. In practice, some other variation of the radar equation will be more convenient for system analysis. In order to increase detection probability of a frequency diversity radar (e.g. ATC radar of type ASR-910) two pulses of different frequency are radiated one after another at very short intervals. Assuming a sufficient gap between the frequency of the pulses radiated exist, echo signals of a fluctuating target are statistically decorrelated. Smoothing of fluctuation can be expressed in terms of signal-to-noise ratio gain, maximum range gain or improved detection probability. This can be either an increased maximum range or an increased probability of detection. A term Lges is given in the general radar equation for losses. This term includes the fluctuation loss L f. The probability of detection is inversily proportional to the fluctuation loss L f.