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Online Communications, MC 351
Classroom: Flora Frick 249
Class Times: 6:00 – 8:30pm – Wednesday Nights
Braden V. Kuznia
Mass Communications
Office: CMU 115
Office Phone: (218) 477-5184
Email: braden.kuznia@mnstate.edu
Website: http://www.mnstate.edu/kuzniabr/
Blog: http://sideofcheese.wordpress.com
Course Description
This course examines the multimedia concepts of online
communication. Students choose, edit, produce and post
stories to an ongoing or new journalism Web site of their
design. Course will cover the fundamentals of
information architecture and Web authoring using such
software tools as Macromedia Dreamweaver.
Required Course Materials
- Book
- Headphones
- USB Flash Drive
- Notebook
Course Requirements
Course requirements include weekly assignments and
participation in class discussion. Some class time will be
available to work on assignments though expect to
complete most of your projects outside of class. Open
lab hours are posted outside each lab near the door.
Access Desire2Learn at: https://mnstate.ims.mnscu.edu
Instructional Strategies
The course format will be a combination of lectures,
discussions, demonstrations, critiques, and projects.
Students are expected to practice skills and complete
assignments inside & outside of class.
Accountability for Assignments
Students are expected to have all of their assignments
handed in before the start of class the day it is due.
Work not finished in the classroom is expected to be
finished. Students are also expected to participate in
class discussions. See evaluation standards for late
Technology Skills
Students will be required to use your @mnstate.edu
email for communication. Desire2Learn will be used to
deliver course materials and weekly assignments, as
well as serve as a communication tool between students
and faculty.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all class meetings
unless they are ill or officially excused as the result of
participation in a university function. In the case of
individual absence due to jury duty or other legal
obligations, the student must notify faculty prior to the
absence. For military absences, see the MSU Moorhead
Bulletin index under military withdrawal, or refer
questions to the Records office.
Evaluation Standards
The students’ progress will be evaluated weekly by
informal observation, participation, work, and
attendance. Formal evaluation will take place through
exercises and projects to be turned in electronically. We
will be using Desire 2 Learn to submit assignments.
Listed below are the point values for each assignment as
well as attendance. Considering the importance of
meeting deadlines, all past due projects will be reduced
by three points for each day late.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Final Project
20 points
20 points
20 points
10 points
10 points
50 points
50 points
50 points
150 points
120 points
Grading System
The total points for each student will be divided by the
total possible points. The points or percentages and the
letter grade will be listed at the top of their completed
assignments that are graded. The approximate grading
percentages are as follows:
Final grades are based on the following scale:
94 – 99% = A
73 – 75% = C
90 – 93% = A70 – 72% = C86 – 89% = B+
66 – 69% = D+
83 – 85% = B
63 – 65% = D
80 – 82% = B60 – 62% = D76 – 79% = C+
00 – 59% = F
Electronic Submission Policy
Assuring the receipt of electronic submissions is the
responsibility of the student. All assignments are to be
turned in to the appropriate Desire2Learn Drop Box
unless specified or agreed upon before the due date by
the student(s) and professor.
Online Communications, MC 351
Use of Mobile Devices
The use of cell phones, iPods or other communication
and media devices is disruptive, and is therefore
prohibited during class. Except in emergencies, those
using such devices must leave the classroom for the
remainder of the class period.
Academic Honesty Statement
“When an instructor has convincing evidence of cheating
or plagiarism, a failing grade may be assigned for the
course in which the student cheated. Instructors also
may choose to report the offense, the evidence, and
their action to the Dean of their college or the Vice
President for Academic Affairs. If the instructor (or any
other person) feels the seriousness of the offense
warrants additional action, the incident may be reported
to the Judicial Affairs Officer. The Judicial Affairs Officer
will follow procedures set out in the Student Conduct
Code. After the review of the case and a fair, unbiased
hearing, the Judicial Affairs Officer may take disciplinary
action if the student is found responsible (see Student
Conduct Code for details).”
Disruption of University Operations policy
“Unreasonably interfering, obstructing, or preventing the
regular and essential operation of the University, which
includes but is not limited to: studying, teaching,
research, programs, services, and the administration of
fire, police or emergency services.”
Special Accommodations
“Students with disabilities who believe they may need an
accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact
Greg Toutges, Director of Disability Services at 4772131 (Voice) or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY), CMU 114
as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are
implemented in a timely fashion.”
Online Communications, MC 351
(Schedule Subject to change)
Week 1 – August 25
 Intro to course, server (SWS), text & software.
Intro to Dreamweaver
 Chapter 1 – Intro to Dreamweaver
 Project 1 - Good vs Bad Sites
(Due September 1st)
Week 2 – September 1
 Starting Your First Site
 Good vs. bad site organization
 Upload Good vs Bad Sites
Week 3 – September 8
 Building Your First Page
 Critique / Discussion of Good vs. Bad Sites
 Zipping your site files
 Downloading Images
 Exercise 1 - Zip & Upload Chapter 3
Week 4 – September 15
 Adding Text to Your Pages
 Chapter 5 – Including Images & Media
 Project 2 – Good vs Bad Newsletters
(Due September 22nd)
Week 5 – September 22
 Working with Links
 Styling Page Content
 Upload Good vs Bad Newsletters
Week 6 – September 29
 Using Styles for Layout
 Exercise 2 – Facebook & Social Media
Week 7 – October 6 (Midterm)
 Managing Styles
Week 8 – October 13
 Inserting Tables
 What makes a good HTML Newsletter
 Exercise 3 – Online Ads
(Due October 20th)
Week 9 – October 20
 Using Behaviors & Navigation Objects
 Project 3 - Final Project Idea & Flowchart
(Due November 3rd)
Week 10 – October 27
 Using Templates, Libraries & Snippets
 Ins and Outs of E-Newsleters
 Exercise 4 - Create Newsletter
(Due November 10th)
Week 11 – November 3
 Working with Content Mangement Systems
 Wordpress
 Photogalleries
 Upload / Hand In Final Project Idea & Flowchart
Week 12 – November 10
 More Wordpress
 Getting your site Online
Week 13 – November 17
 Interactivity with Behaviors
 In Class Exercise 5 – posting to your SWS
(Due by end of class)
Week 14 – November 24
 No Class – Fall Break
Week 15 – December 1
 Final Project Work time
 Review Posting websites to SWS
 Hosting & Domain Name options
Week 16 – December 8
 Final Project Work time
Week 17 – December 15
 Final Projects Due / Presentations