Skeletal System Model & Virtual Lab Activity Worksheet

Name ___________________________________________________date ____________ period ______
Skeletal System Model and Virtual Lab Activity
Part A: Identification of Bones
1. Cut out the paper skeleton then tape/glue the pieces together in the correct arrangement
2. Go to: then click on the “Skeleton Viewer” to
investigate the names and positions of the various bones. Label as many bones as you can on your
paper skeleton. Use the paper skeleton as a study tool. Make sure to put your name on your skeleton!
Part B: Identification of Bones
1. Stay on (or go back to) the virtual lab page at: then
click on the “Bone Anatomy Viewer” to investigate the internal structure of a long bone.
2. Use the saw tool to cut the bone longitudinally. Then use the magnifying tool (2x and/or 4x
magnification). Use the eye tool to help identify the bone parts. Use the space below to draw and label
structures you see in the longitudinal cut.
3. Use the glue tool to put your bone back together. Then use the saw tool to make a cross-section cut to
the bone. Use the space below to draw and label structures you see in the cross-section cut.
Part C: Microscopic View of Bone Tissue Stay on (or go back to) the virtual lab page at:
1. Click on slide 1
a. What is the other name for Trabecular bone?
b. Describe the characteristics of
i. Spongy bone
ii. Compact bone
2. Click on slide 2
a. Describe the epiphysis and its function.
b. Describe the growth plate and its function.
3. Click on slides 3 and 4
a. What do the osteoblasts do?
4. Click on slide 5, 7, and 8
a. Describe what is in the Haversian canals.
b. Describe the canaliculi and their function.
5. Click on slide 6
a. Describe the trabeculae and what fills this.
Part D: Joints Poster Go to:
1. Use a large paper folded into three sections. Label the first section Fibrous Joints, the second
section Cartilaginous Joints, and the third section Synovial Joints. (See diagram below.)
2. Click on Fibrous Joints
a. Subdivide the section for Fibrous Joints into three subsections for the subtypes of Fibrous
Joints: Suture, Syndesmosis, and Gomphosis.
b. Write descriptions of each of the three subtypes of fibrous joints and include a picture for
3. Click on Cartilaginous Joints
a. Write description and include a picture
4. Click on Synovial Joints
a. Subdivide the section for Synovial joints into six subsections for the subtypes of Plane (aka:
Gliding), Hinge, Pivot, Illipsoidal (aka: Condyloid), Saddle, Ball & Socket
b. Write descriptions of each of the six subtypes of synovial joints and include a picture for
Synovial Joints
Fibrous Joints
Cartilaginous Joints
Plane (Gliding)
Illipsoidal (Condyloid)
Ball and Socket