ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - 15 The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Index Chair's Message Who's who in LCVYS What we do Development Workers Report Salary Grant Overview Young Lincolnshire Financial Report The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Chair’s Message Hello everyone, you may be wondering why I have decided to call this year’s introduction a ‘message’ rather than ‘Chairman’s Report’. This is because I need to reflect that LCVYS is changing and moving forward and that this is a team effort. Whilst I do not want to detract from the contribution that any one individual makes in support of our development staff I do need to make it clear that the strength and value of LCVYS is through its member organisations and the quality of its staff and trustees. Key to the role of Chair is balancing the needs of the voluntary sector, the presenting issues of the day and ensuring that the organisation, together with other organisations at times meets the needs of youth organisations and young people. It is easy to forget that part of the role is that of a ‘voice of the voluntary youth sector’ and therefore to ensure that this ‘voice’ is heard. Many of the issues which concern voluntary youth organisations also concern the community and generalist voluntary sector organisations as well and cross age boundaries – amazingly we were all young people at some time or other! This brings me to the importance of ‘heritage’ work in the delivery of our offer and its contribution to bringing generations together and contributing to citizenship and an appreciation of our environment. There has been some good work by youth clubs and organisations in this area. Over the period covered by this report the localism agenda continued to move forward and by the time you read this we hope some of the new groups will be in membership, key to making youth services work together as they are now is the joint working under the ‘Young Lincolnshire’ banner and the associated conference and partnership events. ‘Working Together’ is a much vaunted slogan at the moment but across activities, development, training and other support the LCVYS network continues to deliver and prove ‘Together Works!’’ Dr Charles W Shaw FRSA Chair The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 The Lincolnshire Council for Voluntary Youth Services (LCVYS) is a registered charity (number 1040506) and currently operates from Waddington Youth Centre, High Street, Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF. It works within the framework of its constitution of April 2008. It has been actively involved in the county of Lincolnshire since 1974. LCVYS is a membership infrastructure organisation that is led by representatives from member groups. It supports work with voluntary organisations and groups that provide educational and positive activities for children and young people. The Charity is administered and managed by trustees, elected and/or reappointed at Annual General Meetings. LCVYS Why we are here Lincolnshire Council for Voluntary Youth Services is a charity that provides support to community and voluntary youth services in Lincolnshire. We are a partnership of agencies that work hard to promote the work of the voluntary and community youth sector in Lincolnshire. LCVYS was established to co-ordinate, help, support and act as the voice of the Voluntary Sector youth services in Lincolnshire. This is on behalf of the voluntary and community youth organisations as well as individual, independent youth groups and those providing a service or facility for young people. Our Mission “To actively support member organisations to enable young people they work with to reach their full potential as individuals and as part of their communities.” The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Who’s who in LCVYS Name Dr Charles Shaw Pete Read Position/Responsibility Chair Contact Details Vice Chair (Discover Volunteering) Helen Jones Vice Chair ( Young Farmers) Dan Hawbroo k Trustee (safeguarding officer) Dave Rose Trustee (Diocese) Frances Porter LCVYS Development Officer 01522720789 (First Aider) Nicola Lent Finance Officer and Admin Officer The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 LCVYS has once again had a busy year working with voluntary youth services, communities through the Development Officer, Chair, Trustees and Administration Officer. We are always thrilled to hear of new youth groups opening up and the work that our existing members are doing to support young people in Lincolnshire. At LCVYS we recognise that Youth groups have been part of the fabric of many communities for decades. Yet a surprisingly large number of people have never been exposed to them. Through the development of our website, working 1:1 with groups, putting on extensive training to support voluntary youth workers we aim to increase the quality of the provision of positive activities for young people. LCVYS and those that work with young people through the voluntary youth services recognise the benefits that a youth group has on children and young people whether it is a uniformed, faith, individual, or sport group the skills and opportunities available are often vast and in the form of: HEALTH AND FITNESS With rates of obesity rising nationally and locally in children and young people this is a key area. Benefits for young people will acquire from attending youth groups is healthy exercise through games that are played. Youth groups raise awareness through informal discussion, activities on various health issues that are key in today’s health and wellbeing agenda such as smoking, legal highs, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol awareness, health eating and many more TEAM WORK Teamwork is an essential skill that children and young people need to acquire throughout their living life and preparing them for adult life. Youth groups recognise this and run positive activities that encourage the development of this skill. Activities can acquire is the ability to work in a team. Many youth groups will run team games or events where older and younger children mix, and there is a need for each child to work as part of the team in some capacity. This important skill stands them in good stead for future life whether in education, sport, and office based situations. The skill of leadership also is developed through team work. A lot of Youth groups across Lincolnshire offer accredited awards within this area. The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Specific Skills Youth groups offer training and activities based on specific skills such as, arts and crafts, cooking, trips these informally encourage the use of numeracy, literacy and develops problem-solving. These skills are embedded into young people that they will carry with them in future life. A Sense of Identity Youth clubs and groups offer young people the opportunity to develop their confidence, find a real sense of well-being, and make new friends and to become part of a social group. Whilst for some this may be found through formal education or from family life for others youth groups become a key part of their lives and the relaxed approach through informal education allows these young people to thrive. The following report outlines the extensive positive activities and training for young people and voluntary youth workers that go on across Lincolnshire. The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 MEMBERSHIP BODIES NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR VOLUNTARY YOUTH SERVICES (NCVYS) NCVYS is the national body for councils for voluntary youth services of which LCVYS is a subscribing member. It provides support, advice and training to organisations working with children and young people. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS (NCVO) NCVO is an organisation that provides a mixture of training, funding advice, support, newsletters and other benefits to voluntary organisations from all sectors to which LCVYS also subscribes. UK YOUTH UK Youth is a leading national charity that empowers young people, aged 9 -25 to reach their full potential. The vast network of youth clubs and organisations across the length and breadth of the country, running innovative programmes to enable young people to grow into confident and capable adults. OTHER LCVYS have representation on a range of county and regional bodies as felt appropriate by the Trustees The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 LCVYS MEMBERSHIP 2014-15 1st Barkston Guides Donnington Youth Centre Salvation Army Action for Young Carers GFS Platform Stamford Salvation Army Access Youth Group Gosberton Youth Centre Skellingthorpe Youth Centre Acts Trust Hartsholme Cricket Club Swineshead Youth group Alford Community Church Horncastle Youth Centre St George’s Church Binbrook Activity Night Lincolnshire Army Cadet Force St Giles Group for Girls Brookenby Young People Project Live Wire Youth Barkston and Syston Cricket Club Cherry Willingham Youth Centre Coningsby All Sports Lincs Action Trust Lincolnshire Scouts Lincolnshire Federation of Young Farmers Sutton Bridge Youth Centre. Spurgeons Sturton by Stow Youth Centre Teenzone Tennyson Amateur Players Corby Glen YC Lincolnshire Youth Association Trinity Centre Deepings Youth Centre Louth 13+ Project The Biz Diocese Youth Service Louth Dolphins Union @ The Hub Donington YC Meridale Organisation The Vista Crew Discover Volunteering Now Unlimited Wednesday Club Escape Nocton YC Wrangle Youth Centre DMS Dance Group Not all Bad YC Waddington Youth Centre Deepings YC Potterhanworth Youth Centre Wainfleet Young Farmers YMCA The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Grant aid distribution Grants approved for: YOUTH GROUPS The Shack Salvation Army Now unlimited The Vista Crew Escape Branston Wrangle Youth Club Not all Bad Barkston and Syston Cricket Club Cherry Willingham Youth Club Hartsholme Cricket Club Deepings Youth Centre Salvation Army Lincoln Discover Volunteering Alford CC Energize Acts Trust Corby Glen YC Gosberton Youth Group Young Farmers Young Carers Boston Youth Young Carers Bourne Lincs YFC Rural Youth Young Carers Gainsborough Coningsby YFC Donnington Youth Club Horncastle YFC Young Carers Lincoln Wainfleet Young Farmers Young Carers Skegness Brigg Young Farmers Youth Young Carers Sleaford North Holland Young Farmers Club Young Carers Louth Riseholme Young Farmers Live Wire Youth Spalding and District Young Farmers Potterhanworth Youth Club Skellingthorpe Youth Centre The Meridale Organisation The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Scouts Caving Club Uniformed Groups Fiskerton Scouts Youth Lincolnshire Army Cadet Force Kind Edward VI CCF Louth Faith Groups Girls Friendly society, Skegness Sentries Explorer scout Unit South Holland explorer Scouts Teenzone Stamford Nomads Explorer Scout Unit Lincoln Diocesan for Children and Young People We are once again thrilled to see the fantastic work that has been going on in the voluntary youth service and how the grant aid has been able to benefit some of this work: Along with the accredited activities there has been a fantastic diverse range of Positive Activities going on around the county by our members such as; pottery, music making, fitness, training ,sports leadership, entry level skills in English and Maths, Citizenship day ,Oral history projects, competitions, Personal Development courses, Animal Care, Camp and plenty more. Each offering young people the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of new skills. The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 LCVYS Grant Aid 2014/15 Number of Individuals Supported/ Beneficiaries Salaried Organisations Scouts Units/Clubs Under 13’s Members 1319 Beavers and Cubs *Scouts Explorers 95 31 5000 1200 Young Farmers 15 20 260 220 Lincolnshire Diocese Youth Service 63 734 247 35 Totals 204 5754 1707 637 Under 13’s Young People 13-19 participating 65 Other recipients The Deepings Youth Centre LIVEWIRE Youth NOT ALL BAD BOURNE NOW UNLTD Escape Branston POTTERHANWORTH YC Skellingthorpe YC The Meridale Org Mablethorpe The Shack Stamford Endergize ACTS TRUST The Vista Crew Donnington YC Lincoln Scous Caving Club Lincoln Salvation Army Hartsholme Cricket 20-25yrs 382 30 65 71 50 100 62 18 42 30 500 40 30 20 200 50 50 The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Club Barkston and Syston Cricket Club Lincoln Young Carers Boston Lincoln Young Carers Sleaford Lincoln Young Carers Louth Lincoln Young carers Skegness 24 100 100 100 100 Lincoln Young Carers Lincoln Lincoln Young Carers Gainsborough Lincoln Young Carers Bourne Waddington Youth Club King Edward VI CCF Sturton by Stow Youth Club Tennyson Amateur Players Corby Glen Youth Cafe Swineshead Youth Group Lincoln Army Cadet Force Conningsby All sports Potterhanworth Youth Club Gosberton Youth Club Wrangle Youth Centre Cherry Willingham YC Discover Volunteering GFS Platform Louth Swimming Club Total Total of young people supported inc salary grants 100 100 100 40 145 30 60 20 48 850 25 20 2 204 158 5912 29 10 219 35 65 95 29 56 5474 637 The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Accreditations LCVYS Scout Association 14 – 18 yrs 18-25yrs 16 – 25 yrs Under 11’s 11-14’s 16 – 25 yr olds Salaried orgs Accredited Awards 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12 2010/11 Gold Chief Scout Award 63 93 51 72 60 Platinum Chief Scout awards Young Leader Training awards Bronze Chief Scout Award Silver Chief Scout Award D of E Explorer belt Queen’s Scout Award 19 20 31 28 19 9 21 7 5 5 216 214 227 236 120 192 96 158 143 Bronze 8 Bronze 10 Silver 2 Gold 4 28 Bronze 6 Silver 1 3 Bronze 9 4 3 690 credits 673 credits 6 (202 credits) 3 (77 credits) 9 (99 credits) 8 (88 credits) 7 ( 11 credits) 7 5 (168 credits) 4 (102 credits) 7 (70 credits) 5 (55 credits) 6 (9 credits) 74 N/A Silver 3 Gold 3 Diocesan Youth Young Farmers Bishop’s Youth Achievement Award 650credits D of E Gold Residential ( assessed) Curve Training National YFC accredited in Leadership /Teamwork Child Protection 5 154 78 75 9 The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Training Over the following year LCVYs has put on the following training for Voluntary Youth and Community Groups across the county. Course Paediatric Firs Aid Basic Food hygiene Live Well training Bullying Workshop Health and Safety in the workplace Network and Funding event Young Lincolnshire Launch Event Legal Highs Awareness Workshop Ethnic Minority and Traveller Awareness Lincolnshire Volunteer Card;6 Units Introduction to Youth Work Course (7 week course) inclusive of safeguarding Teaching in education (L3) Young Persons event Information and Funding Fairs Total no of people attending training over the year No delivered in Lincolnshire 1 2 1 1 1 Level/ Accredited Level 2 Accredited Workshop Introduction Level 2 accredited 1 1 1 Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Level 1 Course 2 Endorsed course 2 Level 3 Teaching Qualification 1 2 154 The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Training We have noted this year an increase in demand for training as we see positive activities being taken over by the community. Our increased training budget has allowed us to be able to deliver workshops, core training and safeguarding across the county. LCVYS also offers e learning Networking LCVYS has been involved in various networking events across the county. This has been to promote the services that LCVYS provide, offer advice and support, promoting grant aid, signposting to other organisations, funding advice, supporting groups with health and safety matters , safeguarding and equal opportunities policies and advertising upcoming training that LCVYS has to offer. Networking events were also promoted through Youth Development Hub, Involving Lincs, LCVYS Members/ Network groups Local CVS and LCC groups. These were open to voluntary organisations, public, parish, district councils and youth groups. Graduate Internship Over the last year we worked with University of Lincoln in recruiting a Graduate Intern who has worked with LCVYS over a period of 6 months. Ann was interviewed and recruited in June 2014 for the period of 6 months. Amongst this time Ann worked with us in developing our social media, attending events,working on the Starbucks project, supporting or website and writing articles for our Young Lincolnshire website. We were pleased to give her this opportunity and to develop her personal skills in moving into a young professional career. This opportunity has been fantastic for LCVYS and has developed close working relationships with University of Lincoln. The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Salary Grant Overview 2014-15 The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Over the last year LCVYS has been working closely with some of the larger organisations to develop programmes. Here is a highlight of some of the work going on around the County. Lincolnshire Youth Association (LYA) LYA has been working hard to enable the support and delivery of Youth Clubs and Youth Work network and are the UK Youth Lincolnshire partner that directly enables the support of of services to over 4,000 young people. Contributing to the essential JNC Qualified key officer and the 24 hour emergency capability the Lincolnshire Youth Association/YDA presence is a core safeguarding support to the wide network of youth clubs in the county on a practical basis and allows existing clubs and projects and newer ones developed under the localism and big society agenda to have access to: Professional Support and Guidance Training and Continuing Professional Development Insurance and Risk support Regional Networks Buildings Support LCVYS East Midlands Voluntary Youth Advocacy and Counselling and Reflective Practice Supervision Exchange Work and EC programmes The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Programme Development Other specialist support LYA has taken a key lead on the Training of Youth Workers in the County and developing links to wider endorsement. In partnership with the County Council Youth Development Hub, LYA is able to support Positive Activities for Young and by the work of the professional officer, further support the development of those delivering the services. LCVYS were delighted to be invited to work in partnership with LYA on 'Starbucks Youth Action' which engaged young people and graduates of National Citizenship Services to partake in grassroots social action. Numerous youth groups and organisations across the county benefited from the project receiving grants of £2000. Lincolnshire Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs LYFC is the largest rural youth organisation in Lincolnshire. It is led by young people, for young people, LYFC provides its 500 members, aged between 10 and 26, with a unique opportunity to develop skills, work with their local community, travel abroad, enjoy a dynamic social life and take part in a varied local, regional The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 and national competitions programme. This helps to tackle rural isolation and social exclusion, encourages self-reliance, individual responsibility and good citizenship, so members can reach their full potential. Examples of the type of opportunities LYFC provide include: A varied Competitions programme where thousands of young farmers compete at local and national level in activities ranging from stock judging to floral arts An exciting and unique YFC Travel programme, that includes home stays and working holidays – as well as fun ski trips A comprehensive Skills and Training programme to help you advance your skills and your career Opportunities to get involved in national campaigns on issues affecting rural communities or those working in agriculture An Annual Convention, attracting over 5,000 young farmers who celebrate, unite and debate over a weekend of fun. LFYC work closely with deprived areas and has three clubs in and around the East Coast where high deprivation is recorded. LYFC recognise that their members struggle to find employment opportunities (in May 2014, 2,915 young people aged 16-24, were recorded as claiming Job Seekers Allowance within the County). With these issues in mind, LYFC focuses a lot of their time on the training and development of our Young Farmers. This ensures that they are able to gain the skills they need to play significant roles in their local rural communities and to help them prepare for employment or enterprise. LYFC is led by the members, for the members. Each of the 15 Young Farmers’ Clubs, which make up the LFYFC, is led by a club officer team (who take responsibility for the day-to-day running of their club). Each club is also represented at a County level by club representatives. All these roles are voluntary. This structure ensures that the best decisions are made for the clubs. Every event, training session, study trip etc. is evaluated (through feedback, attendance lists, and evaluation forms) and the results shared amongst clubs. This methodology allows LYFC to confidently state that members’ needs and requests are met in the most appropriate (and cost effective) way. LYFC have been developing their training and now have four people within the county who are qualified to deliver the Curve training to clubs. As well as the Curve Modules, LYFC have had the opportunity to send members on National Training The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Courses, 5 of which attended the Leadership, Meetings and Decision Making course in January 2014 where they learnt core skills to be able to offer support to members with Club Officer Roles. LYFC also offer Club officer training along with a various other training units. Discover Volunteering (DV) LCVYS has been working closely with DV on various projects. They have had a busy year putting on several multi-generational community events including; young people from Haven High, Wildcats and students from Stamford, Wrangle Youth Club, First Aid Roadshow and an Oral History project. DV has continued to work with Holbeach Academy and 8 young people signed up to take the ASDAN Community Volunteering Qualifications, which carry 30 UCAS points for those students – results pending for June 2015. Those young people were supported in their volunteering which included, Owl Sanctuary, Leonard Cheshire Homes, Library, local primary schools, mentoring younger students and charity shop. DV has worked with a number of young people offering advice on the types of volunteering available locally and brokered a number of young people. DV has also produced a number of certificates for those young people to prove their volunteering, which will enhance their CV and personal The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 statements. Equally DV has supported a number of youth organisations throughout the year including Wrangle YC, Stamford Air Cadets, Donnington YC and Kirton YC In addition DV has worked with CVQ students completing ASDAN’s Community Volunteering Qualifications – 14 young people have received various credits for modules successfully completed and UCAS points at Level 3 and 2 students from the Deepings School successfully completed the Volunteering at an Event qualification. First Aid Peer Mentoring project – DV also supported projects in Stamford in January 2015 where local 6th formers were taught basic First Aid and taught several classes of primary school children in Stamford first aid. Certificates were produced too for the young people. The Diocese supports 30 different groups, working with the 13+ age band in Lincolnshire, and staffed by 100 Volunteers. They are working with two further communities to enable them to set up new pieces of work, which will involve employing session workers & provide professional support/supervision to a worker of another agency that is providing Positive Activities for the County. The Diocese delivers basic & further training and work closely with Partners LCVYS, CLCGB & BGU and also engage with the Safeguarding Board via the PEET. Recognised outcomes registered with by Volunteer Workers: Developing team work Building confidence Social development Growing in faith Building and maintaining friendships The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Enjoying stories and craft Caring and sharing for and with the community Experience the Christian message Inputting their ideas and helping to organise Experiencing and developing Christian Fellowship Learning new skills and having fun at the same time Getting involved in a variety of activities with their own age groups Being aware of the needs of others and raising funds for charity As part of their Award Schemes – BoLBPA & BoLYAA, the Diocese seek to raise standards within the practice of Volunteers and recognise the achievements of Young People. This has included a team of young people who have assisted in the Summer Provision for Children and specialist Events based; around heritage skills have been well received. The Diocese are supportive in sharing resources and tools for Children and Young people, and take pride in recognising good practise. The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Young Lincolnshire was developed as a new concept in 2013 by LCVYS, LYA and Discover Volunteering as it was felt there was a need to bring young people and youth workers together to shape the provision of youth work across Lincolnshire. To do this we engaged with young people to research youth provision and positive activities. From this research the young people identified the need for a website that they could find out about positive activities in their area, a magazine with local information, spotlight section, a vote of the week on relevant topics and signposting to suitable websites for advice and guidance. As part of the research with young people they decided it would be beneficial to hold a logo competition across the county which over 40 fantastic entries were received. The winning entry was shown to the head of PR at Lincoln University who offered professional pro bono advice and support. The Year 8 student was involved in the final designs and was presented their prize at the end of year assembly in July 2014. In October we were thrilled to launch the website and logo to youth workers from across the county at a launch event at Waddington Youth Club, Lincoln, North Kesteven. This gave youth workers the opportunity to help shape the content. Young Lincolnshire were then successful in being selected by Lincoln University student PR team to provide a Public relations plan and to market and promote the website and conference. On April 1st 2015 Young Lincolnshire held its first annual conference 'RELOAD' in South Kesteven, with the aim to bring voluntary youth organisations and young people together. To help increase networking, develop new skills, training, and showcasing positive activities. Tickets initially were set at 60 places, however due to The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 high demand this was increased to 107 due to higher take-up from more rural locations from South Holland and East Lindsey. Young people were involved in the planning and running of the conference as we felt it needed a youth led voice and ran some of the organized activities, social media and overseeing of workshops. Following the success of the conference, we then broadened out to a wider network of countywide voluntary organisations to which over 100 volunteers attended. Young Lincolnshire provided a speed dating session on the impact of youth volunteering at V Expo in West Lindsey. We feel that we have created a stronger community between voluntary youth organisations and young people from a variety of settings and backgrounds. As a result they are more willing to share experiences, good practice and success stories within their local community. Young people and youth workers were able to 'RELOAD' with new skills, such as team building activities, Sports, healthy eating workshops, 2 fast 2 soon driving simulation and awareness, introduction to legal highs, mindfulness, debates, and beer goggle challenge. A national guest speaker spoke around the challenges of youth work and entertainment was provided by local youth musician. Promotional bands and goody bags were provided for young people by the Lincoln PR team who engaged local businesses and organisations. Website, Facebook, twitter and a radio broadcast have reached a number of young people that would previously not had access to this information due to their rural isolation. Feedback from the conference was highly positive with 100% attendees requesting another youth conference in 2016. We have provisionally booked the same venue for 6th April 2016 at Woodland Water nr Grantham. To help develop sustainability of a 'Young Lincolnshire' presence we have recruited a voluntary intern from the University to help to continue 'Young Lincolnshire' and to plan 'RELOAD2' next April. The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 Final Note I have thoroughly enjoyed working with LCVYS, youth groups and the voluntary sector. The passion from the communities to develop their groups and the emerging of new groups within Lincolnshire. I feel that we have developed strong partnership links across the county, and through our trustees work regionally and nationally. I personally would like to echo the Chair's message that 'Working Together' proves that 'Together Works'. I look forward to working with you all in the upcoming year, and am excited about some of our forthcoming projects and events. Frances Porter LCVYS Development Officer The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789 The Voice Of The Voluntary Youth Sector Lincolnshire Council For Voluntary Youth Services Registered Charity Number: 1040506 LCVYS, Waddington Youth Centre, High Street Waddington, Lincoln LN5 9RF 01522720789