Sanger Sequencing Project Request Form

University of Pennsylvania
Department of Genetics
DNA Sequencing Facility
3700 Hamilton Walk
B-1 Richards Basement
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6085
Phone: 215-573-7407
Fax: 215-573-9327
Request for Sequencing Project Management
Please fill out this form if you would like the facility to perform a primer walk
and manage the sequencing project
PI ____________________________
Fund No. _______________________________
Contact Person (full name) ____________________
*E-Mail (Required) ________________________________
Date __________
Clone name ________________________
Clone is
 cDNA
 Genomic
Insert size ____________________
 Other __________________
General description of clone and goals for project (indicate level of accuracy desired, special instructions,
known features of clone, GC content, homopolymeric or repeat regions, etc.):
Vector & size _________________________
Primer sequences in vector _______________________
Cloning site(s) ________________________
Clone orientation (if known) ______________________
Sequence clone
Single stranded Double stranded
Starting with ___________________________________ primer(s)
Indicate level of consultation/notification you would like:
  Notify when each step is complete, but continue sequence assembly and primer selection
  Notify when each step is complete, and wait for your approval before proceeding to next step
 Perform all steps and notify when project is complete
Perform BLAST search after first step ?
 Yes
 No
Check services you want performed by facility staff:
 Choose primers
 Synthesize primers
 Assemble sequences
 Database search
 ORF analysis
 Translation
 Hydrophobicity plot
 Antigenicity
 Other ______________________
Please allow one week per step (~500 nucleotides)
Rev 2/12/2016
Rev 2/12/2016