
1.Most stars are made mostly of
•Helium and hydrogen
2. The dark, cooler areas on the sun’s surface are
3. When hydrogen nuclei fuse they form
•Helium & energy
4. Einstein’s equation is
•E = mc2
5. The part of the sun in which fusion occurs is known as the
6. During fusion, _________________ atoms combine to
produce ________________ and energy.
•Hydrogen, helium
7. Use the diagram below to answer the questions.
a. Is the surface temperature of white
dwarf stars higher or lower than the
b. What type of star is the sun?
Main sequence star
c. For main sequence stars, as
temperature decreases, brightness
e. What type of star is Arcturus?
Red giant
d. What type of star has a low
temperature but a low luminosity?
Red dwarfs
8. A body made up of rock, dust, gases, and
ice that orbits the sun is a
9. A meteoroid that makes contact with the
Earth’s surface is known as a
10. The force of attraction that causes
planets to orbit the sun is called
11. Identify the planet being described:
a. Largest
• Jupiter
b. smallest
• Mercury
c. contains water
• Earth
d. Possesses the greatest
# of rings
• Saturn
e. Earth’s twin
f. closest to the sun
g. farthest from the sun
h. Has the Great Red Spot
12. The point in a Earth’s orbit when it is closest to the
sun is ______during the month of ________
•Perihelion, January
13. Day and night are caused by the earth's________.
One full day is _______ hours long.
•Rotation, 24
14. The earth's axis is tilted at an angle of
15. The sun rises in the ____ and sets in the ____.
• east, west
16. When the Northern Hemisphere is having winter,
the Southern Hemisphere is having
• summer
17. As you move east from one time zone to the next, you
move your watch
• ahead 1 hour
18. The amount of time it takes the moon to make one
complete rotation and revolution is
• 27.3 days
19. When more than half of the moon is visible from the earth,
the moon is in its
• Gibbous phase
20. When the moon passes between the sun and the earth, a
_________ eclipse occurs.
• solar
21. Tides are caused by ____ from the ______.
• Gravity, moon
22. Label the phases in the diagram below.
1. New moon
3. First Quarter
5. Full moon
7. Last quarter
a. About how much time does it take for the moon
to travel from position 1 back to position 1?
1 month
23. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions
March 21
June 21
Sept 21
i. Label the seasons on the diagram above and the date each season
begins in the Northern Hemisphere.
23. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions
a. What movement of
the earth is shown by
the arrow labeled A?
b. What is the line
labeled B called?
d. How long will it take the earth
to move through one cycle from
point D to point D?
1 year/365.25 days
c. What is the movement of
the earth in its orbit called?
23. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions
e. In what month will
the earth reach point F?
f. In what month is the
United States in when
the earth is at point D?
h. When the earth is at point
F, does the Northern
Hemisphere receive direct or
slanted rays from the sun?
g. Which letter represents the earth at
a. perihelion?
b. aphelion?
24. The diagrams below represents a portion of the Earth’s latitude and
longitude system.
What is the appropriate latitude & longitude for:
a. Point A
15°S, 30°E
b. Point A
15°N, 20°W
1.The layers of gases that surround the Earth make up the
• atmosphere
2. Which diagram best represents the volume of gases in the
3. Which list shows the atmospheric layers in the correct order
upward from Earth’s surface?
a. thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
b. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
c. stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere
d. thermosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere
4. Energy from the sun reaches the Earth mainly by
a. radiation
b. convection
c. conduction
5. Which process causes clouds to form?
6. The arrows in the diagram below show the circulation of air on a
sunny day.
a. Explain how this air
Warm air rises (less
dense) and cool air
sinks (more dense)
b. This process in which
air is heated is known as
7. Identify 1 greenhouse gas and explain how it causes
global warming.
• carbon dioxide – absorbs and traps heat from the
sun, slowly increasing the temp of the Earth
8. Describe the causes of acid rain.
•Pollutants rise into the atmosphere and react with
the water in the air to produce rain that is acidic
9. Describe 1 way acid rain can negatively affect the
• damage plants and animal that live in the water,
damage plants, damage/wear away buildings over
10. What causes ozone depletion?
•CFC’s react with the ozone layer creating holes
11. Why does ozone depletion increase the risk of skin
•UV radiation cannot be filtered by the ozone layer,
increasing the risk of skin cancer
12. Describe 2 environmental changes caused by
global warming that negatively affect the Earth.
•Coastal flooding, extreme changes in climate, more
severe storms, melting ice caps and glaciers 
rising sea levels
13. As the temperature of air decreases, the amount of water it
can hold (humidity)
• decreases
14. The day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere is called
• weather
15. The climate of a place with a low latitude usually is
•Hot and humid
16. All of the following affect climate, except
a. altitude b. longitude c. latitude d. ocean currents
17. As altitude increases, temperature
• decreases
18. The atmospheric conditions that prevail from season to
season and year to year at a certain location is called
19. Identify each labeled air mass on the figure as continental
tropical, continental polar, maritime polar, or maritime
tropical. For each air mass, describe its humidity and
A. mP
B. cP
C. mT
D. cT
20. The map below shows an air mass that formed over
Mexico and moved from location A to location B.
How did the air mass affect the
weather conditions at location
(1) warmer temperature and
drier air
(2) warmer temperature and
more humid air
(3) colder temperature and drier
(4) colder temperature and
more humid air
21. The map shows the size and path of a certain weather event.
a. The path of what
weather event is shown
on the map?
b. Describe two
characteristics of this
weather event.
Strong winds,
heavy rain,
22. Use the station model
below to fill in the following
a. Sky condition =
Mostly cloudy
b. wind direction =
North east
c. Dew point =
d. precipitation in the past 3
hours =
0.15 inches
e. Air temperature =
f. Air pressure (in millibars) =
1009.6 mb
g. What has happened to air
pressure in the past 3 hours?
23. Use the chart below to calculate
relative humidity
a. Dry bulb = 24°C
Wet bulb = 14°C
Relative humidity =
24-14 = 10
b. Dry bulb = 30°C
Wet bulb = 25°C
Relative humidity =
30-25= 5
24. Label the types of breezes shown below.
Sea breeze
Land breeze
25. The weather map below shows the locations of a warm and a cold
front over part of North America.
a. The numbered lines on the
weather map connect
locations with the same
b. These lines are called
d. What type of weather is
location A about to receive?
Brief, heavy rain &
cooler temps
c. What type of front is
location A about to
Cold front
e. What type of front is
location B about to
f. What type of weather is
location B about to receive?
Light rain &
warmer temp
h. The location labeled L is
experiencing a low pressure
system. Describe the weather
in this area.
Cloudy with
g. Which location is
experiencing stronger winds,
A or B? How do you know?
B – isobars closer
1. To get sample material from the mantle, drilling will
be done through the oceanic crust rather than through
the continental crust because oceanic crust is
a. more dense than
continental crust
c. thinner than continental
b. softer than
continental crust
d. younger than continental
Use the choices below to answer questions 2-5.
a. crust
b. mantle
c. core
2. The inner most layer
•c. core
3. The outer most layer
•a. crust
4. Made of iron
•c. core
5. Contains a liquid like layer on which continents
•b. mantle
Use the choices below to answer the questions 6-9 on
ocean currents.
a. surface currents
c. cold currents
b. warm currents
d. density currents
6. Rise & sink due to changes in salinity& temperature
•d. density currents
7. Warm the air over nearby land areas
•b. warm currents
8.Come from the poles
•c. cold currents
9. Caused by winds
•a. surface currents
Fill in the appropriate answers for questions 10-15.
10. Flat parts of the ocean floor
• plains
11. Deep canyons in the ocean
• trenches
12. Part of a continent that slopes away from the shore
• continental shelf
13. Mountains that run down the middle of oceans
• mid-ocean ridge
14. This event occurs when plates slide together.
• earthquake
15. The location where an earthquake begins.
Base your answers to questions 16-18 on the map below and your knowledge of
science. The map shows the position of the continents 240 million years ago.
16. What ocean floor feature formed
along the bold line on the map?
mid-ocean ridge
17. What force is responsible for the
separation of the continents?
Convection currents
18. Give two forms of evidence
supporting the idea that the continents
were once connected.
Continents fit together like puzzle pieces, age
and types of rocks match on difft cont.
19. The diagram at the right represents sea floor spreading.
a. What happens to the age of
the crust as it moves away
from the mid-ocean ridge?
b. What causes crust to move
apart? Where does this occur?
currents, at midocean ridge
c. What geologic feature forms above
the subduction zone?
20. Which type of wave provides
information about Earth’s internal
(1) ocean waves
(2) earthquake waves
(3) light waves
(4) sound waves
Base your answers to questions 21-23 on the topographic map
23. What is the contour
interval for this map?
21. Which location most likely has an elevation of 45m?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
22. Between which two points is the steepest hill located?
a. A & B
b. B & C
c. C & D
d. A & C
24. The streak color of a mineral is determined by
scratching a mineral on the unglazed side of a ceramic
tile. The streak color is (1) the same as the color of a
(2) a chemical property of a mineral
(3) a physical property of a mineral
(4) related to a mineral’s luster
25. Fossils are most commonly found in
(1)igneous rocks
(2)sedimentary rocks
(3) metamorphic rocks
(4) volcanic rocks
26. The diagram shows the rock cycle.
a. Identify two processes that
can cause a sedimentary rock
to become a metamorphic
Heat & pressure
b. What type of rock forms
from particles that are
deposited, compacted, and
c. What term describes
molten rock?
d. What 2 processes form igneous rock?
Melting &
27. What is weathering?
•Breaking down of rocks
28. What are the 4 types of mechanical weathering?
•Ice wedging, temp, root action, erosion
29. How does temperature cause weathering?
•When temp increases, rocks expand. When temp decreases, rocks
contract  break
30. In what type of weather does chemical weathering occur the fastest?
•Warm & humid
31 What is erosion?
•Weather rock carried away
32. What are the 5 agents of erosion?
•Gravity, wind, moving water, waves, glaciers
33. What happens to rocks to which erosion has occurred?
• deposition