
Grade 8 Science
Sheep Eye Dissection
Notes Section
1. What do you notice when looking at the outside of the sheep’s eye? Describe what it
looks like and what are the functions of each.
Fat Muscle Eye Lashes 2. What is the difference between the muscles in a sheep’s eye and a human’s eye?
3. Describe what your cornea looks like.(clear, opaque, etc)
4. What are two functions of the cornea in a living organism?
5. What is the outer, white, opaque part of the eye called? _________________________
6. After separating the eye into two halves can you see through it using the lens? Can
you read text with it? _______________________________________________________
7. The liquid under the cornea is called the ____________________________________.
8. What is different between the iris in humans and the sheep? ____________________
9. Describe what your cleaned off lens looks like. ________________________________
10. How does the lens of a living eye differ from your sheep lens? __________________
11. What is the shiny layer in the sheep’s eye for? _______________________________
12. List three safety procedures we must be aware of in this lab.
13. What did you do to clean up your work area? ________________________________
Sketch your sheep eye looking at it from inside. Label all structures that you saw.
Formal Lab Write Up
Observations: List 5 things you discovered through observation of the eye as you
went through the dissection.
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
Questions: (Complete 1-3 on page 213)
1. A) __________________________________________________________________
B) __________________________________________________________________
C) __________________________________________________________________
D) __________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
1. Draw and label your cross section diagram in good copy
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. What did you learn in this lab?