Batching and Mixing Peter Ferket Charles Stark North Carolina State University Batching & Mixing Objective Accurately weigh each ingredient Minimize batching time Produce a feed that has a uniform distribution of nutrients and medications EQUIPMENT Batching Equipment Micro Bin Systems Tote Bag Systems Scales Major Minor Weigh Buggy Scales Batching – Scale Fill Test Major & Minor Scales Fill test evaluates full range of load cells Add test weights Record weight 2/3 Remove weights Fill scale to 1/3 capacity Add test weights Record weight 1/3 200 lb Remove weights Fill scale to 2/3 capacity Add test weights Record weight Document results Batching – Manual Weighing Weigh Buggy Platform Scale Feed Mill Designs Pre-batch grind Post-batch grind Post-mix grind Post-pellet blend Batching – Micro System Multiple Hopper Scale Single Hopper Scale Batching - Totes Totes & Scales Tote Transfer Batching Sequence Batching System Computer draws multiple bins to the major scale. Micro Scale Major Scale Minor Scale Major Scale: Computer switches to one bin and jogs at the end of the each ingredient. Major Ingredients Corn/Wheat SBM Midds DDGS Batching Sequence Batching System Major Scale Minor Scale Minor Scale Fill: Micro Scale Computer draws single bins to the minor scale and jogs at the end of the each ingredient. Minor Ingredients Dical Limestone Salt Lysine Batching Sequence Batching System Micro Scale Fill: Micro Scale Major Scale Minor Scale Computer draws single bins to the micro scale and jogs at the end of the each ingredient. Micro Ingredients Vitamins Trace Minerals Medications Amino Acids Batching Sequence Batching System Scale Considerations: Micro Scale Major Scale Minor Scale Major Scale 80-90% Minor Scale 10-15% Micro Scale < 5% Batching Sequence Batching System Major Scale Discharges First Micro Scale Major Scale Minor Scale Fills the dead space between the ribbons and tub. Batching Sequence Batching System Micro Scale Major Scale Minor Scale Minor Scale Discharges after a 5-10 second delay Minor ingredients mix with the major ingredients Batching Sequence Batching System Micro Scale Discharges after a 0-5 second delay Micro Scale Major Scale Minor Scale Micro tub or scales open and the material is transferred with a drag conveyor Mixing Time Batching Horizontal Double Ribbon Batching System 30-60 second Dry Mix Micro Scale Major Scale Minor 120-180 second Wet Mix Liquid Addition Scale Volumetric (meter) Gravimetric (weighed) Liquid Ingredients: Fat Molasses Choline Amino acids Batching Sequence Batching/Mixing System Mixer opens and material drops to a surge hopper Micro Scale Major Scale Minor Scale Discharge Process Batch Cycle Batch Cycle – 4 mins Weighing 2 min Discharge 1 min Mixing 3 min Weighing 2 min Discharge 1 min Mixing 3 min Automation System Batch Production Report MIXING EQUIPMENT Horizontal Ribbon Mixer Double Ribbon Mixer – Mixing Zones Feed Flow Main Mixing Zone Main Mixing Zone Typical mix time = 3-4 min Double Ribbon Horizontal Mixer Paddle Mixer Paddle Mixer – Mixing Zones Feed Flow Main Mixing Some Main Mixing Mixing Main Mixing Some Mixing Main Mixing Horizontal Paddle Mixer Rotating Drum Mixer – Mixing Zones Drum Mixer Ribbon Mixer - Counterpoise Ribbon Mixer – Counterpoise Mixing Zone Forberg Fluid Bed Mixer Forberg Mixer Vertical Mixer Vertical Mixer – Mixing Zones Main Main Mixing Mixing Zone Zone Main Mixing Zone Vertical Mixer Mixer Problems Material on ribbons Material on paddles Batching & Mixing Problems Fat sprayed on ribbon and shaft Fat lumps created by poor liquid application and mixing MIXER UNIFORMITY ANALYSIS Factors Affecting Uniformity Particle Shape Spherical, square, flat Particle Size Different particle size can separate during the handling process Density Heavy particles may settle out during conveying and discharge to a bin Static Charge Particles will adhere to equipment if not properly grounded Hydroscopicity Vitamins or Feed Additives may absorb water Adhesiveness Fats or molasses may adhere to equipment What Represents the Goal of Mixing? Segregated Mix Perfect Mix Random Mix Weighing Ingredients Correctly? Weighing Accuracy Feed mills overdose their ingredients by about 1.5% Average inaccuracy in dosing within feed mills ranges from 0.7 - 13.0% About 85% of the calls are weighted with an error of ± 5% and about 90% are within ± 10% of called weight Distribution of weighing errors Overdosing and weighing errors error within mill (a-n) across all observations Are You Weighing Ingredients Correctly? Weighing Precision Variation in weighing within ingredients, expressed as Coefficient of Variation (CV) Weighing CV ranges on average of about 5% (0.6 11% CV) Causes of Weighing Variation Hand-weighing ingredients People tend to overdose by about 1% when ingredients are weighed by hand Micro-ingredients and premix dose errors Micro-ingredients scales seem to be more variable than macro-ingredient scales because of the size of the call Descrepancies between call size and scale resolution Average weighing discrepancies in feed mill is about 2% but can range up to 20% For example, requesting 11.3 lbs of an ingredient when the scale has a resolution of only 2 lbs. Ratio of call size to scale resolution Weighing errors and CV decreases as the call size to scale resolution increases. For example, a call for 100 lbs to be weighed on a scale with a resolution of 5 lbs gives a call/scale resolution of 20, where as a call for the same 100 lbs on a scale with a resolution of 2 lbs gives a ratio of 50. Weighing errors and CVs for different call size to scale resolutions Call Size:Scale Resolution Ratio Weighing Error, % CV, % 10 4.0 11.4 100 1.0 3.6 1000 0.3 1.1 Experimental Data Mixer Uniformity Analysis Mixer Markers Single nutrient/ingredient Salt Synthetic Amino Acids (Lysine or Methonine) Dry Mix Uniformity Economical Accurate and precise at inclusion level Test twice per year Ten samples from the same batch of feed Sample mixer or a point closest to the discharge Mixer Uniformity Analysis Sampling Points Mixer or Surge samples provides information on dead spots in the mixer or mixer maintenance issues Sampling during the discharge process provides representative samples of the feed as it moves through the system. Feed Quality Assurance – Mixer Test Sample mixer OR Sample surge OR Sample discharge conveyor Mixer Uniformity Analysis - Quantab™ Mixer Uniformity Analysis - Quantab™ Weigh 10 gram sample of feed into a dish Scale +/- 0.1 g Mixer Uniformity Analysis - Quantab™ Fold filter paper to create a cone Mixer Uniformity Analysis - Quantab™ Measure out 90 ml of HOT distilled water SAFETY Hot Water Burns!! Mixer Uniformity Analysis Mix sample and water for 30 sec wait and re-mix for 30 sec. Place filter paper cone in cup Place Quantab strip into the filter cone Indicator strip at the top will turn black when complete Mixer Uniformity Analysis - Quantab™ Read highest point on the strip Determine NaCl level based on the calibration chart on the bottle. Multiple by 10 (10:1 dilution) Mixer Uniformity Analysis Calculations Calculation of Mixer CV Mean of samples Standard deviation of samples CV % = standard deviation x 100 mean Mixer Uniformity Analysis Calculations NAME: ADDRESS: SAMPLE: DATE: QUANTAB READINGS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.20 0.17 0.18 0.18 STANDARD DEVIATION 0.02 MEAN 0.19 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION (CV) 9.65 Mixer Uniformity Evaluation CV RATING CORRECTIVE ACTION < 10% Excellent None 10-15% Good Increase mixing time by 25-30% 15-20% Fair 20% + Poor Increase mixing time by 50%, look for worn equipment, overfilling, or sequence of ingredient addition Possible combination of all the above Consults extension personnel or feed equipment manufacturer Double Ribbon Mixer – RPM’s Double Ribbon Mixer – Worn Ribbons Double Ribbon Mixer – Wrong Rotation Double Ribbon Mixer – Build-Up Questions