Hernandez1 Angelica Hernandez Professor: Hanvey English STACC 100 6 October 2014 Literacy changed my life Literacy is the ability to read and write. Literacy can lead anyone to be successful in life. Some people Have potential to overcome literacy but others find it difficult to achieve it. As a second English learned Literacy is something I find difficult to achieve into a high level. Growing up I’ve learned so much about Literacy but I have not really overcome it, but I know I gotten better in my writing and reading skills. Over time I have learned how to write and read at my English level. Coming from another country and Learning a new language was not easy to achieve but with the help of my teachers I achieve to learned English and have the ability to sort be good in literacy. Learning a second language and have the ability To read and write made me a successful person. Literacy changed my educational experience by making Me more successful. My past educational experiences have been successful. I had great teachers that care about their Student’s education. In high school I had Mrs. Rendon for 3 years. Freshman, junior and senior year As my English teacher they been the best years in my educational experience. In the beginning of class She would make us read a book or article for 30-40 minutes. She said that every time you read for 30 Minutes you would become a better reader. After, we finish reading she would make us write about it For 20 minutes about what we read and what were our thoughts about the reading. In my junior year she Started to talk more about literacy and how we should be better readers and writers. Throughout the first Semester she teach us to overcome literacy. I was not a very good writer in freshman year. I did Hernandez2 Not really understood the concept of literacy. I hated reading like reading is not my favorite thing to do. She introduce me to books and she told me how important it was for me to learn how to read in my high School level. During her class I started reading biography books. I discovered that I love to read Biography books. Biography books make me feel more of a connection with the author. I understood More of how important it is to have the ability to write and read. The author such as Steve jobs and Anne Frank used literacy to write about their feelings, thoughts, and concerns. I am thankful that Mrs. Rendon Help me discovered the ability of my reading and writing skills. I can connect this with the freedom Writers because our teachers impact our lives by introducing us to literacy. We were not very good Students.We did not know how to read or write at a high school level and at the end of our high school Journeys we overcome our love for literacy. Growing I was not a very good student. I have difficulties with school where i did not like to pay attention. i hated it school so much. I grow up in Boyle Heights an area where most of people lose interest in being successful in life. it was a moment in my life where i wanted to be them,but i realize having an education was very important for me. I want to be better than everyone in my neighborhood. prove everyone that stereotypes Boyle heights. In the book”The Freedom Writers Diary” entry 21 connects to my story because the writer address of how he wanted to refine his/her life to more sophisticated. the writer introduce us to Danny Haro,”a latino from east la” that move out of his neighborhood to refine his life and became a lawyer(41). I desire to leave my neighborhood and have a professional career that will help me be successful. I am very interest in becoming a successful person in the future. previously in my education I was more of a fixed mindset."fixed mind-set, students care first and foremost about how they'll be judged: smart or not smart. Repeatedly, students with this mind-set reject opportunities to learn if they might make mistakes”. When they do make mistakes or reveal deficiencies, rather than correct them, they try to hide them”. In the article “The Perils and Promises of Praises” by Carol S. Dweck. describes of how a fixed mindset students define themselves. I Hernandez3 unfortunately was a fixed mindset student in middle school. I lost interest in school but at the end I’ve learned to become more of a growth mindset towards the years. what is a growth mindset?. A growth mindset student is someone that cares about their education so much. I luckily refine my life and became a growth mindset in high school. I found myself in a situation where I needed to change my way of thinking. It was difficult at first but then I accomplish my goal. Now that I am a college student I totally believe I will make it far in accomplishing my goals in the future. My teachers from high school help to understand why been a growth mindset in college was going to help me be successful. Now that I am a college student , I visualize that obtaining a growth mindset is the best choice because college very different from my past education experiences. Now in college you are more of an independent student when it comes to your education. I can say that this article has a connection with my education experience. Stand and Deliver is an inspiring film for a lot of students. Stand and Deliver is one of my favorite films. Living is East Los Angeles and watching this film made me appreciate teachers that have change student’s life. Mr.escalante change his students life by supporting and helping them be successful not only in school but also outdoors. This students were not likely to be a growth mindset they were more of a fixed mindset. Stand and Deliver can relate to my story because I also had teachers that help me and supported me throughout my education. This film is a very big influence not only for me but other students that live in East LA because growing in violence and not really having the support from our relatives makes me not put effort in our education but watcing this film and freedom writers helped me transformed my life more wisely. In conclusion Literacy has influence my education and my education my life. Literacy such as my education have a big influence towards Hernandez4 my future. I want thank my teacher Mrs.Rendon because thanks to her I’ve learn so much about literacy but also for her support that she has gave into now. Citations - Dweck,Carol”The Perils and Promises of Praises” 2007.CANVAS -The Freedom Writers with Grin Gruwell The Freedom Writers Diary. New York:BroadwayBooks,2009.print -Stand and Deliver. Dir. Ramon Menendez. Perf. Edward James Olmos. Warner Bros., 1988. Film.