Radiochemistry Applications Supporting Public Health Minnesota Department of Health Public Health Laboratory 07/26/05 Radiochemistry Applications Supporting Public Health Presenters: • Jeffrey Brenner • John Lorenz Public Health Lab MN Dept of Health Radiochemistry Applications Supporting Public Health History of MDH and the Public Health Lab Programs Methods Emergency response Minnesota Department of Health History Minnesota Department of Health Established in 1872 Third state health department in the United States Minnesota Public Health Laboratory formally established in 1897 Radiation Laboratory began operation in early 1960’s Minnesota Department of Health Public Health Laboratory Originally, affiliated with the University of Minnesota Since 1960’s, affiliated with the Minnesota Dept of Health (state agency) x x Minnesota Department of Health Public Health Laboratory Clinical Lab: Disease prevention, control and surveillance Environmental Lab: Identify and monitor environmental threats to human health 130 employees History Radiation Unit’s original purpose was to monitor radionuclide levels around the Elk River nuclear power plant First rural nuclear power plant in the United States Went on line in 1963 Decommissioned and converted back to coal and oil in 1968 Analyses by the Radiation Unit Our goal is to monitor potential threats and ensure compliance with environmental regulations; Quality assurance is paramount; Research is not a major focus. Radiation Unit Staff 1 Supervisor 1 Radiological Emergency Preparedness Coordinator 3 Full time Scientists 3 Additional Scientists with radiation experience 1 Health & Safety / Radiation Safety Officer Radiation Laboratory Analysis 400 350 300 Total Samples 250 200 Drinking Water Program 150 100 50 0 Jan 03' Apr 03' Jul 03' Oct 03' Jan 04' Public Health Laboratory: Operations 1. environmental monitoring outside nuclear reactor sites 2. safe drinking water; monitor public water supplies 3. radiological emergency response Current Operations Currently the Lab’s Radiation Unit monitors two nuclear power plants Prairie Island near Red Wing Monticello near Monticello Facilities are monitored to establish background levels of Radionuclide and detect any release Minnesota has 3 nuclear reactors Monticello Prairie Island 1 Prairie Island 2 Each one is approx 30 miles outside the Twin Cities metro area. Sample Collection per Facility River water samples Upstream 1/month until freeze over Downstream 1/month River sediment 1/yr Milk from local dairy farm 1/month Cattle feed 1/month Hay and grasses 1/month during growing season Apples 1/month during growing season Air filter samples 2/month One residential well sample 1/month Matrix Methods Performed River water samples are analyzed for: Tritium 89Sr and 90Sr Gamma Scan 40 Radionuclides Vegetation, Apples, and Cattle Feed Gamma Scan 40 Radionuclides Matrix Methods Performed Continued Milk 89 Sr and 90Sr Gamma Scan 40 Radionuclides Soil, Sediment, and Air Filters Gamma Scan 40 Radionuclides Methods of Analysis Gamma Analysis Based on EPA Method 901.1 Instrumentation 4 Ortec HPGe gamma spectroscopy systems monitoring 40 radionuclides 250 Samples per year (average) Gamma Analysis (Water Sample 4 Liter) MDC NUCLIDE pCi/L =========================== AM-241 < 9.9482E+00 BA-133 < 3.7822E+00 BA-140 < 9.1803E+00 BE-7 < 2.0657E+01 BI-212 < 4.8780E+01 BI-214 < 9.0766E+00 CE-141 < 2.7614E+00 CE-144 < 1.9089E+01 CO-57 < 2.9243E+00 CO-58 < 2.6027E+00 CO-60 < 3.0916E+00 CR-51 < 2.1061E+01 CS-134 < 2.3358E+00 CS-137 < 3.0536E+00 FE-59 < 6.4340E+00 I-131 < 2.7298E+00 I-132 < 1.8700E+00 I-133 < 2.8200E+00 I-134 < 4.4700E+00 I-135 < 7.7000E+00 MDC NUCLIDE pCi/L ======================== KR-88 < 6.0800E+00 MN-54 < 2.7235E+00 NB-95 < 2.8235E+00 PB-210 < 1.4376E+02 PB-212 < 6.5051E+00 PB-214 < 9.7074E+00 RA-224 < 5.4593E+01 RA-226 < 7.1727E+01 RU-103 < 2.2386E+00 RU/RH106 < 2.7169E+01 SR-91 < 1.0400E+01 TE-132 < 1.8005E+00 TH-228 < 1.8431E+02 TH-230 < 9.4834E+02 TL-208 < 8.2311E+00 XE-133 < 7.0543E+00 XE-135 < 2.3500E+00 ZN-65 < 5.9247E+00 ZR-95 < 4.2590E+00 K-40 < 7.3553E+01 Methods of Analysis Tritium Instrumentation Analysis based on EPA Method 906 Packard TRICARB-2750 Liquid scintillation counter MDH Laboratory MDC <200 pCi/L Drinking Water MCL 20,000 pCi/L Drinking Water required activity 1,000 pCi/L 46 river water samples per year (average) Methods of Analysis Gross Alpha/Beta (gas proportional counters) Instrumentation Canberra LB4 16 detectors Canberra S5XLB w/ Gamma 1 detector Canberra LB4000 12 detectors MDH Laboratory MDC Analysis based on EPA 900.0 Gross Alpha 3 pCi/L Gross Beta 4 pCi/L Drinking Water MCL 15 pCi/L 46 River water samples per year (average) 110 Air samples per year (average) Methods of Analysis 89Sr and 90Sr Analysis based on EPA Method 905.0 Instrumentation Canberra LB4000 Alpha/Beta gas proportional counter MDH Laboratory MDC <2.0 pCi/L Drinking Water MCL 89Sr 80 pCi/L 90Sr 8 pCi/L Drinking Water required activity 89Sr 10 pCi/L 90Sr 2 pCi/L Milk 25 samples per year (average) River water 46 samples per year (average) Public Health Laboratory: Operations 1. environmental monitoring outside nuclear reactor sites 2. safe drinking water; monitor public water supplies 3. radiological emergency response Operations: Conform to the US EPA Safe Drinking Water Act US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that public water supplies are monitored for hundreds of toxic chemicals nutrients, pesticides, metals, volatile organic compounds, radioactive chemicals, etc. Drinking Water Monitoring Current monitoring Approximately 1,000 community water systems Approximately 8,000 noncommunity water systems Analysis performed Radon Gross Alpha/Beta 226Ra and 228Ra Uranium Methods of Analysis Radon Analysis based on Standard Method 7500-RN Instrumentation Packard TRICARB-2770 Liquid scintillation counter MDH Laboratory MDC <10 pCi/L No established MCL for drinking water 1,200 samples per year (average) Methods of Analysis Gross Alpha/Beta Instrumentation Canberra LB4 16 detectors Canberra S5XLB w/ Gamma 1 detector Canberra LB4000 12 detectors MDH Minimal Activity Analysis based on EPA 900.0 Gross Alpha 3 pCi/L Gross Beta 4 pCi/L Drinking Water MCL 15 pCi/L 400 samples per year (average) Methods of Analysis Uranium Instrumentation Uranium 0.67 pCi/L or 1.0 ug/L Uranium required Hewlett Packard 4500 ICP-MS MDH Laboratory MDC Analysis based on EPA 200.8 Gross Alpha >15 pCi/L 100 samples per year (average) Methods of Analysis 226Ra Canberra LB4 16 detectors Canberra S5XLB w/ Gamma 1 detector Canberra LB4000 12 detectors MDH Laboratory MDC Analysis based on EPA 903.1 and 904 Instrumentation and 228Ra 226Ra 1 pCi/L 228Ra 1 pCi/L Drinking Water MCL Combined 5 pCi/L 400 samples per year (average) New MDA/MDH Lab Building Address 601 North Robert Street, St. Paul, MN 176,500 gross square feet Occupancy October 2005 Public Health Laboratory: Operations 1. environmental monitoring outside nuclear reactor sites 2. safe drinking water; monitor public water supplies 3. radiological emergency response Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response (REP) at the Minnesota Department of Health Public Health Laboratory Expectations for Emergency Analysis Speed and throughput are key Potentially higher contamination levels Rapid decisions may be necessary Expectations for Emergency Analysis Detectable levels may be higher than routine environmental samples 131 I SDWA 2.8 pCi/L 131I REP Plan 2300 pCi/L Shorter exposure periods (60d vs. lifetime) Based on conservative assumptions Expectations for Emergency Analysis Unknowns may require more than radiological analysis Biological Chemical Metals Expectations for Emergency Analysis Results may have enormous health, psychological, sociological, and economic consequences Return of evacuees Agriculture, Tourism, Hunting, and Fishing Laboratory Role Lab not primary responder or decision-maker Lab supports primary response agency Minnesota Radiation Control Unit (MDH) Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division (MDPS) Responsibilities Support decision making for protective actions Early Evacuation and sheltering Identify and quantify radioactive plumes Later Protection of food, water, and animal feed supplies Identify and quantify deposited radioactivity Lab Resources 22 Trained responders Analytical Equipment 4 HPGe gamma spectroscopy 3 Alpha/beta counters 2 Liquid scintillation counters Analysis normally done by members of Radiation Unit Lab Resources Gross survey and monitoring equipment 3 G-M counters 3 Ionization chambers 2 Alarming area monitors Receipt, initial surveys and log in done by people from other units Additional Lab Capacity Federal laboratories RAP (Radiological Assistance Program) – DOE Chicago FRMAC (Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center) – DOE Las Vegas, with full federal involvement from EPA, FDA, USDA, NRC and others Laboratories in other states Facilities Presently in the laboratory basement parking garage Storage and analysis rooms adjacent to parking area. New laboratory building Receipt on loading dock Storage and analysis rooms on first floor of building Radiological Emergency Response Plan Lab’s plan integrates with statewide Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan. Originated in 1980 to respond to nuclear power plant incidents. Expanded to include other radiological emergencies. Types of Emergencies Nuclear Power Plant Transportation Industrial Terrorism Radiological dispersal devices Nuclear weapons Miscellaneous unknowns Nuclear Plant Locations Nuclear Power Plants Prairie Island SE of Minneapolis near Red Wing on Mississippi River Pressurized water reactors 2 Units 1076 MW Total Nuclear Power Plants Monticello - NW of Minneapolis on Mississippi River Boiling water reactor 1 Unit 553 MW Nuclear Power Plants Fixed facilities Ru-103 Xe-133 Predictable constituents Pu-239 Ru-106 I-131 Cs-137 Initially gamma spectroscopy Cs-134 Sr-90 Nuclear Power Plants Early Phase Plume analysis Particulate filters Iodine cartridges Gamma scan for all 40 nuclides normally included in routine environmental testing Nuclear Power Plants Later phases Milk Animal feeds – pasture, hay Foods – Grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat Water – surface and drinking Surface smears Nuclear Power Plants Later phases Focus on critical nuclides 20 - minute counts Nuclide MDC (pCi/kg) 131I 2,300 134Cs 8,000 137Cs 8,000 103Ru 45,000 106Ru 5,000 Expanded testing on some samples to determine whether other nuclides may be important Transportation and Industrial Most likely type of incident Accident transporting medical isotopes Caterpillar tractor backs over gauge Fire in radionuclide facility Radionuclides likely to be known Analysis methods chosen according to expected nuclides Radiological Dispersal Device Attempted detonations so far unsuccessful 1995 Ismailovsky Park 1998 Argun 1999 Grozny Shamil Basayev & Jose Padilla Radiological Dispersal Device Non-exhaustive list of radionuclides that may be used 137Cs 241Am 192Ir 226Ra Radiological Dispersal Device We may not know immediately that radioactive material is present Identity of radioactive material may be unknown – alpha, beta, or gamma emitter Lab will identify and quantify radioactive material Nuclear Weapon Will the lab still be here? Alpha and beta as well as gamma Identification and quantification Miscellaneous Unknowns Abandoned sources Accidentally contaminated consumer products Table legs Reinforcing bars Metal fencing Gold Jewelry Materials found by customs Lab identifies and quantifies radioactive material April Customs Incident 1. 2. 3. Confused traveler from China left box containing powders at airport Customs found radiation readings Notified Nuclear Regulatory Commission April 2005 Customs Incident, continued. 4. State Radiation Control responded 5. Lab was called to analyze sample 6. Radiological and metals analysis showed zirconium silicate 7. < 6 hours elapsed from arrival time at customs to emailed lab report. Conclusion For routine analysis, quality assurance is rigorous; data reports comply with regulatory standards. Lower backgrounds would allow Lower costs for clients’ Faster turnaround times May allow more efficient methodology long term Contact Information Jeff Brenner Metals and Radiation Unit Supervisor John Lorenz Radiological Emerg. Response Coordinator