Extreme Eukaryotes in the Hydrothermal Environments of Lassen Volcanic National Park Gordon Wolfe Dept. Biological Sciences California State University Chico Outline 1. My life as a virologist 2. Protist molecular diversity in LVNP hydrothermal sites 3. Possible eukaryotic viral hosts eukaryotes vs. prokaryotes as viral hosts Oregon State, 1989: marine coccolithophorid alga Emiliania huxleyi ~90 nm hexagonal particles in algal lysate Brussaard et al. 1996. Virus-like particles in a summer bloom of Emiliania huxleyi in the North Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 10: 105 Castberg et al. (2002). Isolation and characterization of a virus that infects Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta). J. Phycology 38: 767 Wilson et al. (2005). Complete genome sequence and lytic phase transcription profile of a Coccolithovirus. Science 309: 1090 Suttle, 2005. Viruses in the sea. Nature 437: 356 Humans of the world Protist Molecular Diversity Non-thermal sites Neutral Lakes, rivers and oceans, groundwater Acidic Acid mine drainage Thermal sites Neutral Non-sulfidic hydrothermal Acidic Sulfidic hydrothermal Rio Tinto, Spain pH 2; heavy metals • chlorophytes, diatoms • ciliates, amoebae, cercomonads • fungi 1 = Sulfur works 2 = Bumpass Hell 3 = Devil’s Kitchen 4 = Boiling Springs Lake Upper Sulfur works: pH 2, 96 oC Bumpass Hell: pH 1.4-3.2 11-68 oC Questions • What eukaryotic rDNA sequences exist in LVNP hydrothermal environments? • Is genetic diversity dominated by autotrophs or heterotrophs? • What factors determine the composition and diversity of protists in LVNP? eubacterial 16S rDNA 18S rDNA CTAB UC FD USW 123 pH 3.3, 25 C SW114 pH 1.9, 69 C USW 123 pH 3.3, 25 C SW114 pH 1.9, 69 C a 6 5 Bumpass Hell pH 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 6 b Sulfur Works / Upper Sulfur Works 5 pH 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 6 c Devil's Kitchen 5 pH 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 T (oC) 80 100 Low vs. high 18S rRNA RFLP diversity pH 4.6, 37 C pH 1.8, 68 C pH 1.7, 30 C BH BH100 BH105 BH105 BH106 BH107 BH107 BH118 11 8 D K D 102 K D 105 K D 107 K1 D 10 K D 110 K D 112 K1 D 12 K D 116 K1 16 U SW U 1 S 23 U W1 S 2 U W1 3 S 2 U W1 4 SW 24 U 1 S 25 U W1 SW 26 12 7 % unique RFLP clones 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% site 80% 70% 70% % clones with unique RFLPs % clones with unique RFLPs 80% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 0 2 4 site pH 6 8 0 20 40 site T (oC) 60 80 Baldauf, 2003. The deep roots of eukaryotes. Science 300: 1703 Viridiplantae Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T (oC) Chlorophyceae sp. 97 USW124 BH105 5.3 3.2 44 14 Chlamydomonadales sp. 97-99 BH107 BSL101 1.8 2.5 68 37 Chlamydomonadaceae sp. 97 USW126 5.8 45 Chlamydomonas sp. 97 96 SW117 USW126 2.2 5.8 34 45 Chlamydomonas acidophila / clone RT1n1 98 96-99 DK102 BH118 mat 2.2 19 Dunaliella sp. 98 BH100 1.7 30 Chlorogonium sp. 98 BSL008 2.4 28 Scenedesmaceae sp. / clone 18S-AKW-5 97 USW124 5.3 44 USW124 5.3 44 Chlorophyta Chlorophyceae Chlamydomonadales Chlamydomonadaceae Haematococcaceae Sphaeropleales Scenedesmus sp. Viridiplantae Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T ( o C ) Chlorophyta Trebouxiophyceae Chlorellales Chlorellales sp. 95 USW126 5.8 Chlorella sp. 99 DK107 mat Chlorella sp. / Nannochloris sp. 99 98 99 98 BH100 USW124 DK116 DK112 1.7 5.3 4.0 3.0 30 44 22 45 Ericales sp. 98 BH118 2.2 19 Bryopsida sp. 99 BSL014 2.7 25 Klebsormidiophyceae Klebsormidium sp. 99 DK112 3.0 45 Zygnemophyceae Desmidiales Desmidiaceae Staurastrum sp. 97 BH106 3.2 15 Chlorellaceae Streptophyta 45 Rhodophyta Bangiophyceae Cyanidiaceae Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T (oC) Cyanidioschyzon merolae 99 BSL006 BSL009 2.3 53 Cyanidium-like alga cultivated from Boiling Springs Lake Baldauf, 2003. The deep roots of eukaryotes. Science 300: 1703 Stramenopiles Bacillariophyta Bacillariophyceae Bacillariophycidae Naviculales Closest BLAST identities Pinnularia sp. / clones RT7iin2 or RT7in48 % sim. 95 96 96 97 95 97 97 95 93 95 93 Pinnularia sp. Coscinodiscophyceae Aulacoseira sp. 98 98 96 Site pH T (oC) USW123 BH105 BH106 BH107 DK112 DK116 USW125 USW124 USW126 USW127 BSL008 DK110 3.3 3.2 3.2 1.8 3.0 4.0 3.3 5.3 5.8 4.7 2.4 4.5 25 14 15 68 45 22 44 44 45 36 28 60 BH105 USW127 3.2 4.7 14 36 BH105 BH106 BH107 3.2 3.2 1.8 14 15 68 Stramenopiles Chrysophyceae Ochromonadales Ochromonadaceae Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T (oC) Hibberdiales sp. 89 BH107 1.8 68 Chrysosphaerales 96 BH105 3.2 14 Spumella-like flagellate / clone LG22-12 96 BH105 BH107 3.2 1.8 14 68 clone RT1n9 similar to Poterioochromonas, Chrysocapsa 96 BSL014 2.7 25 Baldauf, 2003. The deep roots of eukaryotes. Science 300: 1703 Alveolata Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T (oC) Ciliophora Colpodea Colpodea sp. 99 BH100 1.7 30 Oligohymenophorea Oligohymenophorea sp. 91 BH100 1.7 30 Scuticociliatia similar to Philasterides, Miamiensis 90 BH100 1.7 30 Spirotrichea sp. 97 BH107 1.8 68 Metopus sp. / clone A1_E041 98 USW127 4.7 36 Scuticociliatia Spirotrichea Baldauf, 2003. The deep roots of eukaryotes. Science 300: 1703 Opisthokonts Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T (oC) Fungi sp. 96 / 90 DK110 4.5 60 Chytridiomycota sp. 91 BH107 1.8 68 Rhizophydium sp. 99 USW127 4.7 36 mitosporic Ascomycota sp. / clone RT5iin23 95 DK107 mat Ascomycota sp. / clone RT3n5 99 BSL014 2.7 25 Pezizomycotina sp. 97 USW126 5.8 45 Candida sp. 89 BH106 3.2 15 Basidiomycota clone dpeuk9 / Basidiomycota sp. 90 BH107 1.8 68 Choanoflagellida clone P1.39 / Choanoflagellida sp 95 / 93 SW105 5.1 15 Fungi Chytridiomycota Ascomycota Opisthokonts Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T (oC) Nematoda clone 18S-AK-B-43 / Tripyloidea sp. 88-95 USW126 5.8 45 Annelida Oligochaeta sp. 96 USW126 5.8 45 Platyhelminthes Stenostomum sp. 98 USW123 3.3 25 Arthropoda Hexapoda Coleoptera Polyphaga Hydrophilidae sp. 98 DK112 DK116 3.0 4.0 45 22 Symphypleona sp. 96 95 96 DK110 DK107 BSL013 4.5 60 mat 45 4.0 Metazoa Collembola Baldauf, 2003. The deep roots of eukaryotes. Science 300: 1703 Classification Closest BLAST identities % sim. Site pH T (oC) Euglenozoa Kinetoplastida Bodonidae Bodo sp. 92-94 BH100 1.7 30 Euamoebida Hartmannella sp. 99 USW124 5.3 44 Echinamoeba thermarum 99 DK105 mat Protacanthamoeba / Acanthamoeba sp. 95 DK107 mat Soil amoebae AND32 / Acanthamoeba sp. 99 BH100 1.7 30 Vampyrellidae sp. 93 BH107 1.8 68 BH100 1.7 30 Cercozoa clone 18S-AK-B-47 / Cercozoa sp. clone RT5iin44 / Cercozoa sp. Observations 1. Few planktonic forms in streams; most benthic 2. Photosynthetic acidophiles dominate 3. Heterotrophic taxa include alveolates, amoebae, flagellates and fungi 4. Many sequences highly similar to cultured isolates, Rio Tinto clone library 5. Some unclassified / deeply branching organisms 6. No clear correspondence between sites, or site conditions, and genetic diversity Classification Closest BLAST identities % sim. clone library set (RFLP ID, #clones) BH107: Viridiplantae pH 1.8 68 oC Chlorophyta Chlamydomonadales Chlamydomonadales sp. 97-99 1(4) Pinnularia sp. / clones RT7iin2 or RT7in48 97 2(D2), 3G Aulacoseira sp. 98 2(A9), 3(D) Hibberdiales sp. 89 3(E) Spumella-like flagellate / clone LG22-12 96 2(A4), 3(E) Spirotrichea sp. 97 3(I) Chytridiomycota Chytridiomycota sp. 91 2(E) Basidiomycota clone dpeuk9 / Basidiomycota sp. 90 2(I) Vampyrellidae sp. 93 2(C) Stramenopiles Bacillariophyta Bacillariophyceae Bacillariophycidae Naviculales Coscinodiscophyceae Chrysophyceae Alveolata Ciliophora Spirotrichea Opisthokonts Fungi Cercozoa clone 18S-AK-B-47 / Cercozoa sp. Problems and biases 1. 2. 3. Incomplete survey Biases in extraction, amplification and cloning Are the genes from living organisms? Acknowledgements Patty Siering and Mark Wilson Rachel Whitaker, Scott Dawson Humboldt State University UC Berkeley CSUC graduate students: Patricia Brown CSUC undergraduate students: Mary Ellen Sanders CSUC classes: Microbial Ecology, Microbiology Lassen Volcanic National Park Trophic Structure in Acidic Hydrothermal Sites What are biotic limits to primary production? Lots of ‘meat on the hoof’: chemosynthesis and photosynthesis At times, high biomass from chemosynthetic environments Factors that might affect viral ecology: abiotic conditions environmental stability host diversity environmental vs. host conditions Protist virus biology Viruses now known for chlorophytes, stramenopiles, haptophytes, alveolates Suttle, 2005. Viruses in the sea. Nature 437: 356 Some unusually large genomes (300 – 1200 kb) Unusual genes (transcription factors, K ion channels, signal transduction factors) Baldauf, 2003. The deep roots of eukaryotes. Science 300: 1703 Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus (PBCV-1) large, icosahedral, plaque-forming, dsDNA viruses Chlorella host is a hereditary endosymbiont of the ciliate Paramecium bursaria. http://plantpath.unl.edu/facilities/virology/intro.html prototype of a group (family Phycodnaviridae, genus Chlorovirus) NC64A viruses (type = PBCV-1): infect Chlorella-NC64A isolated from Paramecium bursaria originally collected in the southeastern United States. Pbi viruses (type = CVA-1): infect Chlorella-Pbi isolated from Paramecium bursaria originally collected in Germany. Hydra viruses (type = HVCV-1): infect Chlorella originally isolated from Hydra viridis. This alga host was never cultured presumably because the virus is either lysogenic or integrates into the host genome. Infection of Chlorella strain NC64A by PBCV-1. (A) Viral particle in close proximity to the alga (B and C) Attachment of PBCV-1 to the algal wall and digestion of the wall at the point of attachment (D) Viral DNA beginning to enter the host (E) An empty viral capsid remaining on the surface of the host (F) PBCV-1 attachment and dissolution of a Chlorella cell wall fragment. Note that (i) viral attachment always occurs on the external side of the wall (i.e., the internal side of the wall curls inward) and (ii) DNA is not released from viral particles attached to wall fragments. Size markers in panel E and F represent 100 nm and 200 nm, respectively. http://plantpath.unl.edu/facilities/virology/intro.html 330,744-bp genome: • multiple DNA methyltransferases and DNA site-specific endonucleases • part, if not the entire machinery to glycosylate glycoproteins • at least two types of introns : a selfsplicing intron in a transcription factorlike gene and a splicesomal processed type of intron in its DNA polymerase Eukaryote vs. prokaryotes as hosts for viruses in acidic thermal sites Eukaryotes: dominant photoautotrophs below pH 4 Cyanidium sp. from BSL One of the smallest known eukaryotic genomes (Cyanidioschyzon merolae: 16.5 Mb) Messerli et al., 2005. Life at acidic pH imposes an increased energetic cost for a eukaryotic acidophile. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 2569 Cytosolic pH of acidophilic eukaryotes is ~neutral pH 2 pH 6 pH 2 pH 6 Conclusions 1. Hydrothermal systems are highly dynamic, variable over time and space, and contain multiple habitats 2. Diverse protist communities in LVNP hydrothermal sites: likely viral hosts 3. Impact of viruses on hydrothermal acidophilic eukaryotes completely unknown. Work in other aquatic systems suggests likely impact.