Butler's Pond Copper–Gold Property Equity Investment Opportunity

 Integrate sound prospecting and mineral exploration skills and innovative
techniques, with current geoscience knowledge.
 Maximize private shareholder value by exploring and advancing early stage
Epithermal Gold / Silver and Porphyry Copper / Gold mineral properties located in
the Avalon Geological Terrane of Eastern Newfoundland.
 Advance mineral properties which can offer excellent potential for the discovery of
mineral deposits that can yield Excellent Grade and Low Cost Development
 Attract a well funded mid-tier, or major mining and mineral exploration company to
enter into a mineral exploration agreement to fully realize the value of these early
stage high potential mineral properties.
 Our Goal is to become one of the most successful private mineral exploration
companies, located in one of the World's Most Mining Friendly Political
Jurisdictions----Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
 We are committed to Building Strong Community Partnerships, Giving Back to
Community and will strive to secure a Positive Social Licence. As well , working
hard each and every day to conduct all of our activities using Current Best
Practices in Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Stewardship.
An Exciting Early Stage Mineral Exploration Target !
 Prospecting in the Butler's Pond area of the Eastern Avalon in 1992, located glacial boulders
that appear to be locally derived, containing significant values of copper - gold mineralization
in altered, brecciated granite [ monzonite].
 The mineralized boulders located in a cove on the southwestern end of Butler's Pond returned
economic values for copper assaying 1.66 – 2.66 % Cu and for gold assaying 1.97 – 4.3 g/t Au.
Glacial ice direction is from west to east. The bedrock source of the mineralized boulders is
thought to be from 500 – 800 metres to the west of Butler’s Pond.
 Follow up mineral exploration surveys including a seven hole diamond drilling program were
completed without locating the bedrock source of the copper- gold rich boulders. What is
significant is that four of the drill holes ended in granite, the host of the economic grade
 Several new mineral showings and outcrops containing significant alteration with anomalous
base and precious metals were located to the west of Butler's Pond.
 Further geological and geochemical programs have been completed in more recent years.
University geoscience research indicates that the property geology, alteration and
mineralization compares favorably to known porphyry copper - gold settings world-wide.
 Recent follow-up prospecting has identified a series of untested north-south trending, steeply
dipping, altered and silicified breccia pipes or dikes, located back up ice. They contain breccia
clasts similar to the high grade glacial boulders. The dikes contain anomalous base and
precious metal values.
 Several historic geophysical [IP] and geochemical anomalies for base and precious metals
remain untested and require follow-up.
 A trenching program is proposed for the Butler's Pond Property, as well as detailed geological
mapping and prospecting in the area to the west and back up ice from the high grade porphyry
style copper-gold glacial boulders.
Sillitoe Example of a Porphyry copper – gold bearing system
 Porphyry Copper - Gold Mineral Deposits are major sources of copper and gold
worldwide. These type deposits can range in size from one hundred million tonnes to
several billion tonnes and are attractive low cost open pit mining operations.
 Provincial Government Geological Mapping and Mineral Industry Exploration in the
Butler's Pond Property area indicate that it has many of the characteristics, styles of
alteration and mineralization similar to other areas of the world that host economic
grade Copper-Gold Porphyry Deposits.
 The Butler's Pond Property is ideally situated with good access and is close to the
paved Southern Shore Highway, hydroelectric generated power and is only 45 minutes
by road from St. John's, NL.
 This is a highly attractive early stage mineral exploration property and if follow up
trenching that is being proposed, is successful in locating the bedrock source of the
high grade Copper-Gold glacial boulders, then it will very quickly become a strategic
acquisition for a well-funded Mid – Tier, or Major Mineral Exploration / Mining Company.
High grade Cu-Au
brecciated QtzMonzonite
Rhyolite Breccia
Rhyolite Breccia with
Siliceous Matrix
Reference: - Altius Resources Inc. Report – (Geo File # 001N/03/0743), November, 2003
Butler’s Pond
Copper–Gold Property
Equity Investment Opportunity
 New Dawn Resources Inc. is seeking initial Investment to allow it to explore and
hopefully advance the Butler's Pond Porphyry Copper - Gold Mineral Property, as
well as to explore and advance the Grog Pond Epithermal Gold - Silver Mineral
Property over the next two years.
 The principal founders of New Dawn Resources Inc. are offering to interested local
private investors with a background and experience in mineral exploration, 20 % of
the initial shares issued within the company for a total investment of $100,000.00.
Total initial shares issued are 20 Million Shares.
 The total investment of $100,000 can be success based and spread out as yearly
payments to New Dawn Resources Inc. over a period of 2 years at $ 40.000.00 in
year one for 10%, and in year two $60,000.00 for the remaining 10%.
 The Strategic Business Plan is to use these investment funds, along with
provincial government exploration assistance funds that it will leverage, to assess
and advance attractive, early stage, high potential mineral properties located in the
Avalon Geological Terrane that could host economic grade Porphyry Copper-Gold
and Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits.
 The interested local private investor[s] can at any point during this term process,
elect to seek First Right of Refusal to enter into an Option Agreement, or Joint
Venture with New Dawn Resources Inc. on either of its portfolio of mineral
 The Strategic Business Plan is for New Dawn Resources Inc. to use these initial
investment funds to advance the company's mineral properties, so that we will
attract the interest of a well-funded Mid-Tier or Major Mining and Exploration
Company to seek a mineral agreement with New Dawn Resources Inc. to
systematically explore the mineral property[s].
More recent Provincial Government and University Geoscience Research, along
with Prospecting and Mineral Exploration Company Field Programs, have revealed
that the Avalon Geological Terrane of Eastern Newfoundland hosts significant
potential for the discovery of economic grade porphyry copper – gold and
epithermal gold – silver mineral deposits. The Prospectivity of this Geological
Terrane is still very much in its early days.
Over the next few years, New Dawn Resources Inc. will focus on assessing and
acquiring attractive, early stage mineral properties that have excellent potential for
the discovery of economic porphyry copper – gold and epithermal gold – silver
deposits, within the Avalon Geological Terrane of Eastern Newfoundland.
Primary focus will be on those mineral properties that can be explored and
advanced by New Dawn Resources Inc. for modest exploration budgets, with the
objective being to attract a well-funded mid-tier or a major mining and exploration
company, to enter into a mineral exploration option, or joint venture agreement to
systematically explore the properties on a go forward basis.
In order to accomplish this objective, New Dawn Resources Inc. plans to approach
a limited number of potential local private investors, who have a background and
experience in the mineral exploration and mining industry in the Province. The
initial Financial Investment Target is $250,000.00 for a 30% interest in New Dawn
Resources Inc.
New Dawn Resources will seek out additional funding sources which could
possibly be available to the company from the Junior Exploration Assistance
Program, Mines Branch, NL. Research and Development Corporation and potential
professional and technical employee funding support from the Graduate
Employment Assistance Program and other such programs administered by the
NL. Department of Advanced Education and Skills.
New Dawn Resources Inc. will strive each and every day to maximize Shareholder
Value by systematically assessing and exploring all potential mineral exploration
opportunities that can lead to early advancement of the mineral property with the
goal being to attract other interested, well managed and well-funded industry
players to get involved and fund the follow up exploration programs.
The preceding pages contain Forward Looking Statements and are based on present
day knowledge and information covering geoscience and mineral exploration results
obtained on the mineral properties in question. By its very nature, mineral exploration
is a High Risk activity and in most instances, results may not measure up to investor
expectations. Only a very small percentage of exploration projects achieve results
that match, or surpass original investor expectations. Those private investors, who
are willing to participate in funding proposed mineral exploration programs, do so
with the realization that the chance of High Reward in such an undertaking is
speculative in nature.
 Kevin P. Ryan, President / COB
 Norman Mercer, Vice- President / Communications
 David Jones, CFO
 Peter Dimmell, Industry/ Technical Adviser
 Colin Sullivan, Legal Adviser
 Dylan Abbott, Field & Technical Support
 Ronald Sweetapple, Prospector
 Walter Sweetapple, Prospector