
The Sheep Brain
Lab Activity Handout
Objective: To carefully dissect the sheep brain, identify various brain regions, and learn their specific
functions using credible online resources (using your iPads).
Students will take the first 5-8 minutes of lab to:
- Form groups of three
- Get a pair of gloves, safety glasses, and a lab coat (per
- Get one dissection kit per group
- Get one dissecting tray and 3 paper towels per group
- Get one sheep brain (supplied by teacher)
Safety: Students must remember to follow all lab safety guidelines discussed during the first day of class.
Please refer to the lab safety guidelines handout or ask your teacher if you have questions about
appropriate lab safety procedures and proper attire. Please use caution during the dissection, as the
scalpels are extremely sharp. Immediately notify your teacher in the event of accident/injury.
Activity: Over the next 30 minutes, students will choose one group member to dissect the sheep brain
following the step-by-step instructions below. Please refer to your teacher with any questions/concerns
you may have. While one student is dissecting, the remaining students in the group will help the
dissecting student by using their iPads to find quality labeled images of the sheep brain online. In
addition, once all structures have been identified, the students will continue to use credible online
resources to determine the functions of the various brain regions to be identified. All students will spend
time identifying structure and determining function for each of the brain regions listed under keywords
below. Please refer to your teacher with any questions you may have about the dissection or using your
Parietal Lobe
Frontal Lobe
Longitudinal Fissure
Transverse Fissure
Arbor Vitae
Medulla Oblongata
Pituitary Gland
Optic Nerve
Optic Chiasma
Optic Tract
Olfactory Bulb
Corpus Callossum
3rd Ventricle
Corpora Quadrigemina
Cerebral Aqueduct
4th Ventricle
Pineal Body
Mammillary Body
Dissection Procedures: Before making any cuts be sure to identify the following structures from an
external view: cerebrum, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata, pituitary gland,
infundibulum, transverse fissure, longitudinal fissure, olfactory bulb, optic chiasm, optic nerve, optic tract.
Next, carefully bend the brainstem, by pulling down on the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. This will
widen the transverse fissure separating the cerebrum from the cerebellum. Looking into the space you
just widened, you will find the corpora quadrigemina and the pineal body (gland).
Next, make a midsagittal cut through the longitudinal fissure separating the entire sheep brain into equal
right and left components (be sure to complete the cut through the rest of the brain). Now you will be able
to identify various internal structures including the: hypothalamus, thalamus, midbrain, cerebral aqueduct,
4th ventricle, 3rd ventricle, corpus callossum, arbor vitae, corpora quadrigemina (cut in half), and the
mammillary body.
When students are done identifying the structures on the dissected sheep brain, please dispose of the
sheep tissue in the appropriate container, wash all dissecting tools and pans, and place them on the
counter adjacent to the sink to air dry. Also, dispose of used gloves and return your safety glasses and
lab coats to their appropriate locations for future use. For the remaining class time, before we take the
Nearpod quiz, please work on the sheep brain structure and function handout.
Nearpod Quiz: Please login to your Nearpod app on your iPads. The quiz will consist of ten questions
and will be worth 10 points. Each student should take the quiz independent of their group members. No
talking during the quiz.
Homework: The completed sheep brain structure and function handout will be due no later than our next
class meeting. The homework will be worth 20 points.
Point Breakdown for Lab Activity:
- Participation (20 points)
- Nearpod Quiz (10 points)
- Homework (20 points)
Total: 50 points